import unittest import os from gdcmPython import * class gdcmTestCase(unittest.TestCase): # The files whose name starts with a modality (e.g. CR-MONO1-10-chest.dcm) # come from Sebastien Barre's Dicom2 highly recommendable site # BarreFiles = [ #################################### # CR modality examples: #################################### ["CR-MONO1-10-chest.dcm", [ ["Modality", "CR"], #"Transfer Syntax UID" is absent. ["Rows", "440"], ["Columns", "440"], ["Bits Stored", "10"], ["Bits Allocated", "16"], ["High Bit", "9"], ["Pixel Representation", "0"], ["Manufacturer", "FUJI PHOTO FILM CO. LTD."], ["Manufacturer Model Name", "9000"], ["Pixel Data", "gdcm::NotLoaded. Address:776 Length:387200"] ] ], #################################### # CT modality examples: #################################### ["CT-MONO2-16-brain.dcm", [ ["Transfer Syntax UID", "1.2.840.10008.1.2.1"], # Explicit VR, LE ["Modality", "CT"], ["Rows", "512"], ["Columns", "512"], ["Bits Stored", "16"], ["Bits Allocated", "16"], ["High Bit", "15"], ["Pixel Representation", "1"], ["Manufacturer", "Picker International, Inc."], ["Manufacturer Model Name", "PQ5000"], ["Pixel Data", "gdcm::NotLoaded. Address:1680 Length:524288"] ] ], ["CT-MONO2-16-ort.dcm", [ ["Transfer Syntax UID", "1.2.840.10008.1.2"], # Implicit VR, LE ["Modality", "CT"], ["Rows", "512"], ["Columns", "512"], ["Bits Stored", "16"], ["Bits Allocated", "16"], ["High Bit", "15"], ["Pixel Representation", "1"], ["Manufacturer", "GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS"], ["Manufacturer Model Name", "HiSpeed CT/i"], ["Pixel Data", "gdcm::NotLoaded. Address:1674 Length:524288"] ] ], ["CT-MONO2-16-ankle.dcm", [ ["Transfer Syntax UID", "1.2.840.10008.1.2"], # Implicit, little ["Modality", "CT"], ["Rows", "512"], ["Columns", "512"], ["Bits Stored", "16"], ["Bits Allocated", "16"], ["High Bit", "15"], ["Pixel Representation", "1"], ["Manufacturer", "GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS"], ["Manufacturer Model Name", "GENESIS_ZEUS"], ["Pixel Data", "gdcm::NotLoaded. Address:1148 Length:524288"] ] ], ["CT-MONO2-8-abdo.dcm", [ ["Transfer Syntax UID", "1.2.840.10008.1.2"], # Implicit, little ["Modality", "CT"], ["Rows", "512"], ["Columns", "512"], ["Bits Stored", "8"], ["Bits Allocated", "8"], ["High Bit", "7"], ["Pixel Representation", "0"], ["Manufacturer", "FUJI"], ["Pixel Data", "gdcm::NotLoaded. Address:796 Length:262144"] ] ], ["CT-MONO2-12-lomb-an2.acr2", [ ["Modality", "CT"], #"Transfer Syntax UID" and "Photometric Interpretation" are absent. ["Rows", "512"], ["Columns", "512"], ["Bits Stored", "12"], ["Bits Allocated", "16"], ["High Bit", "11"], ["Pixel Representation", "0"], ["Manufacturer", "SIEMENS"], ["Pixel Data", "gdcm::NotLoaded. Address:1230 Length:524288"] ] ], ["CT-MONO2-16-chest.dcm", [ ["Transfer Syntax UID", "1.2.840.10008."], # jpeg... ["Modality", "CT"], ["Photometric Interpretation", "MONOCHROME2"], ["Rows", "400"], ["Columns", "512"], ["Bits Stored", "16"], ["Bits Allocated", "16"], ["High Bit", "15"], ["Pixel