#ifndef CLITKSIGNAL_CXX #define CLITKSIGNAL_CXX #include "clitkSignal.h" namespace clitk { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void Signal::Read(string fileName){ ifstream signalStream(fileName.c_str()); SignalValueType point; if(!signalStream.is_open()){ std::cerr << "ERROR: Couldn't open file " << fileName << " in Signal::Read" << std::endl; return; } skipComment(signalStream); while(!signalStream.eof()) { skipComment(signalStream); signalStream >> point; skipComment(signalStream); m_Data.push_back(point); // cout << point << endl; } signalStream.close(); SetSamplingPeriod(1.); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void Signal::Read(string fileName, int col){ ifstream signalStream(fileName.c_str()); SignalValueType point; if(!signalStream.is_open()){ std::cerr << "ERROR: Couldn't open file " << fileName << " in Signal::Read" << std::endl; return; } skipComment(signalStream); while(!signalStream.eof()) { skipComment(signalStream); // Read one line std::string line; std::getline(signalStream, line); // Get column nb col istringstream iss(line); for(int i=0; i> sub; } iss >> point; if (!iss) { std::cerr << "ERROR: no col n" << col << " in the line '" << line << "' ?" << std::endl; exit(0); } skipComment(signalStream); m_Data.push_back(point); // cout << point << endl; } signalStream.close(); SetSamplingPeriod(1.); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //Convert 1D image to signal Signal Signal::ConvertImageToSignal( Signal::ImageType::Pointer image) { //empty signal Signal signal; //make an image iterator itk::ImageRegionConstIterator it(image,image->GetLargestPossibleRegion()); it.Begin(); //copy while(!it.IsAtEnd()) { signal.push_back(it.Get()); ++it; } //Spacing signal.SetSamplingPeriod(image->GetSpacing()[0]); return signal; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //Convert 1D signal to image Signal::ImageType::Pointer Signal::ConvertSignalToImage(Signal signal) { //empty image ImageType::Pointer image =ImageType::New(); ImageType::RegionType region; ImageType::RegionType::IndexType index; index[0]=0; ImageType::RegionType::SizeType size; size[0]=signal.size(); region.SetIndex(index); region.SetSize(size); image->SetRegions(region); image->Allocate(); //make an image iterator itk::ImageRegionIterator mIt(image,image->GetLargestPossibleRegion()); mIt.Begin(); //make a signal iterator Signal::const_iterator sIt=signal.begin(); //copy while(sIt!=signal.end()) { mIt.Set(*sIt); sIt++;++mIt; } //spacing ImageType::SpacingType spacing; spacing[0]=signal.GetSamplingPeriod(); image->SetSpacing(spacing); return image; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void Signal::Write(const string fileName){ ofstream signalStream(fileName.c_str()); if(!signalStream.is_open()){ cerr << "ERROR: Couldn't open file " << fileName << " in Signal::Write" << endl; return; } iterator it=begin(); while(it!=end()) { signalStream << *it << endl; it++; } signalStream.close(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Signal & Signal::operator/=(Signal & div){ if(size()!= div.size()) { std::cerr << "Error: signal size must be the same!" << std::endl; return *this; } iterator it=begin(); iterator itD; itD=div.begin(); while(it!=end()) { if(*itD!=0) *it/=*itD; else cerr << "Division by 0 in operator/= skipped" << endl; it++;itD++; } return *this; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Signal & Signal::operator*=(Signal & mul){ if(size()!= mul.size()) { std::cerr << "Error: signal size must be the same!" << std::endl; return *this; } iterator it=begin(); iterator itD; itD=mul.begin(); while(it!=end()){ *it *= *itD; it++;itD++; } return *this; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Signal Signal::Normalize(double newMin,double newMax){ Signal temp (m_SamplingPeriod); vector extrema=GetGlobalMinMax(); iterator itSig=begin(); while(itSig!=end()){ temp.push_back( ((*itSig)-extrema[0])*(newMax-newMin)/(extrema[1]-extrema[0]) + newMin ); itSig++; } return temp; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------- vector Signal::GetGlobalMinMax() const { vector extrema(2); if(size()==0){ cerr << "ERROR: GetExtrema / No signal" << endl; return extrema; } extrema[0]=m_Data[0]; extrema[1]=m_Data[0]; for(unsigned int i=1;im_Data[i]) extrema[0]=m_Data[i]; if(extrema[1](i)-static_cast(length)); j<=min(size(), i+length); j++) { accumulator+=m_Data[j]; scale++; } temp.push_back(accumulator/scale); } return temp; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Signal Signal::GaussLikeFilter ( ) { Signal temp(m_SamplingPeriod); if (size()<2) return *this; else { //first sample: mirrorring BC temp.push_back((2.