/*========================================================================= Program: vv http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/rio/vv Authors belong to: - University of LYON http://www.universite-lyon.fr/ - Léon Bérard cancer center http://www.centreleonberard.fr - CREATIS CNRS laboratory http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the copyright notices for more information. It is distributed under dual licence - BSD See included LICENSE.txt file - CeCILL-B http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html ===========================================================================**/ #ifndef clitkConditionalBinaryDilateImageFilter_txx #define clitkConditionalBinaryDilateImageFilter_txx /* ================================================= * @file clitkConditionalBinaryDilateImageFilter.txx * @author * @date * * @brief * ===================================================*/ #include "itkConstNeighborhoodIterator.h" #include "itkNeighborhoodIterator.h" #include "itkImageRegionIteratorWithIndex.h" #include "itkNeighborhoodInnerProduct.h" #include "itkImageRegionIterator.h" #include "itkImageRegionConstIterator.h" #include "itkNeighborhoodAlgorithm.h" #include "itkConstantBoundaryCondition.h" #include "itkOffset.h" #include "itkProgressReporter.h" #include "itkBinaryDilateImageFilter.h" namespace clitk { template ConditionalBinaryDilateImageFilter ::ConditionalBinaryDilateImageFilter() { this->m_BoundaryToForeground = false; } template< class TInputImage, class TOutputImage, class TKernel> void ConditionalBinaryDilateImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TKernel> ::GenerateData() { this->AllocateOutputs(); unsigned int i,j; // Retrieve input and output pointers typename OutputImageType::Pointer output = this->GetOutput(); typename InputImageType::ConstPointer input = this->GetInput(); // Get values from superclass InputPixelType foregroundValue = this->GetForegroundValue(); InputPixelType backgroundValue = this->GetBackgroundValue(); KernelType kernel = this->GetKernel(); InputSizeType radius; radius.Fill(1); typename TInputImage::RegionType inputRegion = input->GetBufferedRegion(); typename TOutputImage::RegionType outputRegion = output->GetBufferedRegion(); // compute the size of the temp image. It is needed to create the progress // reporter. // The tmp image needs to be large enough to support: // 1. The size of the structuring element // 2. The size of the connectivity element (typically one) typename TInputImage::RegionType tmpRequestedRegion = outputRegion; typename TInputImage::RegionType paddedInputRegion = input->GetBufferedRegion(); paddedInputRegion.PadByRadius( radius ); // to support boundary values InputSizeType padBy = radius; for (i=0; i < KernelDimension; ++i) { padBy[i] = (padBy[i]>kernel.GetRadius(i) ? padBy[i] : kernel.GetRadius(i)); } tmpRequestedRegion.PadByRadius( padBy ); tmpRequestedRegion.Crop( paddedInputRegion ); typename TInputImage::RegionType requiredInputRegion = input->GetBufferedRegion(); requiredInputRegion.Crop( tmpRequestedRegion ); // Support progress methods/callbacks // Setup a progress reporter. We have 4 stages to the algorithm so // pretend we have 4 times the number of pixels itk::ProgressReporter progress(this, 0, outputRegion.GetNumberOfPixels() * 2 + tmpRequestedRegion.GetNumberOfPixels() + requiredInputRegion.GetNumberOfPixels() ); // Allocate and reset output. We copy the input to the output, // except for pixels with DilateValue. These pixels are initially // replaced with BackgroundValue and potentially replaced later with // DilateValue as the Minkowski sums are performed. itk::ImageRegionIterator outIt( output, outputRegion ); itk::ImageRegionConstIterator inIt( input, outputRegion ); for( inIt.GoToBegin(), outIt.GoToBegin(); !outIt.IsAtEnd(); ++outIt, ++inIt ) { InputPixelType value = inIt.Get(); // replace foreground pixels with the default