This folder provides ctest scripts to automatically build anyone of the 'creatools', test it and submit results to creatis dashboard. ---------------- INSTRUCTIONS ---------------- * All ctest script files in this folder have the following format : PROJECT-OS.ctest (e.g. crea-linux.ctest for crea project on linux platforms bbtk-osx.ctest for bbtk project on OsX platforms) * The default configuration is to build and run the tests in ${HOME}/dashboards, (to be created by user) This location is stored by ctest in the var CTEST_DASHBOARD_ROOT * You have to : 1) Create a initial CMakeCache.txt corresponding to your machine config : a) CVS Checkout the project to test b) Configure the project manually with cmake (ccmake or CMakeSetup), setting your system/install specific options (libraries paths, options, build type, ...) c) Copy the file 'CMakeCache.txt' from the build tree to your testing directory (where you will run ctest, usually the same than CTEST_DASHBOARD_ROOT), giving it a meaningfull name (PROJECT-BUILDTYPE-CMakeCache.txt, e.g. crea-debug-CMakeCache.txt) d) Edit the copied file and comment out (type an initial #) all lines which make explicit reference to the build directory (the directory where you configured with cmake, use the 'find' tool of your editor). Typically for crea, you'll have to comment out the following lines : #//Value Computed by CMake #crea_BINARY_DIR:STATIC=/home/guigues/coding/Build/crea #//Value Computed by CMake #crea_SOURCE_DIR:STATIC=/home/guigues/coding/CreaTools/crea #//This is the directory where this CMakeCahe.txt was created #CMAKE_CACHEFILE_DIR:INTERNAL=/home/guigues/coding/Build/crea #//Start directory with the top level CMakeLists.txt file for this #// project #CMAKE_HOME_DIRECTORY:INTERNAL=/home/guigues/coding/CreaTools/crea 2) Copy in CTEST_DASHBOARD_ROOT the right ctest file to another filename, e.g. copy crea-linux to crea-mymachine-debug.ctest 3) Edit the new file and set : * The architecture description, typically os+compiler with versions e.g. fc9-gcc4.3.0, win32-vs8, etc. * The build type, e.g. debug, release... * The name of the CMakeCache.txt file to use as initial cache file (see 3) below) * You can also customize the CTEST_DASHBOARD_ROOT folder 4) Run ctest with the script, typically : > ctest -S crea-linux-mymachine-debug.ctest -V The -V option sets ctest to verbose mode, use -VV if you want to see each command issued... * To schedule automatic build, see :