*m_Data[0]+2*m_Data[1])/4.); //middle samples for (unsigned int i=1; i (size())*sampPeriod); // // //forward fft with empty fft // if(fft.size()==0) OneDForwardFourier(*this, fft); // // //remove the frequencies // for(unsigned int i=0;i(0.,0.); // // //backward with remaining frequencies // OneDBackwardFourier(fft,temp); // return temp; // } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Signal Signal::LowPassFilter (double sampPeriod, double cutOffFrequency ) // { // //output // Signal temp(m_SamplingPeriod); // temp.resize(size()); // // //the fft // SIGNAL_FFT_TYPE fft; // // //calculate the cut off frequency // unsigned int samp=lrint(cutOffFrequency*static_cast(size())*sampPeriod); // // //forward fft with empty fft // if(fft.size()==0) OneDForwardFourier(*this, fft); // unsigned int fsize=fft.size(); // // //remove the frequencies // unsigned int limit=min (samp, fsize); // for(unsigned int i=limit;i(0.,0.); // // //backward with remaining frequencies // OneDBackwardFourier(fft,temp); // return temp; // } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // void Signal::OneDForwardFourier(const Signal& input, SIGNAL_FFT_TYPE & fft) // { // //Create output array // fft.resize(input.size()/2+1); // //Temp copy // double *tempCopy=new double[size()]; // copy(begin(), end(), tempCopy); // // //Forward Fourier Transform // fftw_plan p; // p=fftw_plan_dft_r2c_1d(size(),tempCopy,reinterpret_cast(&(fft[0])),FFTW_ESTIMATE); // fftw_execute(p); // fftw_destroy_plan(p); // //delete tempCopy; // return; // } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // void Signal::OneDBackwardFourier(SIGNAL_FFT_TYPE & fft, Signal &output) // { // // //Backward // fftw_plan p; // p=fftw_plan_dft_c2r_1d(output.size(),reinterpret_cast(&(fft[0])),&(output[0]),FFTW_ESTIMATE); // fftw_execute(p); // fftw_destroy_plan(p); // // vector::iterator it=output.begin(); // while(it!=output.end()){ // *it /= (double)output.size(); // it++; // } // return; // } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // double Signal::MaxFreq(const Signal &sig,SIGNAL_FFT_TYPE & fft) // { // // if(fft.size()==0) OneDForwardFourier(sig,fft); // int posMax=1; // double amplitude, amplitudeMax=abs(fft[1]); // for(unsigned int i=1;iamplitudeMax){ // posMax=i; // amplitudeMax=amplitude; // } // } // return ((double)(posMax)/((double)sig.size()*sig.GetSamplingPeriod())); // } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Signal Signal::DetectLocalExtrema(unsigned int width) { Signal temp(m_SamplingPeriod); bool isMin, isMax; unsigned int upper, lower; //has to be at least 1 width=max(static_cast(width), 1); for(unsigned int i=0 ; i < size() ; i++){ isMax=true; isMin=true; for(unsigned int j=1; j< width+1; j++) { //set the boundaries upper = min( size(), i+j); lower = max( static_cast(0), (int)i-(int)j); //check if max if( ! (m_Data[i] >= m_Data[lower] && m_Data[i] >= m_Data[upper]))isMax=false; //check if min if( ! (m_Data[i]<= m_Data[lower] && m_Data[i] <= m_Data[upper])) isMin=false; //if neither, go to the next value if( (!isMax) && (!isMin)) break; } if (isMax) temp.push_back(1); else if (isMin) temp.push_back(0); else temp.push_back(0.5); } return temp; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Signal Signal::LimPhase() { //phase is defined as going from 0 to 1 linearly between end expiration Signal phase(m_SamplingPeriod); phase.resize(size()); unsigned int firstBeginCycle=0; unsigned int firstEndCycle=0; unsigned int beginCycle=0; //========================================= //Search the first value in extrema not 0.5 while(m_Data[beginCycle]!=1) { beginCycle++; } //We search the corresponding end unsigned int endCycle=beginCycle+1; while(endCycle != size() && m_Data[endCycle]!