format 66 "treemultictrl" // bbtk::kernel::src::ThirdParty::wx::treemultictrl revision 1 modified_by 2 "davila" // class settings //class diagram settings draw_all_relations default hide_attributes default hide_operations default show_members_full_definition default show_members_visibility default show_members_stereotype default show_members_multiplicity default show_members_initialization default show_attribute_modifiers default member_max_width 0 show_parameter_dir default show_parameter_name default package_name_in_tab default class_drawing_mode default drawing_language default show_context_mode default auto_label_position default show_relation_modifiers default show_infonote default shadow default show_stereotype_properties default //use case diagram settings package_name_in_tab default show_context default auto_label_position default draw_all_relations default class_drawing_mode default shadow default show_stereotype_properties default //sequence diagram settings show_full_operations_definition default write_horizontally default class_drawing_mode default drawing_language default draw_all_relations default shadow default show_stereotype_properties default //collaboration diagram settings show_full_operations_definition default show_hierarchical_rank default write_horizontally default drawing_language default package_name_in_tab default show_context default draw_all_relations default shadow default show_stereotype_properties default //object diagram settings write_horizontally default package_name_in_tab default show_context default auto_label_position default draw_all_relations default shadow default show_stereotype_properties default //component diagram settings package_name_in_tab default show_context default auto_label_position default draw_all_relations default shadow default draw_component_as_icon default show_component_req_prov default show_component_rea default show_stereotype_properties default //deployment diagram settings package_name_in_tab default show_context default write_horizontally default auto_label_position default draw_all_relations default shadow default draw_component_as_icon default show_component_req_prov default show_component_rea default show_stereotype_properties default //state diagram settings package_name_in_tab default show_context default auto_label_position default write_trans_label_horizontally default show_trans_definition default draw_all_relations default shadow default show_activities default region_horizontally default drawing_language default show_stereotype_properties default //activity diagram settings package_name_in_tab default show_context default show_opaque_action_definition default auto_label_position default write_flow_label_horizontally default draw_all_relations default shadow default show_infonote default drawing_language default show_stereotype_properties default classview 128258 "treemultictrl" //class diagram settings draw_all_relations default hide_attributes default hide_operations default show_members_full_definition default show_members_visibility default show_members_stereotype default show_members_multiplicity default show_members_initialization default show_attribute_modifiers default member_max_width 0 show_parameter_dir default show_parameter_name default package_name_in_tab default class_drawing_mode default drawing_language default show_context_mode default auto_label_position default show_relation_modifiers default show_infonote default shadow default show_stereotype_properties default //collaboration diagram settings show_full_operations_definition default show_hierarchical_rank default write_horizontally default drawing_language default package_name_in_tab default show_context default draw_all_relations default shadow default show_stereotype_properties default //object diagram settings write_horizontally default package_name_in_tab default show_context default auto_label_position default draw_all_relations default shadow default show_stereotype_properties default //sequence diagram settings show_full_operations_definition default write_horizontally default class_drawing_mode default drawing_language default draw_all_relations default shadow default show_stereotype_properties default //state diagram settings package_name_in_tab default show_context default auto_label_position default write_trans_label_horizontally default show_trans_definition default draw_all_relations default shadow default show_activities default region_horizontally default drawing_language default show_stereotype_properties default //class settings //activity diagram settings package_name_in_tab default show_context default show_opaque_action_definition default auto_label_position default write_flow_label_horizontally default draw_all_relations default shadow default show_infonote default drawing_language default show_stereotype_properties default class 139778 "TreeMultiItemBase" visibility package cpp_decl "${comment}${template}class ${name}${inherit} { ${members}}; ${inlines} " java_decl "" php_decl "" python_2_2 python_decl "" idl_decl "" explicit_switch_type "" operation 161026 "TreeMultiItemBase" preserve_cpp_body_indent protected explicit_return_type "" nparams 1 param inout name "parent" type class_ref 139906 // TreeMultiItemNode cpp_decl " ${comment}${inline}${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}${)}${volatile}${throw}; " cpp_def "//* TreeMultiItemBase // * This class is the node of the whole tree. All the other classes in the // * tree descend from this node. It contains the type of the class without // * using RTTI. NOTE: this class cannot be constructed directly // ${comment}${inline}${class}::${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${)} : _excluded(false) , _x(0) , _y(0) , _width(0) , _height(0) , _parent(parent) , m_Selected(false) #if(CHECKBOXVIEW) , _checkbox(false) , _checkboxState(0) #endif ${throw}{ ${body}} " end attribute 139778 "_name" protected explicit_type "wxString" cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value}; " java_decl "" php_decl "" python_decl "" idl_decl "" end attribute 139906 "_excluded" protected explicit_type "bool" cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value}; " java_decl "" php_decl "" python_decl "" idl_decl "" end attribute 140034 "_type" protected explicit_type "int" cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value}; " java_decl "" php_decl "" python_decl "" idl_decl "" end attribute 140162 "_checkbox" protected explicit_type "bool" cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value}; " java_decl "" php_decl "" python_decl "" idl_decl "" end attribute 140290 "_checkboxState" protected explicit_type "int" cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value}; " java_decl "" php_decl "" python_decl "" idl_decl "" end operation 161154 "~TreeMultiItemBase" preserve_cpp_body_indent cpp_virtual public explicit_return_type "" nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${inline}${virtual}${name}${(}${)}${volatile}${throw}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${class}::${name}${(}${)}${throw}{ ${body}} " end operation 161282 "GetType" const cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "int" nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { return _type; }; " comment " type of tree item" end operation 161410 "GetParent" const cpp_inline public return_type class_ref 139906 // TreeMultiItemNode nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} * ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { return _parent; }; " end operation 161538 "GetName" const cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "wxString" nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { return _name; }; " comment "* Get name of this node " end operation 161666 "SetName" cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 1 param in name "NewName" explicit_type "wxString" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { this->_name = NewName; }; " comment "* Set name of the item " end operation 161794 "IsTreeMultiItemRoot" const cpp_virtual cpp_inline public return_type class_ref 140034 // TreeMultiItemRoot nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} * ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { return 0; }; " comment "* returns the instance pointer if the current node is a TreeMultiItemRoot, and NULL when it's not. " end operation 161922 "IsTreeMultiItemWindow" const cpp_virtual cpp_inline public return_type class_ref 140162 // TreeMultiItemWindow nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} * ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { return 0; }; " comment "* returns the instance pointer if the current node is a TreeMultiItemWindow, and NULL when it's not. " end operation 162050 "IsTreeMultiItemNode" const cpp_virtual cpp_inline public return_type class_ref 139906 // TreeMultiItemNode nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} * ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { return 0; }; " comment "* returns the instance pointer if the current node is a TreeMultiItemNode, and NULL when it's not. " end operation 162178 "SetExcluded" cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 1 param in name "excluded" explicit_type "bool" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { _excluded = excluded; }; " comment "* Sets or resets the excluded flag. When excluded node is not visible " end operation 162306 "SetX" cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 1 param in name "x" explicit_type "int" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { _x = x; }; " comment "* Get / Set routine for X " end operation 162434 "GetX" const cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "int" nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { return _x; }; " end operation 162562 "SetY" cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 1 param in name "y" explicit_type "int" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { _y = y; }; " comment "* Get / Set routine for Y " end operation 162690 "GetY" const cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "int" nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { return _y; }; " end operation 162818 "SetHeight" cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 1 param in name "height" explicit_type "int" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { _height = height; }; " comment "* Get / Set routine for height " end operation 162946 "GetHeight" const cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "int" nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { return _height; }; " end operation 163074 "SetWidth" cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 1 param in name "width" explicit_type "int" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { _width = width; }; " comment "* Get / Set routine for width " end operation 163202 "GetWidth" const cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "int" nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { return _width; }; " end operation 163330 "IsVisible" preserve_cpp_body_indent public explicit_return_type "bool" nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Returns true when this item is drawn somewhere in the tree. Whenever a parent of this node is collapsed, it is not visible and it is not necessary to perform i.e. redraw actions. It also returns false when this node is excluded from the tree. \\sa wxTreeMultiCtrl::Exclude(), wxTreeMultiCtrl::Include()) " end operation 163458 "IsExcluded" const cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "bool" nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { return _excluded; }; " comment " Returns if this node is excluded from the tree. If this item is a Node, then all kids are excluded as well " end operation 163586 "IsSelected" const cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "bool" nparams 1 param in name "" explicit_type "void" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { return this->m_Selected; }; " comment " item selection status handling * checks if the item is selected " end operation 163714 "Select" cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 1 param in name "" explicit_type "void" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { this->m_Selected = true; }; " comment "* mark the current item as selected " end operation 163842 "ToggleSelection" cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 1 param in name "" explicit_type "void" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { this->m_Selected = !