/* # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche en Acquisition et Traitement de l'Image # pour la Santé) # Authors : Eduardo Davila, Frederic Cervenansky, Claire Mouton # # This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and # abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, # modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B # license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL # http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html # or in the file LICENSE.txt. # # As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, # modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only # with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the # economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited # liability. # # The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had # knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /*========================================================================= Program: bbtk Module: $RCSfile$ Language: C++ Date: $Date$ Version: $Revision$ =========================================================================*/ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) CREATIS-LRMN (Centre de Recherche en Imagerie Medicale) * Authors : Eduardo Davila, Laurent Guigues, Jean-Pierre Roux * * This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and * abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, * modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B * license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL * http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html * or in the file LICENSE.txt. * * As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, * modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only * with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the * economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited * liability. * * The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had * knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * \file * \brief Class bbtk::wxVtkSceneManager . */ #include "wxVtkSceneManager.h" #include #include namespace bbtk { #define POORT_MAX_LINE_SIZE_INTERPRETER 1500 //========================================================================= // EED 15 oct 2012 wxVtkSceneManager::wxVtkSceneManager(wxGEditorTabPanel *parent, wxVtk3DBaseView *baseView, int idManager,Factory::Pointer bbtkfactory) wxVtkSceneManager::wxVtkSceneManager(wxGEditorTabPanel *parent, wxVtk3DBaseView *baseView, int idManager,Factory::Pointer bbtkfactory) { _cbName = "ComplexBoxName"; _cbPackageName = "PackageName"; _Author = "Author ??"; _Category = ""; _Description = "Description ??"; _MessageKind = "-"; _MessageLevel = "-"; _bugTextActor_text = "void"; _bugTextActor_status = 0; _parent = parent; _numBoxes = 0; _idManager = idManager; _baseView = baseView; _bbtkfactory = bbtkfactory; _startDragging = false; _isComplexBox = false; if (_baseView != NULL) { //EED02JUIN2010 printf( "RaC-EED 21-06-2010 %p wxVtkSceneManager::wxVtkSceneManager If you comment this line, the drag and drop functionnality is not initialized.\n", this); //#ifdef __APPLE__ _baseView->GetWxVTKRenderWindowInteractor()->SetDropTarget((wxDropTarget*)parent); //#endif configureBaseView(); _worldState = NOTHING_HAPPENS; registerController(this); } _idConnectionInCreation = -1; _contLastId = 0; } //========================================================================= void wxVtkSceneManager::disconnectDrop() { //EED02JUIN2010 _baseView->GetWxVTKRenderWindowInteractor()->SetDropTarget(NULL); // _baseView->GetWxVTKRenderWindowInteractor()->SetDropTarget( new tmpClasswxTextDropTarget() ); } //========================================================================= wxVtkSceneManager::~wxVtkSceneManager() { //FCY memory leaks disconnectDrop(); delete _baseView; } //========================================================================= void wxVtkSceneManager::configureBaseView() { vtkInteractorStyleBaseView2D *interactorstylebaseview = vtkInteractorStyleBaseView2D::New(); _baseView->SetInteractorStyleBaseView(interactorstylebaseview); // Important to activate the 2D interaction system crea::wxVTKRenderWindowInteractor *iren = _baseView->GetWxVTKRenderWindowInteractor(); interactorstylebaseview->SetInteractor(iren); iren->SetInteractorStyle(interactorstylebaseview); interactorstylebaseview->SetwxVtkBaseView(_baseView); _baseView->GetRenderer()->GetActiveCamera()->ParallelProjectionOn(); _baseView->GetRenderer()->ResetCamera(-100, 100, -100, 100, -1000, 1000); _baseView->GetRenderer()->GetActiveCamera()->Zoom(20); _baseView->GetRenderer()->SetBackground(0.9, 0.9, 0.9); _baseView->GetRenderer()->GradientBackgroundOn(); // Actos Port_Text _textActor = vtkTextActor3D::New(); // _textActor = vtkTextActor::New(); _textActor->SetPosition(-9999, -9999, GPOSITION_Z); _textActor->SetInput(""); //EED 2022-01-16 // _textActor->GetTextProperty()->SetFontSize(60); _textActor->GetTextProperty()->SetFontSize(40); _textActor->GetTextProperty()->BoldOn(); _textActor->GetTextProperty()->SetFontFamilyToArial(); _textActor->GetTextProperty()->ShadowOff(); _textActor->GetTextProperty()->SetColor(PORTTEXT_NH_R, PORTTEXT_NH_G,PORTTEXT_NH_B); _baseView->GetRenderer()->AddActor(_textActor); // Actor Fill_Port_Text //------------ double xInic = 0; double yInic = 0; double zInic = GPOSITION_Z; vtkPolygon *aPolygon = vtkPolygon::New(); _fillObjectActor = vtkActor::New(); _pts = vtkPoints::New(); /* double w = 100, h = 10, b = h / 15, t = 3; _pts->SetNumberOfPoints(21); _pts->InsertPoint(0, xInic + w * 0.33 - t / 2, yInic, zInic); _pts->InsertPoint(1, xInic + w * 0.33, yInic - t, zInic); _pts->InsertPoint(2, xInic + w * 0.33 + t / 2, yInic, zInic); _pts->InsertPoint(3, xInic + w * 0.33 + t / 2, yInic, zInic); _pts->InsertPoint(4, xInic + w - b * 4, yInic + b * 0, zInic); _pts->InsertPoint(5, xInic + w - b * 4, yInic + b * 0, zInic); _pts->InsertPoint(6, xInic + w - b * 2, yInic + b * 1, zInic); _pts->InsertPoint(7, xInic + w - b * 1, yInic + b * 2, zInic); _pts->InsertPoint(8, xInic + w - b * 0, yInic + b * 4, zInic); _pts->InsertPoint(9, xInic + w - b * 0, yInic + h - b * 4, zInic); _pts->InsertPoint(10, xInic + w - b * 1, yInic + h - b * 2, zInic); _pts->InsertPoint(11, xInic + w - b * 2, yInic + h - b * 1, zInic); _pts->InsertPoint(12, xInic + w - b * 4, yInic + h - b * 0, zInic); _pts->InsertPoint(13, xInic + b * 4, yInic + h - b * 0, zInic); _pts->InsertPoint(14, xInic + b * 2, yInic + h - b * 1, zInic); _pts->InsertPoint(15, xInic + b * 1, yInic + h - b * 2, zInic); _pts->InsertPoint(16, xInic + b * 0, yInic + h - b * 4, zInic); _pts->InsertPoint(17, xInic + b * 0, yInic + b * 4, zInic); _pts->InsertPoint(18, xInic + b * 1, yInic + b * 2, zInic); _pts->InsertPoint(19, xInic + b * 2, yInic + b * 1, zInic); _pts->InsertPoint(20, xInic + b * 4, yInic + b * 0, zInic); aPolygon->GetPointIds()->SetNumberOfIds(21); for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++) { { aPolygon->GetPointIds()->SetId(i, i); } */ double w = BOX_WIDTH, h = BOX_HEIGHT, t = PORT_HEIGHT; _pts->SetNumberOfPoints(7); _pts->InsertPoint(0, xInic + t/2.0 , yInic + t , zInic ); _pts->InsertPoint(1, xInic + w , yInic + t , zInic ); _pts->InsertPoint(2, xInic + w , yInic + t + h , zInic ); _pts->InsertPoint(3, xInic - t*1.5 , yInic + t + h , zInic ); _pts->InsertPoint(4, xInic - t*1.5 , yInic + t , zInic ); _pts->InsertPoint(5, xInic - t/2 , yInic + t , zInic ); _pts->InsertPoint(6, xInic , yInic , zInic ); aPolygon->GetPointIds()->SetNumberOfIds(8); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { aPolygon->GetPointIds()->SetId(i, i); if (i==7) aPolygon->GetPointIds()->SetId(i, 0); } vtkUnstructuredGrid *aPolygonGrid = vtkUnstructuredGrid::New(); aPolygonGrid->Allocate(1, 1); aPolygonGrid->InsertNextCell(aPolygon->GetCellType(),aPolygon->GetPointIds()); aPolygonGrid->SetPoints(_pts); _aPolygonMapper = vtkDataSetMapper::New(); //EED 2017-01-01 Migration VTK7 #if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5 _aPolygonMapper->SetInput(aPolygonGrid); #else _aPolygonMapper->SetInputData(aPolygonGrid); #endif _fillObjectActor->SetMapper(_aPolygonMapper); _fillObjectActor->GetProperty()->SetColor(PORTFILL_NH_R, PORTFILL_NH_G,PORTFILL_NH_B); _fillObjectActor->GetProperty()->SetOpacity(0); _aPolygonMapper->Modified(); _baseView->GetRenderer()->AddActor(_fillObjectActor); } //========================================================================= std::string wxVtkSceneManager::generateANewNameForABox() { std::stringstream boxname; if (_numBoxes < 10) { boxname << "Box0" << _numBoxes; } else { boxname << "Box" << _numBoxes; } _numBoxes++; return boxname.str(); } //========================================================================= std::string wxVtkSceneManager::findANewNameForABox() { std::string boxname = generateANewNameForABox(); while (boxExist(boxname) == true) { boxname = generateANewNameForABox(); } // while return boxname; } //========================================================================= void wxVtkSceneManager::configGBlackBox(int idBox, double xIn, double yIn, double zIn, std::string name, bool boxExecutable, double xEn, double yEn, double zEn) { GObjectController *cont = _controllers[idBox]; GBlackBoxModel *bbmod = (GBlackBoxModel*) cont->getModel(); bbmod->setBBTKName(name); bbmod->setInicPoint(xIn, yIn, zIn); bbmod->setFinalPoint(xEn, yEn, zEn); bbmod->setExecutable(boxExecutable); bbmod->notifyObservers(_idManager); } //========================================================================= int wxVtkSceneManager::createGBlackBox(int x, int y, std::string packageName,std::string boxType) { _worldState = NOTHING_HAPPENS; int windowHeight = _baseView->GetRenWin()->GetSize()[1]; int type = GBLACKBOX; //Create the MVC Objects GBlackBoxModel *model = (GBlackBoxModel*) GObjectsMVCFactory::getInstance()->createGObjectModel(type); vtkGObjectView *view = GObjectsMVCFactory::getInstance()->createGObjectView(type); GObjectController *controller = GObjectsMVCFactory::getInstance()->createGObjectController(type); //EED 15 oct 2012 BlackBoxDescriptor::Pointer descriptor = GObjectsMVCFactory::getInstance()->getBlackBoxDescriptor(packageName, boxType); Package::Pointer k; std::map< std::string, BlackBoxDescriptor::Pointer> mapDesc; try{ k = _bbtkfactory->GetPackage(packageName); mapDesc = k->GetDescriptorMap(); }catch(Exception e){ printf("EED. ERROR!: Exception in wxVtkSceneManager::createGBlackBox for package %s, NOT EXIST\n", packageName.c_str()); } BlackBoxDescriptor::Pointer descriptor; try{ descriptor = mapDesc[boxType]; }catch(Exception e){ printf("EED. ERROR!: Exception in wxVtkSceneManager::createGBlackBox for box %s of package %s, NOT EXIST\n", boxType.c_str(),packageName.c_str()); } if (descriptor == NULL) { printf("SCP: ERROR in wxVtkSceneManager::createGBlackBox, box %s probably does not exist.