#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "fpa_Utility.h" // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- const unsigned int Dim = 2; typedef unsigned char TPixel; typedef float TScalar; typedef itk::Image< TPixel, Dim > TImage; typedef itk::Image< TScalar, Dim > TScalarImage; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) { if( argc < 7 ) { std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[ 0 ] << std::endl << "\tinput_image" << std::endl << "\toutput_labels" << std::endl << "\toutput_minimum_spanning_tree" << std::endl << "\toutput_endpoints" << std::endl << "\toutput_bifurcations" << std::endl << "\toutput_branches" << std::endl << std::endl; return( 1 ); } // fi std::string input_image_fn = argv[ 1 ]; std::string output_labels_fn = argv[ 2 ]; std::string output_minimum_spanning_tree_fn = argv[ 3 ]; std::string output_endpoints_fn = argv[ 4 ]; std::string output_bifurcations_fn = argv[ 5 ]; std::string output_branches_fn = argv[ 6 ]; // Read image TImage::Pointer input_image; std::string err = fpa_Utility::ReadImage( input_image, input_image_fn ); if( err != "" ) { std::cerr << err << std::endl; return( 1 ); } // fi // Show image and wait for, at least, one seed itk::ImageToVTKImageFilter< TImage >::Pointer vtk_input_image = itk::ImageToVTKImageFilter< TImage >::New( ); vtk_input_image->SetInput( input_image ); vtk_input_image->Update( ); fpa_Utility::Viewer2DWithSeeds viewer; viewer.SetImage( vtk_input_image->GetOutput( ) ); while( viewer.GetNumberOfSeeds( ) == 0 ) viewer.Start( ); // Compute squared distance map itk::SignedMaurerDistanceMapImageFilter< TImage, TScalarImage >::Pointer dmap = itk::SignedMaurerDistanceMapImageFilter< TImage, TScalarImage >::New( ); dmap->SetInput( input_image ); dmap->SetBackgroundValue( TPixel( 0 ) ); dmap->InsideIsPositiveOn( ); dmap->SquaredDistanceOn( ); dmap->UseImageSpacingOn( ); std::time_t start, end; std::time( &start ); dmap->Update( ); std::time( &end ); std::cout << "Distance map time = " << std::difftime( end, start ) << "s." << std::endl; // Prepare cost conversion function typedef fpa::Base::Functors::InvertCostFunction< TScalar > TCostFunction; TCostFunction::Pointer cost_f = TCostFunction::New( ); // Prepare Dijkstra filter typedef fpa::Image:: DijkstraWithEndPointDetection< TScalarImage, TScalarImage > TFilter; TFilter::Pointer filter = TFilter::New( ); filter->SetInput( dmap->GetOutput( ) ); filter->SetConversionFunction( cost_f ); filter->SetNeighborhoodOrder( 2 ); filter->StopAtOneFrontOff( ); // Associate seed TImage::PointType pnt; TImage::IndexType idx; viewer.GetSeed( pnt, 0 ); if( input_image->TransformPhysicalPointToIndex( pnt, idx ) ) filter->AddSeed( idx, 0 ); // Prepare graphical debugger typedef fpa::VTK::Image2DObserver< TFilter, vtkRenderWindow > TDebugger; TDebugger::Pointer debugger = TDebugger::New( ); debugger->SetRenderWindow( viewer.Window ); debugger->SetRenderPercentage( 0.01 ); filter->AddObserver( itk::AnyEvent( ), debugger ); filter->ThrowEventsOn( ); // Go! std::time( &start ); filter->Update( ); std::time( &end ); std::cout << "Extraction time = " << std::difftime( end, start ) << "s." << std::endl; // Create new actors typedef vtkSmartPointer< fpa::VTK::UniqueVerticesToPolyDataFilter< TFilter::TUniqueVertices, TFilter::TInputImage > > TVertices2PD; TVertices2PD endpoints2pd = TVertices2PD::New( ); endpoints2pd->SetInput( filter->GetEndPoints( ) ); endpoints2pd->SetImage( filter->GetInput( ) ); endpoints2pd->Update( ); vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyDataMapper > endpoints_mapper = vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyDataMapper >::New( ); endpoints_mapper->SetInputConnection( endpoints2pd->GetOutputPort( ) ); vtkSmartPointer< vtkActor > endpoints_actor = vtkSmartPointer< vtkActor >::New( ); endpoints_actor->SetMapper( endpoints_mapper ); endpoints_actor->GetProperty( )->SetColor( 0, 1, 0 ); endpoints_actor->GetProperty( )->SetPointSize( 5 ); viewer.Renderer->AddActor( endpoints_actor ); TVertices2PD bifurcations2pd = TVertices2PD::New( ); bifurcations2pd->SetInput( filter->GetBifurcations( ) ); bifurcations2pd->SetImage( filter->GetInput( ) ); bifurcations2pd->Update( ); vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyDataMapper > bifurcations_mapper = vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyDataMapper >::New( ); bifurcations_mapper->SetInputConnection( bifurcations2pd->GetOutputPort( ) ); vtkSmartPointer< vtkActor > bifurcations_actor = vtkSmartPointer< vtkActor >::New( ); bifurcations_actor->SetMapper( bifurcations_mapper ); bifurcations_actor->GetProperty( )->SetColor( 1, 0, 0 ); bifurcations_actor->GetProperty( )->SetPointSize( 5 ); viewer.Renderer->AddActor( bifurcations_actor ); // Some more interaction and finish viewer.Render( ); viewer.Start( ); // Save results err = fpa_Utility::SaveImage( filter->GetLabelImage( ), output_labels_fn ); if( err != "" ) std::cerr << err << std::endl; fpa::IO::MinimumSpanningTreeWriter< TFilter::TMinimumSpanningTree >::Pointer mst_writer = fpa::IO::MinimumSpanningTreeWriter< TFilter::TMinimumSpanningTree >::New( ); mst_writer->SetInput( filter->GetMinimumSpanningTree( ) ); mst_writer->SetFileName( output_minimum_spanning_tree_fn ); mst_writer->Update( ); fpa::IO::UniqueValuesContainerWriter< TFilter::TUniqueVertices >::Pointer endpoints_writer = fpa::IO::UniqueValuesContainerWriter< TFilter::TUniqueVertices >::New( ); endpoints_writer->SetInput( filter->GetEndPoints( ) ); endpoints_writer->SetFileName( output_endpoints_fn ); endpoints_writer->Update( ); fpa::IO::UniqueValuesContainerWriter< TFilter::TUniqueVertices >::Pointer bifurcations_writer = fpa::IO::UniqueValuesContainerWriter< TFilter::TUniqueVertices >::New( ); bifurcations_writer->SetInput( filter->GetBifurcations( ) ); bifurcations_writer->SetFileName( output_bifurcations_fn ); bifurcations_writer->Update( ); fpa::IO::MatrixValuesContainerWriter< TFilter::TBranches >::Pointer branches_writer = fpa::IO::MatrixValuesContainerWriter< TFilter::TBranches >::New( ); branches_writer->SetInput( filter->GetBranches( ) ); branches_writer->SetFileName( output_branches_fn ); branches_writer->Update( ); return( 0 ); } // eof - $RCSfile$ /* TODO vtkSmartPointer< vtkPoints > simple_branches_points = vtkSmartPointer< vtkPoints >::New( ); vtkSmartPointer< vtkCellArray > simple_branches_cells = vtkSmartPointer< vtkCellArray >::New( ); vtkSmartPointer< vtkPoints > detailed_branches_points = vtkSmartPointer< vtkPoints >::New( ); vtkSmartPointer< vtkCellArray > detailed_branches_cells = vtkSmartPointer< vtkCellArray >::New( ); vtkSmartPointer< vtkFloatArray > detailed_branches_scalars = vtkSmartPointer< vtkFloatArray >::New( ); TFilter::TBranches::ConstIterator brIt = branches->Begin( ); for( ; brIt != branches->End( ); ++brIt ) { // Branch's first point TImage::PointType first_point; input_image->TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint( brIt->first, first_point ); unsigned long first_id = simple_branches_points->GetNumberOfPoints( ); simple_branches_points->InsertNextPoint( first_point[ 0 ], first_point[ 1 ], first_point[ 2 ] ); TFilter::TBranches::ConstRowIterator brRowIt = branches->Begin( brIt ); for( ; brRowIt != branches->End( brIt ); ++brRowIt ) { // Branch's second point TImage::PointType second_point; input_image-> TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint( brRowIt->first, second_point ); unsigned long second_id = simple_branches_points->GetNumberOfPoints( ); simple_branches_points->InsertNextPoint( second_point[ 0 ], second_point[ 1 ], second_point[ 2 ] ); simple_branches_cells->InsertNextCell( 2 ); simple_branches_cells->InsertCellPoint( first_id ); simple_branches_cells->InsertCellPoint( second_id ); // Detailed path double pathId = double( brRowIt->second - 1 ) / double( nBranches - 1 ); TFilter::TVertices path; mst->GetPath( path, brIt->first, brRowIt->first ); TFilter::TVertices::const_iterator pIt = path.begin( ); for( ; pIt != path.end( ); ++pIt ) { TImage::PointType path_point; input_image->TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint( *pIt, path_point ); detailed_branches_points->InsertNextPoint( path_point[ 0 ], path_point[ 1 ], path_point[ 2 ] ); detailed_branches_scalars->InsertNextTuple1( pathId ); if( pIt != path.begin( ) ) { unsigned long nPoints = detailed_branches_points->GetNumberOfPoints( ); detailed_branches_cells->InsertNextCell( 2 ); detailed_branches_cells->InsertCellPoint( nPoints - 2 ); detailed_branches_cells->InsertCellPoint( nPoints - 1 ); } // fi } // rof } // rof } // rof vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData > simple_branches_polydata = vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData >::New( ); simple_branches_polydata->SetPoints( simple_branches_points ); simple_branches_polydata->SetLines( simple_branches_cells ); view.AddPolyData( simple_branches_polydata, 1, 0, 1, 1 ); vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData > detailed_branches_polydata = vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData >::New( ); detailed_branches_polydata->SetPoints( detailed_branches_points ); detailed_branches_polydata->SetLines( detailed_branches_cells ); detailed_branches_polydata-> GetPointData( )->SetScalars( detailed_branches_scalars ); view.AddPolyData( detailed_branches_polydata, 1 ); // Let some more interaction view.Render( ); view.Start( ); return( 0 ); } */ // eof - $RCSfile$