description "Show N Points" author "" category "demo" // To show how easy it is to add smthing // ===================================== load vtk include wxvtk load std load itk include vtk include wx load itkvtk load creaMaracasVisu # Here loads hola.mhd # ------------------------- /* include vtk/boxes/bbLoadHola new LoadHola reader */ # uncomment next lines to have a file selector # --------------------------------------------- /* new FileSelector openFileDialog set openFileDialog.Wildcard "(*.mhd)|*.mhd" new MetaImageReader reader connect openFileDialog.Out reader.In */ # uncomment next lines to use Gimmick # ----------------------------------- load creaImageIO new Gimmick reader new ViewerNV viewer connect reader.Out viewer.In set viewer.nTypeView "5 1 2 0" new ShowNPoints showNpoints connect reader.Out showNpoints.Image connect viewer.Renderer1 showNpoints.Renderer connect viewer.Point showNpoints.In connect viewer.BoxChange showNpoints.BoxExecute set showNpoints.Radio 10 new LayoutSplit main set main.Orientation H connect showNpoints.Widget main.Widget1 connect viewer.Widget main.Widget2 exec main