#ifndef _itkBinaryThinningImageFilter3D_txx #define _itkBinaryThinningImageFilter3D_txx #include #include "itkBinaryThinningImageFilter3D.h" #include "itkImageRegionConstIterator.h" #include "itkImageRegionIterator.h" #include "itkNeighborhoodIterator.h" #include namespace itk { /** * Constructor */ template BinaryThinningImageFilter3D ::BinaryThinningImageFilter3D() { this->SetNumberOfRequiredOutputs( 1 ); OutputImagePointer thinImage = OutputImageType::New(); this->SetNthOutput( 0, thinImage.GetPointer() ); } /** * Return the thinning Image pointer */ template typename BinaryThinningImageFilter3D< TInputImage,TOutputImage>::OutputImageType * BinaryThinningImageFilter3D ::GetThinning(void) { return dynamic_cast< OutputImageType * >( this->ProcessObject::GetOutput(0) ); } /** * Prepare data for computation * Copy the input image to the output image, changing from the input * type to the output type. */ template void BinaryThinningImageFilter3D ::PrepareData(void) { itkDebugMacro(<< "PrepareData Start"); OutputImagePointer thinImage = GetThinning(); InputImagePointer inputImage = dynamic_cast( ProcessObject::GetInput(0) ); thinImage->SetBufferedRegion( thinImage->GetRequestedRegion() ); thinImage->Allocate(); typename OutputImageType::RegionType region = thinImage->GetRequestedRegion(); ImageRegionConstIterator< TInputImage > it( inputImage, region ); ImageRegionIterator< TOutputImage > ot( thinImage, region ); it.GoToBegin(); ot.GoToBegin(); itkDebugMacro(<< "PrepareData: Copy input to output"); // Copy the input to the output, changing all foreground pixels to // have value 1 in the process. while( !ot.IsAtEnd() ) { if ( it.Get() ) { ot.Set( NumericTraits::One ); } else { ot.Set( NumericTraits::Zero ); } ++it; ++ot; } itkDebugMacro(<< "PrepareData End"); } /** * Post processing for computing thinning */ template void BinaryThinningImageFilter3D ::ComputeThinImage() { itkDebugMacro( << "ComputeThinImage Start"); OutputImagePointer thinImage = GetThinning(); typename OutputImageType::RegionType region = thinImage->GetRequestedRegion(); ConstBoundaryConditionType boundaryCondition; boundaryCondition.SetConstant( 0 ); typename NeighborhoodIteratorType::RadiusType radius; radius.Fill(1); NeighborhoodIteratorType ot( radius, thinImage, region ); ot.SetBoundaryCondition( boundaryCondition ); std::vector < IndexType > simpleBorderPoints; typename std::vector < IndexType >::iterator simpleBorderPointsIt; // Define offsets typedef typename NeighborhoodIteratorType::OffsetType OffsetType; OffsetType N = {{ 0,-1, 0}}; // north OffsetType S = {{ 0, 1, 0}}; // south OffsetType E = {{ 1, 0, 0}}; // east OffsetType W = {{-1, 0, 0}}; // west OffsetType U = {{ 0, 0, 1}}; // up OffsetType B = {{ 0, 0,-1}}; // bottom // prepare Euler LUT [Lee94] int eulerLUT[256]; fillEulerLUT( eulerLUT ); // Loop through the image several times until there is no change. int unchangedBorders = 0; while( unchangedBorders < 6 ) // loop until no change for all the six border types { unchangedBorders = 0; for( int currentBorder = 1; currentBorder <= 6; currentBorder++) { // Loop through the image. for ( ot.GoToBegin(); !ot.IsAtEnd(); ++ot ) { // check if point is foreground if ( ot.GetCenterPixel() != 1 ) { continue; // current point is already background } // check 6-neighbors if point is a border point of type currentBorder bool isBorderPoint = false; if( currentBorder == 1 && ot.GetPixel(N)<=0 ) isBorderPoint = true; if( currentBorder == 2 && ot.GetPixel(S)<=0 ) isBorderPoint = true; if( currentBorder == 3 && ot.GetPixel(E)<=0 ) isBorderPoint = true; if( currentBorder == 4 && ot.GetPixel(W)<=0 ) isBorderPoint = true; if( currentBorder == 5 && ot.GetPixel(U)<=0 ) isBorderPoint = true; if( currentBorder == 6 && ot.GetPixel(B)<=0 ) isBorderPoint = true; if( !isBorderPoint ) { continue; // current point is not deletable } // check if point is the end of an arc int numberOfNeighbors = -1; // -1 and not 0 because the center pixel will be counted as well for( int i = 0; i < 27; i++ ) // i = 0..26 if( ot.GetPixel(i)==1 ) numberOfNeighbors++; if( numberOfNeighbors == 1 ) { continue; // current point is not deletable } // check if point is Euler invariant if( !isEulerInvariant( ot.GetNeighborhood(), eulerLUT ) ) { continue; // current point is not deletable } // check if point is simple (deletion does not change connectivity in the 3x3x3 neighborhood) if( !isSimplePoint( ot.GetNeighborhood() ) ) { continue; // current point is not deletable } // add all simple border points to a list for sequential re-checking simpleBorderPoints.push_back( ot.GetIndex() ); } // end image iteration loop // sequential re-checking to preserve connectivity when // deleting in a parallel way bool noChange = true; for( simpleBorderPointsIt=simpleBorderPoints.begin(); simpleBorderPointsIt!=simpleBorderPoints.end(); simpleBorderPointsIt++) { // 1. Set simple border point to 0 thinImage->SetPixel( *simpleBorderPointsIt, NumericTraits::Zero); // 2. Check if neighborhood is still connected ot.SetLocation( *simpleBorderPointsIt ); if( !isSimplePoint( ot.GetNeighborhood() ) ) { // we cannot delete current point, so reset thinImage->SetPixel( *simpleBorderPointsIt, NumericTraits::One ); } else { noChange = false; } } if( noChange ) unchangedBorders++; simpleBorderPoints.clear(); } // end currentBorder for loop } // end unchangedBorders while loop itkDebugMacro( << "ComputeThinImage End"); } /** * Generate ThinImage */ template void BinaryThinningImageFilter3D ::GenerateData() { this->PrepareData(); itkDebugMacro(<< "GenerateData: Computing Thinning Image"); this->ComputeThinImage(); } // end GenerateData() /** * Fill the Euler look-up table (LUT) for later check of the Euler invariance. (see [Lee94]) */ template void BinaryThinningImageFilter3D ::fillEulerLUT(int *LUT) { LUT[1] = 1; LUT[3] = -1; LUT[5] = -1; LUT[7] = 1; LUT[9] = -3; LUT[11] = -1; LUT[13] = -1; LUT[15] = 1; LUT[17] = -1; LUT[19] = 1; LUT[21] = 1; LUT[23] = -1; LUT[25] = 3; LUT[27] = 1; LUT[29] = 1; LUT[31] = -1; LUT[33] = -3; LUT[35] = -1; LUT[37] = 3; LUT[39] = 1; LUT[41] = 1; LUT[43] = -1; LUT[45] = 3; LUT[47] = 1; LUT[49] = -1; LUT[51] = 1; LUT[53] = 1; LUT[55] = -1; LUT[57] = 3; LUT[59] = 1; LUT[61] = 1; LUT[63] = -1; LUT[65] = -3; LUT[67] = 3; LUT[69] = -1; LUT[71] = 1; LUT[73] = 1; LUT[75] = 3; LUT[77] = -1; LUT[79] = 1; LUT[81] = -1; LUT[83] = 1; LUT[85] = 1; LUT[87] = -1; LUT[89] = 3; LUT[91] = 1; LUT[93] = 1; LUT[95] = -1; LUT[97] = 1; LUT[99] = 3; LUT[101] = 3; LUT[103] = 1; LUT[105] = 5; LUT[107] = 3; LUT[109] = 3; LUT[111] = 1; LUT[113] = -1; LUT[115] = 1; LUT[117] = 1; LUT[119] = -1; LUT[121] = 3; LUT[123] = 1; LUT[125] = 1; LUT[127] = -1; LUT[129] = -7; LUT[131] = -1; LUT[133] = -1; LUT[135] = 1; LUT[137] = -3; LUT[139] = -1; LUT[141] = -1; LUT[143] = 1; LUT[145] = -1; LUT[147] = 1; LUT[149] = 1; LUT[151] = -1; LUT[153] = 3; LUT[155] = 1; LUT[157] = 1; LUT[159] = -1; LUT[161] = -3; LUT[163] = -1; LUT[165] = 3; LUT[167] = 1; LUT[169] = 1; LUT[171] = -1; LUT[173] = 3; LUT[175] = 1; LUT[177] = -1; LUT[179] = 1; LUT[181] = 1; LUT[183] = -1; LUT[185] = 3; LUT[187] = 1; LUT[189] = 1; LUT[191] = -1; LUT[193] = -3; LUT[195] = 