Representation", "1"], ["Manufacturer", "GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS"], ["Pixel Data", "gdcm::NotLoaded. Address:1638 Length:143498"] ] ], #################################### ### MR modality examples: #################################### ["MR-MONO2-12-angio-an1.acr1", [ ["Recognition Code", "ACR-NEMA 1.0"], ["Modality", "MR"], #"Transfer Syntax UID" and "Photometric Interpretation" are absent. ["Rows", "256"], ["Columns", "256"], ["Bits Stored", "12"], ["Bits Allocated", "12"], ["High Bit", "11"], ["Pixel Representation", "0"], ["Manufacturer", "Philips"], # Note: 256*256*12/8 = 98304 ["Pixel Data", "gdcm::NotLoaded. Address:650 Length:98304"] ] ], ["MR-MONO2-12-an2.acr2", [ ["Modality", "MR"], ["Photometric Interpretation", "MONOCHROME2"], ["Rows", "256"], ["Columns", "256"], ["Bits Stored", "12"], ["Bits Allocated", "16"], ["High Bit", "11"], ["Pixel Representation", "0"], ["Manufacturer", "SIEMENS"], ["Manufacturer Model Name", "MAGNETOM VISION"], ["Pixel Data", "gdcm::NotLoaded. Address:1866 Length:131072"] ] ], ["MR-MONO2-16-head.dcm", [ ["Transfer Syntax UID", "1.2.840.10008.1.2"], # Imp VR, LE ["Modality", "MR"], ["Photometric Interpretation", "MONOCHROME2"], ["Rows", "256"], ["Columns", "256"], ["Bits Stored", "16"], ["Bits Allocated", "16"], ["High Bit", "15"], ["Pixel Representation", "1"], ["Manufacturer", "GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS"], ["Manufacturer Model Name", "GENESIS_SIGNA"], ["Pixel Data", "gdcm::NotLoaded. Address:1804 Length:131072"] ] ], # MR-MONO2-12-shoulder example is present in the Jpeg section. # MR-MONO2-16-knee is not present in the test suite since it is too # closely related to MR-MONO2-16-head.dcm to be of interest. #################################### # OT modality examples: #################################### # OT-MONO2-8-hip is not present in the test suite since it is too # closely related to OT-MONO2-8-a7 to be of interest. ["OT-PAL-8-face.dcm", # Interest: has a color palette [#"Transfer Syntax UID", and "Manufacturer" are absent. ["Modality", "OT"], ["Photometric Interpretation", "PALETTE COLOR"], ["Rows", "480"], ["Columns", "640"], ["Bits Stored", "8"], ["Bits Allocated", "8"], ["High Bit", "7"], ["Pixel Representation", "0"], ["Pixel Data", "gdcm::NotLoaded. Address:1654 Length:307200"] ] ], # OT-MONO2-8-colon is not present in the test suite since it is too # closely related to OT-MONO2-8-a7 to be of interest. ["OT-MONO2-8-a7.dcm", [#"Transfer Syntax UID" is absent. ["Modality", "OT"], ["Photometric Interpretation", "MONOCHROME2"], ["Rows", "512"], ["Columns", "512"], ["Bits Stored", "8"], ["Bits Allocated", "8"], ["High Bit", "7"], ["Pixel Representation", "0"], ["Manufacturer", "Philips Medical Systems"], ["Pixel Data", "gdcm::NotLoaded. Address:438 Length:262144"] ] ], #################################### # US (Ultra Sound) modality examples: #################################### ["US-RGB-8-esopecho.dcm", # Interest: RGB image [ ["Transfer Syntax UID", "1.2.840.10008.1.2.1"], # Exp VR, LE ["Modality", "US"], ["Photometric Interpretation", "RGB"], ["Rows", "120"], ["Columns", "256"], ["Bits