=1){ endCycle++; } //============================================================ //Calculate phase at the beginning (before the first extremum) for(unsigned int i=0 ; i 1) { phase[i] = (double)(i-0)/(double)(beginCycle-0); } //copy the phase values later else { firstBeginCycle=beginCycle; firstEndCycle=endCycle; } } //=================================================================== //Middle part while(endCycle != size()){ //fill between extrema for(unsigned int i=beginCycle ; i 1){ //make the last part go till 1 phase[i] = (double)(i-endCycle)/(double)(size()-endCycle); } //the last part is shorter, copy the last cycle values else{ phase[i] = phase[i -(endCycle-beginCycle)]; } } //=================================================================== //check it some remains to be copied in the beginning if (firstBeginCycle!=0) { for(unsigned int i=0 ; i 1) { phase[i] = (double)(i-0)/(double)(beginCycle-0); } //copy the phase values later else { firstBeginCycle=beginCycle; firstEndCycle=endCycle; } } //=================================================================== //Middle part while(endCycle != size()){ cycleCounter++; //fill between extrema for(unsigned int i=beginCycle ; i 1){ //make the last part go till 1 phase[i] = (double)cycleCounter+(double)(i-endCycle)/(double)(size()-endCycle); } //the last part is shorter, copy the last cycle values else{ phase[i] = phase[i -(endCycle-beginCycle)]+1; } } //=================================================================== //check it some remains to be copied in the beginning if (firstBeginCycle!=0) { for(unsigned int i=0 ; iMonPhase(); //Create an empty signal Signal phase(size(), -1); phase.SetSamplingPeriod(m_SamplingPeriod); //Fill in the values at the extrema position iterator phaseIt=phase.begin(); iterator monPhaseIt=monPhase.begin(); iterator extremaIt =begin(); while (extremaIt!= end()) { if (*extremaIt==0.) *phaseIt=eIPhaseValue+floor(*monPhaseIt); else if (*extremaIt==1.) *phaseIt=eEPhaseValue+floor(*monPhaseIt); extremaIt++; phaseIt++;monPhaseIt++; } return phase; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Signal Signal::LinearlyInterpolateScatteredValues() { //Linearly interpolate the values in between unsigned int i=0; unsigned int beginCycle=0; unsigned int endCycle=0; //Create a new signal Signal temp(size(),-1); temp.SetSamplingPeriod(m_SamplingPeriod); //start from the first value while (m_Data[i]==-1)i++; beginCycle=i; i++; //Go to the next while ( (m_Data[i]==-1) && (i PointSetType; // PointSetType::Pointer pointSet=PointSetType::New(); // typedef PointSetType::PointType PointType; // unsigned int i=0; // unsigned int pointIndex=0; // while (i< size()) // { // if(m_Data[i]!=-1) // { // PointType p; // p[0]= i;//JV spacing is allways 1 // pointSet->SetPoint( pointIndex, p ); // pointSet->SetPointData( pointIndex, m_Data[i] ); // pointIndex++; // } // i++; // } // //define the output signal properties // ImageType::RegionType::SizeType outputSize; // outputSize[0]= size(); // ImageType::PointType outputOrigin; // outputOrigin[0]=0.0;//JV may need to be changed // ImageType::SpacingType outputSpacing; // outputSpacing[0]=1; //JV add relation to the original signal spacing // //Convert // typedef itk::BSplineScatteredDataPointSetToImageFilter< PointSetType, VectorImageType > PointSetToImageFilterType; // PointSetToImageFilterType::Pointer pointSetToImageFilter= PointSetToImageFilterType::New(); // pointSetToImageFilter->SetInput(pointSet); // pointSetToImageFilter->SetSplineOrder(splineOrder);//JV // pointSetToImageFilter->SetSize(outputSize); // pointSetToImageFilter->SetOrigin(outputOrigin); // pointSetToImageFilter->SetSpacing(outputSpacing); // //Convert to // itk::FixedArray num; // num[0]=numberOfControlPoints; // pointSetToImageFilter->SetNumberOfControlPoints(num);//JV // pointSetToImageFilter->Update(); // VectorImageType::Pointer approximatedSignal=pointSetToImageFilter->GetOutput(); // //Convert and return // return ConvertVectorImageToSignal(approximatedSignal); // } // //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Signal Signal::ConvertVectorImageToSignal(VectorImageType::Pointer image) { //empty signal Signal signal; //make an image iterator itk::ImageRegionConstIterator it(image,image->GetLargestPossibleRegion()); it.Begin(); //copy while(!it.IsAtEnd()) { signal.push_back(it.Get()[0]); ++it; } //Spacing signal.SetSamplingPeriod(image->GetSpacing()[0]); return