background //JV == foregroundValue if (value == backgroundValue) { outIt.Set( static_cast ( backgroundValue ) ); } // keep all of the original background values intact else { outIt.Set( static_cast( value ) ); } progress.CompletedPixel(); } // Create the temp image for surface encoding // The temp image size is equal to the output requested region for thread // padded by max( connectivity neighborhood radius, SE kernel radius ). typedef itk::Image TempImageType; typename TempImageType::Pointer tmpImage = TempImageType::New(); // Define regions of temp image tmpImage->SetRegions( tmpRequestedRegion ); // Allocation. // Pay attention to the fact that here, the output is still not // allocated (so no extra memory needed for tmp image, if you // consider that you reserve som memory space for output) tmpImage->Allocate(); // First Stage // Copy the input image to the tmp image. // Tag the tmp Image. // zero means background // one means pixel on but not treated // two means border pixel // three means inner pixel static const unsigned char backgroundTag = 0; static const unsigned char onTag = 1; static const unsigned char borderTag = 2; static const unsigned char innerTag = 3; // JV add the tag in which can be dilated static const unsigned char bgTag = 4; if( this->m_BoundaryToForeground ) { tmpImage->FillBuffer( onTag ); } else { tmpImage->FillBuffer( backgroundTag ); } // Iterators on input and tmp image // iterator on input itk::ImageRegionConstIterator iRegIt( input, requiredInputRegion ); // iterator on tmp image itk::ImageRegionIterator tmpRegIt( tmpImage, requiredInputRegion ); for( iRegIt.GoToBegin(), tmpRegIt.GoToBegin(); !tmpRegIt.IsAtEnd(); ++iRegIt, ++tmpRegIt ) { OutputPixelType pxl = iRegIt.Get(); // JV == foregroundValue if( pxl == foregroundValue ) { tmpRegIt.Set( onTag ); } // JV add the bgTag else if ( pxl == backgroundValue ) { tmpRegIt.Set( bgTag ); } else { // by default if it is not foreground, consider // it as background tmpRegIt.Set( backgroundTag ); } progress.CompletedPixel(); } // Second stage // Border tracking and encoding // Need to record index, use an iterator with index // Define iterators that will traverse the OUTPUT requested region // for thread and not the padded one. The tmp image has been padded // because in that way we will take care carefully at boundary // pixels of output requested region. Take care means that we will // check if a boundary pixel is or not a border pixel. itk::ImageRegionIteratorWithIndex tmpRegIndexIt( tmpImage, tmpRequestedRegion ); itk::ConstNeighborhoodIterator oNeighbIt( radius, tmpImage, tmpRequestedRegion ); // Define boundaries conditions itk::ConstantBoundaryCondition cbc; cbc.SetConstant( backgroundTag ); oNeighbIt.OverrideBoundaryCondition(&cbc); unsigned int neighborhoodSize = oNeighbIt.Size(); unsigned int centerPixelCode = neighborhoodSize / 2; std::queue propagQueue; // Neighborhood iterators used to track the surface. // // Note the region specified for the first neighborhood iterator is // the requested region for the tmp image not the output image. This // is necessary because the NeighborhoodIterator relies on the // specified region to determine if you will ever query a boundary // condition pixel. Since we call SetLocation on the neighbor of a // specified pixel, we have to set the region for the interator to // include any pixel we may set our location to. itk::NeighborhoodIterator nit( radius, tmpImage, tmpRequestedRegion ); nit.OverrideBoundaryCondition(&cbc); nit.GoToBegin(); itk::ConstNeighborhoodIterator nnit( radius, tmpImage, tmpRequestedRegion ); nnit.OverrideBoundaryCondition(&cbc); nnit.GoToBegin(); for( tmpRegIndexIt.GoToBegin(), oNeighbIt.GoToBegin(); !tmpRegIndexIt.IsAtEnd(); ++tmpRegIndexIt, ++oNeighbIt ) { // Test current pixel: it is active ( on ) or not? if( tmpRegIndexIt.Get() == onTag ) { // The current pixel has not been treated previously. That // means that