#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # USER! : SET THE NAME OF YOUR EXECUTABLE # Replace 'MyExe' by the name you want to give your executable. # (a good policy is to give the executable the same name that the directory) ######################### SET ( EXE_NAME qtvtkviewer ) ######################### #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # EXECUTABLE SOURCES (TO BE COMPILED) # EITHER LIST ALL .cxx, *.cpp, *.cc IN CURRENT DIR USING NEXT LINE: FILE(GLOB ${EXE_NAME}_SOURCES *.cxx *.cpp *.cc) # OR MANUALLY LIST YOUR FILES WITH NEXT COMMAND (WITHOUT EXTENSION) # SET ( ${EXE_NAME}_SOURCES # # ) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES ( # USER! : Add here the directories holding th extra .h files you need # e.g. # ../../lib/ ) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DEPENDENCIES (LIBRARIES TO LINK WITH) SET ( ${EXE_NAME}_LINK_LIBRARIES GUIQtViewers GUIQtVolumeRenderer ITKVTKImport #${VTK_LIBRARIES} ${QT_LIBRARIES} QVTK # ${WXWIDGETS_LIBRARIES} # ${KWWidgets_LIBRARIES} # ${VTK_LIBRARIES} # ${ITK_LIBRARIES} # ${GDCM_LIBRARIES} # ${BOOST_LIBRARIES} # USER! : Add here those agmonst the various (?) PROJECT LIBRARIES # you need for the current executable # (If you created only one Library, don't forget it !...) ) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # USER! : UNCOMMENT NEXT LINE IF YOU WANT A CONSOLE ON WINDOWS # NB : YOUR MAIN MUST BE ADAPTED ALSO # SEE THE MACRO CREA_WXMAIN_WITH_CONSOLE IN creaWx.h #SET(${EXE_NAME}_CONSOLE TRUE) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CREATES AND INSTALLS THE EXE CREA_ADD_EXECUTABLE( ${EXE_NAME} ) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------