/*========================================================================= Program: bbtk Module: $RCSfile: bbtkInterpreter.cxx,v $ $ Language: C++ Date: $Date: 2008/10/06 09:11:21 $ Version: $Revision: 1.73 $ Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/Public/bbtk/License.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ /** * \file * \brief class Interpreter : */ #include "bbtkInterpreter.h" #include "bbtkExecuter.h" #include "bbtkTranscriptor.h" #include "bbtkMessageManager.h" #include "bbtkConfigurationFile.h" #include "bbtkUtilities.h" #include "bbtkWxBlackBox.h" #include #include #ifdef CMAKE_HAVE_TERMIOS_H #include #define BBTK_USE_TERMIOS_BASED_PROMPT #endif #include namespace bbtk { //======================================================================= Interpreter::Pointer Interpreter::New(const std::string& cpp_file) { bbtkDebugMessage("Kernel",9,"Interpreter::New('"<0 : Prints the output of the 'print' commands of the user.\n\tLevel>1 : Prints the command being interpreted",1); bbtk::MessageManager::RegisterMessageType("Interpreter","Messages of the interpreter",0); bbtkDebugMessageInc("Interpreter",9,"Interpreter::Interpreter()" <(bbtk::Transcriptor::New(cpp_file)); } else { bbtk::Executer::Pointer exe = bbtk::Executer::New(); mRealExecuter = exe; mVirtualExecuter = boost::static_pointer_cast(exe); } // Lock this pointer or will auto-destruct !! if (!e) mVirtualExecuter->SetInterpreter(MakePointer(this,true)); // For the time being, comment out previous line, and // uncomment next line to check Transcriptor //mVirtualExecuter = new bbtk::Transcriptor("GeneratedProgram.txt"); // Builds the commands dict CommandInfoType info; info.keyword = "new"; info.argmin = 2; info.argmax = 2; info.code = cNew; info.syntax = "new "; info.help = "Creates a new black box of type with name "; mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info; info.keyword = "delete"; info.argmin = 1; info.argmax = 1; info.code = cDelete; info.syntax = "delete "; info.help = "Deletes the black box of name "; mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info; info.keyword = "newgui"; info.argmin = 2; info.argmax = 2; info.code = cNewGUI; info.syntax = "newgui "; info.help = "Automatically creates a graphical user interface with name for the black box and connects it to the box inputs"; mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info; info.keyword = "connect"; info.argmin = 2; info.argmax = 2; info.code = cConnect; info.syntax = "connect "; info.help = "Connects the ouput of black box to the input of black box "; mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info; info.keyword = "print"; info.argmin = 1; info.argmax = 1; info.code = cPrint; info.syntax = "print "; info.help = "Prints the string. Substitutes any token of the form '$box.output$' by the string adaptation of the output of the box (requires the right adaptor). No carriage return is issued at the end, use '\\n' to add carriage returns. The level of 'echo' messages must be greater than 1 (see the command 'message')."; mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info; info.keyword = "exec"; info.argmin = 1; info.argmax = 2; info.code = cExec; info.syntax = "exec "; info.help = "Executes the black box of name (and connected boxes if needed). If the special keyword 'freeze' is given then freezes any further execution command. 'unfreeze' reverts to normal execution mode. 'freeze_no_error' is like freeze but also skips any error."; mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info; info.keyword = "package"; info.argmin = 1; info.argmax = 1; info.code = cPackage; info.syntax = "package "; info.help = "Begins the definition of a package."; mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info; info.keyword = "endpackage"; info.argmin = 0; info.argmax = 0; info.code = cEndPackage; info.syntax = "endpackage"; info.help = "Ends the definition of a package."; mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info; info.keyword = "define"; info.argmin = 1; info.argmax = 2; info.code = cDefine; info.syntax = "define []"; info.help = "Begins the definition of a new type of complex black box called . If is provided will create it in the given package."; mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info; info.keyword = "endefine"; info.argmin = 0; info.argmax = 0; info.code = cEndDefine; info.syntax = "endefine"; info.help = "Ends the definition of a new type of complex black box"; mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info; info.keyword = "kind"; info.argmin = 1; info.argmax = 1; info.code = cKind; info.syntax = "kind "; info.help = "Sets the kind of the currently defined complex black box"; mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info; info.keyword = "input"; info.argmin = 3; info.argmax = 3; info.code = cInput; info.syntax = "input "; info.help = "Defines the input of the current working black box as being an alias for the input of the black box . defines the help string for the newly created input"; mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info; info.keyword = "output"; info.argmin = 3; info.argmax = 3; info.code = cOutput; info.syntax = "output "; info.help = "Defines the output of the current working black box as being an alias for the output of the black box . defines the help string for the newly created output"; mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info; info.keyword = "set"; info.argmin = 2; info.argmax = 2; info.code = cSet; info.syntax = "set "; info.help = "Sets the value of the input of the black box to . There must exist a string to the value type adaptor"; mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info; info.keyword = "config"; // JPR info.argmin = 0; info.argmax = 0; info.code = cConfig; info.syntax = "config"; info.help = "Prints the value of all configuration parameters"; mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info; info.keyword = "index"; // LG info.argmin = 0; info.argmax = 2; info.code = cIndex; info.syntax = "index [ ['Initials'(default)|'Packages'|'Categories'|'Adaptors']]"; info.help = "Creates an html index of known boxes. If filename is provided then save it to the file 'filename'. The default index entries are the initial letters of the names of the boxes. If 'Packages' or 'Categories' is provided then the entries are either the packages names or the categories. If 'Adaptors' is provided then an alphabetical index of all adaptors is created."; mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info; info.keyword = "reset"; info.argmin = 0; info.argmax = 0; info.code = cReset; info.syntax = "reset"; info.help = "Deletes all boxes and unloads all packages (reset to start state)"; mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info; info.keyword = "author"; info.argmin = 1; info.argmax = 1; info.code = cAuthor; info.syntax = "author "; info.help = "Adds the string to the author information of the black box being defined"; mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info; info.keyword = "category"; //JP info.argmin = 1; info.argmax = 1; info.code = cCategory; info.syntax = "category "; info.help = "Adds the string to the category information of the black box being defined"; mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info; info.keyword = "description"; info.argmin = 1; info.argmax = 1; info.code = cDescription; info.syntax = "description "; info.help = "Adds the string to the descriptive information of the black box being defined"; mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info; info.keyword = "help"; info.argmin = 0; info.argmax = 2; info.code = cHelp; info.syntax = "help"; info.syntax = "\n (1) help \n (2) help \n (3) help packages [all]\n (4) help [all]\n (5) help \n (6) help "; info.help = "Effect :\n (1) Lists all available commands;\n (2) Prints help on a particular command; \n (3) Lists the packages loaded and their black boxes.\n Add 'all' to list adaptors; \n (4) Prints short help on the black boxes of a package.\n Add 'all' to include adaptors; \n (5) Prints full help on a black box type; \n (6) Prints information on the inputs, outputs and connections of a black box instance."; mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info; info.keyword = "message"; info.argmin = 0; info.argmax = 2; info.code = cMessage; info.syntax = "message "; info.help = "Sets the level of the kind of messages to .\n If kind='All' then sets the level for all kinds. If no kind nor level is passed then prints info on available kinds of messages and their current level."; mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info; info.keyword = "include"; info.argmin = 1; info.argmax = 2; info.code = cInclude; info.syntax = "include [source]"; info.help = "Includes the file .