we do not know that it is an inner pixel of a // border pixel. // Test current pixel: it is a border pixel or an inner pixel? bool bIsOnContour = false; for (i = 0; i < neighborhoodSize; ++i) { // If at least one neighbour pixel is off the center pixel // belongs to contour //JV verify bg if( oNeighbIt.GetPixel( i ) == bgTag ) { bIsOnContour = true; break; } } if( bIsOnContour ) { // center pixel is a border pixel and due to the parsing, it is also // a pixel which belongs to a new border connected component // Now we will parse this border thanks to a burn procedure // mark pixel value as a border pixel tmpRegIndexIt.Set( borderTag ); // add it to border container. // its code is center pixel code because it is the first pixel // of the connected component border // paint the structuring element typename NeighborIndexContainer::const_iterator itIdx; NeighborIndexContainer& idxDifferenceSet = this->GetDifferenceSet( centerPixelCode ); for( itIdx = idxDifferenceSet.begin(); itIdx != idxDifferenceSet.end(); ++itIdx ) { IndexType idx = tmpRegIndexIt.GetIndex() + *itIdx; if( outputRegion.IsInside( idx ) ) { // JV output->SetPixel( idx, static_cast ( foregroundValue ) ); } if (input->GetPixel(idx)==backgroundValue) output->SetPixel( idx, static_cast ( foregroundValue ) ); } } // add it to queue propagQueue.push( tmpRegIndexIt.GetIndex() ); // now find all the border pixels while ( !propagQueue.empty() ) { // Extract pixel index from queue IndexType currentIndex = propagQueue.front(); propagQueue.pop(); nit += currentIndex - nit.GetIndex(); for (i = 0; i < neighborhoodSize; ++i) { // If pixel has not been already treated and it is a pixel // on, test if it is an inner pixel or a border pixel // Remark: all the pixels outside the image are set to // backgroundTag thanks to boundary conditions. That means that if // we enter in the next if-statement we are sure that the // current neighbour pixel is in the image if( nit.GetPixel( i ) == onTag ) { // Check if it is an inner or border neighbour pixel // Get index of current neighbour pixel IndexType neighbIndex = nit.GetIndex( i ); // Force location of neighbour iterator nnit += neighbIndex - nnit.GetIndex(); bool bIsOnBorder = false; for( j = 0; j < neighborhoodSize; ++j) { // If at least one neighbour pixel is off the center // pixel belongs to border if( nnit.GetPixel(j) == bgTag ) { bIsOnBorder = true; break; } } if( bIsOnBorder ) { // neighbour pixel is a border pixel // mark it bool status; nit.SetPixel( i, borderTag, status ); // check whether we could set the pixel. can only set // the pixel if it is within the tmpimage if (status) { // add it to queue propagQueue.push( neighbIndex ); // paint the structuring element typename NeighborIndexContainer::const_iterator itIndex; NeighborIndexContainer& indexDifferenceSet = this->GetDifferenceSet( i ); for( itIndex = indexDifferenceSet.begin(); itIndex != indexDifferenceSet.end(); ++itIndex ) { IndexType idx = neighbIndex + *itIndex; if( outputRegion.IsInside( idx ) ) { // JV output->SetPixel( idx, static_cast ( foregroundValue ) ); } if (input->GetPixel(idx)==backgroundValue) output->SetPixel( idx, static_cast ( foregroundValue ) ); } } } } else { // neighbour pixel is an inner pixel bool status; nit.SetPixel( i, innerTag, status ); } progress.CompletedPixel(); } // if( nit.GetPixel( i ) == onTag ) } // for (i = 0; i < neighborhoodSize; ++i) } // while ( !propagQueue.empty() ) } // if( bIsOnCountour ) else { tmpRegIndexIt.Set( innerTag ); } } // if( tmpRegIndexIt.Get() == onTag ) else { progress.CompletedPixel(); } // Here, the pixel is a background pixel ( value at 0 ) or an // already treated pixel: // 2 for border pixel, 3 for inner pixel } // Deallocate tmpImage tmpImage->Initialize(); // Third Stage // traverse structure of border and SE CCs, and paint output image // Let's consider the the set of the ON elements of the input image as X. // // Let's consider