signal; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Signal Signal::LimitSignalRange() { //empty signal Signal signal(m_SamplingPeriod); iterator it=begin(); while(it != end()) { signal.push_back(*it-floor(*it)); it++; } return signal; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- double Signal::SSD(const Signal &sig2) const{ if(sig2.size() != size()){ cerr << "ERROR in Signal::SSD: signals don't have the same size" << endl; return -1; } double result=0.; for(unsigned int i=0;i(*(it+pos))) // return -1*pos; // } // void Signal::CenteredFiniteDifferences(Signal & result,int order,int* weights){ // const_iterator itSig=begin()+order; // result.resize(size()); // iterator itDer=result.begin()+order; // while(itSig!=end()-order){ // (*itDer)=0.; // for(int i=-order;i<=order;i++){ // *itDer+=*(itSig-i)*weights[i+order]; // } // itSig++;itDer++; // } // } // void Signal::FirstDerivate(Signal & result,int order){ // if(order==1){ // int weights[3]={-1,0,1}; // CenteredFiniteDifferences(result,order,weights); // } // else if(order==2){ // int weights[5]={1,-8,0,8,-1}; // CenteredFiniteDifferences(result,order,weights); // } // } // void Signal::SecondDerivate(Signal & result,int order){ // if(order==1){ // int weights[3]={1,-2,1}; // CenteredFiniteDifferences(result,order,weights); // } // else if(order==2){ // int weights[5]={-1,16,-30,16,-1}; // CenteredFiniteDifferences(result,order,weights); // } // } // void Signal::NormalizeMeanStdDev(double newMean,double newStdDev){ // iterator itSig=begin(); // double sum=0, sum2=0; // while(itSig!=end()){ // sum += *itSig; // sum2 += (*itSig) * (*itSig); // itSig++; // } // double oldMean=sum/size(); // double oldStdDev=sqrt(sum2/size()-oldMean*oldMean); // double a = newStdDev/oldStdDev; // double b = newMean - a * oldMean; // itSig=begin(); // while(itSig!=end()){ // *itSig = a *(*itSig) + b; // itSig++; // } // } // void Signal::print(ostream & os, const int level) const { // os << "Size:" << m_Data.size() << endl; // const_iterator it=m_Data.begin(); // while(it!=m_Data.end()){ // os << *it << endl; // it++; // } // } // // } // // istream& Signal::get(istream& is) { // // ERROR << "Signal::get NOT IMPLEMENTED"; // // FATAL(); // // return is; // // } //// // // /** @b GridBase::put os // // * @param os // // * @return // // ***************************************************/ // // ostream& Signal::put(ostream& os) const { // // print(os); // // return os; // // } //// // void Signal::Crop(unsigned int posmin, unsigned int posmax){ // if(posmin >= m_Data.size()) return; // if(posmax >= m_Data.size()) posmax=m_Data.size(); // m_Data.erase(m_Data.begin()+posmax+1,m_Data.end()); // m_Data.erase(m_Data.begin(),m_Data.begin()+posmin); // } // void Signal::LinearResample(const unsigned int newSize){ // SIGNAL newData; // newData.push_back(front()); // double posInOld,leftWeight,rightWeight; // int leftPos, rightPos; // for(unsigned int i=1 ; i < newSize-1 ; i++){ // posInOld = (double)(i * (size()-1)) / (double)(newSize-1); // leftPos = (int)floor(posInOld); // rightPos = leftPos+1; // leftWeight = (double)rightPos - posInOld; // rightWeight = posInOld - (double)leftPos; // newData.push_back(m_Data[leftPos] * leftWeight + m_Data[rightPos] * rightWeight ); // } // newData.push_back(back()); // m_Data=newData; // } // int Signal::FreqToSamp(double freq){ // if(m_SamplingPeriod==-1.) // cerr << "ERROR: you did not initialize the sampling period" << endl; // return lrint(freq*(double)size()*m_SamplingPeriod); // } // double Signal::SampToFreq(int samp){ // if(m_SamplingPeriod==-1.) // cerr << "ERROR: you did not initialize the sampling period" << endl; // return ((double)(samp)/((double)size()*m_SamplingPeriod)); // } // //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Signal Signal::limPhaseDE(eIPhaseValue, eEPhaseValue) // { // //Create an empty signal // phase.resize(size()); // iterator phaseIt=initialPhaseValues.begin(); // iterator monPhaseIt=monPhase.begin(); // iterator extremaIt =begin(); // while (extremaIt!= end()) // { // if (*extremaIt==0.) *phaseIt=eIPhaseValue+floor(*monPhaseIt); // else if (*extremaIt==1.) *phaseIt=eEPhaseValue+floor(*monPhaseIt); // extremaIt++; phaseIt++;monPhaseIt++; // } // } } #endif //#define CLITKSIGNAL