\n 'source' : If the keyword 'source' is provided then informs the interpreter that the included file is the source of the current box definition (Advanced; used to get the right 'Include' field in html doc of packages 'appli' scripts)."; mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info; info.keyword = "quit"; info.argmin = 0; info.argmax = 0; info.code = cQuit; info.syntax = "quit"; info.help = "Quits the program (during script execution it stops the complete execution)"; mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info; info.keyword = "load"; info.argmin = 1; info.argmax = 1; info.code = cLoad; info.syntax = "load "; info.help = "Loads the black box package "; mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info; info.keyword = "unload"; info.argmin = 1; info.argmax = 1; info.code = cUnload; info.syntax = "unload "; info.help = "Unloads the black box package "; mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info; info.keyword = "graph"; info.argmin = 0; info.argmax = 6; info.code = cGraph; info.syntax = "graph [ BlackBoxName [ Detail 0..1 [ Level 0..99999 [ Output html file [ Custom header [ Custom title ]]]]]] \n graph [ BlackBoxNameType [ Detail 0..1 [ Level 0..99999 [ Output html file [ Custom header [ Custom title ]]]]]]"; info.help = "Shows a graphical view of a bbtk pipeline.\n- BlackBoxName : name of the box to view. Default '.' : current box.\n- BlackBoxNameType : name of the type of box to view, ex : 'workspace')"; mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info; info.keyword = "debug"; info.argmin = 0; info.argmax = 1; info.code = cDebug; info.syntax = "debug [expr|-C|-D]"; info.help = "Prints debug info on living bbtk objects containing the string 'expr' (default expr=''). -C checks the factory integrity. -D turns on objects debug info after main ends"; mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info; /* info.keyword = "workspace"; info.argmin = 1; info.argmax = 2; info.code = cWorkspace; info.syntax = "workspace < ( freeze | unfreeze ) | ( rename ) >"; info.help = "Configures the workspace.\n 'freeze' allows to block execution commands while keeping definition commands active. 'unfreeze' turns back the worspace in 'normal' mode.\n 'rename' allow to set a new name to the workspace."; mCommandDict[info.keyword] = info; */ bbtkDebugDecTab("Interpreter",9); } //======================================================================= //======================================================================= /** * */ Interpreter::~Interpreter() { bbtkDebugMessageInc("Interpreter",9,"==> Interpreter::~Interpreter()" <(mFile.back()); if (fs!=0) in_script = true; file = mFileName.back(); line = mLine.back(); } CloseAllFiles(); throw InterpreterError(e,in_script,file,line); } else { std::stringstream mess; mess << "* ERROR : "<(mFile.back()); if (fs!=0) in_script = true; file = mFileName.back(); line = mLine.back(); } CloseAllFiles(); throw InterpreterError(e.what(),in_script,file,line); } else { std::stringstream mess; mess << "* ERROR : "<(mFile.back()); if (fs!=0) in_script = true; file = mFileName.back(); line = mLine.back(); } CloseAllFiles(); throw InterpreterError("Unknown exception caught", in_script,file,line); } else { std::stringstream mess; mess << "* UNDEFINED ERROR (not a bbtk nor a std exception)" << std::endl; if (mFileName.size()) { mess << "* FILE : \""<0) { while (!mFile.back()->eof()) { mLine.back()++; char buf[500]; mFile.back()->getline(buf,500); std::string str(buf); int size=str.length(); if ( str[ size-1 ]==13 ) { str.erase(size-1,1); } try { InterpretLine(str, insideComment); } CATCH_MACRO; }//while CloseCurrentFile(); } } CATCH_MACRO; CloseAllFiles(); bbtkDebugMessage("Interpreter",9,"EO Interpreter::InterpretFile(\""<0) { while (!mFile.back()->eof()) { mLine.back()++; char buf[500]; mFile.back()->getline(buf,500); std::string str(buf); int size=str.length(); if ( str[ size-1 ]==13 ) { str.erase(size-1,1); } try { InterpretLine(str, insideComment); } CATCH_MACRO; }//while CloseCurrentFile(); } } CATCH_MACRO; CloseAllFiles(); bbtkDebugMessage("Interpreter",9,"EO Interpreter::InterpretBuffer()"< words; SplitLine(line,words); // Empty line if (words.size()<1) { bbtkDebugDecTab("Interpreter",9); return; } // Single line comment : # or // if ( words[0][0]=='#' || (words[0][0]=='/' && words[0][1]=='/') ) { bbtkDebugDecTab("Interpreter",9); bbtkMessage("Interpreter",9,"Comment"<Define(words[1],words[2],filename); } break; case cEndDefine : mVirtualExecuter->EndDefine(); break; case cKind : mVirtualExecuter->Kind(words[1]); break; case cPrint : mVirtualExecuter->Print(words[1]); break; case cExec : if (words[1]=="freeze") { mVirtualExecuter->SetNoExecMode(true); mThrow = false; } else if (words[1]=="freeze_no_error ") { mVirtualExecuter->SetNoExecMode(true); mVirtualExecuter->SetNoErrorMode(true); mThrow = false; } else if (words[1]=="unfreeze") { mVirtualExecuter->SetNoExecMode(false); mVirtualExecuter->SetNoErrorMode(false); } else { mVirtualExecuter->Execute(words[1]); } break; case cInput : Utilities::SplitAroundFirstDot(words[2],left,right); mVirtualExecuter->DefineInput(words[1],left,right,words[3]); break; case cOutput : Utilities::SplitAroundFirstDot(words[2],left,right); mVirtualExecuter->DefineOutput(words[1],left,right,words[3]); break; case cSet : Utilities::SplitAroundFirstDot(words[1],left,right); mVirtualExecuter->Set(left,right,words[2]); break; case cAuthor : mVirtualExecuter->Author(words[1]); break; case cNewGUI : NewGUI(words[1],words[2]); break; case cCategory : mVirtualExecuter->Category(words[1]); break; case cIndex : if (words.size()==1) Index("tmp_index.html"); else if (words.size()==2) Index(words[1]); else if (words.size()==3) Index(words[1],words[2]); break; case cDescription : mVirtualExecuter->Description(words[1]); break; case cHelp : Help(words); break; case cMessage : if (words.size()<3) { mVirtualExecuter->HelpMessages(); } else { sscanf(words[2].c_str(),"%d",&level); mVirtualExecuter->SetMessageLevel(words[1],level); } break; case cGraph : Graph(words); break; case cConfig : Config(); break; case cReset : Reset(); break; case cInclude : if (mCommandLine) { InterpretFile(words[1]); } else { SwitchToFile(words[1]); } // if 'source' was given if (words.size()==3) { GetExecuter()->SetCurrentFileName(words[1]); } break; case cLoad: GetExecuter()->LoadPackage(words[1]); break; case cUnload: GetExecuter()->UnLoadPackage(words[1]); break; case cQuit : throw QuitException(); break; case cDebug : if (words.size()==2) Debug(words[1]); else Debug(""); break; /* obsolete case cWorkspace : if (words.size() == 2) { if (words[1]=="freeze") mVirtualExecuter->SetNoExecMode(true); else if (words[1]=="unfreeze") mVirtualExecuter->SetNoExecMode(false); } else { mVirtualExecuter->SetWorkspaceName(words[2]); } break; */ default: bbtkInternalError("should not reach here !!!"); } bbtkDecTab("Interpreter",9); } //======================================================================= //======================================================================= /** * */ void Interpreter::SplitLine ( const std::string& str, std::vector& tokens) { bbtkDebugMessageInc("Interpreter",9,"Interpreter::SplitLine(\""< quote; Utilities::SplitString(str,delimiters,quote); delimiters = " \t"; std::vector::iterator i; for (i=quote.begin(); i!=quote.end(); ) { Utilities::SplitString(*i,delimiters,tokens); ++i; if (i!=quote.end()) { // bbtkDebugMessage("Interpreter",0,"\""<<*i<<"\""<mVirtualExecuter->Reset(); } //======================================================================= //======================================================================= /** * */ /* void Interpreter::Print( const std::string& str) { if (mVirtualExecuter->GetNoExecMode()) return; bbtkDebugMessageInc("Interpreter",9,"Interpreter::Print(\""< trouver un nom unique : # commande // InterpretLine("new Print _P_") // InterpretLine("connect _C_.Out _P_.In") // int num = 1 std::vector chains; std::string delimiters("$"); // Skip delimiters at beginning. std::string::size_type lastPos = str.find_first_not_of(delimiters, 0); bool is_text = true; if (lastPos>0) is_text = false; // Find first delimiter. std::string::size_type pos = str.find_first_of(delimiters, lastPos); while (std::string::npos != pos || std::string::npos != lastPos) { if (is_text) { // Found a text token, add it to the vector. chains.push_back(str.substr(lastPos, pos - lastPos)); // std::string token = str.substr(lastPos, pos - lastPos) // InterpretLine("set _C_.In%num% %token%") } else { // is an output (between $$) : decode std::string tok,box,output; tok = str.substr(lastPos, pos - lastPos); Utilities::SplitAroundFirstDot(tok,box,output); chains.push_back( mVirtualExecuter->Get(box,output) ); // InterpretLine("connect %tok% _C_.In%num%") } // Skip delimiters. Note the "not_of" lastPos = str.find_first_not_of(delimiters, pos); // Find next delimiter pos = str.find_first_of(delimiters, lastPos); // is_text = !is_text; // num ++; } // InterpretLine("exec _P_") // if (IS_IN_WORKSPACE) InterpretLine("delete _C_; delete _P_"); std::vector::iterator i; for (i= chains.begin(); i!