## A small demo that displays with VTK a dicom image parsed with gdcm. ## Warning: the parsing of header of the dicom file is done with gdcm ## but the process of in-memory loading of the image is performed ## by vtkImageReader (classical vtk operator). Since vtkImageReader ## has no special knowledge of Dicom file format, this demo ## will only work for a restrained sub-set of Dicom files (basically ## non compressed and with "HighBit + 1 != BitsStored"). ## When those conditions are not met try using vtkgdcmReader.py... import sys import vtk from gdcmPython import gdcmHeader class vtkHistogram: '''Some medical images might have a poor dynamic. This is because some additional visual tags-like the patient name- are sometimes written/drawn on top of the image : to avoid interference with the image itself, the level used for this additional text is usually way above the maximum level of the image. Hence we use some cumulative histograme die-hard technique to remove some arbitrary small portion of the dynamic.''' def __init__(self, imagereader): self.vtkReader = imagereader self.__Histo = None self.__CumulHisto = None self.__LevelMin = self.vtkReader.GetOutput().GetScalarRange()[0] self.__LevelMax = self.vtkReader.GetOutput().GetScalarRange()[1] self.__NumberOfBins = 255 # See VTKImageAccumulate self.__Spacing = (self.__LevelMax - self.__LevelMin)/self.__NumberOfBins def ComputeHisto(self): self.__Histo = vtk.vtkImageAccumulate() self.__Histo.SetComponentExtent(0, self.__NumberOfBins, 0, 0, 0, 0) self.__Histo.SetInput(self.vtkReader.GetOutput()) self.__Histo.SetComponentSpacing(self.__Spacing, 0.0, 0.0) self.__Histo.Update() def ComputeCumulativeHisto(self): ''' Compyte the Cumulative histogram of the image.''' if not self.__Histo: self.ComputeHisto() self.__CumulHisto = [] histo = self.__Histo.GetOutput() self.__CumulHisto.append(int(histo.GetScalarComponentAsFloat(0,0,0,0))) for i in range(1, self.__NumberOfBins): value = int(histo.GetScalarComponentAsFloat(i,0,0,0)) self.__CumulHisto.append( self.__CumulHisto[i-1] + value) def GetTruncateLevels(self, LostPercentage): ''' Compute the level below which (respectively above which) the LostPercentage percentage of the pixels shall be disregarded. ''' if LostPercentage < 0.0 or LostPercentage >1.0: print " vtkHistogram::GetTruncateLevels: defaulting to 5%" LostPercentage = 0.05 if not self.__CumulHisto: self.ComputeCumulativeHisto() NumPixels = self.__CumulHisto[self.__NumberOfBins - 1] NumLostPixels = NumPixels * LostPercentage AboveLevel = None BelowLevel = None # FIXME : not really clean loop... for i in range(0, self.__NumberOfBins-1): if not BelowLevel: if self.__CumulHisto[i] > NumLostPixels: BelowLevel = self.__LevelMin + self.__Spacing * i if not AboveLevel: if self.__CumulHisto[i] > NumPixels - NumLostPixels: AboveLevel = self.__LevelMin + self.__Spacing * i if not AboveLevel or not BelowLevel: print " vtkHistogram::GetTruncateLevels: Mistakes were made..." return BelowLevel, AboveLevel class vtkGdcmImage(gdcmHeader): ''' All informations required for VTK display * VTK pipeline * Lut (or associated Window/Level reductive control parameters)''' def __init__(self, filename): gdcmHeader.__init__(self, filename) self.filename = filename # LUT reductive parameters self.__LevelMin = 0 # Minimum value of pixel intensity self.__LevelMax = 0 # Maximun value of pixel intensity self.__Level = 0 # Current Level value (treshold below # which the image is represented as black) self.__Window = 0 # Width of displayed pixels (linearly). # Above Level + Window pixel are represented # as white. self.__VTKplaneActor = None self.vtkSetup() def VTKreaderSetup(self): self.__VTKReader = vtk.vtkImageReader() self.__VTKReader.SetFileName(self.filename) type = self.GetPixelType() if type == "8U": self.__VTKReader.SetDataScalarTypeToUnsignedChar() elif type == "8S": self.