/*========================================================================= Program: vv http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/rio/vv Main authors : XX XX XX Authors belongs to: - University of LYON http://www.universite-lyon.fr/ - Léon Bérard cancer center http://www.centreleonberard.fr - CREATIS CNRS laboratory http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the copyright notices for more information. It is distributed under dual licence - BSD http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php - CeCILL-B http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html =========================================================================*/ #include "clitkDicomRT_StructureSet.h" #include #include "gdcmFile.h" //-------------------------------------------------------------------- clitk::DicomRT_StructureSet::DicomRT_StructureSet() { mStudyID = "NoStudyID"; mStudyTime = "NoStudyTime"; mStudyDate = "NoStudyDate"; mLabel = "NoLabel"; mName = "NoName"; mDate = "NoDate"; mTime = "NoTime"; mFile = NULL; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- clitk::DicomRT_StructureSet::~DicomRT_StructureSet() { } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- const std::string & clitk::DicomRT_StructureSet::GetStudyID() const { return mStudyID; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- const std::string & clitk::DicomRT_StructureSet::GetStudyTime() const { return mStudyTime; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- const std::string & clitk::DicomRT_StructureSet::GetStudyDate() const { return mStudyDate; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- const std::string & clitk::DicomRT_StructureSet::GetLabel() const { return mLabel; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- const std::string & clitk::DicomRT_StructureSet::GetName() const { return mName; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- const std::string & clitk::DicomRT_StructureSet::GetDate() const { return mDate; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- const std::string & clitk::DicomRT_StructureSet::GetTime() const { return mTime; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // const std::vector & clitk::DicomRT_StructureSet::GetListOfROI() const // { // return mListOfROI; // } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- clitk::DicomRT_ROI* clitk::DicomRT_StructureSet::GetROIFromROINumber(int n) { if (mROIs.find(n) == mROIs.end()) { std::cerr << "No ROI number " << n << std::endl; return NULL; } return mROIs[n]; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- clitk::DicomRT_ROI* clitk::DicomRT_StructureSet::GetROIFromROIName(const std::string& name) { std::map::iterator it = mMapOfROIName.begin(); int number = -1; while (it != mMapOfROIName.end() && number == -1) { if (it->second == name) number = it->first; else it++; } if (number == -1) { std::cerr << "No ROI name " << name << std::endl; return NULL; } return mROIs[number]; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- /* // RP: 08/02/2013 // RegEx version shall be available when C++x11 supports it propely // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- clitk::DicomRT_ROI* clitk::DicomRT_StructureSet::GetROIFromROINameRegEx(const std::string& regEx) { std::map::iterator it = mMapOfROIName.begin(); int number = -1; while (it != mMapOfROIName.end() && number == -1) { if (std::tr1::regex_match (it->second, std::tr1::regex(regEx))) number = it->first; else it++; } if (number == -1) { std::cerr << "No ROI name " << number << std::endl; return NULL; } return mROIs[number]; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------- clitk::DicomRT_ROI* clitk::DicomRT_StructureSet::GetROIFromROINameSubstr(const std::string& s) { std::map::iterator it = mMapOfROIName.begin(); int number = -1; while (it != mMapOfROIName.end() && number == -1) { if (it->second.find(s) != std::string::npos) number = it->first; else it++; } if (number == -1) { std::cerr << "No ROI name " << s << std::endl; return NULL; } return mROIs[number]; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- clitk::DicomRT_StructureSet::ROIMapContainer * clitk::DicomRT_StructureSet::GetROIsFromROINameSubstr(const std::string& s) { static