=chains.end(); ++i) { Utilities::SubsBackslashN(*i); std::cout << *i; } std::cout << std::endl; bbtkDebugDecTab("Interpreter",9); } */ //======================================================================= /** * */ // ========================================================================= void Interpreter::SwitchToFile( const std::string& name ) { // Note : in the following : // name : the user supplied name // - abreviated name e.g. scr scr.bbs // - relative full name e.g. ./scr.bbs ../../scr.bbs // - absolute full name e.g. /home/usrname/proj/dir/scr.bbs // same for Windows, with c:, d: ... // // use ./directory/subdir/scrname.bbs // bbtkDebugMessageInc("Interpreter",9,"Interpreter::SwitchToFile( \"" < script_paths; std::string fullPathScriptName; // full path script name std::string pkgname; // e.g. .bbs std::vector Filenames; // The following is *NOT* a debug time message : // It's a user intended message. // Please don't remove it. bbtkMessage("Interpreter",1, "look for : [" << name << "]" << std::endl); std::string upath; pkgname = Utilities::ExtractScriptName(name,upath); bbtkMessage("Interpreter",3, "extract : pkgname [" << pkgname << "] upath [" << upath << "]" << std::endl); bool fullnameGiven = false; bool foundFile = false; // ==== "*" provided : load all scripts in given path // relative (e.g. std/boxes/*) or absolute if (pkgname == "*") { int nbBssFiles; std::stringstream* stream = new std::stringstream; //if (upath.size()!=0) // avoid troubles for "*" // ==== no path provided : look in root bbs path if (upath.size()==0) { // bbtkMessage("Interpreter",1, script_paths.push_back( ConfigurationFile::GetInstance().Get_root_bbs_path() ); } // ==== absolute path provided else if (upath[0]=='/' || upath[1] == ':' ) { if ( Utilities::IsDirectory( upath ) ) { script_paths.push_back(upath); } else { bbtkError("'"<::const_iterator i; for (i=ConfigurationFile::GetInstance().Get_bbs_paths().begin(); i!=ConfigurationFile::GetInstance().Get_bbs_paths().end(); i++) { std::string full_path(*i); // we *really* want '.' to be the current working directory if (full_path == ".") { char buf[2048]; // for getcwd char * currentDir = getcwd(buf, 2048); std::string cwd(currentDir); full_path = currentDir; } // if full_path full_path += ConfigurationFile::GetInstance().Get_file_separator(); full_path += upath; if ( Utilities::IsDirectory( full_path ) ) { script_paths.push_back(full_path); } } if (script_paths.empty()) { bbtkError("no '"<::iterator i; for (i=script_paths.begin();i!=script_paths.end();i++)// ==== relative name, iterate + load all .bbs files { bbtkMessage("Interpreter",1, "--> Looking in '" << *i << "'" << std::endl); Filenames.clear(); //int nbFiles = Utilities::Explore(*i, false, Filenames); nbBssFiles = 0; for (std::vector::iterator j = Filenames.begin(); j!= Filenames.end(); ++j) { int lgr = (*j).size(); if (lgr < 5) continue; // ignore non .bbs file if ((*j).substr(lgr-4, 4) != ".bbs") continue; (*stream) << "include \"" << *j << "\"\n"; bbtkMessage("Interpreter",2, " --> Found '" << *j << "'" << std::endl); nbBssFiles++; } // for vector if (nbBssFiles==0) { bbtkMessage("Interpreter",1, " --> No .bbs found"<< std::endl); } else { bbtkMessage("Interpreter",1, " --> "<4) { if (fullPathScriptName.substr(l-4, 4) != ".bbs") { fullPathScriptName = fullPathScriptName + ".bbs"; } } else { fullPathScriptName = fullPathScriptName + ".bbs"; } if ( Utilities::FileExists(fullPathScriptName)) { foundFile = true; } } // endif l != 0 } else // =============================== iterate on the paths { script_paths = ConfigurationFile::GetInstance().Get_bbs_paths(); std::string path; std::vector::iterator i; for (i=script_paths.begin();i!=script_paths.end();++i) { path = *i; // we *really* want '.' to be the current working directory if (path == ".") { char buf[2048]; // for getcwd char * currentDir = getcwd(buf, 2048); std::string cwd(currentDir); path = currentDir; } fullPathScriptName = Utilities::MakePkgnameFromPath(path, name, true); // Check if library exists if ( ! Utilities::FileExists(fullPathScriptName) ) { // The following is *NOT* a debug time message : // It's a user intended message. // Please don't remove it. bbtkMessage("Interpreter",2, " [" <0 ) { buffer_name << mFileName.back() << "_" << mLine.back(); } mFileName.push_back(buffer_name.str()); mIncludeFileName.push_back(buffer_name.str()); mLine.push_back(0); } //======================================================================= //======================================================================= void Interpreter::LoadScript( std::string fullPathScriptName, std::string includeScriptName) { Utilities::replace( fullPathScriptName , INVALID_FILE_SEPARATOR , VALID_FILE_SEPARATOR); if (find(mFileNameHistory.begin(), mFileNameHistory.end(), fullPathScriptName)!