Stored", "8"], ["Bits Allocated", "8"], ["High Bit", "7"], ["Pixel Representation", "0"], ["Manufacturer", "Acme Products"], # FIXME: 92160 / (120*256) = 3 bytes per pixel NOT 1. Maybe # it has something to do with [Samples Per Pixel] = [3] ??? ["Pixel Data", "gdcm::NotLoaded. Address:904 Length:92160"] ] ], ["US-RGB-8-epicard.dcm", # Interest: Big endian transfert syntax [ ["Transfer Syntax UID", "1.2.840.10008.1.2.2"], # Big endian ["Modality", "US"], ["Photometric Interpretation", "RGB"], ["Rows", "480"], ["Columns", "640"], ["Bits Stored", "8"], ["Bits Allocated", "8"], ["High Bit", "7"], ["Pixel Representation", "0"], ["Manufacturer", "G.E. Medical Systems"], ["Manufacturer Model Name", "LOGIQ 700"], # FIXME: 921600/(480*640) = 3 bytes per pixel NOT 1. Maybe # it has something to do with [Samples Per Pixel] = [3] ??? ["Implementation Version Name", "OFFIS-DCMTK-311"], ["Pixel Data", "gdcm::NotLoaded. Address:1012 Length:921600"] ] ], ] MultiFrameFiles = [ # The number of images is contained in the "Number of Frames" element ["MR-MONO2-8-16x-heart.dcm", # Interest: multi-frame [ ["Transfer Syntax UID", "1.2.840.10008.1.2.1"], # ExpVR, LE ["Number of Frames", "16"], ["Modality", "MR"], ["Photometric Interpretation", "MONOCHROME2"], ["Rows", "256"], ["Columns", "256"], ["Bits Stored", "8"], ["Bits Allocated", "8"], ["High Bit", "7"], ["Pixel Representation", "0"], ["Manufacturer", "Philips"], # Note: 256*256*16=1048576 (16 is the number of Frames) ["Pixel Data", "gdcm::NotLoaded. Address:920 Length:1048576"] ] ], ["NM-MONO2-16-13x-heart.dcm", # Interest: NM modality, multi-frame [ ["Transfer Syntax UID", "1.2.840.10008.1.2.1"], # ExpVR, LE ["Number of Frames", "13"], ["Modality", "NM"], ["Photometric Interpretation", "MONOCHROME2"], ["Rows", "64"], ["Columns", "64"], ["Bits Stored", "16"], ["Bits Allocated", "16"], ["High Bit", "15"], ["Pixel Representation", "0"], ["Manufacturer", "ACME Products"], # Note: 64*64*13*2=106496 ["Pixel Data", "gdcm::NotLoaded. Address:1234 Length:106496"] ] ], ["US-MONO2-8-8x-execho.dcm", # Interest: multi-frame [ ["Transfer Syntax UID", "1.2.840.10008.1.2.1"], # ExpVR, LE ["Number of Frames", "8"], ["Modality", "US"], ["Photometric Interpretation", "MONOCHROME2"], ["Rows", "120"], ["Columns", "128"], ["Bits Stored", "8"], ["Bits Allocated", "8"], ["High Bit", "7"], ["Pixel Representation", "0"], ["Manufacturer", "Acme Products"], ["Pixel Data", "gdcm::NotLoaded. Address:976 Length:122880"] ] ], ["US-PAL-8-10x-echo.dcm", # Interest: RLE (Run Length Encoded) compression, multiframe [ ["Transfer Syntax UID", "1.2.840.10008.1.2.5"], # RLE ["Number of Frames", "10"], ["Modality", "US"], ["Photometric Interpretation", "PALETTE COLOR"], ["Rows", "430"], ["Columns", "600"], ["Bits Stored", "8"], ["Bits Allocated", "8"], ["High Bit", "7"], ["Pixel Representation", "0"], ["Manufacturer", "ACME Products"], ["Pixel Data", "gdcm::NotLoaded. Address:2428 Length:481182"] ] ], ["XA-MONO2-8-12x-catheter.dcm", # Interest: XA modality, multi-frame [ ["Transfer Syntax UID", "1.2.840.10008."], # jpeg ["Number of Frames", "12"], # 12 images ["Modality", "XA"], ["Photometric Interpretation", "MONOCHROME2"], ["Rows", "512"], ["Columns", "512"], ["Bits Stored", "8"], ["Bits Allocated", "8"], ["High Bit", "7"], ["Pixel Representation", "0"], ["Manufacturer", "Acme Products"], ["Pixel Data", "gdcm::NotLoaded. Address:1006 Length:920072"] ] ], ] GdcmFiles = [ ["gdcm-MR-SIEMENS-16.acr1", # Interest: good old Acr-Nema Version 1, see also Oddities below [ ["Recognition Code", "ACR-NEMA 1.0"], ["Modality", "MR"], ["Rows", "256"], ["Columns", "256"], ["Bits Stored", "12"], ["Bits Allocated", "16"], ["High Bit", "11"], ["Pixel Representation", "0"], ["Manufacturer", "SIEMENS"], ["Manufacturer Model Name", "GBS III"], # FIXME: this image looks padded at the end. The length of the file # is 140288. Notice that, 256*256*2 + 1024 = 131072 + 1024 = 132096 ["Pixel Data", "gdcm::NotLoaded. Address:8192 Length:132096"], # Oddities: "Study ID" and "Series Number" are empty ["Study ID", ""], ["Series Number", ""] ] ], # Oddities: "Study" and "Serie Instance UID" are not present ["gdcm-MR-SIEMENS-16.acr2", # Interest: Acr-Nema Version 2 [ ["Recognition Code", "ACR-NEMA 2.0"], ["Modality", "MR"], ["Rows", "512"], ["Columns", "512"], ["Bits Stored", "12"], ["Bits Allocated", "16"], ["High Bit", "11"], ["Pixel Representation", "0"], ["Manufacturer", "SIEMENS"], ["Manufacturer Model Name", "MAGNETOM VISION"], ["Study Instance UID", ""], ["Study ID", "1"], ["Series Instance UID", ""], ["Series Number", "7"], ["Pixel Data", "gdcm::NotLoaded. Address:6052 Length:524288"] ] ], ["gdcm-US-ALOKA-16.dcm", # Interest: - possesses 3 LUTS: a Green (checked), a Red and BLue. # - announced as implicit VR, but really explicit VR. [ ["Transfer Syntax UID", "1.2.840.10008.1.2"], # Implicit VR, LE ["Modality", "US"], ["Photometric Interpretation", "PALETTE COLOR"], ["Segmented Green Palette Color LUT Data", "gdcm::NotLoaded. Address:89576 Length:113784"], ["Rows", "480"], ["Columns", "640"], ["Bits Stored", "16"], ["Bits Allocated", "16"], ["High Bit", "15"], ["Pixel Representation", "0"], ["Manufacturer", "ALOKA CO., LTD."], ["Manufacturer Model Name", "SSD-4000"], ["Pixel Data", "gdcm::NotLoaded. Address:258740 Length:614400"] ] ], ["gdcm-MR-PHILIPS-16.dcm", # Interest: - possesses a sequence # - dicom file, with a recognition code of ACR-NEMA1 [ ["Transfer Syntax UID", "1.2.840.10008.1.2"], # Implicit VR, LE ["Recognition Code", "ACR-NEMA 1.0"], ["Modality", "MR"], ["Photometric Interpretation", "MONOCHROME2"], ["Rows", "256"], ["Columns", "256"], ["Bits Stored", "8"], ["Bits Allocated", "16"], ["High Bit", "7"], ["Pixel Representation", "0"], ["Manufacturer", "Philips Medical Systems"], ["Manufacturer Model Name", "Gyroscan Intera"], ["Sequence Variant", "OTHER"], ["Pixel Data", "gdcm::NotLoaded. Address:6584 Length:131072"] ] ], ["gdcm-MR-PHILIPS-16-Multi-Seq.dcm", # Interest: - possesses many sequences in group 0x0029 # - Big sequence 28808 bytes at (0x0029, 0x263d) # - dicom file, with a recognition code of ACR-NEMA1 [ ["Transfer Syntax