# ---------------------------------- # - BBTKGEditor v 1.4 BBS BlackBox Script # - /Users/davila/Creatis/C11/creatools_source/creaMiniTools/appli/template_creaPatientsSystem/scripts/00600_PushData.bbs # ---------------------------------- # BBTK GEditor Script # ---------------------- include std include itkvtk include wx include creaVtk include std include creaMiniTools author "Author ??" description "Description ??" category "" new wx:CommandButton Box01 set Box01.Label "7. Push and Exit" new wx:OutputText Box03 set Box03.Title "Core" new creaVtk:OutputWindow Box05 new wx:LayoutCenter Box06 set Box06.WinTitle "With Proxy" new wx:LayoutLine Box07 set Box07.WinDialog "true" set Box07.WinHeight "500" set Box07.WinTitle "00600_PushData.bbs" set Box07.WinWidth "800" new std:ExecSystemCommand Box08 new std:Exit Box09 new std:MagicBox Box11 new wx:LayoutLine Box12 new wx:InputText Box13 set Box13.Title "Proxy User" new wx:InputTextPassword Box14 set Box14.Title "Proxy Passwword" new wx:LayoutTab Box15 new wx:CommandButton Box17 set Box17.Label "7. Push and Exit" new wx:OutputText Box18 new wx:LayoutCenter Box19 new wx:LayoutLine Box26 set Box26.WinTitle "No Proxy" new std:ConcatStrings Box27 set Box27.In1 " set https_proxy=https://" set Box27.In3 ":" set Box27.In5 "@proxy2-hcl.chu-lyon.fr:80" set Box27.In6 "&& " new std:ConcatStrings Box30 set Box30.In1 "export GIRDER_API_KEY=DJn22j9xJUMjcHeWLanPXRrHTqRpXd20UXtKaB9S && " set Box30.In5 " girder-client " set Box30.In7 "--api-url https://myriad.creatis.insa-lyon.fr:443/api/v1 " new std:ConcatStrings Box32 set Box32.In1 " upload " set Box32.In2 "XXXXX" set Box32.In3 " " set Box32.In5 " --reuse " new std:MagicBox Box35 new std:ReplaceString Box36 set Box36.Replace "6187823d34933039d3c8edba" set Box36.Search "Study_B" new std:ReplaceString Box37 set Box37.Replace "618e3d0b34933039d3c8ee34" set Box37.Search "Study_A" new std:ReplaceString Box39 set Box39.Replace "6187824a34933039d3c8edbb" set Box39.Search "Study_C" new std:MagicBox Box40 new std:ReplaceString Box45 set Box45.Replace " " set Box45.Search "/" new std:ReplaceString Box46 set Box46.Replace " " set Box46.Search "\" new std:ConcatStrings Box48 set Box48.In2 "/Step06_PushDB.txt" new std:ConcatStrings Box53 set Box53.In1 "//davila//Test_01//Condition_01" new std:ReplaceString Box54 set Box54.Search "" new std:ReplaceString Box55 set Box55.Search "" new std:ConcatStrings Box56 set Box56.In2 "/results/" new wx:OutputText Box58 set Box58.Title "Patient" new wx:OutputText Box59 set Box59.Title "Core" new wx:OutputText Box60 set Box60.Title "Patient" new std:ReplaceString Box61 set Box61.Search "/" new std:ReplaceString Box62 set Box62.Search "/" new std:MultipleInputs Box63 new std:ConcatStrings Box67 set Box67.In2 "/.tmp/" new std:ExecSystemCommand Box69 new std:Configuration Box74 new std:StringSelect Box76 set Box76.In0 " " new std:MultipleInputs Box77 new std:ReplaceString Box78 set Box78.Replace "00300_Filter" set Box78.Search "" new std:ReplaceString Box79 set Box79.Replace "00100_OriginalImages" set Box79.Search "" new std:ReplaceString