(this->m_Selected); }; " comment "* toggle the selection status " end operation 163970 "Unselect" cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 1 param in name "" explicit_type "void" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { this->m_Selected = false; }; " comment "* unmark the item " end operation 164098 "SetCheckbox" cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 1 param in name "value" explicit_type "bool" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { _checkbox = value; }; " comment "* Sets checkbox or not. This does not influence the state of the checkbox " end operation 164226 "GetCheckbox" const cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "bool" nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { return _checkbox; }; " comment "* Returns current state of the checkbox view " end operation 164354 "SetCheckboxState" cpp_virtual cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 1 param in name "state" explicit_type "int" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { wxCHECK2(state < 3 && state >= 0, return); _checkboxState = state; }; " comment "* Sets checkbox state. If 0 it's unchecked, 1 = checked and 2 = tristate " end operation 164482 "GetCheckboxState" const cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "int" nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { return _checkboxState; }; " comment "* Returns current state of checkbox " end classrelation 135170 // _parent () relation 135170 ---> a role_name "_parent" private cpp default " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} * ${name}${value}; " classrelation_ref 135170 // _parent () b parent class_ref 139906 // TreeMultiItemNode end attribute 140418 "m_Selected" private explicit_type "bool" cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value}; " java_decl "" php_decl "" python_decl "" idl_decl "" end end class 139906 "TreeMultiItemNode" visibility package cpp_decl "${comment}${template}class ${name}${inherit} { ${members}}; ${inlines} " java_decl "" php_decl "" python_2_2 python_decl "" idl_decl "" explicit_switch_type "" classrelation 135298 // relation 135298 ---|> a public cpp default "${type}" classrelation_ref 135298 // b parent class_ref 139778 // TreeMultiItemBase end attribute 140546 "_items" private explicit_type "TreeMultiItemBaseArray" cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value}; " java_decl "" php_decl "" python_decl "" idl_decl "" end attribute 140674 "_caption" private explicit_type "wxString" cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value}; " java_decl "" php_decl "" python_decl "" idl_decl "" end attribute 140802 "_nodeExpanded" private explicit_type "bool" cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value}; " java_decl "" php_decl "" python_decl "" idl_decl "" end attribute 140930 "m_Attributes" private explicit_type "wxTreeItemAttr" cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value}; " java_decl "" php_decl "" python_decl "" idl_decl "" end operation 164610 "TreeMultiItemNode" preserve_cpp_body_indent public explicit_return_type "" nparams 3 param inout name "parent" type class_ref 139906 // TreeMultiItemNode param in name "caption" explicit_type "wxString" defaultvalue "wxEmptyString" param in name "name" explicit_type "wxString" defaultvalue "wxEmptyString" cpp_decl " ${comment}${inline}${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}, const ${t1} & ${p1}${v1}, const ${t2} & ${p2}${v2}${)}${volatile}${throw}; " cpp_def "//* TreeMultiItemNode // * This class is a container holder for multiple TreeMultiItemBase classes. // * Since both a TreeMultiItemNode and a TreeMultiItemWindow are a descendant // * from a TreeMultiItemBase class, it can hold multiple of these. // * In the case of a directory tree structure, it can hold multiple // * directories, and leafs (files). // // default constructor for container composite ${comment}${inline}${class}::${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}, const ${t1} & ${p1}, const ${t2} & ${p2}${)} : TreeMultiItemBase(parent) , _caption(caption) , _nodeExpanded(true) ${throw}{ ${body}} " end operation 164738 "~TreeMultiItemNode" preserve_cpp_body_indent cpp_virtual public explicit_return_type "" nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${inline}${virtual}${name}${(}${)}${volatile}${throw}; " cpp_def "//------------------------------------------------------------ ${comment}${inline}${class}::${name}${(}${)}${throw}{ ${body}} " end operation 164866 "IsTreeMultiItemNode" const cpp_virtual cpp_inline public return_type class_ref 139906 // TreeMultiItemNode nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} * ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { return (TreeMultiItemNode *)this; }; " comment " isClass method" end operation 164994 "AddNode" preserve_cpp_body_indent public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 1 param inout name "node" type class_ref 139778 // TreeMultiItemBase cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "//------------------------------------------------------------ ${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment " add methods " end operation 165122 "InsertNode" preserve_cpp_body_indent public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 2 param inout name "NodePtr" type class_ref 139778 // TreeMultiItemBase param in name "Position" explicit_type "size_t" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}, ${t1} ${p1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " end operation 165250 "Clear" preserve_cpp_body_indent public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "//------------------------------------------------------------ ${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment " delete methods " end operation 165378 "DeleteNode" preserve_cpp_body_indent public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 1 param inout name "node" type class_ref 139778 // TreeMultiItemBase cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "//------------------------------------------------------------ ${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " end operation 165506 "DeleteNode" preserve_cpp_body_indent public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 1 param in name "index" explicit_type "int" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "//------------------------------------------------------------ ${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " end operation 165634 "RemoveNode" preserve_cpp_body_indent public return_type class_ref 139778 // TreeMultiItemBase nparams 1 param inout name "node" type class_ref 139778 // TreeMultiItemBase cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} * ${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "//------------------------------------------------------------ ${comment}${inline}${type} * ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " end operation 165762 "RemoveNode" preserve_cpp_body_indent public return_type class_ref 139778 // TreeMultiItemBase nparams 1 param in name "index" explicit_type "int" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} * ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "//------------------------------------------------------------ ${comment}${inline}${type} * ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " end operation 165890 "GetNodeCount" preserve_cpp_body_indent const public explicit_return_type "int" nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "//------------------------------------------------------------ ${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment " get methods" end operation 166018 "GetNode" preserve_cpp_body_indent const public return_type class_ref 139778 // TreeMultiItemBase nparams 1 param in name "index" explicit_type "int" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} * ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "//------------------------------------------------------------ ${comment}${inline}${type} * ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " end operation 166146 "Index" preserve_cpp_body_indent const public explicit_return_type "int" nparams 2 param inout name "node" type class_ref 139778 // TreeMultiItemBase param in name "searchFromEnd" explicit_type "bool" defaultvalue "false" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "//------------------------------------------------------------ ${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}, ${t1} ${p1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " end operation 166274 "GetNodeNext" preserve_cpp_body_indent const public return_type class_ref 139778 // TreeMultiItemBase nparams 1 param inout name "cookie" explicit_type "int" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} * ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "//------------------------------------------------------------ ${comment}${inline}${type} * ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " end operation 166402 "First" preserve_cpp_body_indent const public return_type class_ref 139778 // TreeMultiItemBase nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} * ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "//------------------------------------------------------------ ${comment}${inline}${type} * ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " end operation 166530 "Last" preserve_cpp_body_indent const public return_type class_ref 139778 // TreeMultiItemBase nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} * ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "// TreeMultiItemNode::First() const ${comment}${inline}${type} * ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " end operation 166658 "Fold" cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 1 param in name "expand" explicit_type "bool" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { if(_nodeExpanded != expand) _nodeExpanded = expand; }; " comment "* Fold function sets or clears the expanded flag. Note when excluded from drawing, this will have no effect on redraw " end operation 166786 "GetCaption" const cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "wxString" nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}const ${type} & ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { return _caption; }; " comment "* Return caption " end operation 166914 "IsExpanded" const cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "bool" nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { return _nodeExpanded; }; " comment "* Returns true if the node is expanded. Subnodes can still be collapsed though " end end class 140034 "TreeMultiItemRoot" visibility package cpp_decl "${comment}${template}class ${name}${inherit} { ${members}}; ${inlines} " java_decl "" php_decl "" python_2_2 python_decl "" idl_decl "" explicit_switch_type "" comment "* This class is the root class. It can hold many of the TreeMultiItemWindow and * TreeMultiItemNode classes. " classrelation 135426 // relation 135426 ---|> a public cpp default "${type}" classrelation_ref 135426 // b parent class_ref 139906 // TreeMultiItemNode end operation 167042 "TreeMultiItemRoot" preserve_cpp_body_indent public explicit_return_type "" nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${inline}${name}${(}${)}${volatile}${throw}; " cpp_def "//* TreeMultiItemRoot // * This class is the class you use to create a tree. It contains all the // * public methods from a TreeMultiItemNode, but you can add more to it // * because it is the root. A typical addition is the load entry for a // * directory, or other type of enumeration. You could store the base path // * of a relative tree in this class. // ${comment}${inline}${class}::${name}${(}${)} : TreeMultiItemNode(0, _T(\"\"), _T(\"\")) ${throw}{ ${body}} " end operation 167170 "~TreeMultiItemRoot" preserve_cpp_body_indent cpp_virtual public explicit_return_type "" nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${inline}${virtual}${name}${(}${)}${volatile}${throw}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${class}::${name}${(}${)}${throw}{ ${body}} " end operation 167298 "IsTreeMultiItemRoot" const cpp_virtual cpp_inline public return_type class_ref 140034 // TreeMultiItemRoot nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} * ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { return (TreeMultiItemRoot *)this; }; " comment " IsClass method " end end class 140162 "TreeMultiItemWindow" visibility package cpp_decl "${comment}${template}class ${name}${inherit} { ${members}}; ${inlines} " java_decl "" php_decl "" python_2_2 python_decl "" idl_decl "" explicit_switch_type "" classrelation 135554 // relation 135554 ---|> a public cpp default "${type}" classrelation_ref 135554 // b parent class_ref 139778 // TreeMultiItemBase end classrelation 135682 // _window () relation 135682 ---> a role_name "_window" private cpp default " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} * ${name}${value}; " classrelation_ref 135682 // _window () b parent class_ref 136322 // wxWindow end attribute 141058 "_span" private explicit_type "bool" cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value}; " java_decl "" php_decl "" python_decl "" idl_decl "" end operation 167426 "TreeMultiItemWindow" preserve_cpp_body_indent public explicit_return_type "" nparams 2 param inout name "parent" type class_ref 139906 // TreeMultiItemNode param in name "name" explicit_type "wxString" defaultvalue "wxEmptyString" cpp_decl " ${comment}${inline}${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}, const ${t1} & ${p1}${v1}${)}${volatile}${throw}; " cpp_def "//* TreeMultiItemWindow // * This class is a possible end node for the tree. If you want multiple // * types of end-nodes you should copy this file and adjust it with a // * different class name. // ${comment}${inline}${class}::${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}, const ${t1} & ${p1}${)} : TreeMultiItemBase(parent) , _window(0) , _topSpacing(0) , _frontSpacing(0) , _span(false) ${throw}{ ${body}} " end operation 167554 "~TreeMultiItemWindow" preserve_cpp_body_indent cpp_virtual public explicit_return_type "" nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${inline}${virtual}${name}${(}${)}${volatile}${throw}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${class}::${name}${(}${)}${throw}{ ${body}} " end operation 167682 "IsTreeMultiItemWindow" const cpp_virtual cpp_inline public return_type class_ref 140162 // TreeMultiItemWindow nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} * ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { return (TreeMultiItemWindow *)this; }; " comment " IsClass method " end operation 167810 "AssignWindow" preserve_cpp_body_indent public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 1 param inout name "wnd" type class_ref 136322 // wxWindow cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Assigns the given window to this TreeMultiItemWindow, and also destroys the present window. If the assigned window is 0, this item is not drawn and removed from the tree visually " end operation 167938 "GetWindow" cpp_inline public return_type class_ref 136322 // wxWindow nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} * ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { return _window; }; " comment "* Get window method " end operation 168066 "SetFrontSpacing" cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 1 param in name "frontSpacing" explicit_type "int" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { _frontSpacing = frontSpacing; }; " comment " Sets front spacing " end operation 168194 "GetFrontSpacing" const cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "int" nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { return _frontSpacing; }; " comment " Gets front spacing " end operation 168322 "SetTopSpacing" cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 1 param in name "topSpacing" explicit_type "int" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { _topSpacing = topSpacing; }; " comment " Sets top spacing " end operation 168450 "GetTopSpacing" const cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "int" nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { return _topSpacing; }; " comment " Gets top spacing " end operation 168578 "SetHorizontalSpan" cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 1 param in name "span" explicit_type "bool" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { _span = span; }; " comment " Sets horizontal span, meaning when this is set the window attached may be resized horizontally when the window is resized " end operation 168706 "GetHorizontalSpan" const cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "bool" nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { return _span; }; " comment " Sets horizontal span, meaning when this is set the window attached may be resized horizontally when the window is resized " end operation 168834 "SetCheckboxState" preserve_cpp_body_indent cpp_virtual public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 1 param in name "state" explicit_type "int" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Inherited from base, to enable or disable window " end end class 140290 "anonymous1" visibility package stereotype "enum" cpp_decl "${comment}enum { ${items} }; " java_decl "" php_decl "" python_2_2 python_decl "" idl_decl "" explicit_switch_type "" comment "* \\defgroup hitflags wxTreeMultiCtrl HitTest flags @{ " attribute 141186 "wxTMC_HITTEST_GUTTER" public type class_ref 140290 // anonymous1 init_value "= 1" cpp_decl " ${name}${value},${comment}" java_decl "" php_decl "" python_decl "" idl_decl "" end attribute 141314 "wxTMC_HITTEST_WINDOW" public type class_ref 140290 // anonymous1 cpp_decl " ${name}${value},${comment}" java_decl "" php_decl "" python_decl "" idl_decl "" end attribute 141442 "wxTMC_HITTEST_CAPTION" public type class_ref 140290 // anonymous1 cpp_decl " ${name}${value},${comment}" java_decl "" php_decl "" python_decl "" idl_decl "" end attribute 141570 "wxTMC_HITTEST_CHECKBOX" public type class_ref 140290 // anonymous1 cpp_decl " ${name}${value},${comment}" java_decl "" php_decl "" python_decl "" idl_decl "" end end class 140418 "wxTreeMultiItem" visibility package cpp_decl "${comment}${template}class ${name}${inherit} { ${members}}; ${inlines} " java_decl "" php_decl "" python_2_2 python_decl "" idl_decl "" explicit_switch_type "" comment "/ wxCoord was found in the gutter of the node (in front of the [+]) / wxCoord was found inside a window, or behind it, on a Window node / wxCoord was found on a caption of a Node or Root item / wxCoord was found on a checkbox (only when item really has a checkbox) * @} * @defgroup classes wxTreeMultiCtrl Classes These classes are all the available classes in the wxTreeMultiCtrl you should know about. @{ @} * \\class wxTreeMultiItem \\ingroup classes \\brief An intermediate class which is used to return as 'item' value for the wxTreeMultiCtrl. This class is comparable with wxTreeItemId. The wxTreeMultiItem is used to pass information to the user about the tree node in question. It can also be used point out where the subnodes should be added. For example: \\code wxTreeMultiItem item = MyMultiTreeCtrl->AddRoot(\"This is the first root\"); // now add a node to the root if(item.IsOk()) MyMultiTreeCtrl->AppendWindow(item, new wxStaticText(MyMultiTreeCtrl, -1, \"This is a static text\"); \\endcode The wxTreeMultiItem comes in three internal types which are used in the wxTreeMultiCtrl. For functions such as wxTreeMultiCtrl::AddRoot, a Root item is returned. For functions such as wxTreeMultiCtrl::AppendWindow, a Window node is returned. For functions such as wxTreeMultiCtrl::AppendNode, a Node item is returned. \\li A Root item represents a top level item. Special operations on this item is adding multiple nodes to it from a top level. \\li A Node item represents a container item which has multiple sub items which can both be Window items, or Node items. A root item is a special type of Node item, so all operations which are only for Node items, are also for Root items. \\li A Window node represents an end node, which points to a wxWindow which represents the visual contents of this node. This type of node can hold any wxWindow derived class. " classrelation 135810 // _item () relation 135810 ---> a role_name "_item" private cpp default " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} * ${name}${value}; " classrelation_ref 135810 // _item () b parent class_ref 139778 // TreeMultiItemBase end operation 168962 "wxTreeMultiItem" cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "" nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${inline}${name}${(}${)}${volatile}${throw} { _item = 0; }; " comment "* Default declaration constructor, and should be used when declaring an item which gets assigned a new value by e.g. wxTreeMultiCtrl::AppendNode. " end operation 169090 "wxTreeMultiItem" cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "" nparams 1 param inout name "ptr" type class_ref 139778 // TreeMultiItemBase cpp_decl " ${comment}${inline}${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}${)}${volatile}${throw} { _item = ptr; }; " end operation 169218 "GetItem" const cpp_inline public return_type class_ref 139778 // TreeMultiItemBase nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} * ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { return _item; }; " comment " Returns the TreeMultiItemBase class. This shoult *NOT* be used if you don't know what you are doing! This means never use it. */ " end operation 169346 "operator =" cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 1 param in name "item" type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { _item = item._item; }; " comment "* The copy operator. Used in assigning one wxTreeMultiItem to another, usually in returning wxTreeMultiItem classes from the wxTreeMultiCtrl. " end operation 169474 "operator ==" const cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "bool" nparams 1 param in name "item" type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {return (this->GetItem() == item.GetItem());}; " comment "* Equality operator. It returns true if the items are identical or if both items are invalid. " end operation 169602 "operator !=" const cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "bool" nparams 1 param in name "item" type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {return (this->GetItem() != item.GetItem());}; " comment "* Inequality operator. It returns true if the items are different or one of them is invalid. " end operation 169730 "GetParent" const cpp_inline public return_type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { wxCHECK(IsOk(), wxTreeMultiItem(0)); return wxTreeMultiItem(_item->GetParent()); }; " comment "* Returns the parent of the current wxTreeMultiItem. This means the wxTreeMultiNode is returned. It can be useful to check or clear the checkbox at this level. " end operation 169858 "IsOk" const cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "bool" nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { return _item != 0; }; " comment "* Validates if the wxTreeMultiItem is a valid instance to use in the wxTreeMultiCtrl. Returns TRUE when there is a member value is associated with it, or FALSE when not. This value can also be checked when this class is returned from a wxTreeMultiCtrl operation. For example: \\code wxTreeMultiItem item = MyTreeMultiCtrl->FindNode(\"NAME\"); if(item.IsOk()) { // Found the node, now do something with it } else { // Sorry, not found } \\endcode " end operation 169986 "IsWindowItem" const cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "bool" nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { if(_item && _item->IsTreeMultiItemWindow()) return true; return false; }; " comment "* Returns TRUE when the wxTreeMultiItem is a Window item. This means the item is both valid, and points to a window node. This means it can be used in functions that expect a Window node. If the item is invalid or a Window item, FALSE is returned \\sa wxTreeMultiCtrl::AppendWindow " end operation 170114 "IsNodeItem" const cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "bool" nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { if(_item && (_item->IsTreeMultiItemNode() || _item->IsTreeMultiItemRoot())) return true; return false; }; " comment "* Returns TRUE when the wxTreeMultiItem is a Node item. This means the item is both valid, and points to a node element (i.e. setting the caption, counting node children, etc). If the item is invalid or not a Node item, FALSE is returned. When the item is actually a root item (specialised node type), this also returns TRUE. \\sa wxTreeMultiCtrl::AppendNode wxTreeMultiCtrl::AddRoot " end operation 170242 "IsRootItem" const cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "bool" nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { if(_item && _item->IsTreeMultiItemRoot()) return true; return false; }; " comment "* Returns True when the wxTreeMultiItem is a Root (top node) item. This means the item is both valid, and points to a root element (this item is always shown as first node in the tree). A root node is always visible, but can contain other collapsed children. If the item is invalid or not a Root node, FALSE is returned. " end operation 170370 "IsExpanded" const cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "bool" nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { wxCHECK(_item, false); TreeMultiItemNode *n = _item->IsTreeMultiItemNode(); wxCHECK(n, false); return n->IsExpanded(); }; " comment "* Returns TRUE if the node is expanded, else FALSE if it is collapsed. If the item is not a Root or Node item, an assertion failure is generated (in debug mode) or FALSE is returned (in release mode). \\sa wxTreeMultiCtrl::Expand, wxTreeMultiCtrl::Collapse, wxTreeMultiCtrl::CollapseAndReset " end operation 170498 "IsExcluded" cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "bool" nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { wxCHECK(_item, false); return _item->IsExcluded(); }; " comment "* Returns true if this node is excluded from drawing. Please note that when this node is not visible due to a higher excluded parent node but not literally excluded itself, it will return false (not excluded). Use wxTreeMultiCtrl::GetExcludedParent() to get the node that hides this one. " end operation 170626 "IsSelected" const cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "bool" nparams 1 param in name "" explicit_type "void" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { wxCHECK(this->GetItem(),false); return this->GetItem()->IsSelected(); }; " comment "* Returns true if the item is selected. Please note that currently only nodes can be selected. " end operation 170754 "IsVisible" cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "bool" nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { wxCHECK(_item, false); return _item->IsVisible(); }; " comment "* Returns true if this node is visible. Please note that when this node is a child node of a collapsed node, it is not visible. Also if this node is a child node of an excluded node, it is also not visible. It does NOT return false when it's drawn somewhere outside of the visible area. " end end class 140546 "wxTreeMultiWindowInfo" visibility package cpp_decl "${comment}${template}class ${name}${inherit} { ${members}}; ${inlines} " java_decl "" php_decl "" python_2_2 python_decl "" idl_decl "" explicit_switch_type "" comment "* \\class wxTreeMultiWindowInfo \\ingroup classes \\brief This class contains information for every Window node to be added. This class can be used to modify the behaviour of the Window node to be added, and can be reused to pass along upon every wxTreeMultiCtrl::AppendWindow call. For example: \\code wxTreeMultiWindowInfo wndinfo; MyTreeMultiCtrl->AppendWindow(item, new wxStaticText(MyTreeMultiCtrl, -1, \"Press this button\"), \"\", wndinfo)); // now adjust the spacing of our next window to add, by indenting // 4 times the indent size wndinfo.Indent(4); MyTreeMultiCtrl->AppendWindow(item, new wxButton(MyTreeMultiCtrl, -1, \"Apply\"), \"\", wndinfo); \\endcode The class is created to prevent long parameter lists in the functions. Other ways to manipulate a newly added Window node are; \\li Change top spacing of the Window node to be added \\li Change front spacing (indent) of the Window node \\li Set extra flags for this Window node -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" attribute 141698 "_flags" private explicit_type "int" cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value}; " java_decl "" php_decl "" python_decl "" idl_decl "" end attribute 141826 "_topSpacing" private explicit_type "int" cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value}; " java_decl "" php_decl "" python_decl "" idl_decl "" end attribute 141954 "_checkState" private explicit_type "bool" cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value}; " java_decl "" php_decl "" python_decl "" idl_decl "" end operation 170882 "wxTreeMultiWindowInfo" cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "" nparams 4 param in name "flags" explicit_type "int" param in name "frontSpacing" explicit_type "int" param in name "topSpacing" explicit_type "int" param in name "checkState" explicit_type "bool" defaultvalue "false" cpp_decl " ${comment}${inline}${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}, ${t2} ${p2}${v2}, ${t3} ${p3}${v3}${)}${volatile}${throw} : _flags(flags) , _frontSpacing(frontSpacing) , _frontSpacingOrg(frontSpacing) , _topSpacing(topSpacing) , _checkState(checkState) #else wxTreeMultiWindowInfo(int flags, int frontSpacing, int topSpacing) : _flags(flags) , _frontSpacing(frontSpacing) , _frontSpacingOrg(frontSpacing) , _topSpacing(topSpacing) #endif { // constructor }; " end operation 171010 "Indent" cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "int" nparams 1 param in name "num" explicit_type "int" defaultvalue "1" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { if(num > 0) _frontSpacing += (_frontSpacingOrg * num); return _frontSpacing; }; " comment "* Adds indent to original front spacing and increments it with that value (quick extra indent). The original value of FrontSpacing (see SetFrontSpacing() gets indented by multiplying the 'num' factor (default = 1) times the indent value. So if the FrontSpacing was set to 10, and Indent(2) is called, the new indent will be 30. (10 + 2 * 10). The original FrontSpacing value is remembered, so calling Outdent(2) will bring it back to 10 (30 - (2*10). Calling SetFrontSpacing with a new value, deletes the old indent. \\sa Outdent, SetFrontSpacing " end operation 171138 "Outdent" cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "int" nparams 1 param in name "num" explicit_type "int" defaultvalue "1" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { _frontSpacing -= (_frontSpacingOrg * num); if(_frontSpacing < 0) _frontSpacing = 0; return _frontSpacing; }; " comment "* Reduces indent a number of times, by subtracting 'num' times the original FrontSpacing value from the current FrontSpacing value (quick extra indent). Thus if the original FrontSpacing was set to 10, and the current indent value is 40, Outdent(2) will do 40 - (2 * 10) = 20 \\sa Indent, SetFrontSpacing " end operation 171266 "SetFrontSpacing" cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 1 param in name "frontSpacing" explicit_type "int" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { _frontSpacing = frontSpacing; _frontSpacingOrg = frontSpacing; }; " comment "* Sets FrontSpacing value. This also resets the current indent level. " end operation 171394 "GetFrontSpacing" const cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "int" nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { return _frontSpacing; }; " comment "* Gets front spacing. This will return the current indent level set. If Indent or Outdent is used, this level represents the current Indent level." end operation 171522 "SetTopSpacing" cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 1 param in name "topSpacing" explicit_type "int" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { _topSpacing = topSpacing; if(_topSpacing < 0) _topSpacing = 0; }; " comment "* Sets top spacing. This means the number of pixels spacing between the last node and the next one to be added. " end operation 171650 "GetTopSpacing" const cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "int" nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { return _topSpacing; }; " comment " Gets top spacing currently set. " end operation 171778 "SetFlags" cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "int" nparams 1 param in name "flags" explicit_type "int" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { int tmp = _flags; _flags = flags; return tmp; }; " comment "* Sets the current flags set, and returns previous flags state. \\sa @link wndflags wxTreeMultiWindowInfo flags@endlink " end operation 171906 "GetFlags" const cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "int" nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { return _flags; }; " comment "* Gets the current flags set. \\sa @link wndflags wxTreeMultiWindowInfo flags@endlink " end operation 172034 "AddFlag" cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "int" nparams 1 param in name "flag_mask" explicit_type "int" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { int tmp = _flags; _flags |= flag_mask; return tmp; }; " comment "* Or's the given flag with the current flagset, and adds it. The old flag set is returned before the OR is applied. \\sa @link wndflags wxTreeMultiWindowInfo flags@endlink " end operation 172162 "RemoveFlag" cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "int" nparams 1 param in name "flag_mask" explicit_type "int" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { int tmp = _flags; _flags &= ~(flag_mask); return tmp; }; " comment "* And's the given flag in a negated manner and removes this flag set from the current flags. The old flag set is returned. \\sa @link wndflags wxTreeMultiWindowInfo flags@endlink " end operation 172290 "SetDefaultCheckState" cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 1 param in name "checkState" explicit_type "bool" defaultvalue "true" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { _checkState = checkState; }; " comment "* Sets the default checkstate if checkboxes if SetCheckboxView is chosen. For all the items to be added (even captions) this checkstate is chosen. The default checkstate is false. This needs USE_CHECKBOXVIEW set to YES, or CHECKBOXVIEW=1 during compile " end operation 172418 "GetDefaultCheckState" const cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "bool" nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { return _checkState; }; " comment "* Gets the default checkstate of the item. This needs USE_CHECKBOXVIEW set to YES, or CHECKBOXVIEW=1 during compile \\sa SetDefaultCheckState " end end class 140674 "wxTreeMultiCtrl" visibility package cpp_decl "${comment}${template}class ${name}${inherit} { ${members}}; ${inlines} " java_decl "" php_decl "" python_2_2 python_decl "" idl_decl "" explicit_switch_type "" comment "* \\class wxTreeMultiCtrl \\ingroup classes \\brief This is the visual control, which will contain all the logic for the tree mechanism. The wxTreeMultiCtrl is the container class which can be filled in to get the tree shaped structure in which the controls are displayed. The user can add / delete new nodes at runtime, expand or collapse nodes, perform get or set actions on the controls inside, and iterate over the items. A typical usage of the wxTreeCtrl is; \\code wxTreeMultiCtrl *tmc = new wxTreeMultiCtrl(this, -1); // add root wxTreeMultiItem item = tmc->AddRoot(\"This is the first root\"); // create a wxTreeMultiWindowInfo object for indenting etc wxTreeMultiWindowInfo wndinfo; // add subitem to root tmc->AppendWindow(item, new wxButton(tmc, -1, \"Press this\"), \"\", wndinfo); // indent a few wndinfo.Indent(4); // add a new one tmc->AddWindow(item, new wxCheckBox(tmc, ID_MYCHECK, \"Check this!\"), \"\", wndinfo); // now check the value of the checkbox tmc->SetBooleanValue(ID_MYCHECK, true); \\endcode IMPORTANT: Every control added to the wxTreeMultiCtrl has to be child of the wxTreeMultiCtrl. " classrelation 135938 // relation 135938 ---|> a public cpp default "${type}" classrelation_ref 135938 // b parent class_ref 140802 // typedef23 end attribute 142082 "_style" private explicit_type "long" cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value}; " java_decl "" php_decl "" python_decl "" idl_decl "" end attribute 142210 "_captionHeight" private explicit_type "int" cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value}; " java_decl "" php_decl "" python_decl "" idl_decl "" end attribute 142338 "_gutterWidth" private explicit_type "int" cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value}; " java_decl "" php_decl "" python_decl "" idl_decl "" end attribute 142466 "_iconWidth" private explicit_type "int" cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value}; " java_decl "" php_decl "" python_decl "" idl_decl "" end attribute 142594 "_iconHeight" private explicit_type "int" cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value}; " java_decl "" php_decl "" python_decl "" idl_decl "" end attribute 142722 "_maxHeight" private explicit_type "int" cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value}; " java_decl "" php_decl "" python_decl "" idl_decl "" end attribute 142850 "_spacingY" private explicit_type "int" cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value}; " java_decl "" php_decl "" python_decl "" idl_decl "" end attribute 142978 "_create_called" private explicit_type "bool" cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value}; " java_decl "" php_decl "" python_decl "" idl_decl "" end attribute 143106 "_checkboxView" private explicit_type "bool" cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value}; " java_decl "" php_decl "" python_decl "" idl_decl "" end attribute 143234 "m_HilightBrush" private explicit_type "wxBrush" cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} * ${name}${value}; " java_decl "" php_decl "" python_decl "" idl_decl "" end attribute 143362 "_captionFont" private explicit_type "wxFont" cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value}; " java_decl "" php_decl "" python_decl "" idl_decl "" end attribute 143490 "m_SelectedItems" private explicit_type "wxArrayTreeMultiItem" cpp_decl " ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value}; " java_decl "" php_decl "" python_decl "" idl_decl "" end operation 172546 "DoFold" preserve_cpp_body_indent private explicit_return_type "void" nparams 3 param inout name "item" type class_ref 139778 // TreeMultiItemBase param in name "expand" explicit_type "bool" param in name "recursive" explicit_type "bool" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}, ${t2} ${p2}${v2}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "// wxTreeMultiCtrl::Unselect(wxTreeMultiItem const&) ${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}, ${t1} ${p1}, ${t2} ${p2}${)}${const}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Does the actual collapsing / expanding. So that Expand and Collapse aren't using the same code twice " end operation 172674 "RedrawFromNode" preserve_cpp_body_indent private explicit_return_type "void" nparams 1 param inout name "n" type class_ref 139906 // TreeMultiItemNode cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Redraws and recalculates the nodes from the current node. It will also clear all 'dirty' flags when they are recalculated " end operation 172802 "RedrawFromParentNode" preserve_cpp_body_indent private explicit_return_type "void" nparams 1 param inout name "n" type class_ref 139778 // TreeMultiItemBase cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "// wxTreeMultiCtrl::InsertWindow(TreeMultiItemNode*, size_t, wxWindow*, wxString const&, wxTreeMultiWindowInfo const&, int) ${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Redraws from parent node of this node " end operation 172930 "DrawCheckbox" preserve_cpp_body_indent private explicit_return_type "void" nparams 3 param inout name "b" type class_ref 139778 // TreeMultiItemBase param inout name "dc" explicit_type "wxDC" param in name "convertScrolled" explicit_type "bool" defaultvalue "false" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} & ${p1}${v1}, ${t2} ${p2}${v2}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}, ${t1} & ${p1}, ${t2} ${p2}${)}${const}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Draws checkbox belonging to this node, in the given state " end operation 173058 "RecalculateNodePositions" preserve_cpp_body_indent private explicit_return_type "void" nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Recalculate the space needed based on every node. It goes as follows. - A foldable node (TreeMultiItemNode) is as high as the 'Jg' y-size. This type only has a caption plus a picture which explains the state ([+] or [-]), the width will be the caption length - A window node will be as high as the y size of the window. The X size is the total length of the window. - For every child node an indent will be added to the x size. Only visible nodes will be recalculated. Non visible (collapsed) children will be skipped " end operation 173186 "CalculateNodeDimensions" preserve_cpp_body_indent private explicit_return_type "int" nparams 3 param inout name "b" type class_ref 139778 // TreeMultiItemBase param in name "currentY" explicit_type "int" param in name "level" explicit_type "int" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}, ${t2} ${p2}${v2}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}, ${t1} ${p1}, ${t2} ${p2}${)}${const}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Recurses into the whole tree and provides every node with the proper x and y values. All non visible items are skipped (so when it encounters a collapsed node, it's children are not calculated). Returns the last Y " end operation 173314 "DrawNode" preserve_cpp_body_indent private explicit_return_type "void" nparams 2 param inout name "b" type class_ref 139778 // TreeMultiItemBase param inout name "dc" explicit_type "wxDC" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} & ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}, ${t1} & ${p1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " end operation 173442 "SetWindowBackgroundColour" preserve_cpp_body_indent private explicit_return_type "void" nparams 3 param inout name "wnd" type class_ref 136322 // wxWindow param in name "col" explicit_type "wxColour" param in name "flags" explicit_type "int" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}, const ${t1} & ${p1}${v1}, ${t2} ${p2}${v2}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}, const ${t1} & ${p1}, ${t2} ${p2}${)}${const}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Sets background colour of all the windows and subwindows in this wxWindow. This is very handy for wxPanel derived classes which need to be made equal to the background colour of the wxTreeMultiCtrl " end operation 173570 "ShowTreeMultiWindow" preserve_cpp_body_indent private explicit_return_type "void" nparams 2 param inout name "window" type class_ref 140162 // TreeMultiItemWindow param in name "show" explicit_type "bool" defaultvalue "true" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}, ${t1} ${p1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Shows or hides the assigned window (if there is any) " end operation 173698 "UpdateAllWindowVisibility" preserve_cpp_body_indent private explicit_return_type "void" nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Goes down the tree, and if a window is not visible (thus all it's children aren't too) it will hide the window so it is not shown on the control " end operation 173826 "UpdateTreeMultiWindowVisibility" preserve_cpp_body_indent private explicit_return_type "void" nparams 2 param inout name "b" type class_ref 139778 // TreeMultiItemBase param in name "show" explicit_type "bool" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}, ${t1} ${p1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Hides tree multi window. It this is a TreeMultiItemNode, hide all subwindows as well. " end operation 173954 "RecalculateVirtualSize" preserve_cpp_body_indent private explicit_return_type "void" nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Recalculates totally needed virtual size of the wxTreeMultiCtrl. It will scan for the largest window, with the biggest size, and report that back " end extra_member 128258 "using" cpp " using wxScrolledWindow::AdjustScrollbars;" "" java "" php "" python "" idl "" end operation 174082 "AdjustScrollbars" preserve_cpp_body_indent cpp_virtual private explicit_return_type "void" nparams 2 param in name "x" explicit_type "int" param in name "y" explicit_type "int" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}, ${t1} ${p1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " end operation 174210 "RecalculateVirtualSizeFromNode" preserve_cpp_body_indent private explicit_return_type "void" nparams 3 param in name "node" type class_ref 139906 // TreeMultiItemNode param inout name "x" explicit_type "int" param inout name "y" explicit_type "int" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}const ${t0} * ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} & ${p1}${v1}, ${t2} & ${p2}${v2}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}const ${t0} * ${p0}, ${t1} & ${p1}, ${t2} & ${p2}${)}${const}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Recalculates and accumulates largest x and y " end operation 174338 "FindNodeByPoint" preserve_cpp_body_indent private return_type class_ref 139778 // TreeMultiItemBase nparams 3 param inout name "b" type class_ref 139778 // TreeMultiItemBase param in name "pt" explicit_type "wxPoint" param inout name "area" explicit_type "int" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} * ${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}, const ${t1} & ${p1}${v1}, ${t2} & ${p2}${v2}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} * ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}, const ${t1} & ${p1}, ${t2} & ${p2}${)}${const}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Scans for TreeMultiItemBase node that contains x,y and in area returns a hittest constant to indicate what matched " end operation 174466 "FindWindowNode" preserve_cpp_body_indent private return_type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem nparams 2 param inout name "wnd" type class_ref 136322 // wxWindow param inout name "n" type class_ref 139906 // TreeMultiItemNode defaultvalue "0" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} * ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}, ${t1} * ${p1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Scans for TreeMultiItemWindow that holds the wxWindow pointer. Does not scan in panels or does a deep search. Reason, this function is used to advance to next TreeMultiItemWindow for focus on this wxScrolledWindow. If a sub window is found, it will skip other windows on that same level " end operation 174594 "FindNextVisibleWindowItem" preserve_cpp_body_indent private return_type class_ref 140162 // TreeMultiItemWindow nparams 2 param inout name "b" type class_ref 139778 // TreeMultiItemBase param in name "index" explicit_type "int" defaultvalue "-1" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} * ${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} * ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}, ${t1} ${p1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Finds next visible window item in chain. If not found use FindFirstVisibleItem to start from the beginning " end operation 174722 "AdjustIconsDeltaY" preserve_cpp_body_indent private explicit_return_type "void" nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Adjust the centering of the bitmap icons (collapse / expand) when the caption font changes. They need to be centered in the middle of the font, so a bit of deltaY adjustment is needed " end operation 174850 "CalculateNodeSpanning" preserve_cpp_body_indent private explicit_return_type "void" nparams 1 param inout name "b" type class_ref 139778 // TreeMultiItemBase cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Calculate the spanning of the individual nodes " end operation 174978 "SetRecursiveCheckState" preserve_cpp_body_indent private explicit_return_type "void" nparams 2 param inout name "n" type class_ref 139906 // TreeMultiItemNode param in name "check" explicit_type "bool" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}, ${t1} ${p1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Recurse to all the children and set the checkbox state (even when there is no checkbox) " end operation 175106 "ScanTristateCheckstates" preserve_cpp_body_indent private explicit_return_type "void" nparams 1 param inout name "b" type class_ref 139778 // TreeMultiItemBase cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* From current checked node, all children will be scanned and the parent node of this node will get tristate if the checked items are scattered (some are some aren't). If all nodes in this node are checked, the parent node gets checked all the way up to the last one that matches criteria. If all are cleared, parent node gets cleared " end operation 175234 "InsertNode" preserve_cpp_body_indent private return_type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem nparams 4 param inout name "ParentPtr" type class_ref 139906 // TreeMultiItemNode param in name "Position" explicit_type "size_t" param in name "Caption" explicit_type "wxString" param in name "Name" explicit_type "wxString" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}, const ${t2} & ${p2}${v2}, const ${t3} & ${p3}${v3}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}, ${t1} ${p1}, const ${t2} & ${p2}, const ${t3} & ${p3}${)}${const}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* \\name Private add and delete methods @{ * Inserts a node into the parent's node at the specified position. As this is a private method error checking is limited. Therefore, it has to be guaranteed that this method is only called with a valid parent node pointer. The position is zero based. In case the position is equal or larger than the current number of parent's elements the new node is appended. The newly inserted node is being returned. " end operation 175362 "InsertWindow" preserve_cpp_body_indent private return_type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem nparams 6 param inout name "ParentPtr" type class_ref 139906 // TreeMultiItemNode param in name "Position" explicit_type "size_t" param inout name "WindowPtr" type class_ref 136322 // wxWindow param in name "Name" explicit_type "wxString" param in name "Info" type class_ref 140546 // wxTreeMultiWindowInfo param in name "Flags" explicit_type "int" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}, ${t2} * ${p2}${v2}, const ${t3} & ${p3}${v3}, const ${t4} & ${p4}${v4}, ${t5} ${p5}${v5}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "// wxTreeMultiCtrl::InsertNode(TreeMultiItemNode*, size_t, wxString const&, wxString const&) ${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}, ${t1} ${p1}, ${t2} * ${p2}, const ${t3} & ${p3}, const ${t4} & ${p4}, ${t5} ${p5}${)}${const}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Inserts a window into the parent's node at the specified position. As this is a private method error checking is limited. Therefore, it has to be guaranteed that this method is only called with a valid parent node and window pointer. The position is zero based. In case the position is equal or larger than the current number of parent's elements the new node is appended. The newly inserted window is being returned. " end operation 175490 "Init" preserve_cpp_body_indent private explicit_return_type "void" nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* @} " end operation 175618 "OnPaint" private explicit_return_type "void" nparams 1 param inout name "event" explicit_type "wxPaintEvent" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment " handlers --------- virtual void OnDraw(wxDC& dc); " end operation 175746 "OnMouseClick" preserve_cpp_body_indent private explicit_return_type "void" nparams 1 param inout name "event" explicit_type "wxMouseEvent" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " end operation 175874 "OnRightMouseClick" preserve_cpp_body_indent private explicit_return_type "void" nparams 1 param inout name "Event" explicit_type "wxMouseEvent" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " end operation 176002 "OnKey" preserve_cpp_body_indent private explicit_return_type "void" nparams 1 param inout name "event" explicit_type "wxKeyEvent" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " end operation 176130 "OnSize" private explicit_return_type "void" nparams 1 param inout name "event" explicit_type "wxSizeEvent" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " end operation 176258 "RecalculateSpanSizes" preserve_cpp_body_indent private explicit_return_type "void" nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Recalculates the spanning controls " end operation 176386 "wxTreeMultiCtrl" cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "" nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${inline}${name}${(}${)}${volatile}${throw} : _create_called(false) { Init(); }; " comment "* Two step constructor. Call Create when this constructor is called to build up the wxTreeMultiCtrl " end operation 176514 "wxTreeMultiCtrl" cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "" nparams 7 param inout name "parent" type class_ref 136322 // wxWindow param in name "id" explicit_type "wxWindowID" defaultvalue "-1" param in name "pos" explicit_type "wxPoint" defaultvalue "wxDefaultPosition" param in name "size" explicit_type "wxSize" defaultvalue "wxDefaultSize" param in name "style" explicit_type "long" defaultvalue "wxTMC_DEFAULT_STYLE" param in name "validator" explicit_type "wxValidator" defaultvalue "wxDefaultValidator" param in name "name" explicit_type "wxString" defaultvalue "wxTreeMultiCtrlNameStr" cpp_decl " ${comment}${inline}${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}, const ${t2} & ${p2}${v2}, const ${t3} & ${p3}${v3}, ${t4} ${p4}${v4}, const ${t5} & ${p5}${v5}, const ${t6} & ${p6}${v6}${)}${volatile}${throw} : _style(style | wxTAB_TRAVERSAL) , _create_called(false) { Create(parent, id, pos, size, style, validator, name); }; " comment "* The default constructor. The style wxTAB_TRAVERSAL is enforced to make sure that the focus handling is being done correctly. The styles to be used are styles valid for the wxWindow and wxScrolledWindow " end operation 176642 "~wxTreeMultiCtrl" preserve_cpp_body_indent cpp_virtual public explicit_return_type "" nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${inline}${virtual}${name}${(}${)}${volatile}${throw}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${class}::${name}${(}${)}${throw}{ ${body}} " comment "* Destructor " end operation 176770 "Create" public explicit_return_type "bool" nparams 7 param inout name "parent" type class_ref 136322 // wxWindow param in name "id" explicit_type "wxWindowID" defaultvalue "-1" param in name "pos" explicit_type "wxPoint" defaultvalue "wxDefaultPosition" param in name "size" explicit_type "wxSize" defaultvalue "wxDefaultSize" param in name "style" explicit_type "long" defaultvalue "wxTMC_DEFAULT_STYLE" param in name "validator" explicit_type "wxValidator" defaultvalue "wxDefaultValidator" param in name "name" explicit_type "wxString" defaultvalue "wxTreeMultiCtrlNameStr" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}, const ${t2} & ${p2}${v2}, const ${t3} & ${p3}${v3}, ${t4} ${p4}${v4}, const ${t5} & ${p5}${v5}, const ${t6} & ${p6}${v6}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} * ${p0}, ${t1} ${p1}, const ${t2} & ${p2}, const ${t3} & ${p3}, ${t4} ${p4}, const ${t5} & ${p5}, const ${t6} & ${p6}${)}${const}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Two step creation. Whenever the control is created without any parameters, use Create to actually create it. Don't access the control's public methods before this is called \\sa wxTreeMultiCtrl() " end operation 176898 "AddRoot" preserve_cpp_body_indent public return_type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem nparams 2 param in name "caption" explicit_type "wxString" param in name "name" explicit_type "wxString" defaultvalue "wxEmptyString" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${v0}, const ${t1} & ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}, const ${t1} & ${p1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment " accessors ---------- * @name Add and delete methods To add and delete node items like a Root item, Window item or Node item. This allows the user to manipulate the tree, and build it up. @{ * Adds a root node to the wxTreeMultiItem. There can be many root nodes. Use this wxTreeMultiNode pointer to add more subnodes to it. " end operation 177026 "AppendWindow" preserve_cpp_body_indent public return_type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem nparams 5 param in name "ParentItem" type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem param inout name "window" type class_ref 136322 // wxWindow defaultvalue "NULL" param in name "name" explicit_type "wxString" defaultvalue "wxEmptyString" param in name "info" type class_ref 140546 // wxTreeMultiWindowInfo defaultvalue "wxTreeMultiWindowInfoDefault" param in name "flags" explicit_type "int" defaultvalue "0" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} * ${p1}${v1}, const ${t2} & ${p2}${v2}, const ${t3} & ${p3}${v3}, ${t4} ${p4}${v4}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}, ${t1} * ${p1}, const ${t2} & ${p2}, const ${t3} & ${p3}, ${t4} ${p4}${)}${const}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Adds a window to the tree control. Use this wxTreeMultiItem method to add a window class to the current wxTreeMultiItem. The wxTreeMultiItem must point to a Node class. If this is not the case an empty wxTreeMultiItem is returned. The mask is used to override the mask settings of the wxTreeMultiWindowInfo class. This can be handy to set or clear extra flags only needed for certain situations " end operation 177154 "InsertWindow" preserve_cpp_body_indent public return_type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem nparams 6 param in name "ParentItem" type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem param in name "Position" explicit_type "size_t" param inout name "window" type class_ref 136322 // wxWindow defaultvalue "NULL" param in name "name" explicit_type "wxString" defaultvalue "wxEmptyString" param in name "info" type class_ref 140546 // wxTreeMultiWindowInfo defaultvalue "wxTreeMultiWindowInfoDefault" param in name "flags" explicit_type "int" defaultvalue "0" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}, ${t2} * ${p2}${v2}, const ${t3} & ${p3}${v3}, const ${t4} & ${p4}${v4}, ${t5} ${p5}${v5}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}, ${t1} ${p1}, ${t2} * ${p2}, const ${t3} & ${p3}, const ${t4} & ${p4}, ${t5} ${p5}${)}${const}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Adds a window to the tree control. Use this method to add a window class at the specified position of the parent's wxTreeMultiItem. In case the position is smaller than the current number of children all elements are shifted upwards, otherwise the new window is appended to the parent's wxTreeMultiItem. The parent wxTreeMultiItem must point to a Node class. If this is not the case an empty wxTreeMultiItem is returned. " end operation 177282 "PrependWindow" preserve_cpp_body_indent public return_type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem nparams 5 param in name "ParentItem" type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem param inout name "window" type class_ref 136322 // wxWindow defaultvalue "NULL" param in name "name" explicit_type "wxString" defaultvalue "wxEmptyString" param in name "info" type class_ref 140546 // wxTreeMultiWindowInfo defaultvalue "wxTreeMultiWindowInfoDefault" param in name "flags" explicit_type "int" defaultvalue "0" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} * ${p1}${v1}, const ${t2} & ${p2}${v2}, const ${t3} & ${p3}${v3}, ${t4} ${p4}${v4}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "// wxTreeMultiCtrl::InsertWindow(wxTreeMultiItem const&, size_t, wxWindow*, wxString const&, wxTreeMultiWindowInfo const&, int) ${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}, ${t1} * ${p1}, const ${t2} & ${p2}, const ${t3} & ${p3}, ${t4} ${p4}${)}${const}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Adds a window to the tree control. Use this method to add a window class as the first element of the parent's wxTreeMultiItem. The parent wxTreeMultiItem must point to a Node class. If this is not the case an empty wxTreeMultiItem is returned. " end operation 177410 "AppendNode" preserve_cpp_body_indent public return_type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem nparams 3 param in name "ParentItem" type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem param in name "caption" explicit_type "wxString" defaultvalue "wxEmptyString" param in name "name" explicit_type "wxString" defaultvalue "wxEmptyString" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${v0}, const ${t1} & ${p1}${v1}, const ${t2} & ${p2}${v2}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "// wxTreeMultiCtrl::PrependWindow(wxTreeMultiItem const&, wxWindow*, const wxString &, wxTreeMultiWindowInfo const&, int) ${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}, const ${t1} & ${p1}, const ${t2} & ${p2}${)}${const}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Adds a node to the tree control. Use this wxTreeMultiItem method to add a recursive subnode class as the last element of the parent's wxTreeMultiItem. The parent wxTreeMultiItem must point to a Node class. If this is not the case an empty wxTreeMultiItem is returned. A node can contain multiple nodes or window classes " end operation 177538 "InsertNode" preserve_cpp_body_indent public return_type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem nparams 4 param in name "ParentItem" type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem param in name "Position" explicit_type "size_t" param in name "caption" explicit_type "wxString" param in name "name" explicit_type "wxString" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}, const ${t2} & ${p2}${v2}, const ${t3} & ${p3}${v3}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "// wxTreeMultiCtrl::AppendNode(wxTreeMultiItem const&, const wxString &, const wxString&) ${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}, ${t1} ${p1}, const ${t2} & ${p2}, const ${t3} & ${p3}${)}${const}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Adds a node to the tree control. Use this method to add a recursive subnode class at the specified position of the parent's wxTreeMultiItem. In case the position is smaller than the current number of nodes all elements are shifted upwards, otherwise the new node is appended to the parent's wxTreeMultiItem. The parent wxTreeMultiItem must point to a Node class. If this is not the case an empty wxTreeMultiItem is returned. A node can contain multiple nodes or window classes. " end operation 177666 "PrependNode" preserve_cpp_body_indent public return_type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem nparams 3 param in name "ParentItem" type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem param in name "caption" explicit_type "wxString" defaultvalue "wxEmptyString" param in name "name" explicit_type "wxString" defaultvalue "wxEmptyString" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${v0}, const ${t1} & ${p1}${v1}, const ${t2} & ${p2}${v2}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "// wxTreeMultiCtrl::InsertNode(wxTreeMultiItem const&, size_t, wxString const&, wxString const&) ${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}, const ${t1} & ${p1}, const ${t2} & ${p2}${)}${const}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Adds a node to the tree control. Use this method to add a recursive subnode class as the first element of the parent's wxTreeMultiItem. The parent wxTreeMultiItem must point to a Node class. If this is not the case an empty wxTreeMultiItem is returned. A node can contain multiple nodes or window classes. " end operation 177794 "Delete" preserve_cpp_body_indent public explicit_return_type "bool" nparams 1 param inout name "item" type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "// wxTreeMultiCtrl::PrependNode(wxTreeMultiItem const&, wxString const&, wxString const&) ${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Delete item from the tree control. Whenever it is present, delete it. If not, return false. After deletion the wxTreeMultiItem is 0, thus IsOk will return false " end operation 177922 "DeleteAllItems" cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 1 param in name "" explicit_type "void" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { this->_root.Clear(); this->m_SelectedItems.Clear(); Refresh(); }; " comment "* Deletes all the items from the wxTreeMultiCtrl. " end operation 178050 "DeleteChildren" preserve_cpp_body_indent public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 1 param in name "item" type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Deletes all children of the current node. The wxTreeMultiItem needs to be of type Node to do this. Call GetParentNode to get the parent wxTreeMultiItem which is always a node. " end operation 178178 "ExpandNodes" preserve_cpp_body_indent public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 1 param in name "recursive" explicit_type "bool" defaultvalue "false" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* @} * @name Expand and collapse methods These methods are all for items of type Node. @{ * Expand all nodes and subnodes. Recursive = true means all subnodes are also expanded. " end operation 178306 "CollapseNodes" preserve_cpp_body_indent public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 1 param in name "recursive" explicit_type "bool" defaultvalue "false" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Collapses all nodes and subnodes. Recursive = true means all subnodes are also expanded. " end operation 178434 "Expand" preserve_cpp_body_indent public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 2 param in name "item" type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem param in name "recursive" explicit_type "bool" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}, ${t1} ${p1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Expands given node, and with recursive, also the subnodes " end operation 178562 "Collapse" preserve_cpp_body_indent public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 2 param in name "item" type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem param in name "recursive" explicit_type "bool" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}, ${t1} ${p1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Collapses given node, and with recursive, also the subnodes. If this item is not a node, but a window. the parent is resolved and that node is collapsed " end operation 178690 "CollapseAndReset" preserve_cpp_body_indent public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 1 param in name "item" type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Collapses this node and removes all children from it. This is only applicable on wxTreeMultiItems which are of type Node / Root. " end operation 178818 "Fold" cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 2 param in name "item" type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem param in name "expand" explicit_type "bool" defaultvalue "true" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { if(expand) Expand(item, false); else Collapse(item, false); }; " comment "* Folds the given node. The same as Expand and Collapse, but the state can be given through a parameter " end operation 178946 "GetSelectedItemCount" const cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "size_t" nparams 1 param in name "" explicit_type "void" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {return this->m_SelectedItems.GetCount();}; " comment "* @} * @name Selection manipulation These methods allow you to select, unselect or test wxTreeMultiItems on selection. Currently only items of type Node can be manipulated. @{ * Returns the number of selected items. " end operation 179074 "GetFirstSelectedItem" preserve_cpp_body_indent const public return_type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem nparams 1 param in name "" explicit_type "void" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "// Selection manipulation ${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Returns the first selected item. If there is no selected item an invalid tree multi item is returned. " end operation 179202 "GetLastSelectedItem" preserve_cpp_body_indent const public return_type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem nparams 1 param in name "" explicit_type "void" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "// wxTreeMultiCtrl::GetFirstSelectedItem(void) const ${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Returns the last selected item. If there is no selected item an invalid tree multi item is returned. " end operation 179330 "GetSelectedItem" preserve_cpp_body_indent const public return_type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem nparams 1 param in name "Index" explicit_type "size_t" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "// wxTreeMultiCtrl::GetLastSelectedItem(void) const ${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Returns a selected item with the specified index. If there is no selected item with the passed index an invalide tree multi item is returned. " end operation 179458 "GetSelectedItemIndex" preserve_cpp_body_indent const public explicit_return_type "size_t" nparams 1 param in name "Item" type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "// wxTreeMultiCtrl::GetSelectedItem(size_t Index) const ${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Returns the index of the selected item. In case the item is not selected \"GetSelectedItemCount()\" - which is an invalid index - is returned. " end operation 179586 "SelectItem" preserve_cpp_body_indent public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 3 param in name "Item" type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem param in name "UnselectOthers" explicit_type "bool" defaultvalue "true" param in name "ExpandSelection" explicit_type "bool" defaultvalue "false" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}, ${t2} ${p2}${v2}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "// wxTreeMultiCtrl::GetSelectedItemIndex(wxTreeMultiItem const&) const ${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}, ${t1} ${p1}, ${t2} ${p2}${)}${const}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Selects the specified item AND in case - UnselectOthers is set all other selected