UID", "1.2.840.10008.1.2.1"], ["Recognition Code", "ACR-NEMA 1.0"], ["Modality", "MR"], ["Photometric Interpretation", "MONOCHROME2"], ["Rows", "128"], ["Columns", "128"], ["Bits Stored", "12"], ["Bits Allocated", "16"], ["High Bit", "11"], ["Pixel Representation", "0"], ["Manufacturer", "Philips Medical Systems"], ["Manufacturer Model Name", "Gyroscan Intera"], ["Sequence Variant", "OTHER"], ["Pixel Data", "gdcm::NotLoaded. Address:35846 Length:32768"] ] ], ["gdcm-MR-PHILIPS-16-NonRectPix.dcm", # Interest: - pixels are non rectangular # - private elements are in explicit VR (which is normal) [ ["Transfer Syntax UID", "1.2.840.10008.1.2.1"], # Explicit VR, LE ["Modality", "MR"], ["Photometric Interpretation", "MONOCHROME2"], ["Rows", "64"], ["Columns", "160"], ["Bits Stored", "12"], ["Bits Allocated", "16"], ["High Bit", "11"], ["Pixel Representation", "0"], ["Manufacturer", "Philips Medical Systems"], ["Manufacturer Model Name", "Gyroscan Intera"], ["Pixel Spacing", "0.487416\\0.194966"], ["Pixel Data", "gdcm::NotLoaded. Address:5010 Length:20480"] ] ], ["gdcm-CR-DCMTK-16-NonSamplePerPix.dcm", # Interest: - Misses the "Samples Per Pixel" element which prevents # e-film from reading it. # - Misses the Manufacturer related info [ ["Transfer Syntax UID", "1.2.840.10008.1.2.1"], # Explicit VR, LE ["Modality", "CR"], ["Photometric Interpretation", "MONOCHROME2"], ["Rows", "750"], ["Columns", "750"], ["Bits Stored", "8"], ["Bits Allocated", "8"], ["High Bit", "7"], ["Pixel Representation", "0"], ["Implementation Version Name", "OFFIS_DCMTK_341"], ["Pixel Data", "gdcm::NotLoaded. Address:740 Length:562500"] ] ], ] GdcmJpegFiles = [ ["gdcm-JPEG-Extended.dcm", # Interest: Jpeg compression [Extended (2,4)] [ ["Transfer Syntax UID", "1.2.840.10008."], ["Modality", "CT"], ["Photometric Interpretation", "MONOCHROME2"], ["Rows", "512"], ["Columns", "512"], ["Bits Stored", "12"], ["Bits Allocated", "16"], ["High Bit", "11"], ["Pixel Representation", "0"], ["Manufacturer", "SIEMENS"], ["Manufacturer Model Name", "Volume Zoom"], ["Pixel Data", "gdcm::NotLoaded. Address:2946 Length:192218"] ] ], ["MR-MONO2-12-shoulder.dcm", # Interest: Jpeg compression [Lossless, non-hierar. (14)] [ ["Transfer Syntax UID", "1.2.840.10008."], ["Modality", "MR"], ["Photometric Interpretation", "MONOCHROME2"], ["Rows", "1024"], ["Columns", "1024"], ["Bits Stored", "12"], ["Bits Allocated", "16"], ["High Bit", "11"], ["Pixel Representation", "0"], ["Manufacturer", "Philips Medical Systems"], ["Manufacturer Model Name", "Gyroscan NT"], ["Pixel Data", "gdcm::NotLoaded. Address:1580 Length:718948"] ] ], ["gdcm-JPEG-LossLess3a.dcm", # Interest: - Jpeg compression [Lossless, hierar., first-order # pred. 14, Select. Val. 1] # - contains a sequence [circa (0008,2112)] # - contains additional data after the pixels ??? [ ["Transfer Syntax UID", "1.2.840.10008."], ["Modality", "CT"], ["Photometric Interpretation", "MONOCHROME2"], ["Rows", "512"], ["Columns", "512"], ["Bits Stored", "12"], ["Bits Allocated", "16"], ["High Bit", "11"], ["Pixel Representation", "0"], ["Manufacturer", "SIEMENS"], ["Manufacturer Model Name", "Volume Zoom"] ] ], # FIXME: the pixel data looks like corrupted. As stated by "od -A d -c" # 0002528 à 177 020 \0 O B \0 \0 ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ þ ÿ \0 à # 0002544 \0 \0 \0 \0 þ ÿ \0 à 202 ? 