3; LUT[197] = -1; LUT[199] = 1; LUT[201] = 1; LUT[203] = 3; LUT[205] = -1; LUT[207] = 1; LUT[209] = -1; LUT[211] = 1; LUT[213] = 1; LUT[215] = -1; LUT[217] = 3; LUT[219] = 1; LUT[221] = 1; LUT[223] = -1; LUT[225] = 1; LUT[227] = 3; LUT[229] = 3; LUT[231] = 1; LUT[233] = 5; LUT[235] = 3; LUT[237] = 3; LUT[239] = 1; LUT[241] = -1; LUT[243] = 1; LUT[245] = 1; LUT[247] = -1; LUT[249] = 3; LUT[251] = 1; LUT[253] = 1; LUT[255] = -1; } /** * Check for Euler invariance. (see [Lee94]) */ template bool BinaryThinningImageFilter3D ::isEulerInvariant(NeighborhoodType neighbors, int *LUT) { // calculate Euler characteristic for each octant and sum up int EulerChar = 0; unsigned char n; // Octant SWU n = 1; if( neighbors[24]==1 ) n |= 128; if( neighbors[25]==1 ) n |= 64; if( neighbors[15]==1 ) n |= 32; if( neighbors[16]==1 ) n |= 16; if( neighbors[21]==1 ) n |= 8; if( neighbors[22]==1 ) n |= 4; if( neighbors[12]==1 ) n |= 2; EulerChar += LUT[n]; // Octant SEU n = 1; if( neighbors[26]==1 ) n |= 128; if( neighbors[23]==1 ) n |= 64; if( neighbors[17]==1 ) n |= 32; if( neighbors[14]==1 ) n |= 16; if( neighbors[25]==1 ) n |= 8; if( neighbors[22]==1 ) n |= 4; if( neighbors[16]==1 ) n |= 2; EulerChar += LUT[n]; // Octant NWU n = 1; if( neighbors[18]==1 ) n |= 128; if( neighbors[21]==1 ) n |= 64; if( neighbors[9]==1 ) n |= 32; if( neighbors[12]==1 ) n |= 16; if( neighbors[19]==1 ) n |= 8; if( neighbors[22]==1 ) n |= 4; if( neighbors[10]==1 ) n |= 2; EulerChar += LUT[n]; // Octant NEU n = 1; if( neighbors[20]==1 ) n |= 128; if( neighbors[23]==1 ) n |= 64; if( neighbors[19]==1 ) n |= 32; if( neighbors[22]==1 ) n |= 16; if( neighbors[11]==1 ) n |= 8; if( neighbors[14]==1 ) n |= 4; if( neighbors[10]==1 ) n |= 2; EulerChar += LUT[n]; // Octant SWB n = 1; if( neighbors[6]==1 ) n |= 128; if( neighbors[15]==1 ) n |= 64; if( neighbors[7]==1 ) n |= 32; if( neighbors[16]==1 ) n |= 16; if( neighbors[3]==1 ) n |= 8; if( neighbors[12]==1 ) n |= 4; if( neighbors[4]==1 ) n |= 2; EulerChar += LUT[n]; // Octant SEB n = 1; if( neighbors[8]==1 ) n |= 128; if( neighbors[7]==1 ) n |= 64; if( neighbors[17]==1 ) n |= 32; if( neighbors[16]==1 ) n |= 16; if( neighbors[5]==1 ) n |= 8; if( neighbors[4]==1 ) n |= 4; if( neighbors[14]==1 ) n |= 2; EulerChar += LUT[n]; // Octant NWB n = 1; if( neighbors[0]==1 ) n |= 128; if( neighbors[9]==1 ) n |= 64; if( neighbors[3]==1 ) n |= 32; if( neighbors[12]==1 ) n |= 16; if( neighbors[1]==1 ) n |= 8; if( neighbors[10]==1 ) n |= 4; if( neighbors[4]==1 ) n |= 2; EulerChar += LUT[n]; // Octant NEB n = 1; if( neighbors[2]==1 ) n |= 128; if( neighbors[1]==1 ) n |= 64; if( neighbors[11]==1 ) n |= 32; if( neighbors[10]==1 ) n |= 16; if( neighbors[5]==1 ) n |= 8; if( neighbors[4]==1 ) n |= 4; if( neighbors[14]==1 ) n |= 2; EulerChar += LUT[n]; if( EulerChar == 0 ) return true; else return false; } /** * Check if current point is a Simple Point. * This method is named 'N(v)_labeling' in [Lee94]. * Outputs the number of connected objects in a neighborhood of a point * after this point would have been removed. */ template bool BinaryThinningImageFilter3D ::isSimplePoint(NeighborhoodType neighbors) { // copy neighbors for labeling int cube[26]; int i; for( i = 0; i < 13; i++ ) // i = 0..12 -> cube[0..12] cube[i] = neighbors[i]; // i != 13 : ignore center pixel when counting (see [Lee94]) for( i = 14; i < 27; i++ ) // i = 14..26 -> cube[13..25] cube[i-1] = neighbors[i]; // set initial label int label = 2; // for all points in the neighborhood for( int i = 0; i < 26; i++ ) { if( cube[i]==1 ) // voxel has not been labelled yet { // start recursion with any octant that contains the point i switch( i ) { case 0: case 1: case 3: case 4: case 9: case 10: case 12: Octree_labeling(1, label, cube ); break; case 2: case 5: case 11: case 13: Octree_labeling(2, label, cube ); break; case 6: case 7: case 14: case 15: Octree_labeling(3, label, cube ); break; case 8: case 16: Octree_labeling(4, label, cube ); break; case 17: case 18: case 20: case 21: Octree_labeling(5, label, cube ); break; case 19: case 22: Octree_labeling(6, label, cube ); break; case 23: case 24: Octree_labeling(7, label, cube ); break; case 25: Octree_labeling(8, label, cube ); break; } label++; if( label-2 >= 2 ) { return false; } } } //return label-2; in [Lee94] if the number of connected compontents would be needed return true; } /** * Octree_labeling [Lee94] * This is a recursive method that calulates the number of connected * components in the 3D neighbourhood after the center pixel would * have been removed. */ template void BinaryThinningImageFilter3D ::Octree_labeling(int octant, int label, int *cube) { // check if there are points in the octant with value 1 if( octant==1 ) { // set points in this octant to current label // and recurseive labeling of adjacent octants if( cube[0] == 1 ) cube[0] = label; if( cube[1] == 1 ) { cube[1] = label; Octree_labeling( 2, label, cube); } if( cube[3] == 1 ) { cube[3] = label; Octree_labeling( 3, label, cube); } if( cube[4] == 1 ) { cube[4] = label; Octree_labeling( 2, label, cube); Octree_labeling( 3, label, cube); Octree_labeling( 4, label, cube); } if( cube[9] == 1 ) { cube[9] = label; Octree_labeling( 5, label, cube); } if( cube[10] == 1 ) { cube[10] = label; Octree_labeling( 2, label, cube); Octree_labeling( 5, label, cube); Octree_labeling( 6, label, cube); } if( cube[12] == 1 ) { cube[12] = label; Octree_labeling( 3, label, cube); Octree_labeling( 5, label, cube); Octree_labeling( 7, label, cube); } } if( octant==2 ) { if( cube[1] == 1 ) { cube[1] = label; Octree_labeling( 1, label, cube); } if( cube[4] == 1 ) { cube[4] = label; Octree_labeling( 1, label, cube); Octree_labeling( 3, label, cube); Octree_labeling( 4, label, cube); } if( cube[10] == 1 ) { cube[10] = label; Octree_labeling( 1, label, cube); Octree_labeling( 5, label, cube); Octree_labeling( 6, label, cube); } if( cube[2] == 1 ) cube[2] = label; if( cube[5] == 1 ) { cube[5] = label; Octree_labeling( 4, label, cube); } if( cube[11] == 1 ) { cube[11] = label; Octree_labeling( 6, label, cube); } if( cube[13] == 1 ) { cube[13] = label; Octree_labeling( 4, label, cube); Octree_labeling( 6, label, cube); Octree_labeling( 8, label, cube); } } if( octant==3 ) { if( cube[3] == 1 ) { cube[3] = label; Octree_labeling( 1, label, cube); } if( cube[4] == 1 ) { cube[4] = label; Octree_labeling( 1, label, cube); Octree_labeling( 2, label, cube); Octree_labeling( 4, label, cube); } if( cube[12] == 1 ) { cube[12] = label; Octree_labeling( 1, label, cube); Octree_labeling( 5, label, cube); Octree_labeling( 7, label, cube); } if( cube[6] == 1 ) cube[6] = label; if( cube[7] == 1 ) { cube[7] = label; Octree_labeling( 4, label, cube); } if( cube[14] == 1 ) { cube[14] = label; Octree_labeling( 7, label, cube); } if( cube[15] == 1 ) { cube[15] = label; Octree_labeling( 4, label, cube); Octree_labeling( 7, label, cube); Octree_labeling( 8, label, cube); } } if( octant==4 ) { if( cube[4] == 1 ) { cube[4] = label; Octree_labeling( 1, label, cube); Octree_labeling( 2, label, cube); Octree_labeling( 3, label, cube); } if( cube[5] == 1 ) { cube[5] = label; Octree_labeling( 2, label, cube); } if( cube[13] == 