=mFileNameHistory.end()) { return; } std::ifstream* s; s = new std::ifstream; s->open(fullPathScriptName.c_str()); if (!s->good()) { bbtkError("Could not open file ["<[" << fullPathScriptName << "] found" << std::endl); mFile.push_back(s); mFileName.push_back(fullPathScriptName); mFileNameHistory.push_back(fullPathScriptName); mIncludeFileName.push_back(includeScriptName); mLine.push_back(0); return; } //======================================================================= /** * */ void Interpreter::CloseCurrentFile() { bbtkDebugMessage("Interpreter",9,"Interpreter::CloseCurrentFile()" < no file left open"<(mFile.back()); if (file!=0) file->close(); delete mFile.back(); mFile.pop_back(); mFileName.pop_back(); mIncludeFileName.pop_back(); mLine.pop_back(); bbtkDebugMessage("Interpreter",9," Remains " <& words, CommandInfoType& info ) { bbtkDebugMessageInc("Interpreter",9,"Interpreter::InterpretCommand(...)"<second.argmin ) || ( ((int)words.size())-1 > c->second.argmax ) ) { HelpCommand(words[0]); bbtkError(words[0]<<" : wrong number of arguments"); } info = c->second; bbtkDecTab("Interpreter",9); } //======================================================================= //======================================================================= /// Displays help on all the commands void Interpreter::Help(const std::vector& words) { unsigned int nbarg = words.size()-1; if (nbarg==0) { HelpCommands(); } else if (nbarg==1) { if (words[1]=="packages") { GetExecuter()->GetFactory()->PrintPackages(true); return; } try { HelpCommand(words[1]); } catch (bbtk::Exception e) { try { GetExecuter()->GetFactory()->HelpPackage(words[1]); if ( mUser != 0 ) { std::string url = ConfigurationFile::GetInstance().Get_doc_path(); url += "/bbdoc/" + words[1] + "/index.html"; if (Utilities::FileExists(url)) { mUser->InterpreterUserViewHtmlPage(url); } } } catch (bbtk::Exception f) { try { std::string package; GetExecuter()->GetFactory()->HelpBlackBox(words[1],package); if ( mUser != 0 ) { std::string url = ConfigurationFile::GetInstance().Get_doc_path(); url += "/bbdoc/" + package + "/index.html"; if (Utilities::FileExists(url)) { url += "#" + words[1]; mUser->InterpreterUserViewHtmlPage(url); } } } catch (bbtk::Exception g) { try { GetExecuter()->ShowRelations(words[1],"0","9999"); } catch (bbtk::Exception h){ bbtkError("\""<GetFactory()->PrintPackages(true,true); return; } try { GetExecuter()->GetFactory()->HelpPackage(words[1],true); } catch (bbtk::Exception f) { } } else { HelpCommand(words[0]); bbtkError(words[0]<<" : syntax error"); } } else { bbtkError("Should not reach here !!!"); } } //======================================================================= //=================================================================== /// Displays the Configuration void Interpreter::Config() const { ConfigurationFile::GetInstance().GetHelp(1); } //=================================================================== //======================================================================= /// Displays help on all the commands void Interpreter::HelpCommands() { std::cout << "Available commands :" << std::endl; CommandDictType::iterator i; for ( i = mCommandDict.begin(); i != mCommandDict.end(); ++i) { std::cout << " " << i->first << std::endl; // std::cout << " usage : " << i->second.syntax << std::endl; // std::cout << " " << i->second.help << std::endl; } } //======================================================================= //======================================================================= /// Displays help on a particular commands void Interpreter::HelpCommand(const std::string& s) { CommandDictType::iterator c; c = mCommandDict.find(s); if ( c == mCommandDict.end() ) { bbtkError(s<<" : Unknown command"); } // std::cout << " " << s << " : "<< std::endl; // CommandParamDictType::iterator i; // for ( i = c->second.begin(); // i != c->second.end(); // ++i) { std::cout << " usage : " << c->second.syntax << std::endl; std::cout << " " << c->second.help << std::endl; } //======================================================================= //======================================================================= /// Fills the vector commands with the commands which /// have the first n chars of buf for prefix /// TODO : skip initial spaces in buf and also return the position of first /// non blank char in buf void Interpreter::FindCommandsWithPrefix( char* buf, int n, std::vector& commands ) { CommandDictType::const_iterator i; for (i=mCommandDict.begin(); i!