#include #include #include #include #include #include "vec3.h" #include "airwaysTree.h" #include #include using namespace airways; namespace po = boost::program_options; namespace { const size_t ERROR_IN_COMMAND_LINE = 1; const size_t SUCCESS = 0; const size_t ERROR_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION = 2; } // namespace typedef std::vector< AirwaysTree > AirwaysVector; #include // Auxiliar struct to save info for execution. typedef void* TImagePointer; struct TreeInfo{ TreeInfo( ) { this->myWorkspace = new cpPlugins::Workspace( ); } ~TreeInfo( ) { /* if( this->IsMyWorkspace ) delete this->myWorkspace; */ } void CastImage( ) { auto image = this->myWorkspace->GetFilter( "reader" )->GetOutputData( "Output" )->GetITK< itk::Image< unsigned char, 3 > >( ); typedef itk::CastImageFilter< itk::Image< unsigned char, 3 >, TInputImage > _TCast; _TCast::Pointer cast = _TCast::New( ); cast->SetInput( image ); cast->Update( ); this->Image = cast->GetOutput( ); this->Image->DisconnectPipeline( ); } TInputImage::Pointer Image; cpPlugins::Workspace* myWorkspace; bool IsMyWorkspace; Vec3 seed; std::string folderpath_pigResults; std::string pig_name; std::string image_name; }; // Constants unsigned char red[3] = { 255, 0, 0 }; unsigned char green[3] = { 0, 255, 0 }; unsigned char blue[3] = { 0, 0, 255 }; unsigned char yellow[3]= { 255, 255, 0 }; unsigned char purple[3]= { 255, 0, 255 }; unsigned char cyan[3]= { 0, 255, 255 }; cpPlugins::Interface myPlugins; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Load_cpPlugins( const std::string& plugins ); void CreateResultDirectory(AirwaysTree tree); void DrawVTKLinesFromTree(AirwaysTree& tree, const std::string filename, bool common); AirwaysTree& CreateAirwaysTreeFromSegmentation(Vec3 seed, TInputImage* input_image, cpPlugins::Workspace& ws ); vector ReadInputFile(const char* filename); void printCommonTreeBetweenTwoTrees(AirwaysTree tree_A, AirwaysTree tree_B, std::vector< std::pair< std::pair, std::pair > > vector_pair_edges_A_to_B, unsigned int Q, unsigned int F); void printMatchingResultToFile(AirwaysTree tree_A, AirwaysTree tree_B, std::map< unsigned int, std::vector > map_A_to_B, std::map< unsigned int, std::vector > map_B_to_A, unsigned int Q, unsigned int F); void createLinesAndPointsForVTK(const Node* node, vtkSmartPointer& pts,vtkSmartPointer& lines, vtkSmartPointer& colors, bool common, bool isRoot); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) { Load_cpPlugins( "./plugins.cfg" ); try { // Define and parse the program options po::options_description desc("Options"); desc.add_options()("use_file", po::value(), "Adds the filepath containing the file to be used in creaAirwaysTree -- Mandatory") ("build_trees","Creates trees from a given filepath (arg) and stores it in a .vtk file") ("subtree_levels", po::value(),"Get a subtree(s) by levels - result: a vtk and reconstructed img .mhd") ("subtree_length", po::value(),"Get a subtree(s) by length - result: a vtk and reconstructed img .mhd") ("subtree_diameter", po::value(),"Get a subtree(s) by diameter - result: a vtk and reconstructed img .mhd") ("compare_trees", "Compare the trees given in the input file or the subtrees using an option - result: a vtk and reconstructed img .mhd"); //TODO: Fix image segmentation. ("segment_images", "Creates a binary image corresponding to the segmentation of of a given original image (arg) and seed (arg), saves it to a .mhd file and uses it for subsequent operations") po::variables_map vm; try { std::string fileName; vector treeInfoVector; AirwaysVector aVector; TImagePointer segmentationImage; Vec3 seed; po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm); // can throw if (vm.count("use_file")) { fileName = vm["use_file"].as(); treeInfoVector = ReadInputFile(fileName.c_str()); } if(vm.count("segment_images")) { } // Build trees option if (vm.count("build_trees")) { for(unsigned int i = 0; i < treeInfoVector.size(); ++ i){ TreeInfo info = treeInfoVector[i]; std::string err = info.myWorkspace->Execute( "eb" ); if( err != "" ) { std::cerr << "Error: " << err << std::endl; std::exit( 1 ); } // fi info.CastImage( ); AirwaysTree tree = CreateAirwaysTreeFromSegmentation( info.seed, info.Image, *(info.myWorkspace )); tree.SetResultPath(info.folderpath_pigResults); tree.SetImageName(info.image_name); aVector.push_back(tree); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < aVector.size(); ++i) { CreateResultDirectory(aVector[i]); std::string fullPath = aVector[i].GetResultPath() + "/" + aVector[i].GetImageName() + ".vtk"; DrawVTKLinesFromTree(aVector[i], fullPath, false); } //for } //if // Subtree levels option if (vm.count("subtree_levels")) { } //if else if (vm.count("subtree_length")) { } //if else if (vm.count("subtree_diameter")) { } //if if (vm.count("compare_trees")) { std::cout << "Option: Compare trees" << std::endl; /** * this piece of code only test in the case of two trees, so it can be replaced * to a code which does a cascade */ //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //CODIGO DE COMPARACIÓN DE ARBOLES //std::cout << "Comparing trees ..." << std::endl; //aVector[0].CompareTrees(aVector[1]); //std::cout << "Comparing trees ... OK" << std::endl; std::cout << "Tree A ... " << std::endl; //aVector[0].printNodeAndChildrenIds(); std::cout << "Tree A ... OK" << std::endl; std::cout << "Tree B ... " << std::endl; //aVector[1].printNodeAndChildrenIds(); std::cout << "Tree B ... OK" << std::endl; std::cout << "Comparing trees Orkisz-Morales..." << std::endl; // Vectors to save the common and uncommon nodes vec_nodes commonA; vec_nodes commonB; vec_nodes nonCommonA; vec_nodes nonCommonB; std::map< unsigned int, std::vector > map_A_to_B; std::map< unsigned int, std::vector > map_B_to_A; std::vector< std::pair< std::pair, std::pair > > vector_pair_edges_A_to_B; // Input parameter for comparison unsigned int Q = 1; // Corresponds to the depth to select "fathers" nodes unsigned int F = 1; // Correspond to the depth to select "family" nodes std::cout << "Q = " << Q << std::endl; std::cout << "F = " << F << std::endl; clock_t before_compare = clock(); aVector[0].CompareTreesOrkiszMorales(aVector[1], Q, F, commonA, commonB, nonCommonA, nonCommonB, map_A_to_B, map_B_to_A, vector_pair_edges_A_to_B); clock_t after_compare = clock(); double compare_time = double(after_compare - before_compare) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; std::cout << "Matching time: " << compare_time << std::endl; // Print the common tree with common edges printCommonTreeBetweenTwoTrees(aVector[0], aVector[1], vector_pair_edges_A_to_B, Q, F); printMatchingResultToFile(aVector[0], aVector[1], map_A_to_B, map_B_to_A, Q, F); //printSeparatedCommonTrees(aVector[0], aVector[1], vector_pair_edges_A_to_B, Q, F); //reconstructAndSaveCommonTrees(aVector[0], aVector[1], vector_pair_edges_A_to_B, Q, F); // Print all the maps that have more that two connections std::cout << "Printing multiple relation A to B. Total relations: " << map_A_to_B.size() << std::endl; for(std::map< unsigned int, std::vector >::iterator it_map_A_to_B = map_A_to_B.begin(); it_map_A_to_B != map_A_to_B.end(); ++it_map_A_to_B) { if((*it_map_A_to_B).second.size() > 1) { std::cout << "Multiple relation A to B with size:" << (*it_map_A_to_B).second.size() << ", from Id:" << (*it_map_A_to_B).first << std::endl; for(std::vector::iterator it_node = (*it_map_A_to_B).second.begin(); it_node != (*it_map_A_to_B).second.end(); ++it_node) { std::cout << "Id: " << (*it_node)->GetId() << std::endl; } } } std::cout << "Printing multiple relation A to B ... OK" << std::endl; std::cout << "Printing multiple relation B to A. Total relations: " << map_B_to_A.size() << std::endl; for(std::map< unsigned int, std::vector >::iterator it_map_B_to_A = map_B_to_A.begin(); it_map_B_to_A != map_B_to_A.end(); ++it_map_B_to_A) { if((*it_map_B_to_A).second.size() > 1) { std::cout << "Multiple relation B to A with size:" << (*it_map_B_to_A).second.size() << ", from Id:" << (*it_map_B_to_A).first << std::endl; for(std::vector::iterator it_node = (*it_map_B_to_A).second.begin(); it_node != (*it_map_B_to_A).second.end(); ++it_node) { std::cout << "Id: " << (*it_node)->GetId() << std::endl; } } } std::cout << "Printing multiple relation B to A ... OK" << std::endl; // Mark only the common nodes