/*========================================================================= Program: gdcm Module: $RCSfile: TestInline.cxx,v $ Language: C++ Date: $Date: 2005/11/30 11:40:26 $ Version: $Revision: 1.11 $ Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/Public/Gdcm/License.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ // This test is expected to 'show' the actual effect on an 'inline' function. // We exchange 2 numbers // - with a macro : this is the quicker (any doubt ?) // - with a function, passing the params by pointer // - with a function, passing the params by reference (exactly same time) // - with an inline function described in the main() // absolutely NO effect ?!? // - with a function, described in the .h // absolutely NO effect ?!? // - with an inline function, described in the .h // absolutely NO effect ?!? // // Which CXX_FLAGS, LINKER_FLAGS, ..., must we set to see the difference? #include "gdcmUtil.h" #include #include void frswap (double &a, double &b); void fpswap (double *a, double *b); inline void ifrswap(double &a, double &b); inline void ifpswap(double *a, double *b); uint8_t passDirect8(uint8_t a, uint8_t b); uint8_t passRef8(uint8_t &a, uint8_t &b); uint8_t passPtr8(uint8_t *a, uint8_t *b); uint16_t passDirect16(uint16_t a, uint16_t b); uint16_t passRef16(uint16_t &a, uint16_t &b); uint16_t passPtr16(uint16_t *a, uint16_t *b); uint32_t passDirect32(uint32_t a, uint32_t b); uint32_t passRef32(uint32_t &a, uint32_t &b); uint32_t passPtr32(uint32_t *a, uint32_t *b); double passDirect(double a, double b); double passRef(double &a, double &b); double passPtr(double *a, double *b); #define \ mswap(a, b) \ { \ double tmp = a;\ a = b; \ b = tmp; \ } void frswap(double &a, double &b) { double tmp; tmp = a; a = b; b = tmp; } void fpswap(double *a, double *b) { double tmp; tmp = *a; *a = *b; *b = tmp; } inline void ifpswap(double *a, double *b) { double tmp; tmp = *a; *a = *b; *b = tmp; } inline void ifrswap(double &a, double &b) { double tmp; tmp = a; a = b; b = tmp; } uint32_t passRef32(uint32_t &a, uint32_t &b) { return a + b; } uint32_t passPtr32(uint32_t *a, uint32_t *b) { return *a + *b; } uint32_t passDirect32(uint32_t a, uint32_t b) { return a + b; } uint16_t passRef16(uint16_t &a, uint16_t &b) { return a + b; } uint16_t passPtr16(uint16_t *a, uint16_t *b) { return *a + *b; } uint16_t passDirect16(uint16_t a, uint16_t b) { return a + b; } uint8_t passRef8(uint8_t &a, uint8_t &b) { return a + b; } uint8_t passPtr8(uint8_t *a, uint8_t *b) { return *a + *b; } uint8_t passDirect8(uint8_t a, uint8_t b) { return a + b; } float passRefFloat(float &a, float &b) { return a + b; } float passPtrFloat(float *a, float *b) { return *a + *b; } float passDirectFloat(float a, float b) { return a + b; } double passRefDouble(double &a, double &b) { return a + b; } double passPtrDouble(double *a, double *b) { return *a + *b; } double passDirectDouble(double a, double b) { return a + b; } int TestInline(int argc, char *argv[]) { // just to know, on every proc std::cout << "Size of short int " << sizeof(short int) << std::endl; std::cout << "Size of int " << sizeof(int) << std::endl; std::cout << "Size of long " << sizeof(long) << std::endl; std::cout << "Size of float" << sizeof(float) << std::endl; std::cout << "Size of double" << sizeof(double) << std::endl; std::cout << "Size of int* " << sizeof(int*) << std::endl; std::cout << "-----------------" << std::endl; unsigned int nbLoop; unsigned int i; if (argc > 1) nbLoop = atoi(argv[1]); else nbLoop = 10000000; //clock_t r1, r2; struct tms tms1, tms2; double a = 1, b = 2; uint8_t x8 =1, y8 =2; uint16_t x16=1, y16=2; uint32_t x32=1, y32=2; float fx =1.0f, fy=1.0f; double dx =1.0 , dy=1.0; // ---------------------------------------- std::cout << "Direct "<< std::endl; //r1 = times(&tms1); times(&tms1); for(i = 0 ; i< nbLoop ; i++) { double tmp; tmp=a; a=b; b=tmp; } //r2 = times(&tms2); times(&tms2); std::cout << (long) ((tms2.tms_utime) - (tms1.tms_utime)) << std::endl; // ---------------------------------------- std::cout << "Use a macro "<< std::endl; //r1 = times(&tms1); times(&tms1); for(i = 0 ; i< nbLoop ; i++) { mswap (a,b); } //r2 = times(&tms2); times(&tms2); std::cout << (long) ((tms2.tms_utime) - (tms1.tms_utime)) << std::endl; // ---------------------------------------- std::cout << "Use reference function" << std::endl; //r1 = times(&tms1); times(&tms1); for(i = 0 ; i< nbLoop ; i++) { frswap (a,b); } //r2 = times(&tms2); times(&tms2); std::cout << (long) ((tms2.tms_utime) - (tms1.tms_utime)) << std::endl; // ---------------------------------------- std::cout << "Use pointer function" << std::endl; //r1 = times(&tms1); times(&tms1); for(i = 0 ; i< nbLoop ; i++) { fpswap (&a, &b); } //r2 = times(&tms2); times(&tms2); std::cout << (long) ((tms2.tms_utime) - (tms1.tms_utime)) << std::endl; // ---------------------------------------- std::cout << "Use inline, main-defined reference function" << std::endl; //r1 = times(&tms1); times(&tms1); for(i = 0 ; i< nbLoop ; i++) { ifrswap (a, b); } //r2 = times(&tms2); times(&tms2); std::cout << (long) ((tms2.tms_utime) - (tms1.tms_utime)) << std::endl; // ---------------------------------------- std::cout << "Use inline, main-defined pointer function" << std::endl; //r1 = times(&tms1); times(&tms1); for(i = 0 ; i< nbLoop ; i++) { ifpswap (&a, &b); } //r2 = times(&tms2); times(&tms2); std::cout << (long) ((tms2.tms_utime) - (tms1.tms_utime)) << std::endl; // ---------------------------------------- //To check the 2 following cases, we just put the two 'static' functions //hifpswap and hNoifpswap in gdcmUtil.h std::cout << "Use inline, .h defined, WITH inline keyword pointer method" << std::endl; //r1 = times(&tms1); gdcm::Util util; times(&tms1); for(i = 0 ; i< nbLoop ; i++) { util.hifpswap (&a, &b); } //r2 = times(&tms2); times(&tms2); std::cout << (long) ((tms2.tms_utime) - (tms1.tms_utime)) << std::endl; // ---------------------------------------- std::cout << "Use inline, .h defined, NO inline keyword pointer method" << std::endl; //r1 = times(&tms1); times(&tms1); for(i = 0 ; i< nbLoop ; i++) { util.hNoifpswap (&a, &b); } //r2 = times(&tms2); times(&tms2); std::cout << (long) ((tms2.tms_utime) - (tms1.tms_utime)) << std::endl; // ---------------------------------------- std::cout << "Use , .h defined, NO inline keyword pointer method" << std::endl; //r1 = times(&tms1); times(&tms1); for(i = 0 ; i< nbLoop ; i++) { util.hfpswap (&a, &b); } //r2 = times(&tms2); times(&tms2); std::cout << (long) ((tms2.tms_utime) - (tms1.tms_utime)) <