\n", boxType.c_str()); } //Prepares the initial model //The coordinates obtained are the following. Top-Left:x=0,y=0 Bottom-Right:x=width,y=height double xx = x; double yy = windowHeight - y; //z value is not important yet, because it is only used a parallel projection double zz = GPOSITION_Z; _baseView->TransCoordScreenToWorld(xx, yy, zz); model->setInicPoint(xx, yy, zz); std::stringstream stream; std::string newBoxName; newBoxName = findANewNameForABox(); stream << newBoxName; std::string arraystring = stream.str(); model->setBBTKName(arraystring); model->setBBTKType(boxType); model->setBBTKPackage(packageName); model->addObserver(view); model->addObserver(this); //EED2017 change order //Associates the view with the correspondent renderer and the model. //(NOTE: Refresh is only made by the view) view->setModel(model); view->setBaseView(_baseView); //Associates the controller with the correspondent model and view controller->setModelAndView(model, view); //Iterate and create the input ports std::map descriptorInMap = descriptor->GetInputDescriptorMap(); std::map::iterator itInput; int i = 0; for (itInput = descriptorInMap.begin(); itInput != descriptorInMap.end(); ++itInput) { BlackBoxInputDescriptor *desc = itInput->second; //EED2017-04-07 // createGInputPort(GINPUTPORT, i, model, desc); createGInputPort(GINPUTPORT, i, controller, desc); i++; } //Iterate and create the output ports std::map descriptorOutMap = descriptor->GetOutputDescriptorMap(); std::map::iterator itOutput; i = 0; for (itOutput = descriptorOutMap.begin(); itOutput!= descriptorOutMap.end(); ++itOutput) { BlackBoxOutputDescriptor *desc = itOutput->second; //EED2017-04-07 // createGOutputPort(GOUTPUTPORT, i, model, desc); createGOutputPort(GOUTPUTPORT, i, controller, desc); i++; } //EED2017 change order view->initVtkObjects(); //Resgiter change to the observers of the actual model model->notifyObservers(_idManager); int newId = addObjectController(controller); return newId; } //========================================================================= int wxVtkSceneManager::createGComplexBoxInputPort(std::string inputName) { //EED int windowWidth=_baseView->GetRenWin()->GetSize()[0]; int windowHeight = _baseView->GetRenWin()->GetSize()[1]; int type = GCOMPLEXINPUTPORT; //Create the MVC Objects GComplexBoxPortModel *model = (GComplexBoxPortModel*) GObjectsMVCFactory::getInstance()->createGObjectModel(type); vtkGObjectView *view = GObjectsMVCFactory::getInstance()->createGObjectView(type); GObjectController *controller = GObjectsMVCFactory::getInstance()->createGObjectController(type); //Prepares the initial model double xx = 5; double yy = windowHeight - 5; //z value is not important yet, because it is only used a parallel projection double zz = GPOSITION_Z; _baseView->TransCoordScreenToWorld(xx, yy, zz); model->setInicPoint(xx, yy, zz); model->setBBTKName(inputName); model->setBBTKType("ComplexInputPort"); model->setComplexPortType(type); model->addObserver(view); model->addObserver(this); //create the output port GPortController* portController = createGPort(GOUTPUTPORT, inputName, "ComplexOutputPortType","ComplexOutputPortDescriopton", 0, model); model->addOutputPort((GPortModel*) portController->getModel()); //Associates the view with the correspondent renderer and the model. //(NOTE: Refresh is only made by the view) view->setModel(model); view->setBaseView(_baseView); view->initVtkObjects(); //Associates the controller with the correspondent model and view controller->setModelAndView(model, view); //Resgiter change to the observers of the actual model model->notifyObservers(_idManager); int newId = addObjectController(controller); return newId; } //========================================================================= int wxVtkSceneManager::createGComplexBoxOutputPort(std::string outputName) { //EED int windowWidth=_baseView->GetRenWin()->GetSize()[0]; int windowHeight = _baseView->GetRenWin()->GetSize()[1]; int type = GCOMPLEXOUTPUTPORT; //Create the MVC Objects GComplexBoxPortModel *model = (GComplexBoxPortModel*) GObjectsMVCFactory::getInstance()->createGObjectModel(type); vtkGObjectView *view = GObjectsMVCFactory::getInstance()->createGObjectView(type); GObjectController *controller = GObjectsMVCFactory::getInstance()->createGObjectController(type); //Prepares the initial model double xx = 5; double yy = windowHeight - 5; //z value is not important yet, because it is only used a parallel projection double zz = GPOSITION_Z; _baseView->TransCoordScreenToWorld(xx, yy, zz); model->setInicPoint(xx, yy, zz); model->setBBTKName(outputName); model->setBBTKType("ComplexOutputPort"); model->setComplexPortType(type); model->addObserver(view); model->addObserver(this); //create the output port GPortController* portController = createGPort(GINPUTPORT, outputName, "ComplexInputPort","ComplexInputPortDescription", 0, model); model->addInputPort((GPortModel*) portController->getModel()); //Associates the view with the correspondent renderer and the model. //(NOTE: Refresh is only made by the view) view->setModel(model); view->setBaseView(_baseView); view->initVtkObjects(); //Associates the controller with the correspondent model and view controller->setModelAndView(model, view); //Resgiter change to the observers of the actual model model->notifyObservers(_idManager); int newId = addObjectController(controller); return newId; } //========================================================================= //EED2017-04-08 //int wxVtkSceneManager::createGInputPort(int portType, int posinBox, GBoxModel *blackBox, BlackBoxInputDescriptor *desc) int wxVtkSceneManager::createGInputPort(int portType, int posinBox, GObjectController *gBoxControler, BlackBoxInputDescriptor *desc) { GBoxModel *blackBox=(GBoxModel*)gBoxControler->getModel(); GPortController* portController = createGPort(portType, desc->GetName(), desc->GetTypeName(), desc->GetDescription(), posinBox, blackBox); blackBox->addInputPort( (GPortModel*)portController->getModel() ); vtkGBoxView *vtkgboxView=(vtkGBoxView*)gBoxControler->getView(); vtkgboxView->addInputPort( (vtkGPortView*)portController->getView() ); return portController->getId(); } //========================================================================= //EED2017-04-08 //int wxVtkSceneManager::createGOutputPort(int portType, int posinBox,GBoxModel *blackBox, BlackBoxOutputDescriptor *desc) int wxVtkSceneManager::createGOutputPort(int portType, int posinBox,GObjectController *gBoxControler, BlackBoxOutputDescriptor *desc) { GBoxModel *blackBox=(GBoxModel*)gBoxControler->getModel(); GPortController* portController = createGPort(portType, desc->GetName(), desc->GetTypeName(),desc->GetDescription(), posinBox, blackBox); blackBox->addOutputPort((GPortModel*) portController->getModel()); vtkGBoxView *vtkgboxView=(vtkGBoxView*)gBoxControler->getView(); vtkgboxView->addOutputPort( (vtkGPortView*)portController->getView() ); return portController->getId(); } //========================================================================= GPortController* wxVtkSceneManager::createGPort(int portType,std::string bbtkName, std::string bbtkType, std::string bbtkDescription, int posInBox,GBoxModel *blackBox) { int type = GPORT; //Create the MVC Objects GPortModel *model = (GPortModel*) GObjectsMVCFactory::getInstance()->createGObjectModel(type); vtkGObjectView *view = GObjectsMVCFactory::getInstance()->createGObjectView(type); GObjectController *controller = GObjectsMVCFactory::getInstance()->createGObjectController(type); model->registerInBox(blackBox, portType, posInBox); model->setBBTKType(bbtkType); model->setBBTKName(bbtkName); model->setBBTKDescription(bbtkDescription); model->addObserver(view); model->addObserver(this); //Associates the view with the correspondent renderer and the model. //(NOTE: Refresh is only made by the view) view->setModel(model); view->setBaseView(_baseView); //EED017 view->initVtkObjects(); view->createVtkObjects(); // view->addVtkActors(); //Associates the controller with the correspondent model and view controller->setModelAndView(model, view); model->notifyObservers(_idManager); addObjectController(controller); return (GPortController*) controller; } //========================================================================= int wxVtkSceneManager::createGConnector(GPortModel* startPort) { int type = GCONNECTOR; manualConnectorContourController *manContourControl = new manualConnectorContourController(); manualConnectorContourView *manContourView = new manualConnectorContourView(); manualContourModel *manContourModel = new manualContourModel(); GConnectorController *connectorcontroller = new GConnectorController(); GConnectorModel *connectorModel = new GConnectorModel(); vtkGConnectorView *connectorView = new vtkGConnectorView(); connectorModel->setGObjectType(type); manContourModel->SetCloseContour(false); connectorModel->setStartPort(startPort); manContourView->SetModel(manContourModel); manContourView->SetWxVtkBaseView(_baseView); manContourView->SetRange(0.5); manContourView->SetZ(GPOSITION_Z); manContourView->SetColorNormalContour(0, 0, 1); manContourView->SetColorEditContour(0.5, 0.5, 0.5); manContourView->SetColorSelectContour(1, 