// ========================================================================= // @author Leonardo Florez-Valencia (florez-l@javeriana.edu.co) // ========================================================================= #include "CTArteries.h" #include "ui_CTArteries.h" #include "ui_Parameters.h" #include "FileDialog.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "algorithms/RandomWalkSegmentation.h" // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define QT_ACTION_CONN( x ) \ this->connect( \ this->m_UI->a##x, SIGNAL( triggered( ) ), this, SLOT( _s##x( ) ) \ ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ContourCallback : public vtkCommand { public: static ContourCallback* New( ) { return( new ContourCallback( ) ); } virtual void Execute( vtkObject* caller, unsigned long eId, void* data ) override { ivq::VTK::ImageActor* actor = ivq::VTK::ImageActor::SafeDownCast( caller ); if( eId == vtkCommand::InteractionEvent && actor != NULL ) { ivq::VTK::ImageViewer* viewer = this->Window->m_UI->Slice->GetViewer( ); if( this->Window->m_ContourActor != NULL ) viewer->GetRenderer( )->RemoveViewProp( this->Window->m_ContourActor->GetActor( ) ); double abnds[ 6 ]; actor->GetActorBounds( abnds ); unsigned int nSlice = actor->GetSliceNumber( ); for( unsigned int i = 0; i < 16; ++i ) { double w = double( 6.28 ) * double( i ) / double( 16 ); CTArteries::TFourier::TPoint v = this->Window->m_Fourier[ nSlice ]( w ); this->Window->m_Spline->SetHandlePosition( i, v[ 0 ], v[ 1 ], abnds[ 4 ] ); } // rof this->Window->m_Spline->SetProjectionPosition( ( actor->GetBounds( )[ 4 ] + actor->GetBounds( )[ 5 ] ) / double( 2 ) ); this->Window->m_ContourActor = this->Window->m_ContoursActors[ actor->GetSliceNumber( ) ]; viewer->GetRenderer( )->AddViewProp( this->Window->m_ContourActor->GetActor( ) ); viewer->Render( ); } // fi } protected: ContourCallback( ) : vtkCommand( ) { } virtual ~ContourCallback( ) { } private: // Purposely not implemented ContourCallback( const ContourCallback& other ); ContourCallback& operator=( const ContourCallback& other ); public: CTArteries* Window; }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CTArteries:: CTArteries( int argc, char* argv[], QWidget* parent ) : Superclass( parent ), m_UI( new Ui::CTArteries ), m_UIParameters( new Ui::Parameters ) { this->m_UI->setupUi( this ); this->m_DlgParameters = new QDialog( ); this->m_UIParameters->setupUi( this->m_DlgParameters ); // Connect signals with slots QT_ACTION_CONN( Open ); QT_ACTION_CONN( Config ); QT_ACTION_CONN( Process ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CTArteries:: ~CTArteries( ) { delete this->m_UI; delete this->m_UIParameters; delete this->m_DlgParameters; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class _TStrings > void CTArteries:: _openImage( const _TStrings& fnames ) { // Create appropriate reader itk::ImageSource< TImage >::Pointer reader; if( fnames.size( ) == 1 ) { itk::ImageFileReader< TImage >::Pointer r = itk::ImageFileReader< TImage >::New( ); r->SetFileName( *( fnames.begin( ) ) ); reader = r; } else if( fnames.size( ) > 1 ) { itk::ImageSeriesReader< TImage >::Pointer r = itk::ImageSeriesReader< TImage >::New( ); typename _TStrings::const_iterator i; for( i = fnames.begin( ); i != fnames.end( ); ++i ) r->AddFileName( *i ); reader = r; } // fi // Execute reader if( reader.IsNull( ) ) return; try { reader->Update( ); this->m_Image = reader->GetOutput( ); this->m_Image->DisconnectPipeline( ); } catch( std::exception& err ) { this->m_Image = NULL; QMessageBox::critical( this, "Error opening image", err.what( ) ); } // yrt this->_showInputImage( ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTArteries:: _openDicom( const std::string& dirname ) { ivq::Qt::DicomSeriesSelectorDialog dlg( this ); dlg.setStartDir( dirname ); if( dlg.exec( ) == QDialog::Accepted ) this->_openImage( *( dlg.selectedFilenames( ) ) ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTArteries:: _showInputImage( ) { if( this->m_Image.IsNotNull( ) ) { this->m_VTKImage = TVTKImage::New( ); this->m_VTKImage->SetInput( this->m_Image ); this->m_VTKImage->Update( ); ivq::VTK::MPRViewers* viewers = this->m_UI->MPR->GetViewers( ); viewers->SetInputData( this->m_VTKImage->GetOutput( ) ); viewers->SetColorWindow( 1000 ); viewers->SetColorLevel( 100 ); ivq::VTK::ImageViewer* view = viewers->GetView( 2 ); this->m_Seeds = vtkSmartPointer< ivq::VTK::SeedWidgetOverImageActor >::New( ); this->m_Seeds->SetActor( view->GetImageActor( ) ); this->m_Seeds->SetInteractor( view->GetRenderWindow( )->GetInteractor( ) ); viewers->Render( ); viewers->ResetCameras( ); this->m_Seeds->EnabledOn( ); viewers->Render( ); } else { this->m_VTKImage = NULL; } // fi } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTArteries:: _process( ) { // Get seeds typedef ivq::VTK::SeedWidgetOverImageActor::TSeeds _TSeeds; if( this->m_Image.IsNull( ) || this->m_Seeds.GetPointer( ) == NULL ) { QMessageBox::critical( this, "Error processing", "No valid input image." ); return; } // fi std::vector< TImage::PointType > seeds; for( _TSeeds::value_type sValue: this->m_Seeds->GetSeeds( ) ) { for( unsigned int i = 0; i < sValue.second.size( ); i += 3 ) { TImage::PointType pnt; pnt[ 0 ] = sValue.second[ i + 0 ]; pnt[ 1 ] = sValue.second[ i + 1 ]; pnt[ 2 ] = sValue.second[ i + 2 ]; seeds.push_back( pnt ); } // rof } // rof if( seeds.size( ) < 2 ) { QMessageBox::critical( this, "Error processing", "Not enough seeds." ); return; } // fi // Create algorithm typedef RandomWalkSegmentation< TImage, TScalarImage > _TSegmentation; _TSegmentation::Pointer seg = _TSegmentation::New( ); seg->SetInput( this->m_Image ); seg->SetBeta( this->m_UIParameters->Beta->value( ) ); seg->SetSigma( this->m_UIParameters->Sigma->value( ) ); seg->SetRadius( this->m_UIParameters->Radius->value( ) ); seg->SetStartSeed( seeds[ 0 ] ); seg->SetEndSeed( seeds[ 1 ] ); for( TImage::PointType seed: seeds ) seg->AddSeed( seed ); try { seg->Update( ); } catch( std::exception& err ) { QMessageBox::critical( this, QMessageBox::tr( "Error reading image" ), QMessageBox::tr( err.what( ) ) ); return; } // yrt this->m_Seeds->EnabledOff( ); this->m_Segmentation = seg->GetOutput( ); this->m_Axis = seg->GetOutputAxis( ); this->m_Segmentation->DisconnectPipeline( ); this->m_Axis->DisconnectPipeline( ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTArteries:: _prepareQuantification( ) { this->m_Contours.clear( ); this->m_ContoursActors.clear( ); this->m_Fourier.clear( ); TImage::RegionType ext_region = this->m_CPRImage->GetRequestedRegion( ); for( long