003 \0 ÿ Ø ÿ Ã # which we interpret as follows: # - 2528: (à 177, 020 \0) = (0x7fe0, 0x0010) i.e. Pixel Data tag, # - 2532: OB i.e. encapsulated encoded Pixel Data, # - 2534: Two bytes reserved, # - 2536: ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ = 0xffffffff i.e. data element length is undefined. # - 2540: (þ ÿ, \0 à) = (0xfffe, 0xe000) i.e. basic offset table # item tag # - 2544: \0 \0 \0 \0 i.e. offset table as length zero, i.e. no # item value for offset table. # - 2548: (þ ÿ, \0 à) = (0xfffe, 0xe000) i.e. item tag of first # fragment of (encoded) pixel data. # - 2552: 202 ? 003 \0 = 212866 bytes i.e. length of first fragment # of (encoded) pixel data. # and so the next item tag should be found at the 2556+212866 th # octet i.e. at address 215422. But, as stated by od, we find: # 0215408 E u Ö 026 Î É 7 ¬ Ã ¸ ó ¿ ÿ Ù \f ° # 0215424 ¶ 016 P Ñ 002 016 # and (\f °, ¶ 016) is NOT an OB item TAG which is required to be # present (at least there should be a sequence delimiter), refer to # PS 3.5-2001 page 50. ["gdcm-JPEG-LossLess3b.dcm", # Interest: - Jpeg compression [Lossless, hierar., first-order # pred. 14, Select. Val. 1] # - encoding is sligthly different from LossLess3a.dcm ??? [ ["Transfer Syntax UID", "1.2.840.10008."], ["Modality", "CR"], ["Photometric Interpretation", "MONOCHROME2"], ["Rows", "2076"], ["Columns", "1876"], ["Bits Stored", "15"], ["Bits Allocated", "16"], ["High Bit", "14"], ["Pixel Representation", "0"], ["Manufacturer", "Philips Medical Systems"], ["Manufacturer Model Name", "Cassette Holder Type 9840 500 35201"], ["Pixel Data", "gdcm::NotLoaded. Address:3144 Length:4795668"] ] ], ] def _BaseTest(self, FileSet): for entry in FileSet: fileName = os.path.join(GDCM_DATA_PATH, entry[0]) toRead = gdcmHeader(fileName) valDict = toRead.GetPubElVal() for subEntry in entry[1]: element = subEntry[0] value = subEntry[1] self.assertEqual(valDict[element], value, ("Wrong %s for file %s (got %s, shoud be %s)" % (element,fileName, valDict[element], value)) ) def testBarre(self): gdcmTestCase._BaseTest(self, gdcmTestCase.BarreFiles) def testMultiFram(self): gdcmTestCase._BaseTest(self, gdcmTestCase.MultiFrameFiles) def testFiles(self): gdcmTestCase._BaseTest(self, gdcmTestCase.GdcmFiles) def testJpeg(self): gdcmTestCase._BaseTest(self, gdcmTestCase.GdcmJpegFiles) def testWrite(self): import md5 SourceFileName = os.path.join(GDCM_DATA_PATH, 'gdcm-MR-PHILIPS-16-Multi-Seq.dcm') Source = gdcmFile(SourceFileName); Source.GetImageData() TargetFileName = "junk" Target = Source.WriteDcmImplVR(TargetFileName) Sign = '5af8739c15dd579dea223eb3930cacda' ComputeSign = #print ComputeSign self.assertEqual(ComputeSign, Sign, ("Wrong signature for file %s (got %s, shoud be %s)" % (SourceFileName, ComputeSign, Sign)) ) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()