aVector[0].UnMarkAll(); aVector[1].UnMarkAll(); // -------------------------------------- // ------ Get common paths marked ------- // -------------------------------------- /* std::string path_folder = "/run/media/alfredo/Data/Pulmones/results/airwaysGraphs/comparisonResutls/probes/"; std::string suffix_vtk = ".vtk"; std::string name_tree = "TreeA_dP2P"; int iteration = 1; for(vec_nodes::iterator it_A = commonA.begin(); it_A != commonA.end(); ++it_A) { aVector[0].MarkPathFromNodeToNode(aVector[0].GetRoot(), (*it_A)); std::stringstream filepath_actualIteration; filepath_actualIteration << path_folder << name_tree << "__" << iteration << "_idA_" << (*it_A)->GetId() << suffix_vtk; DrawVTKLinesFromTree(aVector[0], filepath_actualIteration.str(), true); ++iteration; } iteration = 1; name_tree = "TreeB_dP2P"; for(vec_nodes::iterator it_B = commonB.begin(); it_B != commonB.end(); ++it_B) { aVector[1].MarkPathFromNodeToNode(aVector[1].GetRoot(), (*it_B)); std::stringstream filepath_actualIteration; filepath_actualIteration << path_folder << name_tree << "__" << iteration << "_idB_" << (*it_B)->GetId() << suffix_vtk; DrawVTKLinesFromTree(aVector[1], filepath_actualIteration.str(), true); ++iteration; } */ // -------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------- /* //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX //1. PRINT EACH NODE OF EACH TREE AND SAVE IT USING AS NAME ITS ID // Tree A for(int i = 2; i < aVector[0].GetWeight(); ++i) { //std::cout << "Writing idA: " << i << std::endl; AirwaysTree* tree_id = aVector[0].GetSingleDetachedTreeNodeById(i); //std::cout << "Got id: " << i << ", numberOfNodes: " << tree_id->GetWeight() << std::endl; if(tree_id) { std::stringstream filepath_actualIteration; filepath_actualIteration << aVector[0].GetResultPath() << "/" << aVector[0].GetImageName() << "_id_" << i << suffix_vtk; DrawVTKLinesFromTree(*tree_id, filepath_actualIteration.str(), false); delete(tree_id); } else std::cout << "Tree NULL" << std::endl; } // Tree B for(int i = 2; i < aVector[1].GetWeight(); ++i) { //std::cout << "Writing idA: " << i << std::endl; AirwaysTree* tree_id = aVector[1].GetSingleDetachedTreeNodeById(i); //std::cout << "Got id: " << i << ", numberOfNodes: " << tree_id->GetWeight() << std::endl; if(tree_id) { std::stringstream filepath_actualIteration; filepath_actualIteration << aVector[1].GetResultPath() << "/" << aVector[1].GetImageName() << "_id_" << i << suffix_vtk; DrawVTKLinesFromTree(*tree_id, filepath_actualIteration.str(), false); delete(tree_id); } else std::cout << "Tree NULL" << std::endl; } std::cout << "Comparing trees Orkisz-Morales... OK" << std::endl; */ //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% /*// AMP aVector[0].SubIsomorphism(aVector[1]); std::cout << "Flag after SubIsomorphism" << std::endl; std::string fullPathA = aVector[0].GetResultPath() + "/" + aVector[0].GetImageName() + "_CMP.vtk"; std::string fullPathB = aVector[1].GetResultPath() + "/" + aVector[1].GetImageName() + "_CMP.vtk"; DrawVTKLinesFromTree(aVector[0], fullPathA, true); DrawVTKLinesFromTree(aVector[1], fullPathB, true); std::cout << "Flag after write vtk" << std::endl; TInputImage::Pointer imgA, imgB; aVector[0].ImageReconstruction(imgA); std::cout << "Flag after Reconstruction A" << std::endl; aVector[1].ImageReconstruction(imgB); std::cout << "Flag after Reconstruction B" << std::endl; std::string fullPathA_mhd = aVector[0].GetResultPath() + "/" + aVector[0].GetImageName() + "_CMP.vtk"; std::string fullPathB_mhd = aVector[1].GetResultPath() + "/" + aVector[1].GetImageName() + "_CMP.vtk"; WriteImage(imgA, fullPathA_mhd); WriteImage(imgB, fullPathB_mhd); //AMP*/ } po::notify(vm); // throws on error, so do after help in case } catch (std::exception& e) { std::cerr << "Unhandled Exception reached the top of main: " << e.what() << ", application will now exit" << std::endl; return ERROR_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION; } // yrt } catch (std::exception& e) { std::cerr << "Unhandled Exception reached the top of main: " << e.what() << ", application will now exit" << std::endl; return ERROR_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION; } // yrt return( 0 ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Load_cpPlugins( const std::string& plugins ) { myPlugins.LoadConfiguration( plugins ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CreateResultDirectory(AirwaysTree tree) { boost::filesystem::path dir(tree.GetResultPath()); if (boost::filesystem::create_directories(dir)) { std::cout << "FolderName = " << tree.GetResultPath() << " has been created" << std::endl; } //if else std::cout << "FolderName = " << tree.GetResultPath() << " already exists" << std::endl; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DrawVTKLinesFromTree(AirwaysTree& tree, const std::string filepath, bool common) { // Create the array of points, lines, and colors vtkSmartPointer pts = vtkSmartPointer::New(); vtkSmartPointer lines = vtkSmartPointer::New(); vtkSmartPointer colors = vtkSmartPointer::New(); colors->SetNumberOfComponents(3); colors->SetName("Colors"); //vtk sphere for sources //vtkSmartPointer sphereSource = vtkSmartPointer::New(); //Vec3 root = tree.GetRoot()->GetCoords(); //sphereSource->SetCenter(root[0], root[1], root[2]); //sphereSource->SetRadius(1); //UndirectedGraph srand(time(NULL)); unsigned int id = 1; // Create and fill the points, lines, and color vectors //CalculateVTKLinesFromEdges(tree.GetRoot(), 0, id, pts, lines, colors, common); pts->SetNumberOfPoints(tree.GetWeight()+1); createLinesAndPointsForVTK(tree.GetRoot(), pts, lines, colors, common, true); // Create the polydata vtkSmartPointer linesPolyData = vtkSmartPointer::New(); // Set the points, lines, and colors linesPolyData->SetPoints(pts); linesPolyData->SetLines(lines); linesPolyData->GetCellData()->SetScalars(colors); // Write the file vtkSmartPointer writer = vtkSmartPointer::New(); writer->SetFileName(filepath.c_str()); #if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5 writer->SetInput(linesPolyData); #else writer->SetInputData(linesPolyData); #endif writer->Write(); //The following code is to test the vtk polydata and visualize it /* // Visualize vtkSmartPointer mapper = vtkSmartPointer::New(); #if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5 mapper->SetInput(linesPolyData); #else mapper->SetInputData(linesPolyData); #endif vtkSmartPointer actor = vtkSmartPointer::New(); actor->SetMapper(mapper); //sphere vtkSmartPointer mapperSphere = vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyDataMapper>::New(); mapperSphere->SetInputConnection(sphereSource->GetOutputPort()); vtkSmartPointer actorSphere = vtkSmartPointer::New(); actorSphere->SetMapper(mapperSphere); //end sphere vtkSmartPointer renderer = vtkSmartPointer::New(); vtkSmartPointer renderWindow = vtkSmartPointer< vtkRenderWindow>::New(); renderWindow->AddRenderer(renderer); vtkSmartPointer renderWindowInteractor = vtkSmartPointer::New(); renderWindowInteractor->SetRenderWindow(renderWindow); renderer->AddActor(actorSphere); renderer->AddActor(actor); renderWindow->Render(); renderWindowInteractor->Start();*/ } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #include template< class TImage, class TVertex > Node* FAVertexToNode( TVertex vertex, TImage* image ) { //The FrontAlgorithms Vertex is an TImageType::IndexType typename TImage::PointType point; image->TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint( vertex, point ); Vec3 alfPoint(point[0],point[1],point[2]); return new Node(alfPoint); } AirwaysTree& ConvertFilterToAirwaysTree( TInputImage* input_image, cpPlugins::Workspace& ws ) { typedef fpa::Base::ImageSkeleton< fpa::Image::MinimumSpanningTree< 3 > > TFASkeleton; typedef TFASkeleton::TVertex TVertexFA; typedef TFASkeleton::TVertexCmp TVertexCompareFA; typedef cpExtensions::DataStructures::ImageIndexesContainer< 3 > TVerticesFA; typedef Node TVertexAirways; typedef Edge TEdgeAirways; typedef pair_posVox_rad TSkelePoint; typedef vec_pair_posVox_rad TSkelePoints; typedef std::map< TVertexFA, TVertexAirways*, TVertexCompareFA > VertexMap; VertexMap vertexMap; std::time_t start,end; std::time(&start); std::cout << "Starting conversion " << std::endl; auto w_filter = ws.GetFilter( "eb" ); auto distance_map = ws.GetFilter( "dmap" )->GetOutputData( "Output" )-> GetITK< itk::Image< float, 3 > >( ); auto sk = w_filter->GetOutputData( "Skeleton" )->GetITK< TFASkeleton >( ); const auto& branches = sk->Get( ); auto seed0 = ws.GetFilter( "seed" )->GetOutputData( "Output" )-> GetITK< TVerticesFA >( )->Get( )[ 0 ]; std::queue< TVertexFA > q; // TODO: std::set< TVertexFA, TVertexCompareFA > marks; q.push( seed0 ); while( !q.empty( ) ) { auto sVertex = q.front( ); q.pop( ); auto sIt = branches.find( sVertex ); /* TODO if( marks.find( sVertex ) != marks.end( ) ) { std::cout << "MARK!!!!! : " << sVertex << std::endl; } marks.insert( sVertex ); */ // End node... do nothing if( sIt == branches.end( ) ) continue; // Create source node auto srcIt = vertexMap.find( sVertex ); if( srcIt == vertexMap.end( ) ) srcIt = vertexMap.insert( VertexMap::value_type( sVertex, FAVertexToNode( sVertex, input_image ) ) ).first; // TODO: std::cout << sVertex << " " << " " << sLevel << " " << seed0 << std::endl; // Create destination nodes for( auto eIt = sIt->second.begin( ); eIt != sIt->second.end( ); ++eIt ) { auto dstIt = vertexMap.find( eIt->first ); if( dstIt == vertexMap.end( ) ) dstIt = vertexMap.insert( VertexMap::value_type( eIt->first, FAVertexToNode( eIt->first, input_image ) ) ).first; // Connect in the acyclic graph dstIt->second->SetFather( srcIt->second ); srcIt->second->AddChild( dstIt->second ); // Create detailed edge TEdgeAirways* edge = new Edge( ); edge->SetSource( srcIt->second ); edge->SetTarget( dstIt->second ); auto path = eIt->second->GetVertexList( ); for( unsigned int pIt = 0; pIt < path->Size( ); ++pIt ) { itk::ImageBase< 3 >::PointType pnt; auto cidx = path->GetElement( pIt ); input_image->TransformContinuousIndexToPhysicalPoint( cidx, pnt ); TVertexFA idx; input_image->TransformPhysicalPointToIndex( pnt, idx ); Vec3 coords = FAVertexToNode( idx, input_image )->GetCoords( ); pair_posVox_rad skPair( coords, distance_map->GetPixel( idx ) ); edge->AddSkeletonPairInfo( skPair ); } // rof // Finish association dstIt->second->SetEdge( edge ); // Put it as next candidate q.push( eIt->first ); } // rof } // elihw AirwaysTree* tree = new AirwaysTree( input_image, NULL, vertexMap[ seed0 ], false ); std::time(&end); std::cout << "Finished conversion. New AlfTree has weight: "<GetWeight()<<". Takes "<<(end-start)<<" s." << std::endl; return *tree; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AirwaysTree& CreateAirwaysTreeFromSegmentation(Vec3 seed, TInputImage* input_image, cpPlugins::Workspace& ws ) { return( ConvertFilterToAirwaysTree( input_image, ws ) ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- vector ReadInputFile(const char* filename) { // Variables std::ifstream infile(filename); std::string line; std::string folderpath_allResults; vector vectorInfo; // Parse the file bool firstLine = false; while (std::getline(infile, line)) { // First line contains the output folder std::istringstream iss(line); if (!firstLine) { if (!(iss >> folderpath_allResults)) { std::cout << "no file" << std::endl; return vectorInfo; } //if firstLine = true; } //if // Other lines, not the first one, contain the information for the airways to be created else { TreeInfo treeInfo; float point_trachea[3]; std::string filepath_airwayImage, name_pig, name_image; if (!(iss >> point_trachea[0] >> point_trachea[1] >> point_trachea[2] >> filepath_airwayImage >> name_pig >> name_image)) { std::cout << "There is no tree information in the file." << std::endl; break; } //if else { // Print information std::cout << "Point trachea:[" << point_trachea[0] << "," << point_trachea[1] << "," << point_trachea[2] << "]" << std::endl; } //Save info. //Save seed info. Vec3 seed(point_trachea[0], point_trachea[1], point_trachea[2]); //real coords seed treeInfo.seed = seed; // Create the outputs treeInfo.folderpath_pigResults = folderpath_allResults + "/" + name_pig + "/"; treeInfo.pig_name = name_pig; treeInfo.image_name = name_image; // Read the image /* treeInfo.image = ReadImage(filepath_airwayImage); */ // Execute first pipeline's part std::stringstream seed_stream; seed_stream << point_trachea[0] << " " << point_trachea[1] << " " << point_trachea[2]; treeInfo.myWorkspace->SetInterface( &myPlugins ); std::string err = treeInfo.myWorkspace->LoadWorkspace( "./workspace_airwaysappli.wxml" ); if( err != "" ) { std::cerr << "Error: " << err << std::endl; std::exit( 1 ); } // fi treeInfo.myWorkspace->SetParameter( "FileNames@reader", filepath_airwayImage ); treeInfo.myWorkspace->SetParameter( "Text@seed", seed_stream.str( ) ); vectorInfo.push_back(treeInfo); } //else } //while return vectorInfo; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void printCommonTreeBetweenTwoTrees(AirwaysTree tree_A, AirwaysTree tree_B, std::vector< std::pair< std::pair, std::pair > > vector_pair_edges_A_to_B, unsigned int Q, unsigned int F) { std::cout << "printCommonTreeBetweenTwoTrees, edges:" << vector_pair_edges_A_to_B.size() << std::endl; // Vtk points, cell array, and colors vtkSmartPointer points_common = vtkSmartPointer::New(); vtkSmartPointer lines_common = vtkSmartPointer::New(); vtkSmartPointer colors_common = vtkSmartPointer::New(); colors_common->SetNumberOfComponents(3); colors_common->SetName("Colors"); // Add all the points // 0 - 1000 points for tree A and from 1001 for tree B points_common->SetNumberOfPoints(1000 + tree_B.GetWeight() + 100); // Add points for tree A vec_nodes vector_nodesA = tree_A.GetNodes(); for(vec_nodes::iterator it_nodesA = vector_nodesA.begin(); it_nodesA != vector_nodesA.end(); ++it_nodesA) { points_common->SetPoint((*it_nodesA)->GetId(),(*it_nodesA)->GetCoords().GetVec3()); } // Add points for tree B vec_nodes vector_nodesB = tree_B.GetNodes(); for(vec_nodes::iterator it_nodesB = vector_nodesB.begin(); it_nodesB != vector_nodesB.end(); ++it_nodesB) { points_common->SetPoint((*it_nodesB)->GetId()+1000,(*it_nodesB)->GetCoords().GetVec3()); } // Add the edges for both trees std::vector< std::pair< std::pair, std::pair > >::iterator it_edges = vector_pair_edges_A_to_B.begin(); int number_pairs = 0; for(; it_edges != vector_pair_edges_A_to_B.end(); ++it_edges) { std::cout << "Pair:" << number_pairs << std::endl; std::pair edge_A = (*it_edges).first; std::pair edge_B = (*it_edges).second; vec_nodes path_A; edge_A.first->GetPathToNode(edge_A.second, path_A); vec_nodes path_B; edge_B.first->GetPathToNode(edge_B.second, path_B); // Set color to be used int numColor = number_pairs % 6; unsigned char color[3]; color[0] = green[0]; color[1] = green[1]; color[2] = green[2]; if(numColor == 1) { color[0] = red[0]; color[1] = red[1]; color[2] = red[2]; } else if(numColor == 2) { color[0] = blue[0]; color[1] = blue[1]; color[2] = blue[2]; } else if(numColor == 3) { color[0] = yellow[0]; color[1] = yellow[1]; color[2] = yellow[2]; } else if(numColor == 4) { color[0] = purple[0]; color[1] = purple[1]; color[2] = purple[2]; } else if(numColor == 5) { color[0] = cyan[0]; color[1] = cyan[1]; color[2] = cyan[2]; } number_pairs++; // Trace line A //if(path_A.size() > 0 && number_pairs < 50) if( path_A.size() ) { vtkSmartPointer line = vtkSmartPointer::New(); lines_common->InsertNextCell(path_A.size()); int id_point = 0; for(vec_nodes::iterator it_pathA = path_A.begin(); it_pathA != path_A.end(); ++it_pathA) { lines_common->InsertCellPoint((*it_pathA)->GetId()); //line->GetPointIds()->SetId( id_point, (*it_pathA)->GetId() ); //id_point++; } //lines_common->InsertNextCell(line); colors_common->InsertNextTupleValue(color); } else { std::cout << "No path A" << std::endl; } // Trace line B //if(path_B.size() > 0 && number_pairs < 50) if( path_B.size() ) { vtkSmartPointer line = vtkSmartPointer::New(); lines_common->InsertNextCell(path_B.size()); int id_point = 0; for(vec_nodes::iterator it_pathB = path_B.begin(); it_pathB != path_B.end(); ++it_pathB) { lines_common->InsertCellPoint((*it_pathB)->GetId()+1000); //line->GetPointIds()->SetId( id_point, (*it_pathB)->GetId()+1000 ); id_point++; } //lines_common->InsertNextCell(line); colors_common->InsertNextTupleValue(color); } else { std::cout << "No path B" << std::endl; } } // Save the polydata // Create the polydata vtkSmartPointer linesPolyData = vtkSmartPointer::New(); // Set the points, lines, and colors linesPolyData->SetPoints(points_common); linesPolyData->SetLines(lines_common); linesPolyData->GetCellData()->SetScalars(colors_common); // ------------------------------------------------ // Write the vtk file // Create the pathfile to save std::stringstream filepath_actualIteration; filepath_actualIteration << tree_A.GetResultPath() << "/" << tree_A.GetImageName() << "_" << tree_B.GetImageName() << "_Q_" << Q << "_F_" << F << ".vtk"; std::cout << "File to save:" << filepath_actualIteration.str() << std::endl; // Create the writer vtkSmartPointer writer = vtkSmartPointer::New(); writer->SetFileName(filepath_actualIteration.str().c_str()); // Set input and write #if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5 writer->SetInput(linesPolyData); #else writer->SetInputData(linesPolyData); #endif writer->Write(); // *************************************** // Save the links in a file // ******* // Create the outputfile std::stringstream filepath_evaluation; filepath_evaluation << tree_A.GetResultPath() << "/" << tree_A.GetImageName() << "_" << tree_B.GetImageName() << "_Q_" << Q << "_F_" << F << ".csv"; std::ofstream file(filepath_evaluation.str().c_str()); if(file.is_open()) { // Save the header //file << "Node_" << tree_A.GetImageName() << " " << "Node_" << tree_B.GetImageName()<< "\n"; file << "TreeName " "idLocalN1 idLocalN2 " "Node1x Node1y Node1z " "Node2x Node2y Node2z " "idGlobalN1 " "idMatch" << std::endl; std::vector< std::pair< std::pair, std::pair > >::iterator it_edges = vector_pair_edges_A_to_B.begin(); for(; it_edges != vector_pair_edges_A_to_B.end(); ++it_edges) { std::pair edge_A = (*it_edges).first; std::pair edge_B = (*it_edges).second; //file << edge_A.second->GetId() << " " << edge_B.second->GetId()+1000 << "\n"; Vec3 coord_EndNodeA = edge_A.second->GetCoords(); Vec3 coord_EndNodeB = edge_B.second->GetCoords(); file << tree_A.GetImageName() << " " << edge_A.second->GetId() << " " << edge_B.second->GetId()+1000 << " " << coord_EndNodeA[0] << " " << coord_EndNodeA[1] << " " << coord_EndNodeA[2] << " " << coord_EndNodeB[0] << " " << coord_EndNodeB[1] << " " << coord_EndNodeB[2] << " " << tree_A.GetImageName() << coord_EndNodeA[0] << coord_EndNodeA[1] << coord_EndNodeA[2] << " " << tree_B.GetImageName() << coord_EndNodeB[0] << coord_EndNodeB[1] << coord_EndNodeB[2] <<"\n"; file << tree_B.GetImageName() << " " << edge_B.second->GetId()+1000 << " " << edge_A.second->GetId() << " " << coord_EndNodeB[0] << " " << coord_EndNodeB[1] << " " << coord_EndNodeB[2] << " " << coord_EndNodeA[0] << " " << coord_EndNodeA[1] << " " << coord_EndNodeA[2] << " " << tree_B.GetImageName() << coord_EndNodeB[0] << coord_EndNodeB[1] << coord_EndNodeB[2] << " " << tree_A.GetImageName() << coord_EndNodeA[0] << coord_EndNodeA[1] << coord_EndNodeA[2] << "\n"; } } file.close(); // ******* // *************************************** std::cout << "printCommonTreeBetweenTwoTrees ... OK" << std::endl; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void printMatchingResultToFile(AirwaysTree tree_A, AirwaysTree tree_B, std::map< unsigned int, std::vector > map_A_to_B, std::map< unsigned int, std::vector > map_B_to_A, unsigned int Q, unsigned int F) { std::cout << "Printing matching result ... " << std::endl; // Variables and types typedef std::map< unsigned int, vec_nodes > map_id_node; // Create the outputfile std::stringstream filepath_evaluation; filepath_evaluation << tree_A.GetResultPath() << "/" << tree_A.GetImageName() << "_" << tree_B.GetImageName() << "_Q_" << Q << "_F_" << F << "_matching.csv"; std::ofstream file(filepath_evaluation.str().c_str()); if(file.is_open()) { // Save the header file << "TreeName idLocalN1 idLocalN2 " "Node1x Node1y Node1z " "Node2x Node2y Node2z " "idGlobalN1 " "idMatch " "typeMatch_match_1_nonmatch_0 " "depth " "leaf"<< std::endl; // --------------- // From A to B // Save the match or non-match for each node from A to B for(int id_a=1; id_a <= tree_A.GetWeight( ); ++id_a) { // Get the actual node in tree A Node* node_a = tree_A.GetNodeById( id_a ); Vec3 coords_a = node_a->GetCoords(); unsigned int depth_a = tree_A.GetDepthById(id_a); bool leaf_a = node_a->IsLeaf(); // Check if the node was matched map_id_node::iterator it_a2b = map_A_to_B.find( id_a ); if( it_a2b != map_A_to_B.end( ) ) { // Get the correspoding matching nodes and print them vec_nodes