/*========================================================================= Program: bbtk Module: $RCSfile: bbtkInterpreter.h,v $ Language: C++ Date: $Date: 2010/09/14 07:18:47 $ Version: $Revision: 1.41 $ =========================================================================*/ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) CREATIS-LRMN (Centre de Recherche en Imagerie Medicale) * Authors : Eduardo Davila, Laurent Guigues, Jean-Pierre Roux * * This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and * abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, * modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B * license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL * http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html * or in the file LICENSE.txt. * * As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, * modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only * with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the * economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited * liability. * * The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had * knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * \file * \brief class Interpreter : The bbtk language interpreter */ /** * \class bbtk::Interpreter * \brief The bbtk language interpreter */ #ifndef __bbtkInterpreterVirtual_h__ #define __bbtkInterpreterVirtual_h__ //#include "bbtkSystem.h" #include "bbtkMessageManager.h" #include "bbtkException.h" #include "bbtkObject.h" #include #include // Signal/slot mechanism for 'break' commands #include #include namespace bbtk { //======================================================================= class BBTK_EXPORT InterpreterUser { public: InterpreterUser() {} virtual ~InterpreterUser() {} virtual bool InterpreterUserHasOwnHtmlPageViewer() { return false; } virtual void InterpreterUserViewHtmlPage(const std::string&) {} }; //======================================================================= //======================================================================= class BBTK_EXPORT InterpreterException : public Exception { public: InterpreterException( const std::string& message, bool in_script_file, const std::string& script_file, int script_line ); InterpreterException( const Exception& excep, bool in_script_file, const std::string& script_file, int script_line ); ~InterpreterException() throw() {} bool IsInScriptFile() const { return mInScriptFile; } const std::string& GetScriptFile() const { return mScriptFile; } int GetScriptLine() const { return mScriptLine; } private: bool mInScriptFile; std::string mScriptFile; int mScriptLine; }; //======================================================================= /* //======================================================================= // The "Quit" exception class BBTK_EXPORT QuitException : public InterpreterError { public: QuitException( bool in_script_file, const std::string& script_file, int script_line ) : InterpreterError("QUIT",in_script_file,script_file,script_line) {} ~QuitException() throw() {} }; //======================================================================= const std::string BREAK("BREAK"); //======================================================================= // The "Break" exception class BBTK_EXPORT BreakException : public InterpreterError { public: BreakException( bool in_script_file, std::string script_file, int script_line ) : InterpreterError(BREAK,in_script_file,script_file,script_line) { std::cout << "BUILDING BREAK"< BreakSignalType; typedef BreakSignalType::slot_function_type BreakCallbackType; // Adds a callback when 'break' command issued void AddBreakObserver( BreakCallbackType ); */ protected: /// The enumeration of command codes == Command name typedef enum { cBreak, // LG 12/12/08 : Stops the current script execution (if not exec frozen) - used in tutorial + debugging cClear, // LG 12/12/08 : Clears the current complex black box (e.g. workspace) - used in tours cNew, cDelete, cConnect, cExec, cPackage, cEndPackage, cDefine, cEndDefine, cInput, cOutput, cSet, cConfig, // JPR cReset, // EED cAuthor, cCategory, // JPR cDescription, cHelp, cMessage, cInclude, cQuit, cLoad, cUnload, cGraph, cPrint, cIndex, cKind, // LG cNewGUI, // LG cWorkspace, // LG cDebug // LG } CommandCodeType; /// The structure storing the informations on a command typedef struct { std::string keyword; int argmin, argmax; CommandCodeType code; std::string syntax; std::string help; } CommandInfoType; /// The type of dictionnary of commands typedef std::map CommandDictType; /// Interprets a line void DoInterpretLine( const std::string& line ); //, bool &insideComment ); /// Reads a line from prompt void GetLineFromPrompt( std::string& line ); /// Splits a line into words void SplitLine ( const std::string& line, std::vector& words ); /// Executes the right action depending on the command name void InterpretCommand( const std::vector& words, CommandInfoType& info ); /// Switch to the interpretation of a file void SwitchToFile( const std::string& filename, bool source = false ); /// Switch to the interpretation of a stringstream void SwitchToStream( std::stringstream* stream ); /// Closes the currently open file void CloseCurrentFile(); /// Closes all open files void CloseAllFiles(); /// Resets all virtual void commandReset(); /// Displays help (entry point of any help) virtual void commandHelp(const std::string words); virtual void commandHelp(const std::vector& words); /// virtual void commandGraph(const std::vector& words); /// virtual void commandConfig() const; /// // void Print(const std::string&); void commandIndex(const std::string& filename,const std::string& type = "Initials"); /// void FindCommandsWithPrefix( char* buf, int n, std::vector& commands ); /// Creates and connects the piece of pipeline which defines a GUI /// for the box box. /// Define it as a complex box type with name instanceName+"Type" /// The instance is called instanceName /// and connected to the existing pipeline virtual void commandNewGUI(const std::string& box,const std::string& instanceName); virtual void commandDebug(const std::string& arg); virtual void commandNew(std::string boxType, std::string boxName); virtual void commandDelete(std::string boxName); virtual void commandConnection(std::string nodeFrom, std::string outputLabel, std::string nodeTo, std::string inputLabel); virtual void commandPackage(std::string packageName); virtual void commandEndPackage(); virtual void commandDefine(std::string name, std::string pack, std::string scriptfilename); virtual void commandEndDefine(); virtual void commandKind(std::string kind); virtual void commandPrint(std::string value); virtual void commandExec(std::string word); virtual void commandInput(std::string name, std::string box, std::string input,std::string help); virtual void commandOutput(std::string name, std::string box, std::string output,std::string help); virtual void commandSet(std::string box, std::string input, std::string value); virtual void commandAuthor(std::string author); virtual void commandCategory(std::string categorytype); virtual void commandDescription(std::string description); virtual void commandClear(); virtual void commandInclude(std::string word, bool ok); virtual void commandLoad(std::string packageName); virtual void commandUnload(std::string packageName); virtual void commandBreak(); virtual void commandQuit(); virtual void commandMessage(); virtual void commandMessage(std::string kind, std::string levelstr); virtual void SetCurrentFileName(std::string fullPathScriptName); /// Constructor InterpreterVirtual(); void Init(); /// Vector of names of open files with full path (as open) std::vector mFileName; /// Stores the current line number in each open file std::vector mLine; bool mThrow; /// Are we in a command line context ? bool mCommandLine; /// Vector of names of files which have been open /// before (and may closed then which are no more in mFileName) /// with full path (as open) std::vector mFileNameHistory; /// The user of the interpreter (0 if none) bbtk::InterpreterUser* mUser; /// The dictionnary of commands CommandDictType mCommandDict; private: /// Opens the file fullPathScriptName /// includeScriptName is the name as given to the include command void LoadScript( std::string fullPathScriptName,std::string includeScriptName); //================================================================== // ATTRIBUTES /// Vector of open files / buffers (can be stringstream) std::vector mFile; /// Vector of names of open files as given to the include command std::vector mIncludeFileName; /// Are we inside a commented-out zone ? bool mInsideComment; /// The current interpreter status ExitStatus mStatus; /// The history of commands std::deque< char* > mHistory; int bufferNb; /// The break signal // BreakSignalType mBreakSignal; protected: ~InterpreterVirtual(); /// virtual void CatchInterpreterException( const InterpreterException& e ); virtual void CatchBbtkException( const bbtk::Exception& e ); virtual void CatchStdException( const std::exception& e ); virtual void CatchUnknownException(); }; // EO class Interpreter } #endif