0.8, 0); /** * JGRR AND CM * Width increased from 2 to 3, it simplifies line handling and spline control :P * @param WidthLine */ //EED2017 // manContourView->SetWidthLine( 3 ) ; //EED 2022-01-16 manContourView->SetWidthLine( 1 ) ; manContourView->SetShowText(false); manContourControl->SetModelView(manContourModel, manContourView); manContourControl->CreateNewManualContour(); double x, y, z; connectorModel->getInicPoint(x, y, z); manContourControl->SetState(1); manContourModel->SetCloseContour(false); manContourModel->AddPoint(x, y, z); manContourView->AddPoint(); manContourModel->AddPoint(x, y, z); manContourView->AddPoint(); int bak = manContourControl->GetNumberOfPointsManualContour() - 1; manContourControl->_bakIdPoint = bak; manContourControl->SetMoving(false); connectorcontroller->setModelAndView(connectorModel, connectorView); int newId = addObjectController(connectorcontroller); connectorcontroller->setManualContourController(manContourControl); connectorModel->setManualContourModel(manContourModel); connectorView->setManualContourView(manContourView); connectorView->setModel(connectorModel); connectorView->setBaseView(_baseView); connectorModel->addObserver(connectorView); connectorModel->addObserver(this); // manContourView->Refresh(); return newId; } //========================================================================= void wxVtkSceneManager::registerController(InteractorStyleMaracas *param) { vtkInteractorStyleBaseView * baseViewControlManager = (vtkInteractorStyleBaseView*) _baseView->GetInteractorStyleBaseView(); baseViewControlManager->AddInteractorStyleMaracas(param); } //========================================================================= void wxVtkSceneManager::unregisterController(InteractorStyleMaracas *param) { vtkInteractorStyleBaseView *baseViewControlManager = (vtkInteractorStyleBaseView*) _baseView->GetInteractorStyleBaseView(); baseViewControlManager->RemoveInteractorStyleMaracas(param); } //========================================================================= vtkRenderer* wxVtkSceneManager::getRenderer() { return _baseView->GetRenderer(); } //========================================================================= vtkRenderWindow* wxVtkSceneManager::getRenderWindow() { return _baseView->GetRenWin(); } //========================================================================= //========================================================================= int wxVtkSceneManager::GetIndexInSelected(int idControler) { int index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < (int) _selectedObjects.size(); i++) { if (_selectedObjects[i] == idControler) { index = i; break; } } return index; } //========================================================================= void wxVtkSceneManager::update(int idController, int command) { if (command != NO_COMMAND) { if (command == ADD_TO_SELECTED) { if (GetIndexInSelected(idController) == -1) { _selectedObjects.push_back(idController); } } else if (command == REMOVE_FROM_SELECTED) { int index = GetIndexInSelected(idController); if (index >= 0) { _selectedObjects.erase(_selectedObjects.begin() + index); } } else if (command == INIT_CREATION_CONTOUR) { // JGRR & CM WH typedef std::map::iterator TIterator ; TIterator iter ; TIterator iter_end ; // Find current item in the controller iter = _controllers.find( idController ) ; iter_end = _controllers.end( ) ; // If item exist if ( iter != iter_end ) { GObjectController* gobjc = iter->second ; std::string bbtkType = gobjc->getModel( )->getBBTKType( ) ; // And if the item is a port if ( gobjc->getModel( )->getGObjectType( ) == GPORT ) { TIterator c_it = _controllers.begin( ) ; // Go through all componets for ( c_it ; c_it != iter_end ; c_it++ ) { GObjectController* obc = c_it->second ; int obc_type = obc->getModel( )->getGObjectType( ) ; std::string obc_bbtkType = obc->getModel( )->getBBTKType( ) ; // if the component is a port and the type is the same of that selected if ( ( obc_type == GPORT ) && ( obc_bbtkType == bbtkType ) ) { // Highliht element obc->getView( )->setState( POSSIBLE_CONNECTION ) ; //obc->getView( )->setState( HIGHLIGHTED ) ; } // if obc_type } // for c_it } // if } // if iter // EO JGRR & CM WH _worldState = INIT_CREATION_CONTOUR; GObjectController* cont = _controllers[idController]; GPortModel* startOutputPort = (GPortModel*) cont->getModel(); // The last one is the controller of the connector std::map::iterator it2; for (it2 = _controllers.begin(); it2 != _controllers.end(); ++it2) { GObjectController *cont = it2->second; if (cont->getGObjectType() == GPORT) { GPortModel* port = (GPortModel*) cont->getModel(); if (port->getPortType() == GINPUTPORT) { cont->SetActive(true); } else { cont->getView()->setState(NOTHING_HAPPENS); cont->getModel()->notifyObservers(_idManager); cont->SetActive(false); } } else { cont->getView()->setState(NOTHING_HAPPENS); cont->getModel()->notifyObservers(_idManager); cont->SetActive(false); } } _selectedObjects.clear(); _idConnectionInCreation = createGConnector(startOutputPort); } else if (command == FIN_CREATION_CONTOUR && _worldState == INIT_CREATION_CONTOUR) { _worldState = NOTHING_HAPPENS; //int id = _controllers.size()-1; GObjectController *cont = _controllers[_idConnectionInCreation]; GConnectorModel *modelContour = (GConnectorModel*) cont->getModel(); GObjectController *finPort = _controllers[idController]; if (finPort->getGObjectType() == GPORT) { GPortModel* modelPort = (GPortModel*) finPort->getModel(); modelContour->setEndPort(modelPort); // JGRR CM typedef std::map::iterator TIterator; TIterator c_it = _controllers.begin(); TIterator iter_end = _controllers.end(); // Go through all componets for (c_it; c_it != iter_end; c_it++) { GObjectController* obc = c_it->second; int obc_type = obc->getModel()->getGObjectType(); int obc_state = obc->getView()->getState(); // if the component is a port and the type is the same of that selected if ((obc_type == GPORT) && (obc_state == POSSIBLE_CONNECTION)) { // Return element to neutral state if not selected obc->getView()->setState(NOTHING_HAPPENS); } if ((obc_type == GPORT) && (obc_state == SELECTED_POSSIBLE_CONNECTION)) { // Change element to connected state obc->getView()->setState(HIGHLIGHTED); } } // EO JGRR CM _parent->saveTempandUpdate("create connection"); } manualConnectorContourController *manCont = ((GConnectorController*) cont)->getManualContourController(); manualConnectorContourView *connView = (manualConnectorContourView*) manCont->GetManualViewBaseContour(); std::map::iterator it2; for (it2 = _controllers.begin(); it2 != _controllers.end(); ++it2) { GObjectController *cont = it2->second; if (cont->getView() != NULL) { cont->getView()->setState(NOTHING_HAPPENS); cont->getModel()->notifyObservers(_idManager); } cont->SetActive(true); } connView->Refresh(); } } } //========================================================================= bool wxVtkSceneManager::OnMouseMove() { int X, Y; bool okStatusMessage = false; bool okPortMessage = false; crea::wxVTKRenderWindowInteractor *wxVTKiren; wxVTKiren = _vtkInteractorStyleBaseView->GetWxVtk3DBaseView()->GetWxVTKRenderWindowInteractor(); wxVTKiren->GetEventPosition(X, Y); if (_worldState == DRAG_OBJECTS) { for (int i = 0; i < (int) _selectedObjects.size(); i++) { int id = _selectedObjects[i]; GObjectController* cont = _controllers[id]; if (_startDragging) { cont->getView()->setStartDragging(true); } cont->getView()->moveObject(X, Y); cont->getView()->setState(DRAG); cont->getModel()->notifyObservers(_idManager); } std::map::iterator it; for (it = _controllers.begin(); it != _controllers.end(); ++it) { GObjectController *desc = it->second; if (desc->getGObjectType() == GCONNECTOR) { vtkGConnectorView* vconn = (vtkGConnectorView*) desc->getView(); vconn->updateStartEndPoints(); } } _startDragging = false; } else if (_worldState == NOTHING_HAPPENS || _worldState == INIT_CREATION_CONTOUR) { std::map::iterator it; double px, py, pz; for (it = _controllers.begin(); it != _controllers.end(); ++it) { GObjectController *desc = it->second; int type = desc->getGObjectType(); int state = desc->getView()->getState(); desc->getModel()->getCenter(px, py, pz); // JGRR & CM if ((state == HIGHLIGHTED) || (state == SELECTED_POSSIBLE_CONNECTION )) { // EO JGRR & CM okStatusMessage = true; updateStatusBar(desc->getStatusText()); if (type == GBLACKBOX) { GBlackBoxModel *mod = (GBlackBoxModel*) desc->getModel(); _parent->displayBlackBoxInfo(mod->getBBTKPackage(),mod->getBBTKType()); } // if GBLACKBOX if (type == GPORT) { // PortText if ( ( _bugTextActor_text==desc->getStatusText() ) || (_bugTextActor_status==0) ) { _bugTextActor_status = 1; okPortMessage = true; //EED 2022-01-16 // py = py + 5; // _textActor->SetScale(0.1); // py = py + 5*0.5; _textActor->SetScale(0.05,0.05,1); std::string tmp = desc->getStatusText()+"\n"; _textActor->SetInput( tmp.c_str() ); // _textActor->SetPosition(px - 25, py + 1, pz + 2); // _textActor->SetPosition(px , py-PORT_HEIGHT/4 , pz + 2); _textActor->SetPosition(px , py-PORT_HEIGHT , pz + 2); _textActor->Modified(); // FillPortText //EED 2022-01-16 // px = px - 33; _fillObjectActor->SetScale(1); // px = px - 33*0.7; // _fillObjectActor->SetScale(0.7,0.5,1); _fillObjectActor->GetProperty()->SetOpacity(0.75); _fillObjectActor->SetPosition( px, py + PORT_HEIGHT/2.0 , 1); _aPolygonMapper->Modified(); } else { _bugTextActor_status= 2; } // _bugTextActor_tex _bugTextActor_text = desc->getStatusText(); } // if GPORT } //if state } // for controllers it } if (okStatusMessage == false) { updateStatusBar(""); } if ((okPortMessage == false) || (_bugTextActor_status== 2 ) ) { _bugTextActor_status = 0; _textActor->SetScale(0.0001); _textActor->SetInput("a\n"); _textActor->Modified(); _fillObjectActor->SetScale(0.0001); } return true; } //========================================================================= bool wxVtkSceneManager::OnLeftButtonDown() { if (_worldState == INIT_CREATION_CONTOUR) { bool isOverPort = false; std::map::iterator it; for (it = _controllers.begin(); it != _controllers.end() && isOverPort== false; ++it) { GObjectController *desc = it->second; if (desc->getGObjectType() == GPORT) { GPortModel *portmod = (GPortModel*) desc->getModel(); vtkGObjectView *portView = desc->getView(); if (portmod->getPortType() == GINPUTPORT && portView->getState() == HIGHLIGHTED) { isOverPort = true; } // if // JGRR & CM if ( portmod->getPortType( ) == GINPUTPORT && portView->getState( ) == SELECTED_POSSIBLE_CONNECTION ) { isOverPort = true ; portView->setState( HIGHLIGHTED); } // EO JGRR & CM } // if } // for if (isOverPort == false) { CancelConnection(); UnSelectBlackBoxes(); } // isOverPort } else { //_worldState _worldState = DRAG_OBJECTS; _startDragging = true; int shiftkey = _vtkInteractorStyleBaseView->GetInteractor()->GetShiftKey(); int ctrlkey = _vtkInteractorStyleBaseView->GetInteractor()->GetControlKey(); ctrlkey = ctrlkey + shiftkey; GObjectController *cont = GetGBlackBoxControlerPointedByMouse(); if (cont != NULL) { int state = cont->getView()->getState(); if ((ctrlkey == 0) && (state == HIGHLIGHTED)) { UnSelectBlackBoxes(); } } else { UnSelectBlackBoxes(); // EED 12/07/2012 } for (int i = 0; i < (int) _selectedObjects.size(); i++) { int id = _selectedObjects[i]; GObjectController *cont = _controllers[id]; cont->getView()->setState(DRAG); cont->getModel()->notifyObservers(_idManager); } // for } // if _selectedObjects.size return true; } //========================================================================= bool wxVtkSceneManager::OnLeftButtonUp() { if (_worldState == DRAG_OBJECTS) { _worldState = NOTHING_HAPPENS; for (int i = 0; i < (int) _selectedObjects.size(); i++) { int id = _selectedObjects[i]; GObjectController* cont = _controllers[id]; cont->getView()->setState(SELECTED); cont->getModel()->notifyObservers(_idManager); } } return true; } //========================================================================= void wxVtkSceneManager::CancelConnection() { if (_worldState == INIT_CREATION_CONTOUR) { _worldState = NOTHING_HAPPENS; //int lastId = _controllers.size()-1; GConnectorController *connector = (GConnectorController*) _controllers[_idConnectionInCreation]; connector->removeFromScene(); unregisterController(connector); _controllers.erase(_idConnectionInCreation); std::map::iterator it; for (it = _controllers.begin(); it != _controllers.end(); ++it) { GObjectController *desc = it->second; desc->SetActive(true); desc->getView()->setState(NOTHING_HAPPENS); desc->getModel()->notifyObservers(_idManager); } // for }// if } //========================================================================= bool wxVtkSceneManager::OnRightButtonUp() { if (_worldState == INIT_CREATION_CONTOUR) { CancelConnection(); } UnSelectBlackBoxes(); return true; } ///JLGR 21-05-2012 bool wxVtkSceneManager::OnMiddleButtonDown() { this->_vtkInteractorStyleBaseView->StartPan(); return true; } bool wxVtkSceneManager::OnMiddleButtonUp() { this->_vtkInteractorStyleBaseView->EndPan(); return true; } //========================================================================= GObjectController *wxVtkSceneManager::GetGBlackBoxControlerPointedByMouse() { GObjectController *result = NULL; int X, Y; crea::wxVTKRenderWindowInteractor *wxVTKiren; wxVTKiren = _vtkInteractorStyleBaseView->GetWxVtk3DBaseView()->GetWxVTKRenderWindowInteractor(); wxVTKiren->GetEventPosition(X, Y); std::map::iterator it; for (it = _controllers.begin(); it != _controllers.end(); ++it) { GObjectController *cont = it->second; int type = cont->getGObjectType(); if (cont->getView()->isPointInside(X, Y) == true) { if (type == GBLACKBOX) { result = cont; } // if type } // if isPointInside } // for it return result; } //========================================================================= void wxVtkSceneManager::UnSelectBlackBoxes() { for (int i = 0; i < (int) _selectedObjects.size(); i++) { int id = _selectedObjects[i]; GObjectController* control = _controllers[id]; control->getView()->setState(NOTHING_HAPPENS); control->getModel()->notifyObservers(_idManager); }// for _selectedObjects _selectedObjects.clear(); } //========================================================================= bool wxVtkSceneManager::OnLeftDClick() { GObjectController *cont = GetGBlackBoxControlerPointedByMouse(); if (cont != NULL) { UnSelectBlackBoxes(); _parent->editBlackBox((GBlackBoxModel*) cont->getModel()); } return true; } //========================================================================= bool wxVtkSceneManager::OnChar() { bool ok=false; bool oktmp; char keyCode = _vtkInteractorStyleBaseView->GetInteractor()-> GetKeyCode(); int ctrlkey = _vtkInteractorStyleBaseView->GetInteractor()->GetControlKey(); // KeyCode 127 : Delete Key // KeyCode 8 : Backspace Key if (keyCode == 8 || keyCode == 127 || keyCode == 27) { if (_worldState == INIT_CREATION_CONTOUR) { CancelConnection(); UnSelectBlackBoxes(); } } if (keyCode == 8 || keyCode == 127) { for (int i = 0; i < (int) _selectedObjects.size(); i++) { int id = _selectedObjects[i]; std::map::iterator it; it = _controllers.find(id); if (it != _controllers.end()) { oktmp = deleteObject(id); ok = ok||oktmp; } // if }// for selected objects if (ok) _selectedObjects.clear(); _parent->saveTempandUpdate("delete object"); }// if keyCode // Duplicate ctrlkey+=keyCode; if(ctrlkey==5){ if(_selectedObjects.size()){ std::cout<<"objects to copy :"; for(int i=0;i<_selectedObjects.size();i++) { std::cout<<_selectedObjects.at(i)<<" "; } DuplicateObjects(getSelectedObjects()); }else{ std::cout<<"No objects to copy\n"; } // _selectedObjects.size } // ctrlkey 5 return true; } //========================================================================= void wxVtkSceneManager::AddControlerToBeRemove( std::vector *controllersToRemove, int id) { int i; bool ok = true; for (i = 0; i < (int) controllersToRemove->size(); i++) { if (id == (*controllersToRemove)[i]) { ok = false; } } if (ok == true) { controllersToRemove->push_back(id); } } //========================================================================= bool wxVtkSceneManager::deleteObject(int id) { bool result=true; GObjectController *control = _controllers[id]; std::vector controllersToRemove; if (control->getGObjectType() == GBLACKBOX || control->getGObjectType() == GCOMPLEXINPUTPORT || control->getGObjectType() == GCOMPLEXOUTPUTPORT) { GBoxModel *bbmod = (GBoxModel*) control->getModel(); std::vector inputs = bbmod->getInputPorts(); bool boxConnected = false; // Add box input controllers to be removed for (int i = 0; i < (int) inputs.size(); i++) { AddControlerToBeRemove(&controllersToRemove, inputs[i]->getObjectId()); if (inputs[i]->isConnected()) { boxConnected = true; } } std::vector outputs = bbmod->getOutputPorts(); // Add box output controllers to be removed for (int i = 0; i < (int) outputs.size(); i++) { AddControlerToBeRemove(&controllersToRemove, outputs[i]->getObjectId()); if (outputs[i]->isConnected()) { boxConnected = true; } } // Add connection controllers to be removed std::map::iterator it; for (it = _controllers.begin(); it != _controllers.end(); ++it) { GObjectController *cont = it->second; int type = cont->getGObjectType(); if (type == GCONNECTOR) { GConnectorModel *conMod = (GConnectorModel*) cont->getModel(); if (conMod->getStartPort() != NULL && conMod->getStartPort()->getParentBox()->getObjectId() == bbmod->getObjectId()) { AddControlerToBeRemove(&controllersToRemove,conMod->getObjectId()); } if (conMod->getEndPort() != NULL && conMod->getEndPort()->getParentBox()->getObjectId() == bbmod->getObjectId()) { AddControlerToBeRemove(&controllersToRemove,conMod->getObjectId()); } } } // Add box controller to be removed AddControlerToBeRemove(&controllersToRemove, bbmod->getObjectId()); } else if (control->getGObjectType() == GCONNECTOR) { GConnectorController *gconnectorcontroler = (GConnectorController*)control; if (gconnectorcontroler->getManualContourController()->IsEditable()==false) { GConnectorModel *conMod = (GConnectorModel*) control->getModel(); AddControlerToBeRemove(&controllersToRemove, conMod->getObjectId()); } else{ gconnectorcontroler->getManualContourController()->OnChar(); result = false; } } std::map::iterator it; for (int i = 0; i < (int) controllersToRemove.size(); i++) { int key = controllersToRemove[i]; it = _controllers.find(key); GObjectController *cont = _controllers[key]; if (cont != NULL) { cont->removeFromScene(); unregisterController((InteractorStyleMaracas*) cont); _controllers.erase(it); }//if }// for return result; } //========================================================================= void wxVtkSceneManager::displayBlackBoxInfo(std::string packageName, std::string boxName) { _parent->displayBlackBoxInfo(packageName, boxName); } //========================================================================= void wxVtkSceneManager::updateStatusBar(std::string textStatus) { _parent->updateStatusBar(textStatus); } //========================================================================= std::string wxVtkSceneManager::LineNumber(bool withLineNumber, int &value) { std::string result = ""; if (withLineNumber == true) { value++; stringstream StrStream; StrStream << value; std::string strValue = StrStream.str(); if (value < 10) { result += " "; } else if (value < 100) { result += " "; } result += strValue + ": "; } return result; } //========================================================================= //DFCH bool wxVtkSceneManager::MakeBoxExecutable() { std::map selected = getSelectedObjects(); if( selected.empty() ) return false; bool ret = false; std::map::iterator it; for (it = selected.begin(); it != selected.end(); ++it) { GObjectController* lastSelected = it->second; if (lastSelected) { vtkGObjectView* view = (vtkGObjectView*) lastSelected->getView(); GBlackBoxModel *bbmodel = (GBlackBoxModel*) lastSelected->getModel(); view->setState(HIGHLIGHTED); if (bbmodel->isExecutable()) { bbmodel->setExecutable(false); } else { bbmodel->setExecutable(true); } bbmodel->notifyObservers(lastSelected->getId()); ret = true; } } return ret; } //DFCH //========================================================================= std::string wxVtkSceneManager::getDiagramBBS(bool wln) { std::cout << "wxVtkSceneManager::getDiagramBBS" << std::endl; bool existsExec = false; std::vector packages; std::vector boxes; std::vector connections; std::vector execBoxes; std::map::iterator it; for (it = _controllers.begin(); it != _controllers.end(); ++it) { GObjectController *desc = it->second; int type = desc->getGObjectType(); if (type == GBLACKBOX) { GBlackBoxModel *mod = (GBlackBoxModel*) desc->getModel(); std::string pkg = mod->getBBTKPackage(); bool existsPkg = false; for (int t = 0; t < (int) packages.size() && existsPkg == false; t++) { if (packages[t] == pkg) { existsPkg = true; } } if (!existsPkg) { packages.push_back(pkg); } boxes.push_back(it->first); if (mod->isExecutable()) { execBoxes.push_back(it->first); existsExec = true; } } else if (type == GCONNECTOR) { connections.push_back(it->first); } } int lnNmbr = 0; std::string script = ""; script += LineNumber(wln, lnNmbr) + "# BBTK GEditor Script\n"; script += LineNumber(wln, lnNmbr) + "# ----------------------\n"; script += LineNumber(wln, lnNmbr) + "\n"; if (existsExec) { script += LineNumber(wln, lnNmbr) + "include std\n"; // EED script += LineNumber(wln, lnNmbr) + "include itkvtk\n"; // EED int i; for (i = 0; i < (int) packages.size(); i++) { script += LineNumber(wln, lnNmbr); script += "include "; script += packages[i]; script += "\n"; } script += LineNumber(wln, lnNmbr); script += "\n"; //ups2 script += LineNumber(wln, lnNmbr); script += "author \""; script += _Author; script += "\"\n"; script += LineNumber(wln, lnNmbr); script += "description \""; script += _Description; script += "\"\n"; script += LineNumber(wln, lnNmbr); script += "category \""; script += _Category; script += "\"\n"; script += LineNumber(wln, lnNmbr); script += "\n"; // script+="include std\n"; // JPR for (i = 0; i < (int) boxes.size(); i++) { script += LineNumber(wln, lnNmbr); script += "new "; int id = boxes[i]; GObjectController *control = _controllers[id]; GBlackBoxModel *model = (GBlackBoxModel*) control->getModel(); script += model->getBBTKPackage()+":"; script += model->getBBTKType(); script += " "; script += model->getBBTKName(); script += "\n"; std::vector inputs = model->getInputPorts(); for (int j = 0; j < (int) inputs.size(); j++) { GPortModel* inputPort = inputs[j]; if (inputPort->isValueSet()) { script += LineNumber(wln, lnNmbr); script += " set "; script += model->getBBTKName(); script += "."; script += inputPort->getBBTKName(); script += " "; script += inputPort->getValue(); script += "\n"; } } script += LineNumber(wln, lnNmbr); script += "\n"; } script += LineNumber(wln, lnNmbr); script += "\n"; std::string complexInputs=""; for (i = 0; i < (int) connections.size(); i++) { //script += LineNumber(wln, lnNmbr); //script += "connect "; int id = connections[i]; GObjectController *control = _controllers[id]; GConnectorModel *model = (GConnectorModel*) control->getModel(); //Connection info GPortModel *start = model->getStartPort(); GBoxModel *startBox = start->getParentBox(); GPortModel *end = model->getEndPort(); GBoxModel *endBox = end->getParentBox(); if (startBox->getGObjectType() == GCOMPLEXINPUTPORT) { complexInputs += "input "; complexInputs += startBox->getBBTKName(); complexInputs += " "; complexInputs += endBox->getBBTKName(); complexInputs += "."; complexInputs += end->getBBTKName(); complexInputs += " "; complexInputs += "\" \""; complexInputs += "\n"; } else { script += LineNumber(wln, lnNmbr); script += "connect "; script += startBox->getBBTKName(); script += "."; script += start->getBBTKName(); script += " "; //End Connection info script += endBox->getBBTKName(); script += "."; script += end->getBBTKName(); script += "\n"; } script += LineNumber(wln, lnNmbr); script += "\n"; } script += LineNumber(wln, lnNmbr); script += "\n"; script += LineNumber(wln, lnNmbr); script += "\n"; script += LineNumber(wln, lnNmbr); script += "# Complex input ports\n"; script += complexInputs; if((_MessageKind!="-")&&(_MessageLevel!="-")){ script += LineNumber(wln, lnNmbr); script += "message "; script += _MessageKind; script += " "; script += _MessageLevel; script += "\n"; } for (i = 0; i < (int) execBoxes.size(); i++) { script += LineNumber(wln, lnNmbr); script += "exec "; int id = execBoxes[i]; GObjectController *control = _controllers[id]; GBlackBoxModel *model = (GBlackBoxModel*) control->getModel(); script += model->getBBTKName(); script += "\n"; } } return script; } //========================================================================= std::string wxVtkSceneManager::saveComplexBoxBBS() { std::cout<<"wxVtkSceneManager::saveComplexBoxBBS"< packages; std::vector boxes; std::vector connections; std::vector execBoxes; std::map::iterator it; for (it = _controllers.begin(); it != _controllers.end(); ++it) { GObjectController *desc = it->second; int type = desc->getGObjectType(); if (type == GBLACKBOX) { GBlackBoxModel *mod = (GBlackBoxModel*) desc->getModel(); std::string pkg = mod->getBBTKPackage(); bool existsPkg = false; for (int t = 0; t < (int) packages.size() && existsPkg == false; t++) { if (packages[t] == pkg) { existsPkg = true; } } if (!existsPkg) { packages.push_back(pkg); } boxes.push_back(it->first); if (mod->isExecutable()) { execBoxes.push_back(it->first); } } else if (type == GCONNECTOR) { connections.push_back(it->first); } } std::string script = ""; script += "include std\n"; // EED script += "include itkvtk\n"; // EED int i; for (i = 0; i < (int) packages.size(); i++) { script += "include "; script += packages[i]; script += "\n"; } script += "\n"; // Definition of a complex box script += "define "; script += _cbName + " " + _cbPackageName; script += "\n"; script += "\n"; script += "author \""; script += _Author; script += "\"\n"; script += "description \""; script += _Description; script += "\"\n"; script += "\n"; script += "category \""; script += _Category; script += "\"\n"; script += "\n"; // Create boxes for (i = 0; i < (int) boxes.size(); i++) { script += "new "; int id = boxes[i]; GObjectController *control = _controllers[id]; GBlackBoxModel *model = (GBlackBoxModel*) control->getModel(); script += model->getBBTKPackage()+":"; script += model->getBBTKType(); script += " "; script += model->getBBTKName(); script += "\n"; std::vector inputs = model->getInputPorts(); for (int j = 0; j < (int) inputs.size(); j++) { GPortModel* inputPort = inputs[j]; if (inputPort->isValueSet()) { script += " set "; script += model->getBBTKName(); script += "."; script += inputPort->getBBTKName(); script += " "; script += inputPort->getValue(); script += "\n"; } } script += "\n"; } // Create connections in the script. If the connection is made with a complex port, it is created the input or output std::string complexInputs = ""; std::string complexOutputs = ""; script += "\n"; for (i = 0; i < (int) connections.size(); i++) { int id = connections[i]; GObjectController *control = _controllers[id]; GConnectorModel *model = (GConnectorModel*) control->getModel(); //Connection info GPortModel *start = model->getStartPort(); GBoxModel *startBox = start->getParentBox(); GPortModel *end = model->getEndPort(); GBoxModel *endBox = end->getParentBox(); if (startBox->getGObjectType() == GCOMPLEXINPUTPORT) { complexInputs += "input "; complexInputs += startBox->getBBTKName(); complexInputs += " "; complexInputs += endBox->getBBTKName(); complexInputs += "."; complexInputs += end->getBBTKName(); complexInputs += " "; complexInputs += "\" \""; complexInputs += "\n"; } else if (endBox->getGObjectType() == GCOMPLEXOUTPUTPORT) { complexOutputs += "output "; complexOutputs += endBox->getBBTKName(); complexOutputs += " "; complexOutputs += startBox->getBBTKName(); complexOutputs += "."; complexOutputs += start->getBBTKName(); complexOutputs += " "; complexOutputs += "\" \""; complexOutputs += "\n"; } else { script += "connect "; script += startBox->getBBTKName(); script += "."; script += start->getBBTKName(); script += " "; //End Connection info script += endBox->getBBTKName(); script += "."; script += end->getBBTKName(); script += "\n"; } } script += "\n"; script += "# Complex input ports\n"; script += complexInputs; script += "\n"; script += "# Complex output ports\n"; script += complexOutputs; script += "\n"; if((_MessageKind!="-")&&(_MessageLevel!="-")) { script += "message "; script += _MessageKind; script += " "; script += _MessageLevel; script += "\n"; } for (i = 0; i < (int) execBoxes.size(); i++) { script += "exec "; int id = execBoxes[i]; GObjectController *control = _controllers[id]; GBlackBoxModel *model = (GBlackBoxModel*) control->getModel(); script += model->getBBTKName(); script += "\n"; } script += "\n"; script += "endefine"; script += "\n"; return script; } //========================================================================= void wxVtkSceneManager::deleteAllBoxes() { std::map::iterator it; for (it = _controllers.begin(); it != _controllers.end(); ++it) { GObjectController *cont = it->second; cont->removeFromScene(); unregisterController((InteractorStyleMaracas*) cont); } _selectedObjects.clear(); _controllers.clear(); } //========================================================================= void wxVtkSceneManager::refresh() { _baseView->Refresh(); } //========================================================================= void wxVtkSceneManager::refreshScene() { _baseView->RefreshView(); } //========================================================================= void wxVtkSceneManager::centerView() { double bb[6]; _baseView->GetRenderer()->ComputeVisiblePropBounds(bb); double temp[3]; _baseView->GetRenderer()->GetActiveCamera()->GetFocalPoint(temp); _baseView->GetRenderer()->GetActiveCamera()->SetFocalPoint(0, 0, temp[2]); _baseView->GetRenderer()->GetActiveCamera()->GetPosition(temp); _baseView->GetRenderer()->GetActiveCamera()->SetPosition(0, 0, temp[2]); _baseView->GetRenderer()->ResetCamera(); _baseView->GetRenderer()->ResetCameraClippingRange(); /* double