nodes_B = (*it_a2b).second; vec_nodes::iterator it_nodes_b = nodes_B.begin( ); for( ; it_nodes_b != nodes_B.end( ); ++it_nodes_b) { Vec3 coords_b = (*it_nodes_b)->GetCoords(); file << tree_A.GetImageName() << " " << id_a << " " << (*it_nodes_b)->GetId()+1000 << " " << coords_a[0] << " " << coords_a[1] << " " << coords_a[2] << " " << coords_b[0] << " " << coords_b[1] << " " << coords_b[2] << " " << tree_A.GetImageName() << coords_a[0] << coords_a[1] << coords_a[2] << " " << tree_A.GetImageName() << coords_a[0] << coords_a[1] << coords_a[2] << coords_b[0] << coords_b[1] << coords_b[2] << " " << "1" << " " << depth_a << " " << leaf_a << "\n"; } } else { file << tree_A.GetImageName() << " " << id_a << " " << "0" << " " << coords_a[0] << " " << coords_a[1] << " " << coords_a[2] << " " << "0" << " " << "0" << " " << "0" << " " << tree_A.GetImageName() << coords_a[0] << coords_a[1] << coords_a[2] << " " << tree_A.GetImageName() << coords_a[0] << coords_a[1] << coords_a[2] << "0" << "0" << "0" << " " << "0" << " " << depth_a << " " << leaf_a << "\n"; } } // --------------- // From B to A // Save the match or non-match for each node from A to B for(int id_b=1; id_b <= tree_B.GetWeight( ); ++id_b) { // Get the actual node in tree B Node* node_b = tree_B.GetNodeById( id_b ); Vec3 coords_b = node_b->GetCoords(); unsigned int depth_b = tree_B.GetDepthById(id_b); bool leaf_b = node_b->IsLeaf(); // Check if the node was matched map_id_node::iterator it_b2a = map_B_to_A.find( id_b ); if( it_b2a != map_B_to_A.end( ) ) { // Get the correspoding matching nodes and print them vec_nodes nodes_A = (*it_b2a).second; vec_nodes::iterator it_nodes_a = nodes_A.begin( ); for( ; it_nodes_a != nodes_A.end( ); ++it_nodes_a) { Vec3 coords_a = (*it_nodes_a)->GetCoords(); file << tree_B.GetImageName() << " " << id_b+1000 << " " << (*it_nodes_a)->GetId() << " " << coords_b[0] << " " << coords_b[1] << " " << coords_b[2] << " " << coords_a[0] << " " << coords_a[1] << " " << coords_a[2] << " " << tree_B.GetImageName() << coords_b[0] << coords_b[1] << coords_b[2] << " " << tree_B.GetImageName() << coords_b[0] << coords_b[1] << coords_b[2] << coords_a[0] << coords_a[1] << coords_a[2] << " " << "1" << " " << depth_b << " " << leaf_b << "\n"; } } else { file << tree_B.GetImageName() << " " << id_b+1000 << " " << "0" << " " << coords_b[0] << " " << coords_b[1] << " " << coords_b[2] << " " << "0" << " " << "0" << " " << "0" << " " << tree_B.GetImageName() << coords_b[0] << coords_b[1] << coords_b[2] << " " << tree_B.GetImageName() << coords_b[0] << coords_b[1] << coords_b[2] << "0" << "0" << "0" << " " << "0" << " " << depth_b << " " << leaf_b << "\n"; }//esle }//rof }//fi file.close(); // Close the file std::cout << "Printing matching result DONE" << std::endl; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void createLinesAndPointsForVTK(const Node* node, vtkSmartPointer& pts,vtkSmartPointer& lines, vtkSmartPointer& colors, bool common, bool isRoot) { // Insert the actual point/node //vtkIdType id_father = idNonRoot; //if(isRoot) //id_father = pts->InsertNextPoint(node->GetCoords().GetVec3()); vtkIdType id_father = node->GetId(); if(isRoot) pts->SetPoint(id_father,node->GetCoords().GetVec3()); // Iterate over the children const vec_nodes children = node->GetChildren(); for (vec_nodes::const_iterator it_child = children.begin(); it_child != children.end(); ++it_child) { if (!(*it_child)->IsMarked() && common) continue; //vtkIdType id_son = pts->InsertNextPoint((*it_child)->GetCoords().GetVec3()); vtkIdType id_son = (*it_child)->GetId(); pts->SetPoint(id_son,(*it_child)->GetCoords().GetVec3()); // Set color to be used int numColor = (*it_child)->GetLevel() % 4; if(numColor == 0) colors->InsertNextTupleValue(green); else if(numColor == 1) colors->InsertNextTupleValue(red); else if(numColor == 2) colors->InsertNextTupleValue(red); else colors->InsertNextTupleValue(red); // Add the line vtkSmartPointer line = vtkSmartPointer::New(); line->GetPointIds()->SetId(0, id_father); line->GetPointIds()->SetId(1, id_son); lines->InsertNextCell(line); createLinesAndPointsForVTK(*it_child, pts, lines, colors, common, false); } //for } // eof - $RCSfile$