/*========================================================================= Program: vv http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/rio/vv Authors belong to: - University of LYON http://www.universite-lyon.fr/ - Léon Bérard cancer center http://oncora1.lyon.fnclcc.fr - CREATIS CNRS laboratory http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the copyright notices for more information. It is distributed under dual licence - BSD See included LICENSE.txt file - CeCILL-B http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html ======================================================================-====*/ #ifndef CLITKLISTOFPAIR_TXX #define CLITKLISTOFPAIR_TXX /** ================================================= * @file clitkListOfPair.txx * @author David Sarrut * @date 27 Feb 2007 09:44:48 * * @brief * * =================================================*/ //==================================================================== template void ReadMap(const std::string & filename, MapType & list, bool inverse) { std::ifstream is; clitk::openFileForReading(is, filename); clitk::skipComment(is); typedef typename MapType::key_type KType; KType v1; typedef typename MapType::mapped_type MType; MType v2; while (is) { is >> v1; is >> v2; if (is) { if (!inverse) list.insert(std::pair(v1,v2)); else list.insert(std::pair(v2,v1)); } clitk::skipComment(is); } is.close(); } //==================================================================== #endif /* end #define CLITKLISTOFPAIR_TXX */