#include "ImageMPR.h" #include "ui_ImageMPR.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 # define PLUGIN_PREFIX "" # define PLUGIN_EXT "dll" # define PLUGIN_REGEX "Plugins file (*.dll);;All files (*)" #else # define PLUGIN_PREFIX "lib" # define PLUGIN_EXT "so" # define PLUGIN_REGEX "Plugins file (*.so);;All files (*)" #endif // _WIN32 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ImageMPR::ImageMPR( QWidget* parent ) : QMainWindow( parent ), m_UI( new Ui::ImageMPR ), m_ImageReaderClass( "" ), m_ImageWriterClass( "" ), m_InputImage( NULL ), m_ParametersDlg( NULL ) { this->m_UI->setupUi( this ); // Create and associate renderers this->m_MPR = new TMPR( this->m_UI->m_XPlaneVTK->GetRenderWindow( ), this->m_UI->m_YPlaneVTK->GetRenderWindow( ), this->m_UI->m_ZPlaneVTK->GetRenderWindow( ), this->m_UI->m_3DVTK->GetRenderWindow( ) ); // signals <-> slots QObject::connect( this->m_UI->actionOpenPlugins, SIGNAL( triggered( ) ), this, SLOT( _triggered_actionOpenPlugins( ) ) ); QObject::connect( this->m_UI->actionOpenInputImage, SIGNAL( triggered( ) ), this, SLOT( _triggered_actionOpenInputImage( ) ) ); QObject::connect( this->m_UI->actionOpenInputPolyData, SIGNAL( triggered( ) ), this, SLOT( _triggered_actionOpenInputPolyData( ) ) ); // Start: load all disponible plugins this->_LoadPlugins( std::string( PLUGIN_PREFIX ) + std::string( "cpPlugins." ) + std::string( PLUGIN_EXT ) ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ImageMPR:: ~ImageMPR( ) { // Close all connections this->m_Plugins.UnloadAll( ); // Delete objects delete this->m_UI; delete this->m_MPR; if( this->m_ParametersDlg != NULL ) { this->m_ParametersDlg->close( ); delete this->m_ParametersDlg; } // fi } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool ImageMPR:: _LoadPlugins( const std::string& filename ) { this->m_ImageReaderClass = ""; this->m_ImageWriterClass = ""; this->m_MeshReaderClass = ""; this->m_MeshWriterClass = ""; this->m_ImageToImageFilters.clear( ); this->m_ImageToMeshFilters.clear( ); this->m_Plugins.UnloadAll( ); if( !( this->m_Plugins.Load( filename ) ) ) { this->m_Plugins.UnloadAll( ); return( false ); } // fi typedef TPluginsInterface::TClasses _TClasses; _TClasses::const_iterator cIt = this->m_Plugins.GetClasses( ).begin( ); for( ; cIt != this->m_Plugins.GetClasses( ).end( ); ++cIt ) { TPluginFilter::Pointer o = this->m_Plugins.CreateProcessObject( cIt->first ); std::string name = o->GetClassName( ); std::string category = o->GetClassCategory( ); if( category == "ImageReader" ) this->m_ImageReaderClass = name; else if( category == "ImageWriter" ) this->m_ImageWriterClass = name; else if( category == "MeshReader" ) this->m_MeshReaderClass = name; else if( category == "MeshWriter" ) this->m_MeshWriterClass = name; else if( category == "ImageToImageFilter" ) { this->m_ImageToImageFilters.insert( name ); QAction* action = this->m_UI->MenuImageToImage->addAction( QString( name.c_str( ) ) ); QObject::connect( action, SIGNAL( triggered( ) ), this, SLOT( _triggered_actionImageToImage( ) ) ); } else if( category == "ImageToMeshFilter" ) { this->m_ImageToMeshFilters.insert( name ); QAction* action = this->m_UI->MenuImageToMesh->addAction( QString( name.c_str( ) ) ); QObject::connect( action, SIGNAL( triggered( ) ), this, SLOT( _triggered_actionImageToMesh( ) ) ); } // fi } // rof return( true ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool ImageMPR:: _ParametersDialog( TPluginFilter* filter ) { if( this->m_ParametersDlg != NULL ) { this->m_ParametersDlg->close( ); delete this->m_ParametersDlg; } // fi this->m_ParametersDlg = new QDialog( NULL ); this->m_ParametersDlg->setWindowFlags( Qt::FramelessWindowHint ); this->m_ParametersDlg->setWindowFlags( Qt::WindowTitleHint ); QGridLayout* gridLayout = new QGridLayout( this->m_ParametersDlg ); QVBoxLayout* verticalLayout = new QVBoxLayout( ); // Put a title QLabel* title = new QLabel( this->m_ParametersDlg ); title->setText( filter->GetClassName( ).c_str( ) ); verticalLayout->addWidget( title ); // Put values TParameters parameters = filter->GetDefaultParameters( ); std::vector< std::string > names = parameters.GetParameters( ); std::vector< std::string >::const_iterator nIt = names.begin( ); for( ; nIt != names.end( ); ++nIt ) { std::string par_name = *nIt; TParameters::Type par_type = parameters.GetParameterType( par_name ); /* TODO enum Type { String = 0, Bool, Int, Uint, Real, Index, Point, StringList, BoolList, IntList, UintList, RealList, IndexList, PointList, NoType }; */ QHBoxLayout* horizontalLayout = new QHBoxLayout( ); QLabel* label = new QLabel( this->m_ParametersDlg ); label->setText( QString( par_name.c_str( ) ) ); horizontalLayout->addWidget( label ); QWidget* w_input = NULL; if( par_type == TParameters::Uint ) { QSpinBox* v_uint = new QSpinBox( this->m_ParametersDlg ); v_uint->setMinimum( -100 ); v_uint->setMaximum( std::numeric_limits< int >::max( ) ); v_uint->setValue( parameters.GetValueAsUint( par_name ) ); v_uint->setObjectName( QString( par_name.c_str( ) ) ); w_input = v_uint; } else if( par_type == TParameters::Int ) { QSpinBox* v_int = new QSpinBox( this->m_ParametersDlg ); v_int->setMinimum( -std::numeric_limits< int >::max( ) ); v_int->setMaximum( std::numeric_limits< int >::max( ) ); v_int->setValue( parameters.GetValueAsInt( par_name ) ); v_int->setObjectName( QString( par_name.c_str( ) ) ); w_input = v_int; } else if( par_type == TParameters::Real ) { QDoubleSpinBox* v_double = new QDoubleSpinBox( this->m_ParametersDlg ); v_double->setDecimals( 3 ); v_double->setMinimum( -( std::numeric_limits< double >::max( ) ) ); v_double->setMaximum( std::numeric_limits< double >::max( ) ); v_double->setValue( parameters.GetValueAsReal( par_name ) ); v_double->setObjectName( QString( par_name.c_str( ) ) ); w_input = v_double; } // fi if( w_input != NULL ) { horizontalLayout->addWidget( w_input ); verticalLayout->addLayout( horizontalLayout ); } // fi } // rof // Add buttons QDialogButtonBox* bb = new QDialogButtonBox( QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel ); QObject::connect( bb, SIGNAL( accepted( ) ), this->m_ParametersDlg, SLOT( accept( ) ) ); QObject::connect( bb, SIGNAL( rejected( ) ), this->m_ParametersDlg, SLOT( reject( ) ) ); verticalLayout->addWidget( bb ); gridLayout->addLayout( verticalLayout, 0, 0, 1, 1 ); // Execute QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName( this->m_ParametersDlg ); if( !( this->m_ParametersDlg->exec( ) ) ) return( false ); // Get values back nIt = names.begin( ); for( ; nIt != names.end( ); ++nIt ) { std::string par_name = *nIt; TParameters::Type par_type = parameters.GetParameterType( par_name ); if( par_type == TParameters::Uint ) { QSpinBox* v_uint = this->m_ParametersDlg->findChild< QSpinBox* >( par_name.c_str( ) ); if( v_uint != NULL ) parameters.SetValueAsUint( par_name, v_uint->value( ) ); } else if( par_type == TParameters::Int ) { QSpinBox* v_int = this->m_ParametersDlg->findChild< QSpinBox* >( par_name.c_str( ) ); if( v_int != NULL ) parameters.SetValueAsInt( par_name, v_int->value( ) ); } else if( par_type == TParameters::Real ) { QDoubleSpinBox* v_double = this->m_ParametersDlg->findChild< QDoubleSpinBox* >( par_name.c_str( ) ); if( v_double != NULL ) parameters.SetValueAsReal( par_name, v_double->value( ) ); } // fi } // rof filter->SetParameters( parameters ); return( true ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ImageMPR:: _triggered_actionOpenPlugins( ) { // Show dialog and check if it was accepted QFileDialog dialog( this ); dialog.setFileMode( QFileDialog::ExistingFile ); dialog.setDirectory( "." ); dialog.setNameFilter( tr( PLUGIN_REGEX ) ); dialog.setDefaultSuffix( tr( PLUGIN_EXT ) ); if( !( dialog.exec( ) ) ) return; std::string fname = dialog.selectedFiles( ).at( 0 ).toStdString( ); if( !