/*========================================================================= Program: bbtk Module: $RCSfile: bbtkPackage.h,v $ Language: C++ Date: $Date: 2009/05/19 10:19:23 $ Version: $Revision: 1.13 $ =========================================================================*/ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) CREATIS-LRMN (Centre de Recherche en Imagerie Medicale) * Authors : Eduardo Davila, Laurent Guigues, Jean-Pierre Roux * * This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and * abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, * modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B * license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL * http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html * or in the file LICENSE.txt. * * As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, * modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only * with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the * economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited * liability. * * The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had * knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * \file * \brief Class bbtk::Package : registers black boxes descriptors and is able to create instances of the black boxes registered. */ /** * \class bbtk::Package * \brief registers black boxes descriptors and is able to create instances of the black boxes registered. */ #ifndef __bbtkPackage_h__ #define __bbtkPackage_h__ #include "bbtkBlackBox.h" #include "bbtkDynamicLibraryHandling.h" namespace bbtk { class Factory; BBTK_FORWARD_DECLARE_POINTER(Factory); class BBTK_EXPORT Package : public Object { BBTK_OBJECT_INTERFACE(Package); typedef Object Superclass; public: /// Creates a new package static Pointer New(const std::string& name, const std::string& author, const std::string& description, const std::string& version); /// Creates a package from a dynamic library static Pointer CreateFromDynamicLibrary(const std::string& libname, const std::string& pkgname, const std::string& path); /// NOTE : All the static methods below for package destruction /// are not member because they can cause the package death /// and thus close the dynamic library from which it has been loaded. /// If the dynamic lib which provides a function is closed while /// in the function: imagine the crash ! /// The principal method is Release /// UnLoads the package dynamic library /// (if any and if the package is released) /// If doit == false then does not do it but just /// put the package in the list of ReleasedDynamicallyLoadedPackages. /// This is because we cannot close the dl from inside a /// package member method or the program crashes. /// The actual dl close must be done by an external user /// calling UnLoadReleasedDynamicallyLoadedPackages static void UnLoadDynamicLibrary(Package::WeakPointer p, bool doit = true); /// UnLoads released packages that were loaded dynamically /// see UnLoadDynamicLibrary and ReleaseBlackBoxDescriptor static void UnLoadReleasedDynamicallyLoadedPackages(); /// "Releases" the package /// Signals the package that it can free its descriptors /// if they are no more used /// then frees and unloads the package /// if it is no more used (released) /// Note : Any non-weak pointer on the package must have been freed static void Release(Package::WeakPointer p); /// "Releases" a black box descriptor /// Signals the package that it can free the given descriptor /// if it is no more used and frees and put it the the /// ReleasedDynamicallyLoadedPackages if it is dyn loaded /// and no more used (released) /// Note : Any non-weak pointer on the package must have been freed static void ReleaseBlackBoxDescriptor(Package::WeakPointer p, BlackBoxDescriptor::WeakPointer d); typedef Package::Pointer (*DLGetPackageFunction)(); typedef void (*DLDeletePackageFunction)(); typedef const std::string& (*DLGetPackageBBTKVersionFunction)(); /// Opens a dynamic library which contains a bbtk package /// Returns the handler /// Load the package management symbols from the lib /// returns false if a problem occured hence can be used /// to test that a dyn lib is a valid bbtk package lib /// NB : The BBTK version exported from the library /// is tested against the current bbtk version static