tt=_baseView->GetRenderer()->GetNearClippingPlaneTolerance(); printf("EED wxVtkSceneManager::centerView() tolerance=%f\n",tt); double cr1,cr2; _baseView->GetRenderer()->GetActiveCamera()->GetClippingRange(cr1,cr2); printf("EED wxVtkSceneManager::centerView() cr1=%f cr2=%f\n",cr1,cr2); _baseView->GetRenderer()->GetActiveCamera()->SetClippingRange(0.01,100000); _baseView->GetRenderer()->GetActiveCamera()->GetClippingRange(cr1,cr2); printf("EED wxVtkSceneManager::centerView() cr1=%f cr2=%f\n",cr1,cr2); */ _baseView->GetRenderer()->Render(); } //========================================================================= void wxVtkSceneManager::saveDiagram(std::string &content) { char buffer[50]; content += "CATEGORY:"; content += GetCategory(); content += "\n"; content += "DESCRIPTION:"; content += GetDescription(); content += "\n"; content += "AUTHOR:"; content += GetAuthor(); content += "\n"; //Print info IF COMPLEX BOX content += "COMPLEXBOX:"; if (_isComplexBox) { content += "TRUE\n"; //ups1 content += "COMPLEXBOXNAME:"; content += GetCbName(); content += "\n"; content += "PACKAGENAME:"; content += GetCbPackageName(); content += "\n"; /* CHANGE TO THE VERSION 1.4 RaC2012 2nd HackFest * External inputs are possible for applications and complex boxes //Print info complex input ports std::vector inputs = getComplexInputPorts(); int insize = inputs.size(); content += "COMPLEXINPUTS:"; sprintf(buffer, "%d", insize); content += buffer; content += "\n"; for (int i = 0; i < insize; i++) { int id = inputs[i]; GObjectController *cont = _controllers[id]; cont->getModel()->save(content); } */ //Print info complex output ports std::vector outputs = getComplexOutputPorts(); int outsize = outputs.size(); content += "COMPLEXOUTPUTS:"; sprintf(buffer, "%d", outsize); content += buffer; content += "\n"; for (int i = 0; i < outsize; i++) { int id = outputs[i]; GObjectController *cont = _controllers[id]; cont->getModel()->save(content); } } // _isComplexBox else { content += "FALSE\n"; } // CHANGE TO THE VERSION 1.4 RaC2012 2nd HackFest // External inputs are possible for applications and complex boxes std::vector inputs = getComplexInputPorts(); int insize = inputs.size(); content += "COMPLEXINPUTS:"; sprintf(buffer, "%d", insize); content += buffer; content += "\n"; for (int i = 0; i < insize; i++) { int id = inputs[i]; GObjectController *cont = _controllers[id]; cont->getModel()->save(content); } //Print boxes std::vector boxes = getBlackBoxes(); int bsize = boxes.size(); content += "BOXES:"; sprintf(buffer, "%d", bsize); content += buffer; content += "\n"; for (int i = 0; i < bsize; i++) { int id = boxes[i]; // std::cout<<"id "<getStatusText()<getModel()->getBBTKType()<getModel()->getBBTKType();//CFT // std::cout<<"nname: "<getModel()->getBBTKName()<getModel()->getGObjectType()<getModel()->save(content); } //Print connections std::vector connections = getConnections(); int csize = connections.size(); content += "CONNECTIONS:"; sprintf(buffer, "%d", csize); content += buffer; content += "\n"; for (int i = 0; i < csize; i++) { int id = connections[i]; GObjectController *cont = _controllers[id]; cont->getModel()->save(content); } } //========================================================================= void wxVtkSceneManager::getCleanLine(stringstream &inputStream, std::string &line) { getline(inputStream, line,'\n'); int size = line.length(); if (size>0) { if ( line[ size-1 ]==13 ) { line.erase(size-1,1); } // if line } // if size } //========================================================================= void wxVtkSceneManager::loadDiagram(stringstream &inputStream) { int size; std::string version = ""; std::string line = ""; char delims[] = ":"; char *result = NULL; char poort[POORT_MAX_LINE_SIZE_INTERPRETER]; getCleanLine(inputStream, line); bool start = false; while (!inputStream.eof()) { if (line == "" || line[0] == '#') { line=""; getCleanLine(inputStream, line); if (line == "# - BBTKGEditor v 1.0 BBG BlackBox Diagram file") { version = line.substr(18, 3); } if (line == "# - BBTKGEditor v 1.1 BBG BlackBox Diagram file") { version = line.substr(18, 3); } if (line == "# - BBTKGEditor v 1.2 BBG BlackBox Diagram file") { version = line.substr(18, 3); } if (line == "# - BBTKGEditor v 1.3 BBG BlackBox Diagram file") { version = line.substr(18, 3); } if (line == "# - BBTKGEditor v 1.4 BBG BlackBox Diagram file") { version = line.substr(18, 3); } if (line == "# - BBTKGEditor v 1.5 BBG BlackBox Diagram file") { version = line.substr(18, 3); } } else if (line == "APP_START") { start = true; break; } } if (start) { if ((version != "1.0") && (version != "1.1")) { getCleanLine(inputStream, line);//CATEGORY: char categoryTmp[30]; strcpy(categoryTmp, line.c_str()); result = strtok(categoryTmp, delims); result = strtok(NULL, delims); SetCategory(result); getCleanLine(inputStream, line);//DESCRIPTION: char descriptionTmp[1024]; strcpy(descriptionTmp, line.c_str()); result = strtok(descriptionTmp, delims); result = strtok(NULL, delims); SetDescription(result); getCleanLine(inputStream, line);//AUTHOR: char authorTmp[255]; strcpy(authorTmp, line.c_str()); result = strtok(authorTmp, delims); result = strtok(NULL, delims); SetAuthor(result); } //---------- getCleanLine(inputStream, line);//COMPLEX_BOX:TRUE|FALSE char complexTmp[30]; strcpy(complexTmp, line.c_str()); result = strtok(complexTmp, delims); result = strtok(NULL, delims); std::string isComplexBox(result); if (isComplexBox == "TRUE") { _isComplexBox = true; if ((version != "1.0") && (version != "1.1")) { getCleanLine(inputStream, line);//COMPLEXNAME: char complexboxnameTmp[255]; strcpy(complexboxnameTmp, line.c_str()); result = strtok(complexboxnameTmp, delims); result = strtok(NULL, delims); SetCbName(result); getCleanLine(inputStream, line);//PACKAGENAME: char packagenameTmp[255]; strcpy(packagenameTmp, line.c_str()); result = strtok(packagenameTmp, delims); result = strtok(NULL, delims); SetCbPackageName(result); } // if version !1.0 !1.1 if(version < "1.4") { //----------------------- //- COMPLEX INPUT PORTS //----------------------- getCleanLine(inputStream, line);//COMPLEXINPUTS:num char inputs[30]; strcpy(inputs, line.c_str()); result = strtok(inputs, delims); result = strtok(NULL, delims); int numInputs; std::istringstream inps(result); inps >> numInputs; for (int i = 0; i < numInputs; i++) { //---------- getCleanLine(inputStream, line);//COMPLEX_PORT getCleanLine(inputStream, line);//name std::string inputPortName(line); //---------- getCleanLine(inputStream, line);//xInic:yInic:zInic char coord[80]; strcpy(coord, line.c_str()); result = strtok(coord, delims);//xInic std::string xInic(result); result = strtok(NULL, delims);//yInic std::string yInic(result); result = strtok(NULL, delims);//zInic std::string zInic(result); double xIn, yIn, zIn; std::istringstream xSt(xInic); xSt >> xIn; std::istringstream ySt(yInic); ySt >> yIn; std::istringstream zSt(zInic); zSt >> zIn; if (version<="1.2") { if (zIn==900) zIn=GPOSITION_Z; } // if version <=1.2 getCleanLine(inputStream, line);//FIN_COMPLEX_PORT configGComBoxInputOutputPort(true, inputPortName, xIn, yIn, zIn); } // for input complex box } // if version < 1.4 //----------------------- //- COMPLEX OUTPUT PORTS //----------------------- getCleanLine(inputStream, line);//COMPLEXOUTPUTS:num char outputs[30]; strcpy(outputs, line.c_str()); result = strtok(outputs, delims); result = strtok(NULL, delims); int numOutputs; std::istringstream outps(result); outps >> numOutputs; for (int i = 0; i < numOutputs; i++) { //---------- getCleanLine(inputStream, line);//COMPLEX_PORT getCleanLine(inputStream, line);//name std::string outputPortName(line); //---------- getCleanLine(inputStream, line);//xInic:yInic:zInic char coord[80]; strcpy(coord, line.c_str()); result = strtok(coord, delims);//xInic std::string xInic(result); result = strtok(NULL, delims);//yInic std::string yInic(result); result = strtok(NULL, delims);//zInic std::string zInic(result); double xIn, yIn, zIn; std::istringstream xSt(xInic); xSt >> xIn; std::istringstream ySt(yInic); ySt >> yIn; std::istringstream zSt(zInic); zSt >> zIn; if (version<="1.2") { if (zIn==900) zIn=GPOSITION_Z; } //EED 2022-01-16 if (version<="1.4") { xIn = xIn*0.70; yIn = yIn*0.30; } getCleanLine(inputStream, line);//FIN_COMPLEX_PORT configGComBoxInputOutputPort(false, outputPortName, xIn, yIn, zIn); } // for output complex box } // if isComplexBox // RaC2012 2nd Hackfest if(version >= "1.4") { //----------------------- //- EXTERNAL INPUT PORTS //----------------------- getCleanLine(inputStream, line);//COMPLEXINPUTS:num char inputs[30]; strcpy(inputs, line.c_str()); result = strtok(inputs, delims); result = strtok(NULL, delims); int numInputs; std::istringstream inps(result); inps >> numInputs; for (int i = 0; i < numInputs; i++) { getCleanLine(inputStream, line);//COMPLEX_PORT getCleanLine(inputStream, line);//name std::string inputPortName(line); getCleanLine(inputStream, line);//xInic:yInic:zInic char coord[80]; strcpy(coord, line.c_str()); result = strtok(coord, delims);//xInic std::string xInic(result); result = strtok(NULL, delims);//yInic std::string yInic(result); result = strtok(NULL, delims);//zInic std::string zInic(result); double xIn, yIn, zIn; std::istringstream xSt(xInic); xSt >> xIn; std::istringstream ySt(yInic); ySt >> yIn; std::istringstream zSt(zInic); zSt >> zIn; if (version<="1.2") { if (zIn==900) zIn=GPOSITION_Z; } //EED 2022-01-16 if (version<="1.4") { xIn = xIn*0.70; yIn = yIn*0.30; } getCleanLine(inputStream, line);//FIN_COMPLEX_PORT configGComBoxInputOutputPort(true, inputPortName, xIn, yIn, zIn); } // for external input } // if(version >= "1.4") //---------- getCleanLine(inputStream, line);//BOXES:num char boxes[9]; strcpy(boxes, line.c_str()); result = strtok(boxes, delims); result = strtok(NULL, delims); int numBoxes; std::istringstream is(result); is >> numBoxes; for (int i = 0; i < numBoxes; i++) { //---------- getCleanLine(inputStream, line);//BOX getCleanLine(inputStream, line);//package:type:name char box[150]; strcpy(box, line.c_str()); result = strtok(box, delims);//package std::string package(result); result = strtok(NULL, delims);//type std::string type(result); result = strtok(NULL, delims);//name std::string name(result); getCleanLine(inputStream, line);//ISEXEC:TRUE|FALSE char exec[15]; strcpy(exec, line.c_str()); result = strtok(exec, delims);//ISEXEC result = strtok(NULL, delims);//TRUE|FALSE std::string isExec(result); //---------- getCleanLine(inputStream, line);//xInic:yInic:zInic char coord[80]; strcpy(coord, line.c_str()); result = strtok(coord, delims);//xInic std::string xInic(result); result = strtok(NULL, delims);//yInic std::string yInic(result); result = strtok(NULL, delims);//zInic std::string zInic(result); double xIn, yIn, zIn; std::istringstream xSt(xInic); xSt >> xIn; std::istringstream ySt(yInic); ySt >> yIn; std::istringstream zSt(zInic); zSt >> zIn; if (version<="1.2") { if (zIn==900) zIn=GPOSITION_Z; } //EED 2022-01-16 if (version<="1.4") { xIn = xIn*0.70; yIn = yIn*0.30; } //---------- getCleanLine(inputStream, line);//xEnd:yEnd:zEnd strcpy(coord, line.c_str()); result = strtok(coord, delims);//xEnd std::string xEnd(result); result = strtok(NULL, delims);//yEnd std::string yEnd(result); result = strtok(NULL, delims);//zEnd std::string zEnd(result); double xEn, yEn, zEn; std::istringstream xEt(xEnd); xEt >> xEn; std::istringstream yEt(yEnd); yEt >> yEn; std::istringstream zEt(zEnd); zEt >> zEn; if (version<="1.2") { if (zEn==900) zEn=GPOSITION_Z; } //EED 2022-01-16 yEn = yIn-BOX_HEIGHT; bool boxExecutable = false; if (isExec == "TRUE") { boxExecutable = true; } int idBox = createGBlackBox(xIn, yIn, package, type); configGBlackBox(idBox, xIn, yIn, zIn, name, boxExecutable, xEn, yEn, zEn); GObjectController *cont = _controllers[idBox]; GBlackBoxModel *bbmod = (GBlackBoxModel*) cont->getModel(); //---------- getCleanLine(inputStream, line);//PORT o FIN_BOX std::string port = line.substr(0, 4); while (port == "PORT") { getCleanLine(inputStream, line);//name:value if (line.length()>=POORT_MAX_LINE_SIZE_INTERPRETER-1) { line=line.substr(0, POORT_MAX_LINE_SIZE_INTERPRETER-1); } strcpy(poort, line.c_str()); result = strtok(poort, delims);//name std::string name(result); //EED 16 oct 2012 Adding at the end character " if necesary in the value definition result = strtok(NULL, delims);//value if (( result[0]=='"' ) && ( result[ strlen(result)-1 ]!='"' ) ) { std::string tmpString=" "; tmpString[0]=34; // character " strcat(result,tmpString.c_str()); } std::string value(result); bbmod->setValueToInput(name, value); getCleanLine(inputStream, line);//PORT o FIN_BOX port = line.substr(0, 4); } // while //EED bbmod->notifyObservers(_idManager); } // for boxes /// CONNECTIONS //---------- getCleanLine(inputStream, line);//CONNECTIONS:num char conns[30]; strcpy(conns, line.c_str()); result = strtok(conns, delims); result = strtok(NULL, delims); int numConns; std::istringstream isCons(result); isCons >> numConns; for (int i = 0; i < numConns; i++) { //---------- getCleanLine(inputStream, line);//CONNECTION getCleanLine(inputStream, line);//Startbox.PortName:EndBox.PortName char connec[200]; strcpy(connec, line.c_str()); result = strtok(connec, delims); std::string nameStartBox(result); result = strtok(NULL, delims); std::string nameStartPort(result); result = strtok(NULL, delims); std::string nameEndBox(result); result = strtok(NULL, delims); std::string nameEndPort(result); int idCon = configGConnetion(nameStartBox, nameStartPort,nameEndBox, nameEndPort); if (version != "1.0") { //Readding control points of the manualContour GConnectorController *tempp = (GConnectorController*) _controllers[idCon]; GConnectorModel *conMod = (GConnectorModel*) tempp->getModel(); vtkGConnectorView *conView = (vtkGConnectorView*) tempp->getView(); getCleanLine(inputStream, line); //NumberOfControlPoints:## strcpy(conns, line.c_str()); result = strtok(conns, delims); result = strtok(NULL, delims); int numberOfControlPoints; std::istringstream isCons(result); isCons >> numberOfControlPoints; for (int ii = 0; ii < numberOfControlPoints; ii++) { getCleanLine(inputStream, line); //XX:YY:ZZ char connec[200]; strcpy(connec, line.c_str()); double px, py, pz; result = strtok(connec, delims); std::istringstream isPointX(result); isPointX >> px; result = strtok(NULL, delims); std::istringstream isPointY(result); isPointY >> py; result = strtok(NULL, delims); std::istringstream isPointZ(result); isPointZ >> pz; if (version<="1.2") { if (pz==900) pz=GPOSITION_Z; } //EED 2022-01-16 if (version<="1.4") { px = px*0.70; py = py*0.30; } conMod->getManualContourModel()->InsertPoint_id(ii + 1, px, py, pz); conView->getManualContourView()->AddPoint(); } }// if version !=1.0 } // for numConns } // if start } //========================================================================= //========================================================================= void wxVtkSceneManager::configGComBoxInputOutputPort(bool inputoutput, std::string portName, double xIn, double yIn, double zIn) { int idPort; if (inputoutput == true) { idPort = createGComplexBoxInputPort(portName); } else { idPort = createGComplexBoxOutputPort(portName); } GObjectController *cont = _controllers[idPort]; GBoxModel *cbmod = (GBoxModel*) cont->getModel(); cbmod->setInicPoint(xIn, yIn, zIn); cbmod->notifyObservers(_idManager); } //========================================================================= //========================================================================= GBoxModel* wxVtkSceneManager::findGBox(std::string boxname) { int j; int idB; GBoxModel *bMod; GBoxModel *boxModel = NULL; std::vector lstB = getBlackBoxes(); for (j = 0; j < (int) lstB.size(); j++) { idB = lstB[j]; bMod = (GBoxModel*) _controllers[idB]->getModel(); if (_controllers[idB]->getModel()->getBBTKName() == boxname) { boxModel = bMod; } } // for if (boxModel == NULL) { std::vector lstInputs = getComplexInputPorts(); for (j = 0; j < (int) lstInputs.size(); j++) { idB = lstInputs[j]; bMod = (GBoxModel*) _controllers[idB]->getModel(); if (_controllers[idB]->getModel()->getBBTKName() == boxname) { boxModel = bMod; } } // for if(_isComplexBox) { std::vector lstOutputs = getComplexOutputPorts(); for (j = 0; j < (int) lstOutputs.size(); j++) { int idB = lstOutputs[j]; bMod = (GBoxModel*) _controllers[idB]->getModel(); if (_controllers[idB]->getModel()->getBBTKName() == boxname) { boxModel = bMod; } } // for } } // inputs/outputs return boxModel; } //========================================================================= int wxVtkSceneManager::configGConnetion(std::string nameStartBox, std::string nameStartPort, std::string nameEndBox, std::string nameEndPort) { GBoxModel *boxModel; GPortModel *startP = NULL; GPortModel *endP = NULL; boxModel = findGBox(nameStartBox); if(boxModel == NULL) { printf("RaC: ERROR in wxVtkSceneManager::configGConnetion A box to connect start port %s is null. Box name is probably wrong.\n", nameStartPort.c_str()); } if (boxModel != NULL) { startP = boxModel->getOutputPort(nameStartPort); if(startP == NULL){ printf("SCP: ERROR in wxVtkSceneManager::configGConnetion start port is null. Port name is probably wrong. Start>%s::%s End>%s::%s\n", nameStartBox.c_str(), nameStartPort.c_str(), nameEndBox.c_str(), nameEndPort.c_str() ); } } boxModel = findGBox(nameEndBox); if(boxModel == NULL) { printf("RaC: ERROR in wxVtkSceneManager::configGConnetion A box to connect start port %s is null. Box name is probably wrong.\n", nameStartPort.c_str()); } if (boxModel != NULL) { endP = boxModel->getInputPort(nameEndPort); if(endP == NULL){ printf("SCP: ERROR in wxVtkSceneManager::configGConnetion end port is null. Port name is probably wrong. Start>%s::%s End>%s::%s \n", nameStartBox.c_str(), nameStartPort.c_str(), nameEndBox.c_str(), nameEndPort.c_str()); } } //ups2 int idCon = createGConnector(startP); _worldState = NOTHING_HAPPENS; GConnectorController *tempp = (GConnectorController*) _controllers[idCon]; GConnectorModel *conMod = (GConnectorModel*) tempp->getModel(); vtkGConnectorView *conView = (vtkGConnectorView*) tempp->getView(); tempp->endContourCreation(); conMod->setEndPort(endP); conView->updateStartEndPoints(); return idCon; } //========================================================================= bool wxVtkSceneManager::boxExist(std::string boxname) { bool ok = false; std::map::iterator it; for (it = _controllers.begin(); it != _controllers.end(); ++it) { GObjectController *cont = it->second; if (cont->getModel()->getBBTKName() == boxname) { ok = true; } } return ok; } //========================================================================= std::vector wxVtkSceneManager::getBlackBoxes() { std::vector vect; std::map::iterator it; for (it = _controllers.begin(); it != _controllers.end(); ++it) { GObjectController *cont = it->second; if (cont->getGObjectType() == GBLACKBOX) { vect.push_back(cont->getId()); } } return vect; } //========================================================================= std::vector wxVtkSceneManager::getComplexInputPorts() { std::vector vect; std::map::iterator it; for (it = _controllers.begin(); it != _controllers.end(); ++it) { GObjectController *cont = it->second; if (cont->getGObjectType() == GCOMPLEXINPUTPORT) { vect.push_back(cont->getId()); } } return vect; } //========================================================================= std::vector wxVtkSceneManager::getComplexOutputPorts() { std::vector vect; std::map::iterator it; for (it = _controllers.begin(); it != _controllers.end(); ++it) { GObjectController *cont = it->second; if (cont->getGObjectType() == GCOMPLEXOUTPUTPORT) { vect.push_back(cont->getId()); } } return vect; } //========================================================================= std::vector wxVtkSceneManager::getConnections() { std::vector vect; std::map::iterator it; for (it = _controllers.begin(); it != _controllers.end(); ++it) { GObjectController *cont = it->second; if (cont->getGObjectType() == GCONNECTOR) { vect.push_back(cont->getId()); } } return