ROIMapContainer rois; rois.clear(); ROIMapContainer::iterator it = mROIs.begin(); int number = -1; while (it != mROIs.end()) { if (it->second->GetName().find(s) != std::string::npos) { number = it->first; rois[number] = it->second; } it++; } if (number == -1) { std::cerr << "No ROI name " << s << std::endl; return NULL; } return &rois; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void clitk::DicomRT_StructureSet::Print(std::ostream & os) const { os << "Study ID = " << mStudyID << std::endl << "Study Date = " << mStudyDate << std::endl << "Study Time = " << mStudyTime << std::endl << "Struct Label = " << mLabel << std::endl << "Struct Name = " << mName << std::endl << "Struct Time = " << mTime << std::endl << "Number of ROI = " << mROIs.size() << std::endl; for(ROIConstIteratorType iter = mROIs.begin(); iter != mROIs.end(); iter++) { iter->second->Print(os); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- #if GDCM_MAJOR_VERSION == 2 //-------------------------------------------------------------------- int clitk::DicomRT_StructureSet::ReadROINumber(const gdcm::Item & item) { // 0x3006,0x0022 = [ROI Number] const gdcm::DataSet & nestedds = item.GetNestedDataSet(); gdcm::Attribute<0x3006,0x0022> roinumber; roinumber.SetFromDataSet( nestedds ); return roinumber.GetValue(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- #endif //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void clitk::DicomRT_StructureSet::Write(const std::string & filename) { #if GDCM_MAJOR_VERSION == 2 // Assert that the gdcm file is still open (we can write only if it was readed) if (mFile == NULL) { //assert(mFile != NULL); FATAL("Sorry, I can write DICOM only if it was read first from a file with 'Read' function"); } // Loop and update each ROI int i=0; for(ROIIteratorType iter = mROIs.begin(); iter != mROIs.end(); iter++) { iter->second->UpdateDicomItem(); i++; } // Write [ Structure Set ROI Sequence ] = 0x3006,0x0020 gdcm::DataSet & ds = mFile->GetDataSet(); gdcm::Tag tssroisq(0x3006,0x0020); const gdcm::DataElement &ssroisq = ds.GetDataElement( tssroisq ); gdcm::DataElement de(ssroisq); de.SetValue(*mROIInfoSequenceOfItems); ds.Replace(de); // Write [ ROI Contour Sequence ] = 0x3006,0x0039 DD("ici"); gdcm::Tag troicsq(0x3006,0x0039); const gdcm::DataElement &roicsq = ds.GetDataElement( troicsq ); gdcm::DataElement de2(roicsq); de2.SetValue(*mROIContoursSequenceOfItems); ds.Replace(de2); //DEBUG gdcm::DataSet & a = mROIContoursSequenceOfItems->GetItem(1).GetNestedDataSet(); gdcm::Tag tcsq(0x3006,0x0040); const gdcm::DataElement& csq = a.GetDataElement( tcsq ); gdcm::SmartPointer sqi2 = csq.GetValueAsSQ(); gdcm::Item & j = sqi2->GetItem(1); gdcm::DataSet & b = j.GetNestedDataSet(); gdcm::Attribute<0x3006,0x0050> at; gdcm::Tag tcontourdata(0x3006,0x0050); gdcm::DataElement contourdata = b.GetDataElement( tcontourdata ); at.SetFromDataElement( contourdata ); const double* points = at.GetValues(); DD(points[0]); // Write dicom gdcm::Writer writer; //writer.CheckFileMetaInformationOff(); writer.SetFileName(filename.c_str()); writer.SetFile(*mFile); DD("before write"); writer.Write(); DD("End write"); #else FATAL("Sorry not compatible with GDCM1, use GDCM2"); #endif } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void clitk::DicomRT_StructureSet::Read(const std::string & filename) { #if CLITK_USE_SYSTEM_GDCM == 1 vtkSmartPointer reader = vtkGDCMPolyDataReader::New(); reader->SetFileName(filename.c_str()); reader->Update(); // Get global information vtkRTStructSetProperties * p = reader->GetRTStructSetProperties(); mStudyID = p->GetStudyInstanceUID(); mStudyDate = p->GetStructureSetDate(); mLabel = p->GetStructureSetLabel(); mName = p->GetStructureSetName(); mTime = p->GetStructureSetTime(); int n = p->GetNumberOfStructureSetROIs(); for(unsigned int i=0; iGetStructureSetROINumber(i); // Create the roi DicomRT_ROI::Pointer roi = DicomRT_ROI::New(); roi->Read(reader, i); // Insert in the map mROIs[roinumber] = roi; } return; #endif // END version with system gdcm (vtkGDCMPolyDataReader) // Open DICOM #if GDCM_MAJOR_VERSION == 2 FATAL("Error : compile vv with itk4 + external gdcm"); // Read gdcm file mReader = new