DynamicLibraryHandler OpenDynamicLibrary ( const std::string& dynamic_library_path, const std::string& package_name, DLGetPackageFunction&, DLDeletePackageFunction&); /// Returns the name of the package const std::string& GetName() const { return mName; } /// Returns the author of the package const std::string& GetAuthor() const { return mAuthor; } /// Returns the category of the package const std::string& GetCategory() const { return mCategory; } /// Returns the description of the package const std::string& GetDescription() const { return mDescription; } /// Returns the version of the package const std::string& GetVersion() const { return mVersion; } bool ContainsBlackBox(const std::string& boxname) const; BlackBox::Pointer NewBlackBox(const std::string& type, const std::string& name) const; BlackBox::Pointer NewAdaptor(const DataInfo& typein, const DataInfo& typeout, const std::string& name) const; BlackBox::Pointer NewWidgetAdaptor(const DataInfo& typein, const DataInfo& typeout, const std::string& name) const; bool FindAdaptor(const DataInfo& typein, const DataInfo& typeout, std::string& adaptor) const; bool FindWidgetAdaptor(const DataInfo& typein, const DataInfo& typeout, std::string& adaptor) const; bool RegisterBlackBox(BlackBoxDescriptor::Pointer); void PrintBlackBoxes(bool description = false, bool adaptors = false) const; void PrintAdaptors(bool description = false) const; void HelpBlackBox(const std::string& name, bool full=true) const; void CreateHtmlPage(const std::string& filename, const std::string& caller = "?", const std::string& source = "?", const std::string& custom_header = "", const std::string& custom_title = "", int detail = 1, int level = 0, bool relative_link = false ) const; void SetDocURL(std::string url){ mDocURL=url; } const std::string& GetDocURL() const { return mDocURL; } void SetDocRelativeURL(std::string url){ mDocRelativeURL=url; } const std::string& GetDocRelativeURL() const { return mDocRelativeURL; } unsigned int GetNumberOfBlackBoxes() const { return mBlackBoxMap.size(); } /// Changes the name of a black box type void ChangeBlackBoxName( const std::string& oldname, const std::string& newname ); /// The type of map of descriptors typedef std::map< std::string, BlackBoxDescriptor::Pointer> BlackBoxMapType; const BlackBoxMapType& GetBlackBoxMap() const { return mBlackBoxMap; } BlackBoxMapType& GetBlackBoxMap() { return mBlackBoxMap; } /// The type of key in the map of adaptor descriptors class AdaptorKey { public: AdaptorKey( const DataInfo& typein, const DataInfo& typeout, BlackBoxDescriptor::Kind kind ) : mTypeIn(typein), mTypeOut(typeout), mKind(kind) {} bool operator< ( const AdaptorKey& k ) const { return ( ( mKind < k.mKind ) || ( ( mKind == k.mKind ) && ( ( mTypeIn < k.mTypeIn ) || ( ( mTypeIn == k.mTypeIn ) && ( mTypeOut < k.mTypeOut ) ) ) ) ); } bool operator== ( const AdaptorKey& k ) const { return ( ( mKind == k.mKind ) && ( mTypeIn == k.mTypeIn ) && ( mTypeOut == k.mTypeOut ) ); } DataInfo mTypeIn; DataInfo mTypeOut; BlackBoxDescriptor::Kind mKind; }; /// The type of map of adaptor descriptors typedef std::map< AdaptorKey, BlackBoxDescriptor::WeakPointer> AdaptorMapType; const AdaptorMapType& GetAdaptorMap() const { return mAdaptorMap; } // Factories management /// Adds the factory to the set of factories which use the package void AddFactory(FactoryPointer f) { mFactorySet.insert(f); } /// Removes the factory from the set of factories which use the package void RemoveFactory(FactoryPointer f) { mFactorySet.erase(f); } typedef std::set FactorySet; /// Gets the set of factories which use the package FactorySet& GetFactorySet() { return mFactorySet; } /// Gets the set of factories which use the package (const) const FactorySet& GetFactorySet() const { return mFactorySet; } void CheckBoxes() const; private: /// Default ctor is private : use the static New method // Package() {} /// A Package cannot be copy constructed // Package(const Package&) {} /// Ctor is private : use the static New method Package(const std::string& name, const std::string& author, const std::string& description, const std::string& version); /// Does unload a package (no test) static void UnLoad(Package::WeakPointer p); /// The dynamic library handler of the package if it was loaded from a dl DynamicLibraryHandler