/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/Public/Gdcm/License.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef CLITKCOMMON_CXX #define CLITKCOMMON_CXX /** ------------------------------------------------- * @file clitkCommon.cxx * @author David Sarrut * @date 17 May 2006 07:59:06 * * @brief * * -------------------------------------------------*/ #include "clitkCommon.h" #include //------------------------------------------------------------------ // skip line which begin with a sharp '#' void clitk::skipComment(std::istream & is) { char c; char line[1024]; if (is.eof()) return; is >> c ; while (is && (c == '#')) { is.getline (line, 1024); is >> c; if (is.eof()) return; } is.unget(); } //// //------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------ // linear (rough) conversion from Hounsfield Unit to density double clitk::HU2density(double HU) { return (HU+1000.0)/1000.0; } //// //------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Return filename extension std::string clitk::GetExtension(const std::string& filename) { // This assumes that the final '.' in a file name is the delimiter // for the file's extension type const std::string::size_type it = filename.find_last_of( "." ); // This determines the file's type by creating a new string // who's value is the extension of the input filename // eg. "myimage.gif" has an extension of "gif" std::string fileExt( filename, it+1, filename.length() ); return( fileExt ); } //// //------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Display progression void clitk::VerboseInProgress(const int nb, const int current, const int percentage) { int stage = current; int number_of_stages = nb; static int exp = -1; int prec = 4; int p = (int)(stage*pow(10.0,prec)*1./number_of_stages); if (p==exp) return; exp = p; float s = p * 100. / pow(10.0,prec); char fmt[128]; sprintf(fmt,"%%%i.%if%%%%",prec<4?prec:prec+1,prec>3?prec-3:0); char ch[128]; snprintf(ch,2,fmt,s); //sxsVSCU_MESSAGE(2,ch); std::cout << ch << std::flush; for (int i=0;i<(prec>3?prec+2:prec+1);++i) std::cout << "\b" << std::flush;//sxsVSCU_MESSAGE(2,"\b"); /* if ((current % (nb/percentage)) == 0) { std::cout.width(15); std::cout << "\r" << current << "/" << nb << std::flush; } */ } //------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Display progression void clitk::VerboseInProgressInPercentage(const int nb, const int current, const int percentage) { int stage = current; int number_of_stages = nb; static int exp = -1; int prec = 4; int p = (int)(stage*pow(10.0,prec)*1./number_of_stages); if (p==exp) return; exp = p; float s = p * 100. / pow(10.0,prec); char fmt[128]; sprintf(fmt,"%%%i.%if%%%%",prec<4?prec:prec+1,prec>3?prec-3:0); char ch[128]; snprintf(ch,2,fmt,s); //sxsVSCU_MESSAGE(2,ch); std::cout << ch << std::flush; for (int i=0;i<(prec>3?prec+2:prec+1);++i) std::cout << "\b" << std::flush;//sxsVSCU_MESSAGE(2,"\b"); /* if (nb/percentage != 0) { if ((current % (nb/percentage)) == 0) { std::cout.width(2); std::cout << "\r" << (nb/current)*100 << "/100% " << std::flush; } } */ } //------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Convert a pixel type to another (downcast) template<> float clitk::PixelTypeDownCast(const double & x) { return (float)x; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------ double clitk::rad2deg(const double anglerad) { return (anglerad/M_PI*180.0); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------ double clitk::deg2rad(const double angledeg) { return (angledeg*(M_PI/180.0)); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------ int clitk::GetTypeSizeFromString(const std::string & type) { #define RETURN_SIZEOF_PIXEL(TYPENAME, TYPE) \ if (type == #TYPENAME) return sizeof(TYPE); RETURN_SIZEOF_PIXEL(char, char); RETURN_SIZEOF_PIXEL(uchar, uchar); RETURN_SIZEOF_PIXEL(unsigned char, uchar); RETURN_SIZEOF_PIXEL(unsigned_char, uchar); RETURN_SIZEOF_PIXEL(short, short); RETURN_SIZEOF_PIXEL(ushort, ushort); RETURN_SIZEOF_PIXEL(unsigned_short, ushort); RETURN_SIZEOF_PIXEL(int, int); RETURN_SIZEOF_PIXEL(uint, uint); RETURN_SIZEOF_PIXEL(unsigned_int, uint); RETURN_SIZEOF_PIXEL(float, float); RETURN_SIZEOF_PIXEL(double, double); return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------ template<> bool clitk::IsSameType(std::string t) { if ((t==GetTypeAsString()) || (t == "schar")) return true; else return false; } template<> bool clitk::IsSameType(std::string t) { if ((t==GetTypeAsString()) || (t == "char")) return true; else return false; } template<> bool clitk::IsSameType(std::string t) { if ((t==GetTypeAsString()) || (t == "uchar")) return true; else return false; } template<> bool clitk::IsSameType(std::string t) { if ((t==GetTypeAsString()) || (t == "ushort")) return true; else return false; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------ void clitk::FindAndReplace(std::string & line, const std::string & tofind, const std::string & replacement) { int pos = line.find(tofind); while (pos!= (int)std::string::npos) { line.replace(pos, tofind.size(), replacement); pos = line.find(tofind, pos+tofind.size()+1); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------ void clitk::FindAndReplace(std::string & line, const std::vector & tofind, const std::vector & toreplace) { for(unsigned int i=0; i & tofind, const std::vector & toreplace, std::ofstream & out) { std::string line; if (tofind.size() != toreplace.size()) { std::cerr << "Error' tofind' is size=" << tofind.size() << std::endl; std::cerr << "... while 'toreplace' is size=" << toreplace.size() << std::endl; exit(0); } while (std::getline(in,line)) { FindAndReplace(line, tofind, toreplace); out << line << std::endl; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------ double clitk::ComputeEuclideanDistanceFromPointToPlane(const itk::ContinuousIndex point, const itk::ContinuousIndex pointInPlane, const itk::ContinuousIndex normalPlane) { // http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Plane.html // http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Point-PlaneDistance.html double a = normalPlane[0]; double b = normalPlane[1]; double c = normalPlane[2]; double x0 = pointInPlane[0]; double y0 = pointInPlane[1]; double z0 = pointInPlane[2]; double x = point[0]; double y = point[1]; double z = point[2]; double norm = sqrt(x0*x0 + y0*y0 + z0*z0); DD(norm); double d = -a*x0 - b*y0 - c*z0; DD(d); double distance = (a*x + b*y + c*z + d) / norm; return distance; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Open a file for reading void clitk::openFileForReading(std::ifstream & is, const std::string & filename) { is.open(filename.c_str(), std::ios::in); if ( is.fail() ) { itkGenericExceptionMacro(<< "Could not open file (for reading): " << filename); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Open a file for writing void clitk::openFileForWriting(std::ofstream & os, const std::string & filename) { os.open(filename.c_str(), std::ios::out); if ( os.fail() ) { itkGenericExceptionMacro(<< "Could not open file (for writing): " << filename); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- double clitk::cotan(double i) { return(1.0 / tan(i)); } double clitk::invcotan(double x) { // http://mathworld.wolfram.com/InverseCotangent.html double y; if (x<0) { y = -0.5*M_PI-atan(x); } else { y = 0.5*M_PI-atan(x); } return y; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- std::streambuf * clitk_stdcerr_backup; void clitk::disableStdCerr() { clitk_stdcerr_backup = std::cerr.rdbuf(); std::stringstream oss; std::cerr.rdbuf( oss.rdbuf() ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void clitk::enableStdCerr() { std::cerr.rdbuf(clitk_stdcerr_backup); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- #endif /* end #define CLITKCOMMON_CXX */