__VTKReader.SetDataScalarTypeTodChar() elif type == "16U": self.__VTKReader.SetDataScalarTypeToUnsignedShort() elif type == "16S": self.__VTKReader.SetDataScalarTypeToShort() self.__VTKReader.SetDataByteOrderToLittleEndian() #self.__VTKReader.SetDataByteOrderToBigEndian() else: print "vtkGdcmImage::VTKreaderSetup: unkown encoding:", type sys.exit() self.__VTKReader.SetHeaderSize(self.GetPixelOffset()) self.__VTKReader.SetDataExtent (0, self.GetXSize()-1, 0, self.GetYSize()-1, 1, 1) self.__VTKReader.UpdateWholeExtent() def vtkSetup(self, orgx = -0.5, orgy = -0.5, ix = 0.5, iy = -0.5, jx = -0.5, jy = 0.5): # ImageReader ---> Texture \ # | ==> PlaneActor # PlaneSource ---> PolyDataMapper / self.VTKreaderSetup() ### LookupTable self.__VTKtable = vtk.vtkLookupTable() self.__VTKtable.SetNumberOfColors(1000) self.__VTKtable.SetTableRange(0,1000) self.CallibrateWindowLevel() # calls the SetTableRange self.__VTKtable.SetSaturationRange(0,0) self.__VTKtable.SetHueRange(0,1) self.__VTKtable.SetValueRange(0,1) self.__VTKtable.SetAlphaRange(1,1) self.__VTKtable.Build() ### Texture self.__VTKtexture = vtk.vtkTexture() self.__VTKtexture.SetInput(self.__VTKReader.GetOutput()) self.__VTKtexture.InterpolateOn() self.__VTKtexture.SetLookupTable(self.__VTKtable) ### PlaneSource self.__VTKplane = vtk.vtkPlaneSource() self.__VTKplane.SetOrigin( orgx, orgy, 0.0) self.__VTKplane.SetPoint1( ix, iy, 0.0) self.__VTKplane.SetPoint2( jx, jy, 0.0) ### PolyDataMapper self.__VTKplaneMapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() self.__VTKplaneMapper.SetInput(self.__VTKplane.GetOutput()) ### Actor self.__VTKplaneActor = vtk.vtkActor() self.__VTKplaneActor.SetTexture(self.__VTKtexture) self.__VTKplaneActor.SetMapper(self.__VTKplaneMapper) self.__VTKplaneActor.PickableOn() def CallibrateWindowLevel(self): vtkreader = self.__VTKReader self.__LevelMin = vtkreader.GetOutput().GetScalarRange()[0] self.__LevelMax = vtkreader.GetOutput().GetScalarRange()[1] histo = vtkHistogram(vtkreader) self.__Level, above = histo.GetTruncateLevels(0.05) self.__Window = above - self.__Level self.__VTKtable.SetTableRange(self.__Level, self.__Level + self.__Window) def GetVTKActor(self): return self.__VTKplaneActor ###################################################################### import os from gdcmPython import GDCM_DATA_PATH ### Get filename from command line or default it try: FileName = sys.argv[1] except IndexError: FileName = os.path.join(GDCM_DATA_PATH, "test.acr") if not os.path.isfile(FileName): print "Cannot open file ", FileName sys.exit() ### The default vtkImageReader is unable to read some type of images: check = gdcmHeader(FileName) if not check.IsReadable(): print "The ", FileName, " file is not " print " readable with gdcm. Sorry." sys.exit() check = check.GetPubElVal() try: HighBit = check["High Bit"] if len(HighBit) == 0 or HighBit == "gdcm::Unfound": raise KeyError except KeyError: print "Gdcm couldn't find the Bits Allocated Dicom tag in file ", FileName sys.exit() try: BitsStored = check["Bits Stored"] if len(BitsStored) == 0 or BitsStored == "gdcm::Unfound": raise KeyError except KeyError: print "Gdcm couldn't find the Bits Stored Dicom tag in file ", FileName sys.exit() if int(HighBit) + 1 != int(BitsStored): print "vtkImageReader cannot read the file ", FileName print " because the High Bit is offseted from the BitsStored." print " You should consider using vtkGdcmReader as opposed to the" print " vtkImageReader python class present in this demo. Please" print " see gdcmPython/demo/vtkGdcmReader.py for a demo." sys.exit() ### Display in a vtk RenderWindow image = vtkGdcmImage(FileName) ren = vtk.vtkRenderer() renwin = vtk.vtkRenderWindow() renwin.AddRenderer(ren) iren = vtk.vtkRenderWindowInteractor() iren.SetRenderWindow(renwin) ren.AddActor(image.GetVTKActor()) ren.SetBackground(0,0,0.5) renwin.Render() iren.Start()