# TODO # http://www.cmake.org/pipermail/cmake/2003-August/004185.html # http://www.cmake.org/pipermail/cmake/2003-January/001092.html INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES( ${GDCM_SOURCE_DIR}/src ${PYTHON_INCLUDE_PATH} ${GDCM_BINARY_DIR}/ ) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # SWIG Wrapping # # Since the file gdcm_wrap.cxx does not exist, mark it as GENERATED: SET_SOURCE_FILES_PROPERTIES(gdcm_wrap.cxx GENERATED) ADD_LIBRARY(pygdcm gdcm_wrap.cxx) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(pygdcm ${PYTHON_LIBRARY} gdcm ) # http://www.cmake.org/pipermail/cmake/2003-August/004190.html # SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(pygdcm PROPERTIES PREFIX "_") #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # SWIG Wrapping # # As of 09/10/2003 there was no FindSWIG.cmake # later we should use SWIG instead of swig # Build our custom command : ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND( TARGET pygdcm COMMAND swig ARGS -python -c++ -I${GDCM_SOURCE_DIR}/src -o ${GDCM_BINARY_DIR}/gdcmPython/gdcm_wrap.cxx ${GDCM_SOURCE_DIR}/gdcmPython/gdcm.i SOURCE ${GDCM_SOURCE_DIR}/gdcmPython/gdcm.i OUTPUTS ${GDCM_BINARY_DIR}/gdcmPython/gdcm_wrap.cxx COMMENT "Generating gdcm_wrap.cxx/gdcm.py based on gdcm.i" ) # This swig command will also outputs gdcm.py : SET_SOURCE_FILES_PROPERTIES(gdcm.py GENERATED) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # VTK Wrapping # IF(GDCM_VTK) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES( ${GDCM_SOURCE_DIR}/vtk ) SET(vtkgdcmPython_la_SOURCES ${GDCM_SOURCE_DIR}/vtk/vtkGdcmReader.cxx ) SET_SOURCE_FILES_PROPERTIES(vtkGdcmReaderPython.cxx GENERATED) # Configure Python module, which is the plugin itself IF (GDCM_WRAP_PYTHON) VTK_WRAP_PYTHON2(vtkgdcmPython gdcmfoo ${vtkgdcmPython_la_SOURCES}) # The C++ files must be made into a C++ library ADD_LIBRARY(vtkgdcmPython SHARED ${gdcmfoo}) # set the libraries to link against TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES (vtkgdcmPython pygdcm vtkgdcm vtkCommonPython vtkIOPython) ENDIF (GDCM_WRAP_PYTHON) #generate a setup.py according to VTK installation #put it in subdir in order to not override old one # as it is a pain...override existing file... GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(VTKPATH ${VTK_DIR}/../../ ABSOLUTE) CONFIGURE_FILE( ${GDCM_SOURCE_DIR}/gdcmPython/setup.py.in ${GDCM_BINARY_DIR}/setup.py ) #MESSAGE(STATUS ${VTKPATH}) ENDIF(GDCM_VTK) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Install stuff: #Should install in path of PYTHON_LIBRARY and not the default CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(PYTHON_LIB_INSTALL ${PYTHON_LIBRARY} PATH) GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(SITEPACKAGE ${PYTHON_LIB_INSTALL}/../site-packages ABSOLUTE) #MESSAGE(STATUS ${SITEPACKAGE}) #INSTALL_FILES(/include "\\.h$") #INSTALL_TARGETS(/lib/ gdcm) # gdcm.py is a file generated by swig # then from python you can do import gdcm, and it will load _gdcm.so #INSTALL_TARGETS(/lib/ gdcm.py) #INSTALL_PROGRAMS(/lib/ gdcm.py) #INSTALL_FILES(/lib/ .py gdcm.py) # When installing swig-generated python module one should pay attention # to library naming convention, see here for more detail: # http://www.swig.org/Doc1.3/Python.html#n6 # even with the $swig -module mylib, there is always a trailing underscore added