( _LoadPlugins( fname ) ) ) QMessageBox::critical( this, tr( "Ignoring plugin" ), tr( fname.c_str( ) ) ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ImageMPR:: _triggered_actionOpenInputImage( ) { // Show dialog and check if it was accepted QFileDialog dialog( this ); dialog.setFileMode( QFileDialog::ExistingFiles ); dialog.setDirectory( tr( "." ) ); dialog.setNameFilter( tr( "Medical image files (*.mhd *.bin *.dcm *.nrri);;All files (*)" ) ); dialog.setDefaultSuffix( tr( "mhd" ) ); if( !( dialog.exec( ) ) ) return; this->m_InputImage = NULL; // Get a reader from plugins TPluginFilter::Pointer reader = this->m_Plugins.CreateProcessObject( this->m_ImageReaderClass ); // Configure reader TParameters reader_params = reader->GetDefaultParameters( ); QStringList q_fnames = dialog.selectedFiles( ); QStringList::const_iterator qIt = q_fnames.begin( ); for( ; qIt != q_fnames.end( ); ++qIt ) reader_params.AddValueToStringList( "FileNames", qIt->toStdString( ) ); reader->SetParameters( reader_params ); // Execute and get error message, if any std::string err = reader->Update( ); // Assign fresh image, if any if( err == "" ) { this->m_InputImage = dynamic_cast< TPluginImage* >( reader->GetOutput( 0 ) ); reader->DisconnectOutputs( ); if( this->m_InputImage.IsNotNull( ) ) this->m_MPR->SetImage( this->m_InputImage->GetVTKImageData( ) ); } else QMessageBox::critical( this, tr( "Error reading single image" ), tr( err.c_str( ) ) ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ImageMPR:: _triggered_actionOpenInputPolyData( ) { /* // Show dialog and check if it was accepted QFileDialog dialog( this ); dialog.setFileMode( QFileDialog::ExistingFile ); dialog.setDirectory( "." ); dialog.setNameFilter( tr( "VTK file (*.vtk);;All files (*)" ) ); dialog.setDefaultSuffix( tr( "vtk" ) ); if( !( dialog.exec( ) ) ) return; std::string fname = dialog.selectedFiles( ).at( 0 ).toStdString( ); this->m_InputMesh = NULL; // Get a reader from plugins TPluginFilter::Pointer reader = this->m_Plugins.CreateProcessObject( this->m_BaseClasses[ "MeshReader" ] ); // Configure plugin TParameters reader_params = reader->GetDefaultParameters( ); reader_params.SetValueAsString( "FileName", fname ); reader->SetParameters( reader_params ); // Execute and get error message, if any std::string err = reader->Update( ); // Assign fresh image, if any if( err == "" ) { this->m_InputMesh = dynamic_cast< TPluginMesh* >( reader->GetOutput( 0 ) ); reader->DisconnectOutputs( ); if( this->m_InputMesh.IsNotNull( ) ) { this->m_InputMeshMapper = vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyDataMapper >::New( ); this->m_InputMeshMapper->SetInputData( this->m_InputMesh->GetVTKPolyData( ) ); this->m_InputMeshActor = vtkSmartPointer< vtkActor >::New( ); this->m_InputMeshActor->SetMapper( this->m_InputMeshMapper ); this->m_MPR->Add3DActor( this->m_InputMeshActor ); } // fi } else QMessageBox::critical( this, tr( "Error reading polydata" ), tr( err.c_str( ) ) ); */ } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ImageMPR:: _triggered_actionImageToImage( ) { if( this->m_InputImage.IsNull( ) ) return; // Get filter name QAction* action = dynamic_cast< QAction* >( this->sender( ) ); if( action == NULL ) return; std::string name = action->text( ).toStdString( ); // Configure filter TPluginFilter::Pointer filter = this->m_Plugins.CreateProcessObject( name ); if( !( this->_ParametersDialog( filter ) ) ) return; // Execute filter filter->SetInput( 0, this->m_InputImage ); filter->Update( ); // Update image TPluginImage* result = dynamic_cast< TPluginImage* >( filter->GetOutput( 0 ) ); result->DisconnectPipeline( ); this->m_InputImage = result; if( this->m_InputImage.IsNotNull( ) ) this->m_MPR->SetImage( this->m_InputImage->GetVTKImageData( ) ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ImageMPR:: _triggered_actionImageToMesh( ) { if( this->m_InputImage.IsNull( ) ) return; // Get filter name QAction* action = dynamic_cast< QAction* >( this->sender( ) ); if( action == NULL ) return; std::string name = action->text( ).toStdString( ); } // eof - $RCSfile$