/*========================================================================= Program: vv http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/rio/vv Authors belong to: - University of LYON http://www.universite-lyon.fr/ - Léon Bérard cancer center http://www.centreleonberard.fr - CREATIS CNRS laboratory http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the copyright notices for more information. It is distributed under dual licence - BSD See included LICENSE.txt file - CeCILL-B http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html ===========================================================================**/ #ifndef ITKBSPLINEINTERPOLATEIMAGEFUNCTIONWITHLUT_H #define ITKBSPLINEINTERPOLATEIMAGEFUNCTIONWITHLUT_H #include "itkBSplineWeightsCalculator.h" #include namespace itk { template < class TImageType, class TCoordRep = double, class TCoefficientType = double > class ITK_EXPORT BSplineInterpolateImageFunctionWithLUT : public itk::BSplineInterpolateImageFunction { public: /** Class typedefs */ typedef BSplineInterpolateImageFunctionWithLUT Self; typedef BSplineInterpolateImageFunction Superclass; typedef SmartPointer Pointer; typedef SmartPointer ConstPointer; typedef typename Superclass::OutputType OutputType; typedef typename Superclass::ContinuousIndexType ContinuousIndexType; typedef typename TImageType::IndexType IndexType; typedef typename TImageType::IndexValueType IndexValueType; typedef typename TImageType::SizeType SizeType; typedef typename TImageType::SpacingType SpacingType; /** New macro for creation of through a Smart Pointer */ itkNewMacro(Self); /** Setting LUT sampling (one parameters by dimension or a single one for all dim); Default is 20 (for each dim) **/ void SetLUTSamplingFactor(const int& s); void SetLUTSamplingFactors(const SizeType& s); /** Get/Sets the Spline Order, supports 0th - 5th order * splines. The default is a 3rd order spline. */ void SetSplineOrder(const unsigned int & SplineOrder); //JV this is added to support different degrees over each dimension void SetSplineOrders(const SizeType & SplineOrders); /** Set the input image. This must be set by the user. */ virtual void SetInputImage(const TImageType * inputData) ITK_OVERRIDE; /** Evaluate the function at a ContinuousIndex position. Overwritten for taking LUT into account (RP: multi-threading-compatible version, the threadID is actually ignored) */ virtual OutputType EvaluateAtContinuousIndex(const ContinuousIndexType & index, unsigned int /* threadID */ ) const ITK_OVERRIDE { return this->EvaluateAtContinuousIndex( index ); } /** Evaluate the function at a ContinuousIndex position. Overwritten for taking LUT into account */ virtual OutputType EvaluateAtContinuousIndex(const ContinuousIndexType & index ) const ITK_OVERRIDE; /** Static convenient functions to compute BSpline weights for various order, dimension, sampling ... **/ static void ComputeBlendingWeights(int dim, int order, int sampling, TCoefficientType * weights); protected: BSplineInterpolateImageFunctionWithLUT(); ~BSplineInterpolateImageFunctionWithLUT(){;} SizeType mSupport; // nb of coef values used for interpolation (order+1) in 1 dimension SizeType mHalfSupport; // half size of the previous unsigned int mSupportSize; // Total support size for all dimension std::vector mSupportOffset; // Memory pointer offset for going from one coef position to the other (inside the whole support) std::vector mSupportIndex; // nD Index of all support values IndexType mInputMemoryOffset; // Memory dimension offsets for input image /** Sampling factors for LUT weights **/ SizeType mSamplingFactors; bool mWeightsAreUpToDate; SizeType mSplineOrders; // Filter to compute weights itk::BSplineWeightsCalculator mWeightsCalculator; // Convenient functions void UpdatePrecomputedWeights(); void UpdateWeightsProperties(); IndexType GetSampleIndexOfPixelPosition(const ContinuousIndexType & x, IndexType & EvaluateIndex) const; }; // end class itkBSplineInterpolateImageFunctionWithLUT } // end namespace #ifndef ITK_MANUAL_INSTANTIATION #include "itkBSplineInterpolateImageFunctionWithLUT.txx" #endif #endif /* end #define ITKBSPLINEINTERPOLATEIMAGEFUNCTIONWITHLUT_H */