gdcm::Reader; mReader->SetFileName(filename.c_str()); mReader->Read(); mFile = &(mReader->GetFile()); const gdcm::DataSet & ds = mFile->GetDataSet(); // Check file type //Verify if the file is a RT-Structure-Set dicom file gdcm::MediaStorage ms; ms.SetFromFile(*mFile); if( ms != gdcm::MediaStorage::RTStructureSetStorage ) { std::cerr << "Error. the file " << filename << " is not a Dicom Struct ? (must have a SOP Class UID [0008|0016] = 1.2.840.10008. ==> [RT Structure Set Storage])" << std::endl; exit(0); } gdcm::Attribute<0x8,0x60> modality; modality.SetFromDataSet( ds ); if( modality.GetValue() != "RTSTRUCT" ) { std::cerr << "Error. the file " << filename << " is not a Dicom Struct ? (must have 0x0008,0x0060 = RTSTRUCT [RT Structure Set Storage])" << std::endl; exit(0); } // Read global info gdcm::Attribute<0x20,0x10> studyid; studyid.SetFromDataSet( ds ); gdcm::Attribute<0x8,0x20> studytime; studytime.SetFromDataSet( ds ); gdcm::Attribute<0x8,0x30> studydate; studydate.SetFromDataSet( ds ); gdcm::Attribute<0x3006,0x02> label; label.SetFromDataSet( ds ); gdcm::Attribute<0x3006,0x04> atname; atname.SetFromDataSet( ds ); gdcm::Attribute<0x3006,0x09> time; time.SetFromDataSet( ds ); mStudyID = studyid.GetValue(); mStudyTime = studytime.GetValue(); mStudyDate = studydate.GetValue(); mLabel = label.GetValue(); mName = atname.GetValue(); mTime = time.GetValue(); // Temporary store the list of items std::map mMapOfROIInfo; std::map mMapOfROIContours; std::map mROIs; std::map mMapOfROIName; #if GDCM_MAJOR_VERSION == 2 gdcm::Reader * mReader; gdcm::SmartPointer mROIInfoSequenceOfItems; gdcm::SmartPointer mROIContoursSequenceOfItems; #endif gdcm::File * mFile; //---------------------------------- // Read all ROI Names and number // 0x3006,0x0020 = [ Structure Set ROI Sequence ] gdcm::Tag tssroisq(0x3006,0x0020); const gdcm::DataElement &ssroisq = ds.GetDataElement( tssroisq ); mROIInfoSequenceOfItems = ssroisq.GetValueAsSQ(); gdcm::SmartPointer & roi_seq = mROIInfoSequenceOfItems; assert(roi_seq); // TODO error message for(unsigned int ridx = 0; ridx < roi_seq->GetNumberOfItems(); ++ridx) { gdcm::Item & item = roi_seq->GetItem( ridx + 1); // Item starts at 1 const gdcm::DataSet& nestedds = item.GetNestedDataSet(); gdcm::Attribute<0x3006,0x26> roiname; roiname.SetFromDataSet( nestedds ); std::string name = roiname.GetValue(); // 0x3006,0x0026 = [ROI Name] // 0x3006,0x0022 = [ROI Number] int nb = ReadROINumber(item); // Store the item mMapOfROIInfo[nb] = &item; // Check if such a number already exist if (mMapOfROIName.find(nb) != mMapOfROIName.end()) { std::cerr << "WARNING. A Roi already exist with the number " << nb << ". I replace." << std::endl; } // Add in map mMapOfROIName[nb] = name; } //---------------------------------- // Read all ROI item // 0x3006,0x0039 = [ ROI Contour Sequence ] gdcm::Tag troicsq(0x3006,0x0039); const gdcm::DataElement &roicsq = ds.GetDataElement( troicsq ); gdcm::SmartPointer roi_contour_seq = roicsq.GetValueAsSQ(); mROIContoursSequenceOfItems = roi_contour_seq; assert(roi_contour_seq); // TODO error message for(unsigned int ridx = 0; ridx < roi_contour_seq->GetNumberOfItems(); ++ridx) { gdcm::Item & item = roi_contour_seq->GetItem( ridx + 1); // Item starts at 1 // ROI number [Referenced ROI Number] const gdcm::DataSet& nestedds = item.GetNestedDataSet(); gdcm::Attribute<0x3006,0x0084> referencedroinumber; referencedroinumber.SetFromDataSet( nestedds ); int nb = referencedroinumber.GetValue(); // Store the item mMapOfROIContours[nb] = &item; } //---------------------------------- // Create the ROIs for(std::map::iterator i = mMapOfROIInfo.begin(); i != mMapOfROIInfo.end(); i++) { int nb = i->first;//ReadROINumber(i);//mROIIndex[i]; // Create the roi DicomRT_ROI::Pointer roi = DicomRT_ROI::New(); roi->Read(mMapOfROIInfo[nb], mMapOfROIContours[nb]); // mListOfROI.push_back(roi); // mMapOfROIIndex[nb] = i; mROIs[nb] = roi; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #else mFile = new gdcm::File; mFile->SetFileName(filename.c_str()); mFile->SetMaxSizeLoadEntry(16384); // Needed ... mFile->SetLoadMode(gdcm::LD_NOSHADOW); // don't load shadow tags (in order to save memory) mFile->Load(); // Check file type //Verify if the file is a RT-Structure-Set dicom file