mDynamicLibraryHandler; /// The pointer on the delete function of the package /// in case it was loaded from a dynamic library DLDeletePackageFunction mDLDeletePackageFunction; /// The name of the package std::string mName; /// The author of the package std::string mAuthor; /// The categories of the package std::string mCategory; /// The description of the package std::string mDescription; /// The version of the package std::string mVersion; /// URL of the documentation of the Package (absolute path) std::string mDocURL; /// URL of the documentation of the Package /// (path relative to bbtk doc root) std::string mDocRelativeURL; /// The map of black boxes descriptors BlackBoxMapType mBlackBoxMap; /// The map of adaptors descriptors AdaptorMapType mAdaptorMap; /// The set of factories which contain the package FactorySet mFactorySet; /// The set of released dynamically loaded packages /// to be unloaded explicitely calling /// UnLoadReleasedDynamicallyLoadedPackages static std::set mReleasedDynamicallyLoadedPackages; }; // EO class Package //==================================================================== //==================================================================== #if defined(_WIN32) #define BBTK_PACKAGE_EXPORT __declspec( dllexport ) #else #define BBTK_PACKAGE_EXPORT #endif // defined(_WIN32) //==================================================================== #define BBTK_GET_PACKAGE_FUNCTION_NAME GetPackage #define BBTK_DEL_PACKAGE_FUNCTION_NAME DeletePackage #define BBTK_GET_PACKAGE_BBTK_VERSION_FUNCTION_NAME GetPackageBBTKVersion //==================================================================== #define BBTK_DECLARE_PACKAGE(NAME) \ extern "C" \ { \ bbtk::Package::Pointer& NAME ## GetPackagePointer(); \ BBTK_PACKAGE_EXPORT \ void BBTK_CDECL NAME ## DeletePackage (); \ BBTK_PACKAGE_EXPORT bbtk::Package::Pointer \ BBTK_CDECL NAME ## GetPackage (); \ BBTK_PACKAGE_EXPORT const std::string& \ BBTK_CDECL NAME ## GetPackageBBTKVersion (); \ } //==================================================================== //==================================================================== #define BBTK_IMPLEMENT_PACKAGE(NAME,AUTHOR,DESCRIPTION,VERSION) \ extern "C" \ { \ bbtk::Package::Pointer& NAME ## GetPackagePointer() \ { \ static bbtk::Package::Pointer u; \ return u; \ } \ BBTK_PACKAGE_EXPORT \ void BBTK_CDECL NAME ## DeletePackage () \ { \ NAME ## GetPackagePointer().reset(); \ } \ BBTK_PACKAGE_EXPORT \ bbtk::Package::Pointer \ BBTK_CDECL NAME ## GetPackage() \ { \ if (!NAME ## GetPackagePointer()) \ NAME ## GetPackagePointer() = \ bbtk::Package::New(#NAME, \ AUTHOR, \ DESCRIPTION, \ VERSION \ ); \ bbtk::Object::InsertInPackageList( NAME ## GetPackagePointer() ); \ return NAME ## GetPackagePointer(); \ } \ BBTK_PACKAGE_EXPORT const std::string& \ BBTK_CDECL NAME ## GetPackageBBTKVersion () \ { return bbtk::GetVersion(); } \ class NAME ## PackageAutodestructor \ { \ public: \ NAME ## PackageAutodestructor() {} \ ~NAME ## PackageAutodestructor() \ { \ if (NAME ## GetPackagePointer().use_count()>0) \ { \ bbtk::Package::WeakPointer p = NAME ## GetPackagePointer(); \ bbtk::Package::Release(p); \ } \ } \ }; \ NAME ## PackageAutodestructor NAME ## PackageAutodestructorInstance; \ } //==================================================================== //==================================================================== #define BBTK_ADD_BLACK_BOX_TO_PACKAGE(NAME,CLASS) \ bool bbDummy##NAME##CLASS = NAME ## GetPackage () \ ->RegisterBlackBox(CLASS ## Descriptor::Instance()); //==================================================================== //==================================================================== #define BBTK_ADD_TEMPLATE_BLACK_BOX_TO_PACKAGE(NAME,CLASS,TEMPLATE_PARAM) \ bool bbDummy##NAME##CLASS##TEMPLATE_PARAM = NAME ## GetPackage () \ ->RegisterBlackBox(CLASS ## Descriptor ::Instance()); //==================================================================== //==================================================================== #define BBTK_ADD_TEMPLATE2_BLACK_BOX_TO_PACKAGE(NAME,CLASS,T1,T2) \ bool bbDummy##NAME##CLASS##T1##T2 = NAME ## GetPackage () \ ->RegisterBlackBox(CLASS ## Descriptor ::Instance()); //==================================================================== }// namespace bbtk #endif