#include "bbPackRecalagePlaneReorientationBox.h" #include "bbPackRecalagePackage.h" namespace bbPackRecalage { BBTK_ADD_BLACK_BOX_TO_PACKAGE(PackRecalage,PlaneReorientationBox) BBTK_BLACK_BOX_IMPLEMENTATION(PlaneReorientationBox,bbtk::AtomicBlackBox); void PlaneReorientationBox::Process() { if(!bbGetInputInX().empty() && bbGetInputInX().size() == 3 && !bbGetInputInY().empty() && bbGetInputInY().size() == 3 && !bbGetInputInZ().empty() && bbGetInputInZ().size() == 3) { /*Unitary Vector in Y*/ double y[3]; y[0] = 0; y[1] = 1; y[2] = 0; /*Unitary Vector in X*/ double x[3]; x[0] = 1; x[1] = 0; x[2] = 0; double normal[3]; /*Normal vector without its z factor*/ double normalZ[3]; normalZ[0] = normal[0]; normalZ[1] = normal[1]; normalZ[2] = 0; /*Normal vector without its y factor*/ double normalY[3]; normalY[0] = normal[0]; normalY[1] = 0; normalY[2] = normal[2]; /*Angle for the rotation in Z*/ double angleZ = acos(vtkMath::Dot(normalZ,y)/vtkMath::Norm(normalZ)); /*Angle for the rotation in Y*/ double angleY = acos(vtkMath::Dot(x,normalY)/vtkMath::Norm(normalY)); /*Convert from Radians to Degrees*/ angleZ = vtkMath::DegreesFromRadians(angleZ); angleY = vtkMath::DegreesFromRadians(angleY); std::cout << "Angle for Z: " << angleZ << std::endl; std::cout << "Angle for Y: " << angleY << std::endl; vtkTransform *transform = vtkTransform::New(); transform->Identity(); if(normal[0] < 0) { transform->RotateWXYZ(angleZ,0,0,1); } else { transform->RotateWXYZ(angleZ,0,0,-1); } if(normal[1]<0) { transform->RotateWXYZ(angleY,0,1,0); } else { if(angleY != 180){transform->RotateWXYZ(angleY,0,-1,0);} } //transform->Translate(bbGetInputCenterPoint()[0],bbGetInputCenterPoint()[1],bbGetInputCenterPoint()[2]); transform->Update(); /*Set output and pray to god that it works :P*/ bbSetOutputOut(transform); } } void PlaneReorientationBox::bbUserSetDefaultValues() { std::vector nullVector; bbSetInputInX(nullVector); bbSetInputInY(nullVector); bbSetInputInZ(nullVector); } void PlaneReorientationBox::bbUserInitializeProcessing() { // THE INITIALIZATION METHOD BODY : // Here does nothing // but this is where you should allocate the internal/output pointers // if any } void PlaneReorientationBox::bbUserFinalizeProcessing() { // THE FINALIZATION METHOD BODY : // Here does nothing // but this is where you should desallocate the internal/output pointers // if any } } // EO namespace bbPackRecalage