# CMakeLists for Testing purpose # Cxx file that need a file to run should be place aproprietly SET(CXX_TEST_PATH ${EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH}) SET(GDCM_TESTS ${CXX_TEST_PATH}/gdcmTests) # add test that does not require data: # They usally return if no argument is given SET(TEST_SOURCES TestUtil.cxx TestBug.cxx TestHash.cxx TestTS.cxx TestVR.cxx TestDictGroupName.cxx TestDict.cxx TestWriteSimple.cxx TestImageSet.cxx TestDicomDirElement.cxx TestDicomString.cxx #TestValidate.cxx ) # add tests that require data IF (GDCM_DATA_ROOT) SET(TEST_SOURCES ${TEST_SOURCES} TestFileAccessors.cxx TestMakeIcon.cxx TestPrintAllDocument.cxx # includes generated gdcmDataImages.h #TestAllEntryVerify.cxx # includes generated gdcmDataImages.h TestAllReadCompareDicom.cxx # includes generated gdcmDataImages.h TestReadWriteReadCompare.cxx # includes generated gdcmDataImages.h #TestCopyDicom.cxx # includes generated gdcmDataImages.h # TestCopyRescaleDicom.cxx # includes generated gdcmDataImages.h #TestChangeHeader.cxx # TestAnonymize.cxx TestDirList.cxx TestDicomDir.cxx # require DICOMDIR TestBuildUpDicomDir.cxx # writes a file named "NewDICOMDIR" TestMakeDicomDir.cxx # writes a file named "NewDICOMDIR" TestSerieHelper.cxx # uses gdcmData as a default root directory ) # add test that require VTK: IF(GDCM_VTK) IF("${VTK_MAJOR_VERSION}" LESS 4) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "This VTK version is not supported, you are on your own !") ELSE("${VTK_MAJOR_VERSION}" LESS 4) IF("${VTK_MAJOR_VERSION}" EQUAL 4 AND "${VTK_MINOR_VERSION}" EQUAL 2) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "This VTK version is not supported, you are on your own !" "Although gdcm should compile fine. You just need to turn BUILD_TESTING:=OFF") ENDIF("${VTK_MAJOR_VERSION}" EQUAL 4 AND "${VTK_MINOR_VERSION}" EQUAL 2) IF("${VTK_MAJOR_VERSION}" EQUAL 4 AND "${VTK_MINOR_VERSION}" EQUAL 4 AND "${VTK_BUILD_VERSION}" LESS 3) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "This VTK version is not supported, you are on your own !" "Although gdcm should compile fine. You just need to turn BUILD_TESTING:=OFF") ENDIF("${VTK_MAJOR_VERSION}" EQUAL 4 AND "${VTK_MINOR_VERSION}" EQUAL 4 AND "${VTK_BUILD_VERSION}" LESS 3) # Include the VTK library since we know this is going to work INCLUDE(${VTK_USE_FILE}) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES( ${GDCM_SOURCE_DIR}/vtk/ ) SET(TEST_SOURCES ${TEST_SOURCES} VTKTestRead.cxx VTKTestReadSeq.cxx VTKTestWrite.cxx VTKTestWriteSeq.cxx ) ENDIF("${VTK_MAJOR_VERSION}" LESS 4) ENDIF(GDCM_VTK) ENDIF (GDCM_DATA_ROOT) # include stuff INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES( ${GDCM_SOURCE_DIR}/src/ ${GDCM_BINARY_DIR}/ ) CREATE_TEST_SOURCELIST(Tests gdcmTests.cxx ${TEST_SOURCES}) ADD_EXECUTABLE(gdcmTests ${Tests}) IF(GDCM_VTK) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(gdcmTests vtkgdcm vtkRendering) ELSE(GDCM_VTK) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(gdcmTests gdcm) ENDIF(GDCM_VTK) SET (TestsToRun ${Tests}) REMOVE (TestsToRun gdcmTests.cxx) # Loop over files and create executables FOREACH(file ${TEST_SOURCES}) GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(name ${file} NAME_WE) ADD_TEST(${name} ${GDCM_TESTS} ${name}) ENDFOREACH(file ${TEST_SOURCES}) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # We need to test the reading of all dicom images in the gdcmData directory # First parse this directory and extract all images IF(${CMAKE_MAJOR_VERSION}.${CMAKE_MINOR_VERSION} GREATER 1.9) FILE(GLOB GDCM_DATA_IMAGES_GLOB "${GDCM_DATA_ROOT}/*.acr" "${GDCM_DATA_ROOT}/*.dcm" "${GDCM_DATA_ROOT}/*.nema" "${GDCM_DATA_ROOT}/*.ima" ) FILE(GLOB GDCM_DATA_SEQ_IMAGES_GLOB "${GDCM_DATA_ROOT}/*FileSeq0.acr" "${GDCM_DATA_ROOT}/*FileSeq0.dcm" "${GDCM_DATA_ROOT}/*FileSeq0.nema" "${GDCM_DATA_ROOT}/*FileSeq0.ima" ) ELSE(${CMAKE_MAJOR_VERSION}.