/*========================================================================= Program: bbtk Module: $RCSfile: bbtkUtilities.cxx,v $ Language: C++ Date: $Date: 2009/01/27 14:22:57 $ Version: $Revision: 1.11 $ =========================================================================*/ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) CREATIS-LRMN (Centre de Recherche en Imagerie Medicale) * Authors : Eduardo Davila, Laurent Guigues, Jean-Pierre Roux * * This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and * abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, * modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B * license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL * http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html * or in the file LICENSE.txt. * * As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, * modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only * with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the * economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited * liability. * * The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had * knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #include "bbtkUtilities.h" #include "bbtkMessageManager.h" namespace bbtk { // ====================================================================== // See : http://www.techbytes.ca/techbyte103.html for more O.S. bool Utilities::FileExists(std::string strFilename) { struct stat stFileInfo; bool blnReturn; int intStat; // Attempt to get the file attributes intStat = stat(strFilename.c_str(),&stFileInfo); if(intStat == 0) { // We were able to get the file attributes // so the file obviously exists. blnReturn = true; } else { // We were not able to get the file attributes. // This may mean that we don't have permission to // access the folder which contains this file. If you // need to do that level of checking, lookup the // return values of stat which will give you // more details on why stat failed. blnReturn = false; } return(blnReturn); } // ===================================================================== std::string Utilities::ExtractPackageName(const std::string &name, std::string& path) { std::string pkgname; path = ""; std::string::size_type slash_position = name.find_last_of("/\\"); if (slash_position != std::string::npos) { pkgname = name.substr(slash_position+1,std::string::npos); path = name.substr(0,slash_position); // std::cout << "F:P='"<.so // remove {libbb} if any if (memcmp ( pkgname.c_str(), "libbb", 5) == 0) { pkgname = pkgname.substr(5, pkgname.length()); } /* /// \ \todo what would happen if (stupid) user names his package 'libbb' ?!? /// \ --> Should be forbidden! */ #elif defined(_WIN32) // WIN 32 mechanism // shared lib name = .dll // EED Problem loading package call bbtkTools // // remove {bb} if any if (memcmp (pkgname.c_str(), "bb", 2) == 0) { pkgname = pkgname.substr(2, pkgname.length()); } /* /// \ \todo what would happen if (stupid) user names his package 'bb' ?!? /// \ --> Should be forbidden! */ #else bbtkError("neither __GNUC__ nor _WIN32 ?!? How did you compile ?"); #endif return pkgname; } //===================================================================== std::string Utilities::ExtractScriptName(const std::string &name, std::string& path) { std::string pkgname; std::string::size_type slash_position = name.find_last_of("/\\"); if (slash_position != std::string::npos) { pkgname =name.substr(slash_position+1,std::string::npos); path = name.substr(0,slash_position); } else { pkgname = name; } // remove {.bbs } if any std::string::size_type dot_position = pkgname.find_last_of('.'); if (dot_position != std::string::npos){ pkgname = pkgname.substr(0,dot_position); } return pkgname; } // ======================================================================== std::string Utilities::ExpandLibName(const std::string &name, bool verbose) { // ----- Think of expanding path name ( ./ ../ ../../ ) char buf[2048]; // for getcwd char * currentDir = getcwd(buf, 2048); std::string cwd(currentDir); std::string libname(name); std::string fileSeparator; fileSeparator = ConfigurationFile::GetInstance().Get_file_separator(); // tooHigh : true is user supplies a library pathname with too many "../" bool tooHigh = false; //std::cout << "------------------cwd [" << cwd << "] name [" << name << "]" << std::endl; if ( name[0] == '/' || name[1] == ':' ) // Linux or Windows absolute name { return(libname); } else if ( name =="." ) { libname = cwd + fileSeparator; return(libname); } else if (name[0] == '.' && (name[1] == '/' || name[1] == '\\') ) { libname = cwd + fileSeparator + name.substr(2, name.length()); return(libname); } else if ( name[0] == '.' && name[1] == '.' /* && (name[2] == '/' || name[2] == '\\') */ ) { if ( IsAtRoot(cwd) ) // hope it gets / (for Linux), C: D: (for Windows) { // if we are already at / or c: --> hopeless if (verbose) std::cout << " File path [" << name << "] doesn't exist" << std::endl; tooHigh = true; } else { // iterate on ../ and go up from the current working dir! std::string a(name); bool alreadyProcessRoot = false; //if (a[a.size()-1] != fileSeparator[0]) // a.append(fileSeparator); //std::cout << "------------------a [" << a << "]" << std::endl; for(;;) // wild loop ! { std::string::size_type slash_position = cwd.find_last_of(fileSeparator); if (slash_position != std::string::npos) { if (slash_position == 0) slash_position = 1; cwd = cwd.substr(0,slash_position/*+1*/); //std::cout << "------------------cwd [" << cwd << "]" << std::endl; // if (a == "..") { // a = ""; // break; // } // else a = a.substr(3, /*name.length()*/ a.length()); // remove ../ //std::cout << "------------------a [" << a << "]" << std::endl; if (a == "" || alreadyProcessRoot) { if (verbose) std::cout << " File path : [" << name << "] doesn't exist" << std::endl; tooHigh = true; break; } // std::string b = cwd + a; libname = cwd; char c = cwd[cwd.size()-1]; if (c != '/' && c != '\\' ) libname += fileSeparator; libname += a; if ( a[0] != '.' ) // if . (probabely ../), loop again break; if (IsAtRoot(cwd)) alreadyProcessRoot = true; } } // end iterating on ../ } //std::cout << "------------------out of loop]" << std::endl; if (tooHigh) libname=""; return (libname); } // ----- End of expanding path name ( ./ ../ ../../ ) std::cout <<"* ERROR in ExpandLibName : should never get here!" << std::endl; // To avoid warning return(""); // Will never get here! } // =================================================================================== std::string Utilities::MakeLibnameFromPath(std::string path, std::string pkgname) { std::string libname = path; char c = path[path.size()-1]; #if defined(__GNUC__) if (c != '/') libname += "/libbb"; else libname += "libbb"; libname += pkgname; #if defined(MACOSX) libname += ".dylib"; #else libname += ".so"; #endif #elif defined(_WIN32) if (c != '\\') libname = path+"\\bb"; libname += pkgname; libname += ".dll"; #endif return libname; } // =================================================================================== std::string Utilities::MakePkgnameFromPath(std::string path, std::string pkgname, bool addExt) { std::string libname = path; char c = path[path.size()-1]; if (c != '/' && c != '\\') { libname += ConfigurationFile::GetInstance().Get_file_separator (); } libname += pkgname; if (addExt) { int l = libname.size(); if (l>4) { if (libname.substr(l-4, 4) != ".bbs") { libname = libname + ".bbs"; } } } return libname; } // ======================================================================= // ======================================================================= /// Returns the user settings dir, e.g. /home/username/.bbtk std::string Utilities::GetUserSettingsDir() { #if defined(__GNUC__) std::string str_home(getenv("HOME")); #elif defined(_WIN32) std::string str_home(getenv("USERPROFILE")); #endif std::string fullname = str_home + "/.bbtk"; MakeValidFileName(fullname); return fullname; } // ======================================================================= /// Builds the complete path to the file 'name' located /// in user settings dir, e.g. /home/username/.bbtk/ std::string Utilities::MakeUserSettingsFullFileName(const std::string& name) { #if defined(__GNUC__) std::string str_home(getenv("HOME")); #elif defined(_WIN32) std::string str_home(getenv("USERPROFILE")); #endif std::string fullname = str_home + "/.bbtk/" + name; MakeValidFileName(fullname); return fullname; } // ======================================================================= // ======================================================================= void Utilities::CreateDirectoryIfNeeded( std::string