/*========================================================================= Program: vv http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/rio/vv Authors belong to: - University of LYON http://www.universite-lyon.fr/ - Léon Bérard cancer center http://www.centreleonberard.fr - CREATIS CNRS laboratory http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the copyright notices for more information. It is distributed under dual licence - BSD See included LICENSE.txt file - CeCILL-B http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html ===========================================================================**/ #ifndef CLITKRELATIVEPOSITIONDATABASE_H #define CLITKRELATIVEPOSITIONDATABASE_H // clitk #include "clitkCommon.h" namespace clitk { //-------------------------------------------------------------------- /* FIXME */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- class RelativePositionDirectionType { public: double angle1; double angle2; bool notFlag; void Print(std::ostream & os = std::cout) const { os << clitk::rad2deg(angle1) << " " << clitk::rad2deg(angle2) << " "; if (notFlag) os << "true"; else os << "false"; os << " "; } void PrintOptions(std::ostream & os = std::cout) const { os << "angle1 = " << clitk::rad2deg(angle1) << std::endl << "angle2 = " << clitk::rad2deg(angle2) << std::endl; if (notFlag) os << "inverse" << std::endl; } void Println(std::ostream & os = std::cout) const { Print(os); os << std::endl; } bool operator< (const RelativePositionDirectionType &compare) const { if (angle1 < compare.angle1) return true; if (angle1 > compare.angle1) return false; if (angle2 < compare.angle2) return true; if (angle2 > compare.angle2) return false; if (notFlag == true) { if (compare.notFlag == false) return true; else return false; } return false; } }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- class RelativePositionDataBaseIndexType { public: std::string patient; std::string station; std::string object; RelativePositionDirectionType direction; void Print(std::ostream & os = std::cout) const { os << patient << " " << station << " " << object << " "; direction.Print(os); } void Println(std::ostream & os = std::cout) const { Print(os); os << std::endl; } }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- class RelativePositionInformationType { public: double threshold; int sizeBeforeThreshold; int sizeAfterThreshold; int sizeReference; void Print(std::ostream & os = std::cout) const { os << threshold << " " << sizeBeforeThreshold << " " << sizeAfterThreshold << " " << sizeReference; } void Println(std::ostream & os = std::cout) const { Print(os); os << std::endl; } }; std::ostream operator<<(std::ostream & os, const clitk::RelativePositionInformationType & rp) { rp.Print(os); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- class RelativePositionDataBase { public: RelativePositionDataBase() {} ~RelativePositionDataBase() {} typedef RelativePositionDataBaseIndexType IndexType; void Read(const std::string & filename); double GetAreaGain(const IndexType & index) const; double GetThreshold(const IndexType & index) const; int GetNumberOfPatient(const IndexType & index) const; std::vector & GetListOfPatients(const IndexType & index) const; void GetListOfObjects(const std::string & station, std::vector & objects) const; void GetListOfDirections(const std::string & station, const std::string & object, std::vector & directions) const; bool CheckIndex(const IndexType & index) const; protected: typedef std::map MapByPatientType; typedef std::map MapByDirectionType; typedef std::map MapByObjectType; typedef std::map MapByStationType; MapByStationType m_DB; void ReadIndex(std::istream & is, IndexType & index); void ReadInformation(std::istream & is, RelativePositionInformationType & v); const MapByDirectionType & GetMapByDirection(const IndexType & index) const; const MapByPatientType & GetMapByPatient(const IndexType & index) const; const RelativePositionInformationType & GetInformation(const IndexType & index) const; const MapByObjectType & GetMapByObject(const std::string & station) const; }; // end class //-------------------------------------------------------------------- } // end namespace clitk //-------------------------------------------------------------------- #endif