The shell script '' installs : - bbi shortcut on gnome desktop - the mime type 'text/bbs' for '*.bbs' files - associates the type 'text/bbs' to the shortcut 1) bbi **MUST** be in the applications path (typing bbi in a term in any folder is succesful). The best way to achieve this is to install cleanly bbtk. 2) you *MUST* run the script as yourself, not root or the stuff will be installed for root ! That all folks ! -------------------------------------------------------- Tech notes : * The script uses 'which bbi' to locate bbi * It installs : ${HOME}/.local/share/applications/bbi.desktop ${HOME}/.local/share/applications/bbi-icon.png ${HOME}/.local/share/applications/bbi-icon2.png ${HOME}/.local/share/mime/packages/bbs.xml * It adds the line 'text/bbs=bbi.desktop' to the file ${HOME}/.local/share/applications/defaults.list * It makes the sym link : ln -s ${HOME}/.local/share/applications/bbi.desktop ${HOME}/Desktop/bbi.desktop * It runs update-mime-database and restarts nautilus