=mCommandDict.end(); ++i) { if ((i->first).find(buf,0,n) == 0) commands.push_back(i->first); } } //======================================================================= //======================================================================= #ifdef BBTK_USE_TERMIOS_BASED_PROMPT inline void PrintChar(char c) { write(STDOUT_FILENO,&c,1); } inline void BackSpace() { write(STDOUT_FILENO,"\b \b",3); } // LG : KEYBOARD CODES AS SCANNED ON MY TTY : UNIVERSAL ? // IF NOT THE USER SHOULD BE ABLE TO CONFIGURE IT // E.G. STORE THIS IN bbtk_config.xml #define BBTK_UP_ARROW_KBCODE 0x00415B1B #define BBTK_DOWN_ARROW_KBCODE 0x00425B1B #define BBTK_RIGHT_ARROW_KBCODE 0x00435B1B #define BBTK_LEFT_ARROW_KBCODE 0x00445B1B #define BBTK_BACKSPACE_KBCODE 0x00000008 #define BBTK_DEL_KBCODE 0x0000007F #define BBTK_SPACE_KBCODE 0x00000020 //======================================================================= void Interpreter::GetLineFromPrompt(std::string& s) { int c; unsigned int ind=0; unsigned int MAX_LINE_SIZE = 160; unsigned int MAX_HISTORY_SIZE = 100; char* newline = new char[MAX_LINE_SIZE]; memset(newline,0,MAX_LINE_SIZE); char* histline = new char[MAX_LINE_SIZE]; memset(histline,0,MAX_LINE_SIZE); char* line = newline; unsigned int hist = mHistory.size(); write(1,"> ",2); while(1) { c=0; read ( STDIN_FILENO, &c, 4) ; bbtkDebugMessage("debug",9,"[0x"<= BBTK_SPACE_KBCODE ) && ( c < BBTK_DEL_KBCODE )) { PrintChar(c); line[ind++]=c; } // CR else if (c=='\n') { // delete the unused line if (line==newline) delete histline; else delete newline; // empty lines are not stored in from history if (strlen(line)) { // if history too long : delete oldest command if (mHistory.size()>MAX_HISTORY_SIZE) { delete mHistory.front(); mHistory.pop_front(); } mHistory.push_back(line); } break; } // Backspace else if ( (ind>0) && ((c == BBTK_BACKSPACE_KBCODE) || (c == BBTK_DEL_KBCODE)) ) { line[ind--]=' '; BackSpace(); } // Tab else if (c=='\t') { // TODO : Command completion std::vector commands; FindCommandsWithPrefix( line,ind,commands); if (commands.size()==1) { std::string com = *commands.begin(); for (; ind1) { std::vector::iterator i; write(1,"\n",1); for (i=commands.begin();i!=commands.end();++i) { write(STDOUT_FILENO,(*i).c_str(),strlen((*i).c_str())); PrintChar(' '); } write(STDOUT_FILENO,"\n> ",3); //for (int j=0;j0 && c==BBTK_LEFT_ARROW_KBCODE) { PrintChar('\b'); ind--; } } write(STDOUT_FILENO,"\n\r",2); s = line; } #else //======================================================================= void Interpreter::GetLineFromPrompt(std::string& s) { s.clear(); putchar('>'); putchar(' '); do { char c = getchar(); if (c=='\n') { putchar('\n'); break; } if (c=='\t') { // putchar('T'); continue; } // putchar(c); s += c; } while (true); } //======================================================================= #endif //======================================================================= void Interpreter::CommandLineInterpreter() { bbtkDebugMessageInc("Interpreter",9, "Interpreter::CommandLineInterpreter()"<& words) { std::string page; bool system_display = true; if ( ( mUser != 0 ) && ( mUser->InterpreterUserHasOwnHtmlPageViewer() ) ) system_display = false; if (words.size()==1) { page = mVirtualExecuter->ShowGraph(".","0","0","","","",system_display); } else if (words.size()==2) { page = mVirtualExecuter->ShowGraph(words[1],"0","0","","","",system_display); } else if (words.size()==3) { page = mVirtualExecuter->ShowGraph(words[1],words[2],"0","","","",system_display); } else if (words.size()==4) { page = mVirtualExecuter->ShowGraph(words[1],words[2],words[3],"","","",system_display); } else if (words.size()==5) { page = mVirtualExecuter->ShowGraph(words[1],words[2],words[3],words[4],"","",system_display); } else if (words.size()==6) { page = mVirtualExecuter->ShowGraph(words[1],words[2],words[3],words[4],words[5],"",system_display); } else if (words.size()==7) { page = mVirtualExecuter->ShowGraph(words[1],words[2],words[3],words[4],words[5],words[6],system_display); } if ( ( mUser != 0 ) && ( mUser->InterpreterUserHasOwnHtmlPageViewer() ) ) mUser->InterpreterUserViewHtmlPage(page); } //======================================================================= //======================================================================= void Interpreter::Index(const std::string& filename, const std::string& type) { Factory::IndexEntryType t; if (type=="Initials") t = Factory::Initials; else if (type=="Categories") t = Factory::Categories; else if (type=="Packages") t = Factory::Packages; else if (type=="Adaptors") t = Factory::Adaptors; GetExecuter()->GetFactory()->CreateHtmlIndex(t,filename); } //======================================================================= //======================================================================= void Interpreter::NewGUI(const std::string& boxname, const std::string& instanceName) { if (mRealExecuter.expired()) { bbtkError("command 'newgui' cannot be compiled yet"); } std::string typeName = instanceName+"Type"; std::stringstream* s = new std::stringstream; // create the complex box (*s) << "define "< in; Factory::Pointer F = mVirtualExecuter->GetFactory(); /* Package::Pointer user = F->GetPackage("user"); */ ComplexBlackBoxDescriptor::Pointer workspace = mRealExecuter.lock()->GetCurrentDescriptor(); if (workspace==0) { delete s; bbtkError("Interpreter::CreateGUI : could not access the executer currently defined complex box"); } /* (ComplexBlackBoxDescriptor::Pointer)(user->GetBlackBoxMap().find("workspace")->second.get()); */ BlackBox::Pointer box = workspace->GetPrototype()->bbGetBlackBox(boxname); // BlackBox::InputConnectorMapType incm = box->bbGetInputConnectorMap(); // int nb = 0; BlackBox::InputConnectorMapType::iterator i; for (i=box->bbGetInputConnectorMap().begin(); i!=box->bbGetInputConnectorMap().end(); ++i) { // If the input is connected : continue if (i->second->IsConnected()) continue; // Get the input descriptor const BlackBoxInputDescriptor* d = box->bbGetDescriptor()->GetInputDescriptor(i->first); // If it is a "system" input : skip it if ( ( d->GetCreatorTypeInfo() == typeid(AtomicBlackBoxDescriptor)) || ( d->GetCreatorTypeInfo() == typeid(WxBlackBoxDescriptor)) ) continue; bool widok = true; std::string widget,adaptor; // try to find a widget adaptor if (F->FindWidgetAdaptor(DataInfo(d->GetTypeInfo(),""), d->GetDataInfo(), adaptor)) { // command to create the adaptor (*s) << " new "<first<first<<".Label "<first<first<<".In \" " <bbGetInputAsString(i->first)<<"\"" << std::endl; // store the input name in.push_back(i->first); (*s) << " connect "<first<<".Widget layout.Widget"<first<<"'"<first<<".BoxChange change.In"<FindWidgetAdaptor2(DataInfo(d->GetTypeInfo(),""), d->GetDataInfo(), widget,adaptor) ) { // command to create the widget (*s) << " new "<first<<"Widget"<first<first<<"Widget.Out " <first<<".In"<first<<"Widget.Label "<first<first<<"Widget.In \" " <bbGetInputAsString(i->first)<<"\""<< std::endl; // store the input name in.push_back(i->first); (*s) << " connect "<first<<"Widget.Widget layout.Widget"<first<<"'"<first<<"Widget.BoxChange change.In"<FindAdaptor(DataInfo(typeid(std::string),""), d->GetDataInfo(), adaptor)) { // command to create the adaptor (*s) << " new InputText "<first<first<<".Title "<first<first<<".In \" " <bbGetInputAsString(i->first)<<"\""<< std::endl; // store the input name in.push_back(i->first); (*s) << " connect "<first<<".Widget layout.Widget"<first<<"'"<first<<".BoxChange change.In"<first<<" " <first<<".Out "<first<::iterator j; for (j=in.begin();j!=in.end();++j) { // connect (*s) << "connect "<GetFactory()->CheckPackages(); // MessageManager::SetMessageLevel("debug",o); } } else { Object:: PrintObjectListInfo(name); } } //========================================================================== //========================================================================== std::string Interpreter::GetObjectName() const { return std::string("Interpreter"); } //========================================================================== //========================================================================== std::string Interpreter::GetObjectInfo() const { std::stringstream i; return i.str(); } //========================================================================== //========================================================================== size_t Interpreter::GetObjectSize() const { size_t s = Superclass::GetObjectSize(); s += Interpreter::GetObjectInternalSize(); return s; } //========================================================================== //========================================================================== size_t Interpreter::GetObjectInternalSize() const { size_t s = sizeof(Interpreter); return s; } //========================================================================== //========================================================================== size_t Interpreter::GetObjectRecursiveSize() const { size_t s = Superclass::GetObjectRecursiveSize(); s += Interpreter::GetObjectInternalSize(); s += mVirtualExecuter->GetObjectRecursiveSize(); return s; } //========================================================================== }//namespace