items are going to be unselected; - ExpandSelection is set all items between the last selected item and the passed item are selected, too (in case there this is the first selection all items between the first root and the passed item are selected). If the passed item is already selected the other parameters are ignored. Please not that currently only nodes can be selected, therefore, if any other item is passed nothing will happen. " end operation 179714 "UnselectAll" preserve_cpp_body_indent public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 1 param in name "" explicit_type "void" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "// wxTreeMultiCtrl::SelectItem(wxTreeMultiItem const&, bool, bool) ${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Unselect all selected items. " end operation 179842 "Unselect" preserve_cpp_body_indent public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 1 param in name "Item" type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "// wxTreeMultiCtrl::UnselectAll(void) ${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Unselect specified item " end operation 179970 "Exclude" preserve_cpp_body_indent public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 1 param in name "item" type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* @} * \\name Visibility manipulation These methods allow you to manipulate a certain wxTreeMultiItem to temporarily exclude or to include the node from drawing. Whenever it is excluded, all operations can still be performed, however the node may not be visible. @{ * Excludes this node from drawing. When excluded, the node will dissapear from the control but is still physically present in the tree itself. If this node is a composite node with children, they will all be hidden from the control. " end operation 180098 "Include" preserve_cpp_body_indent public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 1 param in name "item" type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Includes an excluded node. If the node was already present on the drawing, nothing happens. If the node is included after exclusion it will become visible. If the parent node is still excluded or collapsed (not visible) this will not show, until the parent node shows " end operation 180226 "GetExcludedParent" preserve_cpp_body_indent public return_type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem nparams 1 param in name "item" type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Returns the parent that is responsible for excluding this node. If there is no excluded node as parent, the wxTreeMultiItem is zero. " end operation 180354 "HitTest" preserve_cpp_body_indent public return_type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem nparams 2 param in name "pt" explicit_type "wxPoint" param inout name "flags" explicit_type "int" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} & ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "// wxTreeMultiCtrl::OnRightMouseClick(wxMouseEvent&) ${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}, ${t1} & ${p1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* @} * Checks if the point is under one of the given areas. The returned areas can be \\li wxTMC_HITTEST_GUTTER If the front part of the item is clicked (where the node is) \\li wxTMC_HITTEST_WINDOW If located in the window area \\li wxTMC_HITTEST_CAPTION If located on the caption of the MultiTreeItemNode Returned is the item which is located under the mouse, or none (IsOk = false) if no item under the mouse " end operation 180482 "FindItem" preserve_cpp_body_indent public return_type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem nparams 4 param in name "item" type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem param in name "name" explicit_type "wxString" param in name "ignoreCase" explicit_type "bool" defaultvalue "false" param in name "skipFirst" explicit_type "bool" defaultvalue "false" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${v0}, const ${t1} & ${p1}${v1}, ${t2} ${p2}${v2}, ${t3} ${p3}${v3}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}, const ${t1} & ${p1}, ${t2} ${p2}, ${t3} ${p3}${)}${const}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* @name Find methods These methods are used for finding a node in the wxTreeMultiCtrl. @{ * Searches for the given name from the given level and lower. It will return a wxTreeMultiItem which needs to be checked with IsOk() to see if it is a correct item. IsRootItem, IsNodeItem and IsWindowItem can be used to determine the type of item. If the search returned an item which doesn't satisfy the query, you can restart the search from here, with skip = true to skip the passed item. " end operation 180610 "FindItem" cpp_inline public return_type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem nparams 2 param in name "name" explicit_type "wxString" param in name "ignoreCase" explicit_type "bool" defaultvalue "false" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { return FindItem(wxTreeMultiItem(&_root), name, ignoreCase, false); }; " comment "* Searches all nodes for the given name and returns the one found. This is a specialised method for FindItem " end operation 180738 "GetChildrenCount" cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "int" nparams 1 param in name "item" type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { if(item.IsNodeItem()) { TreeMultiItemNode *n = (TreeMultiItemNode *)item.GetItem(); return n->GetNodeCount(); } return -1; }; " comment "* @} * Returns the number of children in this node. If this node is not of type Node, count returns -1. " end operation 180866 "GetFocus" preserve_cpp_body_indent public return_type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* This method finds the current focused window, and returns the wxTreeMultiItem that has this window as pointer. If the wxTreeMultiItem is not ok, the focused window is on a sub-panel, or not on this control. If the focus is on a sub-panel, this panel will handle the focusing. If you are still interested in this window, try wxWindow::FindFocus which will always return with a pointer if a wxWindow has focus " end operation 180994 "GetBooleanValue" preserve_cpp_body_indent public explicit_return_type "bool" nparams 1 param in name "wndId" explicit_type "int" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* @name Smart window Get/Set methods These methods are used for quickly getting or setting primitive values, like boolean, string, or selections into primitive wxWindow controls like a wxRadioButton, wxCheckBox, wxTextCtrl, etc. The methods allow you to quickly set e.g. a boolean value by using the wxWindow ID of the control. A type check is performed before the value is actually set with the appropiate method for it. If it fails, an assertion will follow in debug mode. If you want to get values back similar get methods are present to return values. This allows the user to quickly retrieve or set values by ID, without the fuss of remembering the pointer or node ID of the wxTreeMultiCtrl. @{ * This function calls FindWindow on the wxTreeMultiCtrl to find the window with the given ID (which is added with AppendWindow). When it is found, it is type casted towards a wxCheckBox and wxRadioButton. Whenever it finds a proper type it will return true or false. Whenever no proper type is found, it will return with false. In debug mode it will cause an assertion failure as well, to notify the developer something is wrong. \\sa SetBooleanValue " end operation 181122 "GetTextValue" preserve_cpp_body_indent public explicit_return_type "wxString" nparams 1 param in name "wndId" explicit_type "int" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* This function calls FindWindow on the wxTreeMultiCtrl to find the window with the given ID (which is added with AppendWindow). When it is found, it is type casted towards a wxTextCtrl, wxChoice and wxComboBox. Whenever it finds a proper type it will return the (selected) text in the control. Whenever no proper type is found, it will return with an empty string. In debug mode it will cause an exception error as well if the cast fails, to notify the developer something is wrong. \\sa SetTextValue " end operation 181250 "SetBooleanValue" preserve_cpp_body_indent public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 2 param in name "wndId" explicit_type "int" param in name "value" explicit_type "bool" defaultvalue "true" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}, ${t1} ${p1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* This function calls FindWindow on the wxTreeMultiCtrl to find the window with the given ID (which is added with AppendWindow). When it is found, it is type casted towards a wxCheckBox and wxRadioButton. Whenever it finds a proper type it set the control's value to the given boolean parameter. Nothing happens when no proper type is found, however debug mode it will cause an assertion failure. \\sa GetBooleanValue " end operation 181378 "SetTextValue" preserve_cpp_body_indent public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 2 param in name "wndId" explicit_type "int" param in name "value" explicit_type "wxString" defaultvalue "wxEmptyString" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}, const ${t1} & ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}, const ${t1} & ${p1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* This function calls FindWindow on the wxTreeMultiCtrl to find the window with the given ID (which is added with AppendWindow). When it is found, it is type casted towards a wxTextCtrl. If the control is not found or of the wrong type, an asserion failure (in debug mode) follows.
NOTE: this method does not typecast to wxChoice or wxComboBox and the likes. If a selection in one of those needs to be set, use the SetSelectionValue / GetSelectionValue combination. \\sa GetTextValue, GetSelectionValue, SetSelectionValue " end operation 181506 "GetWindow" cpp_inline public return_type class_ref 136322 // wxWindow nparams 1 param in name "item" type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} * ${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { if(item.IsWindowItem()) return ((TreeMultiItemWindow *)item.GetItem())->GetWindow(); return 0; }; " comment "* Retrieves the wxWindow * associated with the wxTreeMultiItem. This only works for Window typed wxTreeMultiItem classes. If this type does not match or no window is associated, 0 is returned. " end operation 181634 "SetSelectionValue" preserve_cpp_body_indent public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 2 param in name "wndId" explicit_type "int" param in name "sel" explicit_type "int" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}, ${t1} ${p1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* This function calls FindWindow on the wxTreeMultiCtrl to find the window with the given ID (which is added with AppendWindow). When it is found, it is type casted towards a wxListBox, wxChoice, wxComboBox. If the control is not found or of the wrong type, an asserion failure (in debug mode) follows. If it is found the selection is set in the control. " end operation 181762 "GetSelectionValue" preserve_cpp_body_indent public explicit_return_type "int" nparams 1 param in name "wndId" explicit_type "int" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* This function calls FindWindow on the wxTreeMultiCtrl to find the window with the given ID (which is added with AppendWindow). When it is found, it is type casted towards a wxListBox, wxChoice, wxComboBox. If the control is not found or of the wrong type, an asserion failure (in debug mode) follows. In release mode -1 is returned. If it is found the selection index is returned. " end operation 181890 "GetSelectionValues" preserve_cpp_body_indent public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 2 param in name "wndId" explicit_type "int" param inout name "sels" explicit_type "wxArrayInt" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} & ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}, ${t1} & ${p1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* This function calls FindWindow on the wxTreeMultiCtrl to find the window with the given ID (which is added with AppendWindow). When it is found, it is type casted towards a wxListBox. If the control is not found or of the wrong type, an asserion failure (in debug mode) follows. In release mode an empty wxArrayInt is returned. If it is found the selections are stored in the wxArrayInt. This is only valid for wxListBox classes with multiple selection flag set. " end operation 182018 "GetCheckboxState" public explicit_return_type "int" nparams 1 param in name "item" type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Gets the checkbox state of the wxTreeMultiItem pointed out by \"item\". If the item does not have a checkbox associated (or the item is not ok), it will return -1. If the checkbox is checked it will return 1, unchecked is 0, and tri-state (usually only for caption nodes) it will return 2. This needs USE_CHECKBOXVIEW set to YES, or CHECKBOXVIEW=1 during compile" end operation 182146 "SetCheckboxState" cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 2 param in name "item" type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem param in name "state" explicit_type "int" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { wxCHECK2( item.IsOk(), return ); TreeMultiItemBase *b = item.GetItem(); if( b->GetCheckbox() ) b->SetCheckboxState( state ); RedrawFromNode( item.GetItem()->GetParent() ); }; " comment "* Sets the checkbox state of the wxTreeMultiItem pointed out by \"item\". If the item does not have a checkbox associated (or the item is not ok), it will simply ignore this. This needs USE_CHECKBOXVIEW set to YES, or CHECKBOXVIEW=1 during compile. Contributed by Thomas Enickl." end operation 182274 "SetSpacingY" cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 1 param in name "spacingY" explicit_type "int" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { if(spacingY >= 0) { _spacingY = spacingY; RedrawFromNode(0); } }; " comment "* @} * @name Extended visibility and manipulation methods These methods alter the wxTreeMultiCtrl appearance, or add more functionality like checkboxes before each node. @{ * Sets the Y spacing of the wxTreeMultiCtrl to a new size. This can be used to give the controls some more spacing in between " end operation 182402 "GetSpacingY" const cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "int" nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { return _spacingY; }; " comment "* Gets the Y spacing of the wxTreeMultiCtrl. " end operation 182530 "SetCheckboxView" cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 1 param in name "value" explicit_type "bool" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { _checkboxView = value; }; " comment "* This method toggles the checkbox view mode. Whenever set to true, the next window item, or caption node item will get a checkbox. This needs USE_CHECKBOXVIEW set to YES, or CHECKBOXVIEW=1 during compile \\sa GetCheckboxView, wxTreeMultiWindowInfo::SetDefaultCheckState " end operation 182658 "GetCheckboxView" const cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "bool" nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { return _checkboxView; }; " comment "* This method returns the checkbox state currently used. This needs USE_CHECKBOXVIEW set to YES, or CHECKBOXVIEW=1 during compile \\sa SetCheckboxView, wxTreeMultiWindowInfo::SetDefaultCheckState, wxTreeMultiWindowInfo::GetDefaultCheckState " end operation 182786 "GetFirstRoot" const cpp_inline public return_type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem nparams 1 param in name "" explicit_type "void" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {return wxTreeMultiItem(this->_root.First());}; " comment "* @} * @name Iteration methods Allows the user to iterate through a wxTreeMultiCtrl node, and get all the children or siblings. To start an iteration from the lowest level the functions GetFirstRoot and GetLastRoot are provided. @{ * Returns the first root. " end operation 182914 "GetLastRoot" const cpp_inline public return_type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem nparams 1 param in name "" explicit_type "void" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {return wxTreeMultiItem(this->_root.Last());}; " comment "* Returns the last root. " end operation 183042 "GetParent" preserve_cpp_body_indent const public return_type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem nparams 1 param in name "item" type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Returns the items parent. " end operation 183170 "GetFirstChild" preserve_cpp_body_indent const public return_type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem nparams 2 param in name "item" type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem param inout name "cookie" explicit_type "int" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} & ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "// wxTreeMultiCtrl::GetParent(wxTreeMultiItem const& item) const ${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}, ${t1} & ${p1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Returns the first child of this node. The type of wxTreeMultiItem needs to be of Node. Whenever not succesful, the item returned is not ok (IsOk = false). Upon success, a valid child is returned. The cookie variable doesn't need to be initialized " end operation 183298 "GetNextChild" preserve_cpp_body_indent const public return_type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem nparams 2 param in name "item" type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem param inout name "cookie" explicit_type "int" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${v0}, ${t1} & ${p1}${v1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}, ${t1} & ${p1}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Returns the next child in the iteration on the level of 'item'. Make sure you called GetFirstChild first before calling this one " end operation 183426 "GetLastChild" preserve_cpp_body_indent const public return_type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem nparams 1 param in name "item" type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Returns the last child of this node. The type of 'item' needs to be of Node. Whenever not succesful, the item returned is not ok (IsOk = false). Upon success, a valid last child is returned. " end operation 183554 "GetNextSibling" preserve_cpp_body_indent const public return_type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem nparams 1 param in name "item" type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Returns the next sibling of the passed item. " end operation 183682 "GetPrevSibling" preserve_cpp_body_indent const public return_type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem nparams 1 param in name "item" type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "// wxTreeMultiCtrl::GetNextSibling(wxTreeMultiItem const&) const ${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Returns the previous sibling of the passed item. " end operation 183810 "GetNext" preserve_cpp_body_indent const public return_type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem nparams 1 param in name "item" type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "// wxTreeMultiCtrl::GetPrevSibling(wxTreeMultiItem const&) const ${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Returns the next item. \"Next\" is defined by the following order: - in case the current item has a child it is the first child of the current item; - in case the current item has a next sibling as the next sibling; - as the parent's (or one of its ancestor's) next sibling. " end operation 183938 "GetPrevious" preserve_cpp_body_indent const public return_type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem nparams 1 param in name "item" type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "// wxTreeMultiCtrl::GetNextSibling(wxTreeMultiItem const&) const ${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Returns the previous item. \"Previous\" is defined by the following order: - in case the current item has a child it is the last child of the current item; - in case the current item has a previous sibling it is the previous sibling; - as the parent's (or one of its ancestor's) previous sibling. " end operation 184066 "GetCaptionFont" const cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "wxFont" nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}const ${type} & ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { return _captionFont; }; " comment "* @} * @name Get and set methods These methods allow you to set or get certain properties of the wxTreeMultiCtrl. @{ * Get the currently used font for the caption headers in the wxTreeMultiCtrl. If you want to alter this font, simply obtain it and copy it to a local font. After that, set this font back using SetCaptionFont() " end operation 184194 "SetCaptionFont" preserve_cpp_body_indent public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 1 param in name "font" explicit_type "wxFont" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* Sets the font to be used for the text caption headers. This triggers a complete redraw because x,y sizes can differ, and ofcourse all nodes need to be updated. You can call this method at any time not only at the beginning. " end operation 184322 "OnDraw" preserve_cpp_body_indent public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 1 param inout name "dc" explicit_type "wxDC" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract}; " cpp_def "// wxTreeMultiCtrl::GetPrevious(wxTreeMultiItem const&) const // WDR: handler implementations for wxTreeMultiCtrl ${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${t0} & ${p0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{ ${body}} " comment "* @} " end end class 140802 "typedef23" visibility package stereotype "typedef" explicit_base_type "wxScrolledWindow" cpp_decl "${comment}typedef ${type} ${name}; " java_decl "" php_decl "" python_2_2 python_decl "" idl_decl "" explicit_switch_type "" end class 140930 "wxTreeMultiEvent" visibility package cpp_decl "${comment}${template}class ${name}${inherit} { ${members}}; ${inlines} " java_decl "" php_decl "" python_2_2 python_decl "" idl_decl "" explicit_switch_type "" comment "* \\section treemultievent Event handlers for wxTreeMultiCtrl Event handlers for wxTreeMultiCtrl are similar to wxTreeEvents. But they are optimized for the wxTreeMultiCtrl class. " classrelation 136066 // relation 136066 ---|> a public cpp default "${type}" classrelation_ref 136066 // b parent class_ref 141058 // typedef24 end operation 184450 "wxTreeMultiEvent" preserve_cpp_body_indent public explicit_return_type "" nparams 2 param in name "InitEventType" explicit_type "wxEventType" defaultvalue "wxEVT_NULL" param in name "InitItem" type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem defaultvalue "wxTreeMultiItem()" cpp_decl " ${comment}${inline}${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}, const ${t1} & ${p1}${v1}${)}${volatile}${throw}; " cpp_def "// constructors / destructor: ${comment}${inline}${class}::${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}, const ${t1} & ${p1}${)} :wxNotifyEvent(InitEventType), m_Item(InitItem) ${throw}{ ${body}} " comment "WXDLLEXPORT / / The default constructor /" end operation 184578 "Clone" const cpp_virtual cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "wxEvent" nparams 0 cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} * ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} {return new wxTreeMultiEvent(*this);}; " comment " inherited functions: wxEvent: cloning:" end operation 184706 "GetItem" const cpp_inline public return_type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem nparams 1 param in name "" explicit_type "void" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { return this->m_Item; }; " comment " item handling:" end operation 184834 "SetItem" cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 1 param in name "NewItem" type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { this->m_Item = NewItem; }; " end operation 184962 "GetOldItem" const cpp_inline public return_type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem nparams 1 param in name "" explicit_type "void" cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${t0} ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { return this->m_OldItem; }; " comment " old item handling:" end operation 185090 "SetOldItem" cpp_inline public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 1 param in name "NewItem" type class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem cpp_decl " ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}const ${t0} & ${p0}${v0}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract} { this->m_OldItem = NewItem; }; " end end class 141058 "typedef24" visibility package stereotype "typedef" explicit_base_type "wxNotifyEvent" cpp_decl "${comment}typedef ${type} ${name}; " java_decl "" php_decl "" python_2_2 python_decl "" idl_decl "" explicit_switch_type "" end end deploymentview 128258 "treemultictrl" //deployment diagram settings package_name_in_tab default show_context default write_horizontally default auto_label_position default draw_all_relations default shadow default draw_component_as_icon default show_component_req_prov default show_component_rea default show_stereotype_properties default artifact 131458 "TreeMultiItemBase" stereotype "source" cpp_h "#ifndef ${NAMESPACE}_${NAME}_H #define ${NAMESPACE}_${NAME}_H ${comment} ${includes} ${declarations} ${namespace_start} ${definition} ${namespace_end} #endif " cpp_src "${comment} ${includes} ${namespace_start} ${members} ${namespace_end}" associated_classes class_ref 139778 // TreeMultiItemBase end end artifact 131586 "TreeMultiItemNode" stereotype "source" cpp_h "#ifndef ${NAMESPACE}_${NAME}_H #define ${NAMESPACE}_${NAME}_H ${comment} ${includes} ${declarations} ${namespace_start} ${definition} ${namespace_end} #endif " cpp_src "${comment} ${includes} ${namespace_start} ${members} ${namespace_end}" associated_classes class_ref 139906 // TreeMultiItemNode end end artifact 131714 "TreeMultiItemRoot" stereotype "source" cpp_h "#ifndef ${NAMESPACE}_${NAME}_H #define ${NAMESPACE}_${NAME}_H ${comment} ${includes} ${declarations} ${namespace_start} ${definition} ${namespace_end} #endif " cpp_src "${comment} ${includes} ${namespace_start} ${members} ${namespace_end}" associated_classes class_ref 140034 // TreeMultiItemRoot end end artifact 131842 "TreeMultiItemWindow" stereotype "source" cpp_h "#ifndef ${NAMESPACE}_${NAME}_H #define ${NAMESPACE}_${NAME}_H ${comment} ${includes} ${declarations} ${namespace_start} ${definition} ${namespace_end} #endif " cpp_src "${comment} ${includes} ${namespace_start} ${members} ${namespace_end}" associated_classes class_ref 140162 // TreeMultiItemWindow end end artifact 131970 "wxTreeMultiCtrl" stereotype "source" cpp_h "#ifndef ${NAMESPACE}_${NAME}_H #define ${NAMESPACE}_${NAME}_H ${comment} ${includes} ${declarations} ${namespace_start} ${definition} ${namespace_end} #endif " cpp_src "${comment} ${includes} ${namespace_start} ${members} ${namespace_end}" associated_classes class_ref 140290 // anonymous1 class_ref 140418 // wxTreeMultiItem class_ref 140546 // wxTreeMultiWindowInfo class_ref 140802 // typedef23 class_ref 140674 // wxTreeMultiCtrl end end artifact 132098 "wxTreeMultiEvent" stereotype "source" cpp_h "#ifndef ${NAMESPACE}_${NAME}_H #define ${NAMESPACE}_${NAME}_H ${comment} ${includes} ${declarations} ${namespace_start} ${definition} ${namespace_end} #endif " cpp_src "${comment} ${includes} ${namespace_start} ${members} ${namespace_end}" associated_classes class_ref 141058 // typedef24 class_ref 140930 // wxTreeMultiEvent end end end end