/*========================================================================= Program: vv http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/rio/vv Authors belong to: - University of LYON http://www.universite-lyon.fr/ - Léon Bérard cancer center http://oncora1.lyon.fnclcc.fr - CREATIS CNRS laboratory http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the copyright notices for more information. It is distributed under dual licence - BSD See included LICENSE.txt file - CeCILL-B http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html ======================================================================-====*/ #ifndef CLITKIMAGETOIMAGEGENERICFILTERBASE_H #define CLITKIMAGETOIMAGEGENERICFILTERBASE_H // clitk #include "clitkImageCommon.h" #include "clitkCommonGenericFilter.h" #include "clitkFilterBase.h" // itk #include // vv #include "vvImage.h" #include "vvFromITK.h" #include "vvToITK.h" namespace clitk { //-------------------------------------------------------------------- class ImageToImageGenericFilterBase: public itk::Object { public: // constructor - destructor ImageToImageGenericFilterBase(std::string filterName); virtual ~ImageToImageGenericFilterBase(); // Types typedef ImageToImageGenericFilterBase Self; typedef Object Superclass; typedef itk::SmartPointer Pointer; typedef itk::SmartPointer ConstPointer; // Filters information const std::string & GetFilterName(); void SetFilterName(std::string & n); // Generic IO /// Returns the dimension and pixel type of the *first* input void GetInputImageDimensionAndPixelType(unsigned int& dim, std::string& pixeltype, unsigned int & components); // File IO void SetInputFilename(const std::string & filename); void AddInputFilename(const std::string & filename); void SetInputFilenames(const std::vector & filenames); void EnableReadOnDisk(bool b); void EnableWriteOnDisk(bool b); void SetOutputFilename(const std::string & filename); void AddOutputFilename(const std::string filename); void SetOutputFilenames(const std::vector & filenames); std::string GetOutputFilename(); void SetIOVerbose(bool b); // VVImage IO void SetInputVVImage (vvImage::Pointer input); void SetInputVVImages (std::vector input); void AddInputVVImage (vvImage::Pointer input); vvImage::Pointer GetOutputVVImage (); std::vector GetOutputVVImages (); // Information on available image types void PrintAvailableImageTypes(); virtual std::string GetAvailableImageTypes() = 0; virtual bool CheckImageType(unsigned int dim,unsigned int ncomp, std::string pixeltype) = 0; virtual bool CheckImageType() = 0; // Main function to call for using the filter. virtual bool Update() = 0; // Get the associated filter FilterBase * GetFilterBase() { return m_FilterBase; } // Indicate that the filter must stop as soon as possible (if threaded) void DeleteLastOutputImage(); protected: bool m_ReadOnDisk; bool m_WriteOnDisk; /// Call this function to dispatch an output towards the correct sink template void SetNextOutput(typename ImageType::Pointer output); /// Call this function to get the nth itk input image, regardless of input source template typename ImageType::Pointer GetInput(unsigned int n); std::vector m_InputFilenames; std::list m_OutputFilenames; bool m_IOVerbose; unsigned int m_Dim; std::string m_PixelTypeName; unsigned int m_NbOfComponents; std::string m_FilterName; std::vector m_InputVVImages; std::vector m_OutputVVImages; void ImageTypeError(); void SetImageTypeError(); bool m_FailOnImageTypeError; // std::string m_LastError; void SetFilterBase(FilterBase * f) { m_FilterBase = f; } FilterBase * m_FilterBase; // bool m_StopOnError; }; // end class clitk::ImageToImageGenericFilter #define ADD_VEC_IMAGE_TYPE(DIM, COMP, PT) this->mImageTypesManager.template AddNewDimensionAndPixelType(); #define ADD_IMAGE_TYPE(DIM, PT) this->mImageTypesManager.template AddNewDimensionAndPixelType(); #define ADD_DEFAULT_IMAGE_TYPES(DIM) ADD_IMAGE_TYPE(DIM, char); \ ADD_IMAGE_TYPE(DIM, uchar); \ ADD_IMAGE_TYPE(DIM, short); \ ADD_IMAGE_TYPE(DIM, ushort); \ ADD_IMAGE_TYPE(DIM, int); \ ADD_IMAGE_TYPE(DIM, float); \ ADD_IMAGE_TYPE(DIM, double); //#include "clitkImageToImageGenericFilterBase.txx" } // end namespace #endif /* end #define CLITKIMAGETOIMAGEGENERICFILTERBASE_H */