${CMAKE_MINOR_VERSION} GREATER 1.9) # Since there is a bug in cmake 1.8.3, I'll have to do two separate globs FILE(GLOB GDCM_DATA_IMAGES_GLOB_ACR "${GDCM_DATA_ROOT}/*.acr" ) FILE(GLOB GDCM_DATA_IMAGES_GLOB_DCM "${GDCM_DATA_ROOT}/*.dcm" ) FILE(GLOB GDCM_DATA_IMAGES_GLOB_NEMA "${GDCM_DATA_ROOT}/*.nema" ) FILE(GLOB GDCM_DATA_IMAGES_GLOB_IMA "${GDCM_DATA_ROOT}/*.ima" ) SET(GDCM_DATA_IMAGES_GLOB ${GDCM_DATA_IMAGES_GLOB_DCM} ${GDCM_DATA_IMAGES_GLOB_ACR} ${GDCM_DATA_IMAGES_GLOB_NEMA} ${GDCM_DATA_IMAGES_GLOB_IMA}) FILE(GLOB GDCM_DATA_SEQ_IMAGES_GLOB_ACR "${GDCM_DATA_ROOT}/*FileSeq0.acr" ) FILE(GLOB GDCM_DATA_SEQ_IMAGES_GLOB_DCM "${GDCM_DATA_ROOT}/*FileSeq0.dcm" ) FILE(GLOB GDCM_DATA_SEQ_IMAGES_GLOB_NEMA "${GDCM_DATA_ROOT}/*FileSeq0.nema" ) FILE(GLOB GDCM_DATA_SEQ_IMAGES_GLOB_IMA "${GDCM_DATA_ROOT}/*FileSeq0.ima" ) SET(GDCM_DATA_SEQ_IMAGES_GLOB ${GDCM_DATA_SEQ_IMAGES_GLOB_DCM} ${GDCM_DATA_SEQ_IMAGES_GLOB_ACR} ${GDCM_DATA_SEQ_IMAGES_GLOB_NEMA} ${GDCM_DATA_SEQ_IMAGES_GLOB_IMA}) ENDIF(${CMAKE_MAJOR_VERSION}.${CMAKE_MINOR_VERSION} GREATER 1.9) # Black list of images known to break lots of readers (efilm, xmedcon ...): SET(BLACK_LIST # Multiframe Papyrus format image # Just to remember this format exists, and is gdcm::File compliant # (NOT gdcm::FileHelper ...) # any contribution is welcome "PET-cardio-Multiframe-Papyrus.dcm" # From David Clunie's Compresion Dataset "D_CLUNIE_CT1_JLSN.dcm" "D_CLUNIE_CT1_JLSL.dcm" #Not a Dicom Image, but a RT Object "RS2.16.124.113534." #Dicom MPEG image "ETIAM_video_002.dcm" #Something stupid occured in the code for LibIDO images. #I Black list them for a while. JP "gdcm-ACR-LibIDO.acr" "LIBIDO-24-ACR_NEMA-Rectangle.dcm" #16 Bits per pixel images with LUT 16 Bits. #I wait to be 100% sure before releasing them. JP "rle16sti.dcm" "rle16loo.dcm" ) # Don't understand why jasper is segfaulting with borland...I bet a borland bug IF(BORLAND) SET(BLACK_LIST ${BLACK_LIST} "D_CLUNIE_CT1_J2KR.dcm" "D_CLUNIE_CT1_J2KI.dcm" ) ENDIF(BORLAND) # Add a special test that requires dciodvfy from dicom3tools INCLUDE(${GDCM_SOURCE_DIR}/CMake/FindDicom3Tools.cmake) # This is a GLOB expression, change it into a list separated with a comma and \n SET(GDCM_DATA_IMAGES) FOREACH(filename ${GDCM_DATA_IMAGES_GLOB}) GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(filename_temp ${filename} NAME) IF(DCIODVFY_FOUND) ADD_TEST("DCIODVFY-INPUT-${filename_temp}" "${DCIODVFY_EXECUTABLE}" "${filename}") ADD_TEST("DCIODVFY-OUTPUT-${filename_temp}" "${DCIODVFY_EXECUTABLE}" "${GDCM_DATA_ROOT}/BaselineDicom/${filename_temp}") ENDIF(DCIODVFY_FOUND) STRING(REGEX MATCH ${filename_temp} bad_dicom ${BLACK_LIST}) IF(NOT bad_dicom) SET(GDCM_DATA_IMAGES "${GDCM_DATA_IMAGES}\n\"${filename_temp}\",") ENDIF(NOT bad_dicom) ENDFOREACH(filename) SET(GDCM_DATA_SEQ_IMAGES) FOREACH(filename ${GDCM_DATA_SEQ_IMAGES_GLOB}) GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(filename_temp ${filename} NAME) STRING(REGEX MATCH ${filename_temp} bad_dicom ${BLACK_LIST}) IF(NOT bad_dicom) STRING(REGEX REPLACE "(.*)FileSeq0(.*)" "\\1FileSeq%d\\2" filename_temp2 ${filename_temp}) SET(GDCM_DATA_SEQ_IMAGES "${GDCM_DATA_SEQ_IMAGES}\n\"${filename_temp2}\",") ENDIF(NOT bad_dicom) ENDFOREACH(filename) # Populate GDCM_DATA_IMAGES: FILE(WRITE "${GDCM_BINARY_DIR}/gdcmDataImages.h" "const char * const gdcmDataImages[] = { ${GDCM_DATA_IMAGES}\n0 };\n" ) # Populate GDCM_DATA_SEQ_IMAGES: FILE(WRITE "${GDCM_BINARY_DIR}/gdcmDataSeqImages.h" "const char * const gdcmDataSeqImages[] = { ${GDCM_DATA_SEQ_IMAGES}\n0 };\n" )