const &dirName) { if (FileExists(dirName)) return; std::string cmd("mkdir \""); cmd += dirName; cmd += "\""; system(cmd.c_str()); } // ======================================================================= //======================================================================== bool Utilities::IsAtRoot(std::string cwd) { if ( cwd == "/" // hope it gets / (for Linux) || (cwd.size() <= 3 && cwd[1] == ':') ) // hope it gets C: D: (for Windows) return (true); else return(false); } // ====================================================================== // ====================================================================== bool Utilities::IsDirectory(std::string const &dirName) { struct stat fs; if ( stat(dirName.c_str(), &fs) == 0 ) { #if _WIN32 return ((fs.st_mode & _S_IFDIR) != 0); #else return S_ISDIR(fs.st_mode); #endif } else { return false; } } // ======================================================================= // ======================================================================= void Utilities::SplitAroundFirstDot( const std::string& in, std::string& left, std::string& right) { std::string delimiter = "."; std::string::size_type pos = in.find_first_of(delimiter); if (std::string::npos != pos) { left = in.substr(0,pos); right = in.substr(pos+1,in.size()); } else { left =""; right = ""; bbtkGlobalError("Token '"<& tokens) { // Skip delimiters at beginning. std::string::size_type lastPos = str.find_first_not_of(delimiters, 0); // Find first delimiter. std::string::size_type pos = str.find_first_of(delimiters, lastPos); while (std::string::npos != pos || std::string::npos != lastPos) { // Found a token, add it to the vector. tokens.push_back(str.substr(lastPos, pos - lastPos)); // Skip delimiters. Note the "not_of" lastPos = str.find_first_not_of(delimiters, pos); // Find next delimiter pos = str.find_first_of(delimiters, lastPos); } } //======================================================================= // ====================================================================== std::string Utilities::get_file_name(const std::string& s) { std::string::size_type slash_position = s.find_last_of("/\\"); if (slash_position != std::string::npos) { return s.substr(slash_position+1,std::string::npos); } else { return s; } } //======================================================================= // ======================================================================== /** * \brief Explore a directory with possibility of recursion * return number of files read * @param dirpath directory to explore * @param recursive whether we want recursion or not */ int Utilities::Explore(std::string const &dirpath, bool recursive, std::vector &Filenames) { int numberOfFiles = 0; std::string fileName; std::string dirName = dirpath; #ifdef _MSC_VER WIN32_FIND_DATA fileData; HANDLE hFile = FindFirstFile((dirName+"\\*").c_str(), &fileData); for(BOOL b = (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); b; b = FindNextFile(hFile, &fileData)) { fileName = fileData.cFileName; if ( fileData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) { // Need to check for . and .. to avoid infinite loop if ( fileName != "." && fileName != ".." && recursive ) { numberOfFiles += Explore(dirName+ "\\"+fileName,recursive,Filenames); } } else { Filenames.push_back(dirName+"\\"+fileName); numberOfFiles++; } } DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) FindClose(hFile); if (dwError != ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) { LPVOID lpMsgBuf; FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER| FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM| FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL,GetLastError(), MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), // Default language (LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf,0,NULL); // ErrorMacro("FindNextFile error. Error is " << (char *)lpMsgBuf // <<" for the directory : "<d_name; //std::cout <<"in Explor filename[" << fileName << "]" << std::endl; if( stat(fileName.c_str(), &buf) != 0 ) { //ErrorMacro( strerror(errno) ); } if ( S_ISREG(buf.st_mode) ) //is it a regular file? { Filenames.push_back( fileName ); numberOfFiles++; } else if ( S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode) ) //directory? { if ( d->d_name[0] != '.' && recursive ) //we also skip hidden files { numberOfFiles += Explore( fileName, recursive, Filenames); } } else { //ErrorMacro( "Unexpected error" ); return -1; } } if( closedir(dir) != 0 ) { // ErrorMacro( strerror(errno) ); } #endif return numberOfFiles; } //======================================================================= //======================================================================= // Replaces substrings "\\n" by a real carriage return "\n" void Utilities::SubsBackslashN ( std::string& s ) { std::string ss("\\n"); std::string::size_type pos = 0; pos = s.find(ss,0); const char* cr = "\n"; while ( pos != std::string::npos ) { s.replace(pos,2,cr,1); pos = s.find(ss, pos-1); } } //======================================================================= //======================================================================= bool Utilities::loosematch(std::string stdLine,std::string stdOptions) { bool result=false; std::vector tokens; SplitString ( stdOptions,"|", tokens); int i,size=tokens.size(); for (i=0; i 0) { pname[result] = 0; /* add the #@!%ing NULL */ if ((access(pname, 0) == 0)) return 0; /* file exists, return OK */ /*else name doesn't seem to exist, return FAIL (falls through) */ } #endif /* LINUX */ #ifdef WIN32 long result = GetModuleFileName(NULL, pname, pathsize); if (result > 0) { /* fix up the dir slashes... */ int len = strlen(pname); int idx; for (idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) { if (pname[idx] == '\\') pname[idx] = '/'; } for (idx = len-1; idx >=0 ; idx--) { if (pname[idx] == '/') { pname[idx+1] = '\0'; idx = -1; } } if ((access(pname, 0) == 0)) return 0; /* file exists, return OK */ /*else name doesn't seem to exist, return FAIL (falls through) */ } #endif /* WIN32 */ #ifdef SOLARIS char *p = getexecname(); if (p) { /* According to the Sun manpages, getexecname will "normally" return an */ /* absolute path - BUT might not... AND that IF it is not, pre-pending */ /* getcwd() will "usually" be the correct thing... Urgh! */ /* check pathname is absolute (begins with a / ???) */ if (p[0] == '/') /* assume this means we have an absolute path */ { strncpy(pname, p, pathsize); if ((access(pname, 0) == 0)) return 0; /* file exists, return OK */ } else /* if not, prepend getcwd() then check if file exists */ { getcwd(pname, pathsize); long result = strlen(pname); strncat(pname, "/", (pathsize - result)); result ++; strncat(pname, p, (pathsize - result)); if ((access(pname, 0) == 0)) return 0; /* file exists, return OK */ /*else name doesn't seem to exist, return FAIL (falls through) */ } } #endif /* SOLARIS */ #ifdef MACOSX /* assume this is OSX */ /* from http://www.hmug.org/man/3/NSModule.html extern int _NSGetExecutablePath(char *buf, unsigned long *bufsize); _NSGetExecutablePath copies the path of the executable into the buffer and returns 0 if the path was successfully copied in the provided buffer. If the buffer is not large enough, -1 is returned and the expected buffer size is copied in *bufsize. Note that _NSGetExecutablePath will return "a path" to the executable not a "real path" to the executable. That is the path may be a symbolic link and not the real file. And with deep directories the total bufsize needed could be more than MAXPATHLEN. */ int status = -1; char *given_path = (char*)malloc(MAXPATHLEN * 2); if (!given_path) return status; uint32_t npathsize = MAXPATHLEN * 2; long result = _NSGetExecutablePath(given_path, &npathsize); if (result == 0) { /* OK, we got something - now try and resolve the real path... */ if (realpath(given_path, pname) != NULL) { if ((access(pname, 0) == 0)) status = 0; /* file exists, return OK */ } } free (given_path); return status; #endif /* MACOSX */ return -1; /* Path Lookup Failed */ } //========================================================================= //========================================================================= std::string Utilities::GetExecutablePath() { char name[PATH_MAX]; int err = get_app_path(name, PATH_MAX); if (err) { bbtkGlobalError("Could not determine current executable path ?"); } // remove the exe name char *slash; slash = strrchr(name, VALID_FILE_SEPARATOR_CHAR); if (slash) { *slash = 0; } return name; } //========================================================================= }