Box80 set Box80.Replace "00200_InitialParameters" set Box80.Search "" new std:ConcatStrings Box91 set Box91.In2 "/results/" new std:ConcatStrings Box92 set Box92.In2 "/results/" new std:ConcatStrings Box93 set Box93.In3 "/*" new std:StringSelect Box94 set Box94.In0 "rm -rf " set Box94.In1 "del " set Box94.In2 "rm -rf " new std:ConcatStrings Box95 set Box95.In2 " " new std:ExecSystemCommand Box97 new std:StringSelect Box98 set Box98.In0 "source 00610_CreateTmp.sh" set Box98.In1 "00610_CreateTmp.bat" set Box98.In2 "source 00610_CreateTmp.sh" new std:ConcatStrings Box99 set Box99.In2 " " set Box99.In4 " " set Box99.In6 " " new std:ConcatStrings Box88 new creaMiniTools:WriteStatePatientSystem Box89 set Box89.State "Finish" connect Box12.Widget Box06.Widget2 connect Box15.Widget Box07.Widget1 connect Box18.Widget Box26.Widget1 connect Box14.Out Box27.In4 connect Box13.Out Box27.In2 connect Box30.Out Box08.In connect Box32.Out Box30.In8 connect Box37.Out Box36.In connect Box36.Out Box39.In connect Box46.Out Box45.In connect Box45.Out Box37.In connect Box40.Out Box46.In connect Box40.Out Box54.Replace connect Box53.Out Box54.In connect Box54.Out Box55.In connect Box11.Out Box56.In1 connect Box01.Widget Box12.Widget8 connect Box14.Widget Box12.Widget6 connect Box13.Widget Box12.Widget4 connect Box03.Widget Box12.Widget1 connect Box58.Widget Box12.Widget2 connect Box19.Widget Box26.Widget8 connect Box60.Widget Box26.Widget5 connect Box59.Widget Box26.Widget3 connect Box40.Out Box61.In connect Box61.Out Box03.In connect Box61.Out Box59.In connect Box35.Out Box62.In connect Box62.Out Box60.In connect Box62.Out Box58.In connect Box39.Out Box32.In2 connect Box08.BoxChange Box63.In3 connect Box09.BoxChange Box63.In9 connect Box11.Out Box67.In1 connect Box17.Widget Box19.Widget2 connect Box69.BoxChange Box63.In8 connect Box35.Out Box55.Replace connect Box15.Selection Box76.In connect Box27.Out Box76.In1 connect Box76.Out Box30.In2 connect Box26.Widget Box15.Widget1 connect Box06.Widget Box15.Widget2 connect Box01.BoxChange Box77.In1 connect Box17.BoxChange Box77.In2 connect Box77.BoxChange Box63.BoxExecute connect Box55.Out Box78.In connect Box55.Out Box79.In connect Box55.Out Box80.In connect Box78.Out Box56.In3 connect Box56.Out Box48.In1 connect Box56.Out Box18.In connect Box11.Out Box92.In1 connect Box11.Out Box91.In1 connect Box79.Out Box92.In3 connect Box80.Out Box91.In3 connect Box93.Out Box32.In4 connect Box67.Out Box93.In1 connect Box40.Out Box93.In2 connect Box74.SystemType Box94.In connect Box94.Out Box95.In1 connect Box67.Out Box95.In3 connect Box40.Out Box95.In4 connect Box95.Out Box69.In connect Box97.BoxChange Box63.In2 connect Box74.SystemType Box98.In connect Box98.Out Box99.In1 connect Box11.Out Box99.In3 connect Box40.Out Box99.In5 connect Box35.Out Box99.In7 connect Box99.Out Box97.In connect Box88.Out Box89.User connect Box48.Out Box89.Filename connect Box89.boxChange Box63.In4 # Complex input ports input BaseDir Box11.In " " input CoreID Box40.In " " input PatientID Box35.In " " input creaUser Box88.In1 " " exec Box05 exec Box07