if (!gdcm::Util::DicomStringEqual(mFile->GetEntryValue(0x0008,0x0016),"1.2.840.10008.")) { //SOP clas UID std::cerr << "Error. the file " << filename << " is not a Dicom Struct ? (must have a SOP Class UID [0008|0016] = 1.2.840.10008. ==> [RT Structure Set Storage])" << std::endl; exit(0); } if (!gdcm::Util::DicomStringEqual(mFile->GetEntryValue(0x0008,0x0060),"RTSTRUCT")) { //SOP clas UID std::cerr << "Error. the file " << filename << " is not a Dicom Struct ? (must have 0x0008,0x0060 = RTSTRUCT [RT Structure Set Storage])" << std::endl; exit(0); } // Read global info mStudyID = mFile->GetValEntry(0x0020,0x0010)->GetValue(); mStudyTime = mFile->GetValEntry(0x008,0x0020)->GetValue(); mStudyDate = mFile->GetValEntry(0x008,0x0030)->GetValue(); mLabel = mFile->GetValEntry(0x3006,0x002)->GetValue(); if (!mFile->GetValEntry(0x3006,0x004)) { mName = "Anonymous"; } else { mName = mFile->GetValEntry(0x3006,0x004)->GetValue(); } mTime = mFile->GetValEntry(0x3006,0x009)->GetValue(); //---------------------------------- // Read all ROI Names and number // 0x3006,0x0020 = [ Structure Set ROI Sequence ] gdcm::SeqEntry * roi_seq=mFile->GetSeqEntry(0x3006,0x0020); assert(roi_seq); // TODO error message for (gdcm::SQItem* r=roi_seq->GetFirstSQItem(); r!=0; r=roi_seq->GetNextSQItem()) { std::string name = r->GetEntryValue(0x3006,0x0026); // 0x3006,0x0026 = [ROI Name] int nb = atoi(r->GetEntryValue(0x3006,0x0022).c_str()); // 0x3006,0x0022 = [ROI Number] // Check if such a number already exist if (mMapOfROIName.find(nb) != mMapOfROIName.end()) { std::cerr << "WARNING. A Roi already exist with the number " << nb << ". I replace." << std::endl; } // Add in map mMapOfROIName[nb] = name; } //---------------------------------- // Read all ROI // 0x3006,0x0039 = [ ROI Contour Sequence ] gdcm::SeqEntry * roi_contour_seq=mFile->GetSeqEntry(0x3006,0x0039); assert(roi_contour_seq); // TODO error message int n=0; for (gdcm::SQItem* r=roi_contour_seq->GetFirstSQItem(); r!=0; r=roi_contour_seq->GetNextSQItem()) { DicomRT_ROI::Pointer roi = DicomRT_ROI::New(); roi->Read(mMapOfROIName, r); mROIs[roi->GetROINumber()] = roi; n++; } #endif } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- bool clitk::DicomRT_StructureSet::IsDicomRTStruct(const std::string & filename) { // Open DICOM #if GDCM_MAJOR_VERSION == 2 // Read gdcm file mReader = new gdcm::Reader; mReader->SetFileName(filename.c_str()); mReader->Read(); mFile = &(mReader->GetFile()); const gdcm::DataSet & ds = mFile->GetDataSet(); // Check file type //Verify if the file is a RT-Structure-Set dicom file gdcm::MediaStorage ms; ms.SetFromFile(*mFile); if( ms != gdcm::MediaStorage::RTStructureSetStorage ) return false; gdcm::Attribute<0x8,0x60> modality; modality.SetFromDataSet( ds ); if( modality.GetValue() != "RTSTRUCT" ) return false; return true; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #else mFile = new gdcm::File; mFile->SetFileName(filename.c_str()); mFile->SetMaxSizeLoadEntry(16384); // Needed ... mFile->SetLoadMode(gdcm::LD_NOSHADOW); // don't load shadow tags (in order to save memory) mFile->Load(); // Check file type //Verify if the file is a RT-Structure-Set dicom file if (!gdcm::Util::DicomStringEqual(mFile->GetEntryValue(0x0008,0x0016),"1.2.840.10008.")) return false; if (!gdcm::Util::DicomStringEqual(mFile->GetEntryValue(0x0008,0x0060),"RTSTRUCT")) return false; return true; #endif } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- int clitk::DicomRT_StructureSet::AddBinaryImageAsNewROI(vvImage * im, std::string n) { // Search max ROI number int max = -1; for(ROIConstIteratorType iter = mROIs.begin(); iter != mROIs.end(); iter++) { // for(unsigned int i=0; isecond; if (roi->GetROINumber() > max) max = roi->GetROINumber(); } ++max; // Compute name std::ostringstream oss; oss << vtksys::SystemTools::GetFilenameName(vtksys::SystemTools::GetFilenameWithoutLastExtension(n)); mMapOfROIName[max] = oss.str(); // Set color std::vector color; color.push_back(1); color.push_back(0); color.push_back(0); // Create ROI DicomRT_ROI::Pointer roi = DicomRT_ROI::New(); roi->SetFromBinaryImage(im, max, oss.str(), color, n); mROIs[max] = roi; return max; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------