import unittest import os from gdcmPython import * if == 'posix': from libvtkgdcmPython import * else: from vtkgdcmPython import * class gdcmTestCase(unittest.TestCase): # The files whose name starts with a modality (e.g. CR-MONO1-10-chest.dcm) # come from Sebastien Barre's Dicom2 highly recommendable site # MultiFrameFiles = [ GdcmFiles = [ # FOLLOWING FILE NOT IN GDCMDATA ANYMORE !?!?!?! ["gdcm-MR-PHILIPS-16.dcm", # Interest: - possesses a sequence # - dicom file, with a recognition code of ACR-NEMA1 [ ["Transfer Syntax UID", "1.2.840.10008.1.2"], # Implicit VR, LE ["Recognition Code (RET)", "ACR-NEMA 1.0"], ["Modality", "MR"], ["Photometric Interpretation", "MONOCHROME2"], ["Rows", "256"], ["Columns", "256"], ["Bits Stored", "8"], ["Bits Allocated", "16"], ["High Bit", "7"], ["Pixel Representation", "0"], ["Manufacturer", "Philips Medical Systems"], ["Manufacturer's Model Name", "Gyroscan Intera"], ["Sequence Variant", "OTHER"], ["Pixel Data", "gdcm::NotLoaded. Address:6584 Length:131072 x(20000)"] ] ], ] def _BaseTest(self, FileSet): for entry in FileSet: fileName = os.path.join(GDCM_TEST_DATA_PATH, entry[0]) reader = gdcmFile(fileName) assert reader.IsReadable(),\ "File '%s' is not readable by gdcmFile" % fileName valDict = reader.GetEntryValue() for subEntry in entry[1]: element = subEntry[0] value = subEntry[1] self.assertEqual(valDict[element], value, ("Wrong %s for file %s (got %s, shoud be %s)" % (element,fileName, valDict[element], value)) ) def testFiles(self): gdcmTestCase._BaseTest(self, gdcmTestCase.GdcmFiles) if __name__ == '__main__': if not GDCM_TEST_DATA_PATH: print "GDCM_TEST_DATA_PATH (internal variable) is not setup properly." print " This test suite requires that some Dicom reference files be " print " installed." print " For further details on installation of gdcmData, please" print " refer to the developper's section of page " print "" print "" print "gdcmData directory (used in the test suite) must be placed in" print "the gdcm directory. The gdcm tree must be :" print " gdcm" print " |____Dicts" print " |____Doc" print " |____gdcmData (not in gdcm by default)" print " |____gdcmPython" print " |____Test" else: unittest.main()