#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- const unsigned int Dim = 2; typedef unsigned char TPixel; typedef float TScalar; typedef itk::Image< itk::RGBPixel< TPixel >, Dim > TColorImage; typedef itk::Image< TPixel, Dim > TImage; typedef itk::ImageToVTKImageFilter< TColorImage > TVTKImage; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class I, class S > class GaussianFunction : public itk::FunctionBase< typename I::PixelType, bool > { public: // Type-related and pointers typedef GaussianFunction Self; typedef itk::FunctionBase< typename I::PixelType, bool > Superclass; typedef itk::SmartPointer< Self > Pointer; typedef itk::SmartPointer< const Self > ConstPointer; // Superclass' types typedef cpPlugins::Extensions::Algorithms::IterativeGaussianModelEstimator< S, 3 > TEstimator; typedef cpPlugins::Extensions::Algorithms::RGBToYPbPrFunction< S > TYPbPrFunction; public: itkNewMacro( Self ); itkTypeMacro( GaussianFunction, itkFunctionBase ); itkGetConstMacro( ModelSupport, unsigned long ); itkSetMacro( ModelSupport, unsigned long ); public: virtual bool Evaluate( const typename I::PixelType& rgb ) const { /* TODO if( !this->m_Estimating ) { this->m_Estimator->AddSample( this->m_YPbPrFunction( rgb ) ); if( this->m_Estimator->GetNumberOfSamples( ) == this->m_ModelSupport ) { this->m_Estimating = true; this->m_Estimator->UpdateModel( ); std::cout << this->m_Estimator->GetMinimumProbability( ) << std::endl; std::cout << this->m_Estimator->GetMaximumProbability( ) << std::endl; } // fi return( true ); } else { S p = this->m_Estimator->Probability( this->m_YPbPrFunction( rgb ) ); return( p > this->m_Estimator->GetMinimumProbability( ) ); } // fi */ return( true ); } protected: GaussianFunction( ) : Superclass( ), m_ModelSupport( 10 ) { this->m_Estimator = TEstimator::New( ); this->m_Estimator->Clear( ); this->m_Estimating = false; } virtual ~GaussianFunction( ) { } private: // Purposely not implemented GaussianFunction( const Self& ); void operator=( const Self& ); protected: typename TEstimator::Pointer m_Estimator; TYPbPrFunction m_YPbPrFunction; unsigned long m_ModelSupport; mutable bool m_Estimating; }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) { if( argc < 4 ) { std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[ 0 ] << " input_image neighborhood_order support" << std::endl; return( 1 ); } // fi std::string input_image_fn = argv[ 1 ]; unsigned int neighborhood_order = std::atoi( argv[ 2 ] ); unsigned long support = std::atoi( argv[ 3 ] ); // Read image itk::ImageFileReader< TColorImage >::Pointer input_image_reader = itk::ImageFileReader< TColorImage >::New( ); input_image_reader->SetFileName( input_image_fn ); try { input_image_reader->Update( ); } catch( itk::ExceptionObject& err ) { std::cerr << "Error while reading image from " << input_image_fn << ": " << err << std::endl; return( 1 ); } // yrt TColorImage::ConstPointer input_image = input_image_reader->GetOutput( ); TVTKImage::Pointer vtk_input_image = TVTKImage::New( ); vtk_input_image->SetInput( input_image ); vtk_input_image->Update( ); // VTK visualization vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageActor > actor = vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageActor >::New( ); actor->SetInputData( vtk_input_image->GetOutput( ) ); vtkSmartPointer< vtkRenderer > renderer = vtkSmartPointer< vtkRenderer >::New( ); renderer->SetBackground( 0.1, 0.2, 0.7 ); renderer->AddActor( actor ); vtkSmartPointer< vtkRenderWindow > window = vtkSmartPointer< vtkRenderWindow >::New( ); window->SetSize( 800, 800 ); window->AddRenderer( renderer ); // Correct camera due to the loaded image vtkCamera* camera = renderer->GetActiveCamera( ); camera->SetViewUp( 0, -1, 0 ); camera->SetPosition( 0, 0, -1 ); camera->SetFocalPoint( 0, 0, 0 ); // VTK interaction vtkSmartPointer< vtkInteractorStyleImage > imageStyle = vtkSmartPointer< vtkInteractorStyleImage >::New( ); vtkSmartPointer< vtkRenderWindowInteractor > interactor = vtkSmartPointer< vtkRenderWindowInteractor >::New( ); interactor->SetInteractorStyle( imageStyle ); window->SetInteractor( interactor ); // Create the widget and its representation vtkSmartPointer< vtkPointHandleRepresentation3D > handle = vtkSmartPointer< vtkPointHandleRepresentation3D >::New( ); handle->GetProperty( )->SetColor( 1, 0, 0 ); vtkSmartPointer< vtkSeedRepresentation > rep = vtkSmartPointer< vtkSeedRepresentation >::New( ); rep->SetHandleRepresentation( handle ); vtkSmartPointer< vtkSeedWidget > widget = vtkSmartPointer< vtkSeedWidget >::New( ); widget->SetInteractor( interactor ); widget->SetRepresentation( rep ); // Let some interaction interactor->Initialize( ); renderer->ResetCamera( ); window->Render( ); widget->On( ); interactor->Start( ); // Prepare region grow function typedef GaussianFunction< TColorImage, TScalar > TFunction; TFunction::Pointer function = TFunction::New( ); function->SetModelSupport( support ); // Prepare region grow filter typedef fpa::Image::RegionGrow< TColorImage, TImage > TFilter; TFilter::Pointer filter = TFilter::New( ); filter->SetInput( input_image ); filter->SetMembershipFunction( function ); filter->SetNeighborhoodOrder( neighborhood_order ); filter->SetOutsideValue( TPixel( 0 ) ); filter->SetInsideValue( std::numeric_limits< TPixel >::max( ) ); filter->StopAtOneFrontOff( ); // Get user-given seeds for( unsigned int s = 0; s < rep->GetNumberOfSeeds( ); s++ ) { double pos[ 3 ]; rep->GetSeedWorldPosition( s, pos ); TImage::PointType pnt; pnt[ 0 ] = TImage::PointType::ValueType( pos[ 0 ] ); pnt[ 1 ] = TImage::PointType::ValueType( pos[ 1 ] ); TImage::IndexType idx; if( input_image->TransformPhysicalPointToIndex( pnt, idx ) ) filter->AddSeed( idx, 0 ); } // rof // Prepare graphical debugger typedef fpa::VTK::Image2DObserver< TFilter, vtkRenderWindow > TDebugger; TDebugger::Pointer debugger = TDebugger::New( ); debugger->SetRenderWindow( window ); debugger->SetRenderPercentage( 0.001 ); filter->AddObserver( itk::AnyEvent( ), debugger ); filter->ThrowEventsOn( ); // Go! filter->Update( ); return( 0 ); } // eof - $RCSfile$