1 ) { cube[13] = label; Octree_labeling( 2, label, cube); Octree_labeling( 6, label, cube); Octree_labeling( 8, label, cube); } if( cube[7] == 1 ) { cube[7] = label; Octree_labeling( 3, label, cube); } if( cube[15] == 1 ) { cube[15] = label; Octree_labeling( 3, label, cube); Octree_labeling( 7, label, cube); Octree_labeling( 8, label, cube); } if( cube[8] == 1 ) cube[8] = label; if( cube[16] == 1 ) { cube[16] = label; Octree_labeling( 8, label, cube); } } if( octant==5 ) { if( cube[9] == 1 ) { cube[9] = label; Octree_labeling( 1, label, cube); } if( cube[10] == 1 ) { cube[10] = label; Octree_labeling( 1, label, cube); Octree_labeling( 2, label, cube); Octree_labeling( 6, label, cube); } if( cube[12] == 1 ) { cube[12] = label; Octree_labeling( 1, label, cube); Octree_labeling( 3, label, cube); Octree_labeling( 7, label, cube); } if( cube[17] == 1 ) cube[17] = label; if( cube[18] == 1 ) { cube[18] = label; Octree_labeling( 6, label, cube); } if( cube[20] == 1 ) { cube[20] = label; Octree_labeling( 7, label, cube); } if( cube[21] == 1 ) { cube[21] = label; Octree_labeling( 6, label, cube); Octree_labeling( 7, label, cube); Octree_labeling( 8, label, cube); } } if( octant==6 ) { if( cube[10] == 1 ) { cube[10] = label; Octree_labeling( 1, label, cube); Octree_labeling( 2, label, cube); Octree_labeling( 5, label, cube); } if( cube[11] == 1 ) { cube[11] = label; Octree_labeling( 2, label, cube); } if( cube[13] == 1 ) { cube[13] = label; Octree_labeling( 2, label, cube); Octree_labeling( 4, label, cube); Octree_labeling( 8, label, cube); } if( cube[18] == 1 ) { cube[18] = label; Octree_labeling( 5, label, cube); } if( cube[21] == 1 ) { cube[21] = label; Octree_labeling( 5, label, cube); Octree_labeling( 7, label, cube); Octree_labeling( 8, label, cube); } if( cube[19] == 1 ) cube[19] = label; if( cube[22] == 1 ) { cube[22] = label; Octree_labeling( 8, label, cube); } } if( octant==7 ) { if( cube[12] == 1 ) { cube[12] = label; Octree_labeling( 1, label, cube); Octree_labeling( 3, label, cube); Octree_labeling( 5, label, cube); } if( cube[14] == 1 ) { cube[14] = label; Octree_labeling( 3, label, cube); } if( cube[15] == 1 ) { cube[15] = label; Octree_labeling( 3, label, cube); Octree_labeling( 4, label, cube); Octree_labeling( 8, label, cube); } if( cube[20] == 1 ) { cube[20] = label; Octree_labeling( 5, label, cube); } if( cube[21] == 1 ) { cube[21] = label; Octree_labeling( 5, label, cube); Octree_labeling( 6, label, cube); Octree_labeling( 8, label, cube); } if( cube[23] == 1 ) cube[23] = label; if( cube[24] == 1 ) { cube[24] = label; Octree_labeling( 8, label, cube); } } if( octant==8 ) { if( cube[13] == 1 ) { cube[13] = label; Octree_labeling( 2, label, cube); Octree_labeling( 4, label, cube); Octree_labeling( 6, label, cube); } if( cube[15] == 1 ) { cube[15] = label; Octree_labeling( 3, label, cube); Octree_labeling( 4, label, cube); Octree_labeling( 7, label, cube); } if( cube[16] == 1 ) { cube[16] = label; Octree_labeling( 4, label, cube); } if( cube[21] == 1 ) { cube[21] = label; Octree_labeling( 5, label, cube); Octree_labeling( 6, label, cube); Octree_labeling( 7, label, cube); } if( cube[22] == 1 ) { cube[22] = label; Octree_labeling( 6, label, cube); } if( cube[24] == 1 ) { cube[24] = label; Octree_labeling( 7, label, cube); } if( cube[25] == 1 ) cube[25] = label; } } /** * Print Self */ template void BinaryThinningImageFilter3D ::PrintSelf(std::ostream& os, Indent indent) const { Superclass::PrintSelf(os,indent); os << indent << "Thinning image: " << std::endl; } } // end namespace itk #endif