/*========================================================================= Program: bbtk Module: $RCSfile$ Language: C++ Date: $Date$ Version: $Revision$ =========================================================================*/ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) CREATIS-LRMN (Centre de Recherche en Imagerie Medicale) * Authors : Eduardo Davila, Laurent Guigues, Jean-Pierre Roux * * This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and * abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, * modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B * license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL * http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html * or in the file LICENSE.txt. * * As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, * modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only * with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the * economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited * liability. * * The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had * knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * \file * \brief Class bbtk::vtkGPortView */ #include "vtkGPortView.h" namespace bbtk { //========================================================================= vtkGPortView::vtkGPortView( ) { } //========================================================================= vtkGPortView::~vtkGPortView( ) { } //========================================================================= void vtkGPortView::update( int idController , int command ) { updateColors( ) ; double xInic , yInic , zInic , xFin , yFin , zFin ; _model->getInicPoint( xInic , yInic , zInic ) ; _model->getFinalPoint( xFin , yFin , zFin ) ; // RaC In the actual version, zInic=zFin=GPOSITION_Z double mid = ( xInic + xFin ) / 2 ; _pts->SetPoint( 0 , xInic , yInic , zInic ) ; _pts->SetPoint( 1 , mid , yFin , zInic ) ; _pts->SetPoint( 2 , xFin , yInic , zFin ) ; _fillPolyMapper->Modified( ) ; //----------- setRefreshWaiting( ) ; } //========================================================================= void vtkGPortView::createVtkObjects( ) //virtual { _pts = vtkPoints::New( ) ; _pts->SetNumberOfPoints( 3 ) ; double xInic , yInic , zInic , xFin , yFin , zFin ; _model->getInicPoint( xInic , yInic , zInic ) ; _model->getFinalPoint( xFin , yFin , zFin ) ; // RaC In the actual version, zInic=zFin=GPOSITION_Z double mid = ( xInic + xFin ) / 2 ; //EED _pts->SetPoint(0, xInic, yInic, zInic ); //EED _pts->SetPoint(1, mid, yFin, zInic ); //EED _pts->SetPoint(2, xFin, yInic, zFin ); _pts->SetPoint( 0 , -1000 , -1000 , -1000 ) ; _pts->SetPoint( 1 , mid , yFin , zInic ) ; _pts->SetPoint( 2 , 1000 , 1000 , 1000 ) ; ///************************* FILL ************************* vtkCellArray *strip = vtkCellArray::New( ) ; vtkPolyData *pdFill = vtkPolyData::New( ) ; _fillPolyMapper = vtkPolyDataMapper::New( ) ; _fillObjectActor = vtkActor::New( ) ; // RaC In the actual version, zInic=zFin=GPOSITION_Z strip->InsertNextCell( 3 ) ; strip->InsertCellPoint( 0 ) ; strip->InsertCellPoint( 1 ) ; strip->InsertCellPoint( 2 ) ; pdFill->SetPoints( _pts ) ; pdFill->SetStrips( strip ) ; _fillPolyMapper->SetInput( pdFill ) ; _fillObjectActor->SetMapper( _fillPolyMapper ) ; _fillPolyMapper->Modified( ) ; ///************************* FILL ************************* updateColors( ) ; } //========================================================================= void vtkGPortView::updateColors( ) { _fillObjectActor->GetProperty( )->SetColor( 0.45 , 0.45 , 0.45 ) ; if ( _state == POSSIBLE_CONNECTION ) { _fillObjectActor->GetProperty( )->SetColor( 1 , 1 , 0 ) ; } else if ( _state == SELECTED_POSSIBLE_CONNECTION ) { _fillObjectActor->GetProperty( )->SetColor( 0 , 1 , 0 ) ; } else if ( _state == HIGHLIGHTED ) { _fillObjectActor->GetProperty( )->SetColor( 0 , 0 , 1 ) ; } else { GPortModel* portm = ( GPortModel* ) _model ; if ( portm->isConnected( ) ) { _fillObjectActor->GetProperty( )->SetColor( 0.15 , 0.15 , 0.15 ) ; } else if ( portm->isValueSet( ) ) { _fillObjectActor->GetProperty( )->SetColor( 0.55 , 0.25 , 0.25 ) ; } else { _fillObjectActor->GetProperty( )->SetColor( 0.45 , 0.45 , 0.45 ) ; } } } //========================================================================= } // EO namespace bbtk // EOF