MESSAGE(STATUS "") MESSAGE(STATUS "=======================================") MESSAGE(STATUS "Configuring user documentation ") SET(ARTICLE_LINKS "

Conference Articles

") #The name of the conference should be the same name as the folder where the *.tex file is located SET(CONFERENCE_NAME "TemplateIEEE") #Filename of the *.tex file without extension, the *.bib file must be named the same SET(ARTICLE_NAME "bare_conf") USER_BUILD_LATEX_DOC("1" ${CONFERENCE_NAME} ${ARTICLE_NAME}) #SET(ARTICLE_LINKS "

Journal Articles

") #The name of the conference should be the same name as the folder where the *.tex file is located #SET(CONFERENCE_NAME "TemplateIEEE") #Filename of the *.tex file without extension, the *.bib file must be named the same #SET(ARTICLE_NAME "bare_conf") #USER_BUILD_LATEX_DOC("1" ${CONFERENCE_NAME} ${ARTICLE_NAME}) #SET(ARTICLE_LINKS "


") #The name of the conference should be the same name as the folder where the *.tex file is located #SET(CONFERENCE_NAME "POSTERCONF") #Filename of the *.tex file without extension, the *.bib file must be named the same #SET(ARTICLE_NAME "MYPOSTER") CONFIGURE_FILE( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/../UserDoxygen/UserDocumentationLinks.txt ) MESSAGE(STATUS "=======================================")