/*========================================================================= Program: bbtk Module: $RCSfile: bbtkInterpreter.h,v $ $ Language: C++ Date: $Date: 2008/03/19 14:58:13 $ Version: $Revision: 1.16 $ Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/Public/bbtk/License.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ /** * \file * \brief class Interpreter : The bbtk language interpreter */ /** * \class bbtk::Interpreter * \brief The bbtk language interpreter */ #ifndef __bbtkInterpreter_h__ #define __bbtkInterpreter_h__ #include "bbtkVirtualExec.h" #include "bbtkExecuter.h" #include "bbtkTranscriptor.h" #include #include namespace bbtk { #ifdef _USE_WXWIDGETS_ class WxConsole; #endif class BBTK_EXPORT Interpreter { private: /// The enumeration of command codes == Command name typedef enum { cNew, cDelete, cConnect, cExec, cPackage, cEndPackage, cDefine, cEndDefine, cInput, cOutput, cSet, cConfig, // JPR cReset, // EED cAuthor, cCategory, // JPR cDescription, cHelp, cMessage, cInclude, cQuit, cLoad, cUnload, cGraph, cPrint, cIndex, cWorkspace // LG } CommandCodeType; /// The structure storing the informations on a command typedef struct { std::string category; int argmin, argmax; CommandCodeType code; std::string syntax; std::string help; } CommandInfoType; /// The type of dictionnary of commands typedef std::map CommandDictType; public: /// Constructor Interpreter(); /// Destructor ~Interpreter(); typedef enum { OK, ERROR, QUIT } ExitStatus; /// Runs the interpretation of a file ExitStatus InterpretFile( const std::string& filename); /// Runs the interpretation of a buffer and deletes it ! ExitStatus InterpretBuffer( std::stringstream* buffer ); /// Runs the interpretation of a command ExitStatus InterpretLine( const std::string& line ); /// Launches a command line interpreter (with a prompt) void CommandLineInterpreter(); /// Sets the inputs of the workspace : /// the map is passed as is to the Executer void SetInputs(const std::map& m) { mExecuter->SetInputs(m); } /// Puts the executer in "no exec" mode, /// which creates but does not execute pipelines. void SetNoExecMode(bool b) { mExecuter->SetNoExecMode(b); } /// //typedef Executer::DialogModeType DialogModeType; typedef VirtualExec::DialogModeType DialogModeType; void SetDialogMode(DialogModeType t) { mExecuter->SetDialogMode(t); } /// Sets the bool that indicates wether we are in command line context void SetCommandLine(bool v = true) { mCommandLine = v; } #ifdef _USE_WXWIDGETS_ /// Sets the WxConsole that created the interpreter (if any) void SetWxConsole(WxConsole* c) { mWxConsole = c; } /// Gets the WxConsole that created the interpreter (if any) WxConsole* GetWxConsole() { return mWxConsole; } /// Gets the WxConsole that created the interpreter (if any) - const const WxConsole* GetWxConsole() const { return mWxConsole; } #endif /// Gets the Executer VirtualExec* GetExecuter() { return mExecuter; } /// Gets the Executer (const) const VirtualExec* GetExecuter() const { return mExecuter; } protected: /// Interprets a line void InterpretLine( const std::string& line, bool &insideComment ); /// Reads a line from prompt void GetLineFromPrompt( std::string& line ); /// Splits a line into words void SplitLine ( const std::string& line, std::vector& words ); /// Executes the right action depending on the command name void InterpretCommand( const std::vector& words, CommandInfoType& info ); /// Switch to the interpretation of a file void SwitchToFile( const std::string& filename ); /// Switch to the interpretation of a stringstream void SwitchToStream( std::stringstream* stream ); /// Closes the currently open file void CloseCurrentFile(); /// Closes all open files void CloseAllFiles(); /// Displays help (entry point of any help) void Help(const std::vector& words); /// Displays help on all the commands void HelpCommands(); /// Displays help on a particular command void HelpCommand( const std::string& command ); /// void Graph(const std::vector& words); /// void Config() const; /// void Print(const std::string&); void Index(const std::string& filename, const std::string& type = "Initials"); /// void FindCommandsWithPrefix( char* buf, int n, std::vector& commands ); private: /// Opens the file fullPathScriptName /// includeScriptName is the name as given to the include command void LoadScript( std::string fullPathScriptName, std::string includeScriptName); private: //================================================================== // ATTRIBUTES /// The command executer used bbtk::VirtualExec* mExecuter; #ifdef _USE_WXWIDGETS_ /// The WxConsole which uses the interpreter (0 if none) bbtk::WxConsole* mWxConsole; #endif /// Vector of open files / buffers (can be stringstream) std::vector mFile; /// Vector of names of open files with full path (as open) std::vector mFileName; /// Vector of names of open files as given to the include command std::vector mIncludeFileName; /// Stores the current line number in each open file std::vector mLine; /// The dictionnary of commands CommandDictType mCommandDict; /// Are we in a command line context ? bool mCommandLine; /// The history of commands std::deque< char* > mHistory; int bufferNb; }; // EO class Interpreter // The "Quit" exception struct QuitException : public bbtk::Exception { QuitException() : bbtk::Exception("","","") {} }; } #endif