z = 0; z < ext_region.GetSize( )[ 2 ]; ++z ) { TImage::IndexType slc_idx = ext_region.GetIndex( ); TImage::SizeType slc_size = ext_region.GetSize( ); slc_idx[ 2 ] += z; slc_size[ 2 ] = 1; TImage::RegionType slc_region; slc_region.SetIndex( slc_idx ); slc_region.SetSize( slc_size ); typedef itk::RegionOfInterestImageFilter< TScalarImage, TScalarImage > _TROI; _TROI::Pointer roi = _TROI::New( ); roi->SetInput( this->m_CPRSegmentation ); roi->SetRegionOfInterest( slc_region ); /* TODO slc_idx[ 2 ] = 1; slc_size[ 2 ] = 0; slc_region.SetIndex( slc_idx ); slc_region.SetSize( slc_size ); typedef itk::Image< TBinPixel, 2 > _TBinSlice; typedef itk::ExtractImageFilter< TBinImage, _TBinSlice > _TCollapse; _TCollapse::Pointer collapse = _TCollapse::New( ); collapse->SetInput( roi->GetOutput( ) ); collapse->SetDirectionCollapseToIdentity( ); collapse->SetExtractionRegion( slc_region ); collapse->UpdateLargestPossibleRegion( ); */ typedef TScalarImage _TScalarSlice; typedef itk::ImageToVTKImageFilter< _TScalarSlice > _TVTKScalarSlice; _TVTKScalarSlice::Pointer vtk_slice = _TVTKScalarSlice::New( ); vtk_slice->SetInput( roi->GetOutput( ) ); vtk_slice->Update( ); double r[ 2 ]; vtk_slice->GetOutput( )->GetScalarRange( r ); vtkSmartPointer< vtkMarchingSquares > ms = vtkSmartPointer< vtkMarchingSquares >::New( ); ms->SetInputData( vtk_slice->GetOutput( ) ); ms->SetValue( 0, 0 ); vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyDataConnectivityFilter > conn = vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyDataConnectivityFilter >::New( ); conn->SetInputConnection( ms->GetOutputPort( ) ); conn->SetExtractionModeToClosestPointRegion( ); conn->SetClosestPoint( 0, 0, 0 ); conn->Update( ); vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData > cnt = vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData >::New( ); cnt->DeepCopy( conn->GetOutput( ) ); this->m_Contours.push_back( cnt ); typedef itk::QuadEdgeMesh< double, 2 > _TQEMesh; typedef _TQEMesh::PointType _T2DPoint; typedef std::vector< _T2DPoint > _T2DPoints; _T2DPoints points; _TQEMesh::Pointer mesh = _TQEMesh::New( ); for( unsigned int i = 0; i < cnt->GetNumberOfPoints( ); ++i ) { _T2DPoint pnt; double p[ 3 ]; cnt->GetPoint( i, p ); pnt[ 0 ] = p[ 0 ]; pnt[ 1 ] = p[ 1 ]; mesh->AddPoint( pnt ); } // rof vtkCellArray* lines = cnt->GetLines( ); lines->InitTraversal( ); vtkIdType* ids = new vtkIdType[ 2 ]; vtkIdType npts; while( lines->GetNextCell( npts, ids ) != 0 ) mesh->AddEdge( ids[ 0 ], ids[ 1 ] ); delete ids; mesh->AddFace( mesh->GetEdge( ) ); _TQEMesh::QEPrimal* edge = mesh->GetEdge( ); for( auto eIt = edge->BeginGeomLnext( ); eIt != edge->EndGeomLnext( ); ++eIt ) points.push_back( mesh->GetPoint( *eIt ) ); TFourier f( points.begin( ), points.end( ), 3 ); f.SetOrderingToCounterClockWise( ); this->m_Fourier.push_back( f ); vtkSmartPointer< ivq::VTK::PolyDataActor > actor = vtkSmartPointer< ivq::VTK::PolyDataActor >::New( ); actor->SetInputData( cnt ); actor->GetMapper( )->ScalarVisibilityOff( ); actor->Update( ); actor->GetProperty( )->SetColor( 1, 0, 0 ); actor->GetProperty( )->SetLineWidth( 2 ); this->m_ContoursActors.push_back( actor ); } // rof ivq::VTK::ImageViewer* slice_view = this->m_UI->Slice->GetViewer( ); vtkSmartPointer< ContourCallback > cbk = vtkSmartPointer< ContourCallback >::New( ); cbk->Window = this; slice_view->GetImageActor( )->AddObserver( vtkCommand::InteractionEvent, cbk ); this->m_ContourActor = NULL; this->m_Spline = vtkSmartPointer< vtkSplineWidget >::New( ); this->m_Spline->SetCurrentRenderer( slice_view->GetRenderer( ) ); this->m_Spline->SetDefaultRenderer( slice_view->GetRenderer( ) ); this->m_Spline->SetInputData( slice_view->GetInput( ) ); this->m_Spline->SetProp3D( slice_view->GetImageActor( ) ); this->m_Spline->SetInteractor( slice_view->GetRenderWindow( )->GetInteractor( ) ); double bnds[ 6 ]; slice_view->GetInput( )->GetBounds( bnds ); this->m_Spline->PlaceWidget( bnds[ 0 ], bnds[ 1 ], bnds[ 2 ], bnds[ 3 ], bnds[ 4 ], bnds[ 5 ] ); this->m_Spline->ProjectToPlaneOn( ); this->m_Spline->SetProjectionNormalToZAxes( ); this->m_Spline->SetProjectionPosition( ( slice_view->GetImageActor( )->GetBounds( )[ 4 ] + slice_view->GetImageActor( )->GetBounds( )[ 5 ] ) / double( 2 ) ); this->m_Spline->SetHandleSize( 0.005 ); this->m_Spline->ClosedOn( ); this->m_Spline->SetNumberOfHandles( 16 ); this->m_Spline->EnabledOn( ); QVector< double > xdata, dmindata, dmaxdata, areadata; double data[ 3 ]; for( unsigned int i = 0; i < this->m_Fourier.size( ); ++i ) { double a, b, t, p; this->m_Fourier[ i ].GetEllipse( 1, a, b, t, p ); double area = this->m_Fourier[ i ].GetArea( ); xdata.push_back( double( i ) ); dmindata.push_back( b ); dmaxdata.push_back( a ); areadata.push_back( area ); } // rof this->m_UI->Plot->addGraph( this->m_UI->Plot->xAxis, this->m_UI->Plot->yAxis ); this->m_UI->Plot->graph( 0 )->setPen( QPen( QColor( 255, 0, 0 ) ) ); this->m_UI->Plot->graph( 0 )->setName( "Minimum diameter (mm)" ); this->m_UI->Plot->graph( 0 )->setData( xdata, dmindata ); this->m_UI->Plot->addGraph( this->m_UI->Plot->xAxis, this->m_UI->Plot->yAxis ); this->m_UI->Plot->graph( 1 )->setPen( QPen( QColor( 0, 255, 0 ) ) ); this->m_UI->Plot->graph( 1 )->setName( "Maximum diameter (mm)" ); this->m_UI->Plot->graph( 1 )->setData( xdata, dmaxdata ); this->m_UI->Plot->addGraph( this->m_UI->Plot->xAxis, this->m_UI->Plot->yAxis2 ); this->m_UI->Plot->graph( 2 )->setPen( QPen( QColor( 0, 0, 255 ) ) ); this->m_UI->Plot->graph( 2 )->setName( "Area (mm2)" ); this->m_UI->Plot->graph( 2 )->setData( xdata, areadata ); this->m_UI->Plot->xAxis->setLabel( "Position" ); this->m_UI->Plot->yAxis->setLabel( "Diameters (mm)" ); this->m_UI->Plot->yAxis2->setLabel( "Areas (mm2)" ); this->m_UI->Plot->legend->setVisible( true ); this->m_UI->Plot->xAxis->setVisible( true ); this->m_UI->Plot->yAxis->setVisible( true ); this->m_UI->Plot->yAxis2->setVisible( true ); this->m_UI->Plot->rescaleAxes( ); this->m_UI->Plot->replot( ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTArteries:: _showProcessResults( ) { if( this->m_Segmentation.IsNull( ) || this->m_Axis.IsNull( ) ) return; this->m_VTKSegmentation = TVTKScalarImage::New( ); this->m_VTKSegmentation->SetInput( this->m_Segmentation ); this->m_VTKSegmentation->Update( ); // Show surface vtkImageData* seg = this->m_VTKSegmentation->GetOutput( ); double r[ 2 ]; seg->GetScalarRange( r ); vtkSmartPointer< vtkMarchingCubes > mc = vtkSmartPointer< vtkMarchingCubes >::New( ); mc->SetInputData( seg ); mc->SetValue( 0, 0 ); mc->Update( ); this->m_Surface = vtkSmartPointer< ivq::VTK::PolyDataActor >::New( ); this->m_Surface->SetInputConnection( mc->GetOutputPort( ) ); this->m_Surface->Update( ); // Prepare curve this->m_Curve = TCurve::New( ); for( unsigned int i = 0; i < this->m_Axis->GetSize( ); ++i ) this->m_Curve->AddPoint( this->m_Axis->GetPoint( i ) ); this->m_Curve->Smooth( 2 ); // Compute CPRs this->_CPR( this->m_CPRImage, this->m_VTKCPRImage, this->m_Image, this->m_Curve ); this->_CPR( this->m_CPRSegmentation, this->m_VTKCPRSegmentation, this->m_Segmentation, this->m_Curve ); // Show all data vtkRenderer* renderer = this->m_UI->MPR->GetRendererWidget( )->GetRenderer( ); renderer->AddViewProp( this->m_Surface->GetActor( ) ); renderer->Render( ); renderer->ResetCamera( ); this->m_UI->MPR->GetRendererWidget( )->GetRenderWindow( )->Render( ); ivq::VTK::ImageViewer* cpr_view = this->m_UI->CPR->GetViewer( ); ivq::VTK::ImageViewer* slice_view = this->m_UI->Slice->GetViewer( ); cpr_view->SetInputData( this->m_VTKCPRImage->GetOutput( ) ); cpr_view->SetColorWindow( 1000 ); cpr_view->SetColorLevel( 100 ); cpr_view->SetSliceOrientationToXZ( ); cpr_view->Render( ); slice_view->SetInputData( this->m_VTKCPRImage->GetOutput( ) ); slice_view->SetColorWindow( 1000 ); slice_view->SetColorLevel( 100 ); slice_view->SetSliceOrientationToXY( ); slice_view->Render( ); this->_prepareQuantification( ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTArteries:: _sOpen( ) { FileDialog dlg( this ); dlg.setNameFilter( "Medical images (*.mhd *.dcm);;Other images (*.png *.jpg *.bmp);;\ All files (*)" ); if( dlg.exec( ) == QDialog::Accepted ) { std::set< std::string > filenames, dirnames; QStringList names = dlg.selectedFiles( ); for( QString name: names ) { QFileInfo info( name ); if( info.isDir( ) ) dirnames.insert( name.toStdString( ) ); else filenames.insert( name.toStdString( ) ); } // rof if( dirnames.size( ) == 1 && filenames.size( ) == 0 ) this->_openDicom( *( dirnames.begin( ) ) ); else if( dirnames.size( ) == 0 && filenames.size( ) > 0 ) this->_openImage( filenames ); else QMessageBox::critical( this, "Error opening image", "Directory - files mixed up, don't know what to do." ); } // fi } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTArteries:: _sConfig( ) { this->m_DlgParameters->exec( ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTArteries:: _sProcess( ) { this->_process( ); this->_showProcessResults( ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class _TImagePtr, class _TVTKImagePtr, class _TCurvePtr > void CTArteries:: _CPR( _TImagePtr& output, _TVTKImagePtr& vtk_output, const _TImagePtr& input, const _TCurvePtr& curve ) { typedef typename _TImagePtr::ObjectType _TImage; typedef typename _TCurvePtr::ObjectType _TCurve; typedef ivq::ITK::CPRImageFilter< _TImage, _TCurve > _TFilter; typename _TFilter::Pointer cpr = _TFilter::New( ); cpr->SetInput( input ); cpr->SetCurve( curve ); cpr->SetSliceRadius( 40 ); cpr->Update( ); output = cpr->GetOutput( ); output->DisconnectPipeline( ); vtk_output = _TVTKImagePtr::ObjectType::New( ); vtk_output->SetInput( output ); vtk_output->Update( ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) { QApplication a( argc, argv ); CTArteries w( argc, argv ); w.show( ); return( a.exec( ) ); } // eof - $RCSfile$