#ifndef __bbtkWx_h_INCLUDED__ #define __bbtkWx_h_INCLUDED__ /* #ifdef wxUSE_STD_IOSTREAM #undef wxUSE_STD_IOSTREAM #endif #define wxUSE_STD_IOSTREAM 0 */ // Wx headers #ifdef _USE_WXWIDGETS_ // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx/wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" #include #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #pragma hdrstop #endif #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include #endif #ifdef __WXGTK__ # include #endif //__WXGTK__ // EO Wx headers #include "bbtkSystem.h" namespace bbtk { //================================================================== /// Global wx handlers (cursor...) struct BBTK_EXPORT wx { public: static void ResetCursor(); static void BeginBusyCursor(); static void EndBusyCursor(); static int mBeginBusyCallsCount; }; // struct wx //================================================================== //================================================================== /// Conversion std::string to wxString inline wxString std2wx(const std::string& s){ wxString wx; const char* my_string=s.c_str(); wxMBConvUTF8 *wxconv= new wxMBConvUTF8(); wx=wxString(wxconv->cMB2WC(my_string),wxConvUTF8); delete wxconv; // test if conversion works of not. In case it fails convert from Ascii if(wx.length()==0) wx=wxString(wxString::FromAscii(s.c_str())); return wx; } //================================================================== //================================================================== /// Conversion wxString to std::string inline std::string wx2std(const wxString& s){ std::string s2; if(s.wxString::IsAscii()) { s2=s.wxString::ToAscii(); } else { const wxWX2MBbuf tmp_buf = wxConvCurrent->cWX2MB(s); const char *tmp_str = (const char*) tmp_buf; s2=std::string(tmp_str, strlen(tmp_str)); } return s2; } //================================================================== } // namespace bbtk #else // _USE_WXWIDGETS namespace bbtk { struct BBTK_EXPORT wx { static void ResetCursor() {} static void BeginBusyCursor() {} static void EndBusyCursor() {} }; // struct wx } // namespace bbtk #endif // EO _USE_WXWIDGETS #endif // EO __bbtkWx_h_INCLUDED__