the structuring element as B = {B0, B1, ..., Bn}, // where Bi denotes a connected component of B. // // Let's consider bi, i in [0,n], an arbitrary point of Bi. // // We use hence the next property in order to compute minkoswki // addition ( which will be written (+) ): // // X (+) B = ( Xb0 UNION Xb1 UNION ... Xbn ) UNION ( BORDER(X) (+) B ), // // where Xbi is the set X translated with respect to vector bi : // // Xbi = { x + bi, x belongs to X } where BORDER(X) is the extracted // border of X ( 8 connectivity in 2D, 26 in 3D ) // Define boundaries conditions itk::ConstantBoundaryCondition obc; obc.SetConstant( static_cast ( backgroundValue ) ); itk::NeighborhoodIterator onit( kernel.GetRadius(), output, outputRegion ); onit.OverrideBoundaryCondition(&obc); onit.GoToBegin(); // Paint input image translated with respect to the SE CCs vectors // --> "( Xb0 UNION Xb1 UNION ... Xbn )" typename Superclass::ComponentVectorConstIterator vecIt; typename Superclass::ComponentVectorConstIterator vecBeginIt = this->KernelCCVectorBegin(); typename Superclass::ComponentVectorConstIterator vecEndIt = this->KernelCCVectorEnd(); // iterator on output image itk::ImageRegionIteratorWithIndex ouRegIndexIt(output, outputRegion ); ouRegIndexIt.GoToBegin(); // InputRegionForThread is the output region for thread padded by // kerne lradius We must traverse this padded region because some // border pixel in the added band ( the padded band is the region // added after padding ) may be responsible to the painting of some // pixel in the non padded region. This happens typically when a // non centered SE is used, a kind of shift is done on the "on" // pixels of image. Consequently some pixels in the added band can // appear in the current region for thread due to shift effect. typename InputImageType::RegionType inputRegionForThread = outputRegion; // Pad the input region by the kernel inputRegionForThread.PadByRadius( kernel.GetRadius() ); inputRegionForThread.Crop( input->GetBufferedRegion() ); if( this->m_BoundaryToForeground ) { while( !ouRegIndexIt.IsAtEnd() ) { // Retrieve index of current output pixel IndexType currentIndex = ouRegIndexIt.GetIndex(); for( vecIt = vecBeginIt; vecIt != vecEndIt; ++vecIt ) { // Translate IndexType translatedIndex = currentIndex - *vecIt; // translated index now is an index in input image in the // output requested region padded. Theoretically, this translated // index must be inside the padded region. // If the pixel in the input image at the translated index // has a value equal to the dilate one, this means // that the output pixel at currentIndex will be on in the output. if( !inputRegionForThread.IsInside( translatedIndex ) // JV == foreground || ( (input->GetPixel( translatedIndex ) == foregroundValue ) // JV add bg && (input->GetPixel( currentIndex ) == backgroundValue ) ) ) { ouRegIndexIt.Set( static_cast ( foregroundValue ) ); break; // Do not need to examine other offsets because at least one // input pixel has been translated on current output pixel. } } ++ouRegIndexIt; progress.CompletedPixel(); } } else { while( !ouRegIndexIt.IsAtEnd() ) { IndexType currentIndex = ouRegIndexIt.GetIndex(); for( vecIt = vecBeginIt; vecIt != vecEndIt; ++vecIt ) { IndexType translatedIndex = currentIndex - *vecIt; if( inputRegionForThread.IsInside( translatedIndex ) // JV == foregroundValue && ( (input->GetPixel( translatedIndex ) == foregroundValue ) // JV add bg && (input->GetPixel( currentIndex ) == backgroundValue ) ) ) { ouRegIndexIt.Set( static_cast ( foregroundValue ) ); break; } } ++ouRegIndexIt; progress.CompletedPixel(); } } } /** * Standard "PrintSelf" method */ template void ConditionalBinaryDilateImageFilter ::PrintSelf( std::ostream& os, itk::Indent indent) const { Superclass::PrintSelf( os, indent ); os << indent << "Dilate Value: " << static_cast::PrintType>( this->GetForegroundValue() ) << std::endl; } } // end namespace itk #endif