Automatic compilation for all the Creatools Change your CVS user in the file cvschekcout.bat Requirements Donwload and install crea_Developers_tools, crea_ThirdParty_dlls, crea_ThirdParty_Libraries and VisualStudioExpress2008 from Copy all the .bat files into one directoy where the tests are going to be run execute All.bat Not forget to run your ssh key with putyAgent All the creatools projects are downloaded from the CVS, compiled and the CTest for the dashboard is run. =================== =============Install cmake ========================= 1) Install cmake outside the directory "Programs Files" To avoid the probleme of: Read only =============Test dashboard in local with: Windows, php, mysql 0) Install EasyPhp outside of "Programs Files" directory avoid Read Only conflicts 1) Download with svn CDASH y put it in www of your "/EasyPHP" instalation 2) modify php.ini confiuration In EasyPHP=5.3.3/conf_files php.ini uncomment : extension=php_xsl.dll extension=php_curl.dll