vect; } //========================================================================= bool wxVtkSceneManager::isComplexBox() { return _isComplexBox; } //========================================================================= void wxVtkSceneManager::setComplexBox(bool val) { _isComplexBox = val; } //========================================================================= int wxVtkSceneManager::addObjectController(GObjectController* objController) { //Register the controller of the new object registerController((InteractorStyleMaracas*) objController); //Add the object to the objects list int newId = _contLastId;//_controllers.size(); objController->setId(newId); _controllers[newId] = objController; //std::cout << "DFCH: int wxVtkSceneManager::addObjectController(GObjectController* objController) ---- _contLastId = " << _contLastId << std::endl; _contLastId++; return newId; } //========================================================================= void wxVtkSceneManager::DuplicateObjects(std::map objectsMap) { std::map oldIdNewIdBoxes; std::vector connections; std::vector newBoxesID; std::map::iterator it; for (it = objectsMap.begin(); it != objectsMap.end(); ++it) { GObjectController *cont = it->second; int type = cont->getGObjectType(); if (type == GBLACKBOX) { // Copy black box double xInic, yInic, zInic; GBlackBoxModel* copyBox = (GBlackBoxModel*) cont->getModel(); copyBox->getInicPoint(xInic, yInic, zInic); int idBox = createGBlackBox(0, 0, copyBox->getBBTKPackage(), copyBox->getBBTKType()); int idcB = copyBox->getObjectId(); oldIdNewIdBoxes[idcB] = idBox; cont = _controllers[idBox]; GBlackBoxModel* newbox = (GBlackBoxModel*) cont->getModel(); newbox->setInicPoint(xInic, yInic, zInic); int num = newbox->getNumInputPorts(); for (int j = 0; j < num; j++) { newbox->setValueToInputPort(j, copyBox->getValueInputPort(j)); } newbox->move(xInic + 20, yInic + 20, zInic); newbox->notifyObservers(_idManager); newBoxesID.push_back(newbox->getObjectId()); } else if (type == GCONNECTOR) { int idCon = cont->getId(); connections.push_back(idCon); } } for (int i = 0; i < (int) connections.size(); i++) { int objId = connections[i]; GObjectController *cont = objectsMap[objId]; GConnectorModel* connectModel = (GConnectorModel*) cont->getModel(); GPortModel* startPort = connectModel->getStartPort(); int startPortIndex = startPort->getPosInBox(); GPortModel* endPort = connectModel->getEndPort(); int endPortIndex = endPort->getPosInBox(); GBlackBoxModel* startPortParentBox = (GBlackBoxModel*) startPort->getParentBox(); GBlackBoxModel* endPortParentBox = (GBlackBoxModel*) endPort->getParentBox(); int idNewStartBox = oldIdNewIdBoxes[startPortParentBox->getObjectId()]; int idNewEndBox = oldIdNewIdBoxes[endPortParentBox->getObjectId()]; GBlackBoxModel* newStartBox = (GBlackBoxModel*) _controllers[idNewStartBox]->getModel(); GBlackBoxModel* newEndBox = (GBlackBoxModel*) _controllers[idNewEndBox]->getModel(); GPortModel* newStartPort = newStartBox->getOutputPort(startPortIndex); GPortModel* newEndPort = newEndBox->getInputPort(endPortIndex); // Creates connection int idCon = createGConnector(newStartPort); GConnectorController *tempp = (GConnectorController*) _controllers[idCon]; GConnectorModel *conMod = (GConnectorModel*) tempp->getModel(); vtkGConnectorView *conView = (vtkGConnectorView*) tempp->getView(); tempp->endContourCreation(); conMod->setEndPort(newEndPort); conView->updateStartEndPoints(); } /// the new selected boxes are the duplicate ones UnSelectBlackBoxes(); for (int i = 0; i < newBoxesID.size(); i++) { _selectedObjects.push_back(newBoxesID.at(i)); } for (int i = 0; i < (int) _selectedObjects.size(); i++) { int id = _selectedObjects[i]; GObjectController* cont = _controllers[id]; cont->getView()->setState(SELECTED); cont->getModel()->notifyObservers(_idManager); } } //========================================================================= int wxVtkSceneManager::getNumSelectedObjects() { return _selectedObjects.size(); } //========================================================================= std::map wxVtkSceneManager::getSelectedObjects() { std::map mapSelected; std::map::iterator it; for (it = _controllers.begin(); it != _controllers.end(); ++it) { GObjectController *cont = it->second; if (cont->getGObjectType() == GBLACKBOX && cont->getView()->getState() == SELECTED) { mapSelected[cont->getId()] = cont; } } std::map::iterator it2; for (it2 = _controllers.begin(); it2 != _controllers.end(); ++it2) { GObjectController *cont = it2->second; if (cont->getGObjectType() == GCONNECTOR) { GConnectorModel* cmod = (GConnectorModel*) cont->getModel(); GBoxModel* endPortParentBox = cmod->getEndPort()->getParentBox(); GBoxModel* startPortParentBox = cmod->getStartPort()->getParentBox(); std::map::iterator iterOBJ1 = mapSelected.find(startPortParentBox->getObjectId()); std::map::iterator iterOBJ2 = mapSelected.find(endPortParentBox->getObjectId()); if (iterOBJ1 != mapSelected.end() && iterOBJ2 != mapSelected.end()) { int ID = cont->getId(); mapSelected[ID] = cont; } } } return mapSelected; } //========================================================================= void wxVtkSceneManager::addObjects(std::map objectsMap) { std::map oldIdNewIdBoxes; std::vector connections; std::map::iterator it; for (it = objectsMap.begin(); it != objectsMap.end(); ++it) { GObjectController *cont = it->second; int type = cont->getGObjectType(); if (type == GBLACKBOX) { // Copy black box double xInic, yInic, zInic; GBlackBoxModel* copyBox = (GBlackBoxModel*) cont->getModel(); copyBox->getInicPoint(xInic, yInic, zInic); int idBox = createGBlackBox(0, 0, copyBox->getBBTKPackage(),copyBox->getBBTKType()); int idcB = copyBox->getObjectId(); oldIdNewIdBoxes[idcB] = idBox; cont = _controllers[idBox]; GBlackBoxModel* newbox = (GBlackBoxModel*) cont->getModel(); newbox->setInicPoint(xInic, yInic, zInic); int num = newbox->getNumInputPorts(); for (int j = 0; j < num; j++) { newbox->setValueToInputPort(j, copyBox->getValueInputPort(j)); }// for j newbox->notifyObservers(_idManager); } else if (type == GCONNECTOR) { int idCon = cont->getId(); connections.push_back(idCon); } } for (int i = 0; i < (int) connections.size(); i++) { int objId = connections[i]; GObjectController *cont = objectsMap[objId]; GConnectorModel* connectModel = (GConnectorModel*) cont->getModel(); GPortModel* startPort = connectModel->getStartPort(); int startPortIndex = startPort->getPosInBox(); GPortModel* endPort = connectModel->getEndPort(); int endPortIndex = endPort->getPosInBox(); GBlackBoxModel* startPortParentBox = (GBlackBoxModel*) startPort->getParentBox(); GBlackBoxModel* endPortParentBox = (GBlackBoxModel*) endPort->getParentBox(); int idNewStartBox = oldIdNewIdBoxes[startPortParentBox->getObjectId()]; int idNewEndBox = oldIdNewIdBoxes[endPortParentBox->getObjectId()]; GBlackBoxModel* newStartBox = (GBlackBoxModel*) _controllers[idNewStartBox]->getModel(); GBlackBoxModel* newEndBox = (GBlackBoxModel*) _controllers[idNewEndBox]->getModel(); GPortModel* newStartPort = newStartBox->getOutputPort(startPortIndex); GPortModel* newEndPort = newEndBox->getInputPort(endPortIndex); // Creates connection int idCon = createGConnector(newStartPort); GConnectorController *tempp = (GConnectorController*) _controllers[idCon]; GConnectorModel *conMod = (GConnectorModel*) tempp->getModel(); vtkGConnectorView *conView = (vtkGConnectorView*) tempp->getView(); tempp->endContourCreation(); conMod->setEndPort(newEndPort); conView->updateStartEndPoints(); } std::map::iterator itIds; for (itIds = oldIdNewIdBoxes.begin(); itIds != oldIdNewIdBoxes.end(); ++itIds) { int idOld = itIds->first; int idNew = itIds->second; GBlackBoxModel* oldBox = (GBlackBoxModel*) objectsMap[idOld]->getModel(); GBlackBoxModel* newBox = (GBlackBoxModel*) _controllers[idNew]->getModel(); std::vector oldInputConnections = oldBox->getConnectedInputs(); std::vector oldOutputConnections = oldBox->getConnectedOutputs(); std::vector newInputConnections = newBox->getConnectedInputs(); std::vector newOutputConnections = newBox->getConnectedOutputs(); for (int k = 0; k < (int) oldInputConnections.size(); k++) { bool exist = false; //EED int toCreate=-1; for (int l = 0; l < (int) newInputConnections.size() && !exist; l++) { if (oldInputConnections[k] == newInputConnections[l]) { exist = true; } } if (exist == false) { //Create complex input int posInBox = oldInputConnections[k]; GPortModel* inputPort = oldBox->getInputPort(posInBox); std::string inputPortName = inputPort->getBBTKName(); int idInputPort = createGComplexBoxInputPort(inputPortName); GObjectController *cont = _controllers[idInputPort]; GBoxModel *cbmod = (GBoxModel*) cont->getModel(); double xIn, yIn, zIn; inputPort->getInicPoint(xIn, yIn, zIn); yIn += 20; cbmod->setInicPoint(xIn, yIn, zIn); cbmod->notifyObservers(_idManager); GPortModel* inputPortEnd = newBox->getInputPort(posInBox); // Creates connection int idCon = createGConnector(cbmod->getOutputPort(0)); GConnectorController *tempp = (GConnectorController*) _controllers[idCon]; GConnectorModel *conMod = (GConnectorModel*) tempp->getModel(); vtkGConnectorView *conView = (vtkGConnectorView*) tempp->getView(); tempp->endContourCreation(); conMod->setEndPort(inputPortEnd); conView->updateStartEndPoints(); } } for (int k = 0; k < (int) oldOutputConnections.size(); k++) { bool exist = false; //EED int toCreate=-1; for (int l = 0; l < (int) newOutputConnections.size() && !exist; l++) { if (oldOutputConnections[k] == newOutputConnections[l]) { exist = true; } } if (exist == false) { //Create complex output int posInBox = oldOutputConnections[k]; GPortModel* outputPort = oldBox->getOutputPort(posInBox); std::string outputPortName = outputPort->getBBTKName(); int idOutputPort = createGComplexBoxOutputPort(outputPortName); GObjectController *cont = _controllers[idOutputPort]; GBoxModel *cbmod = (GBoxModel*) cont->getModel(); double xIn, yIn, zIn; outputPort->getInicPoint(xIn, yIn, zIn); yIn -= 20; cbmod->setInicPoint(xIn, yIn, zIn); cbmod->notifyObservers(_idManager); GPortModel* outputPortEnd = newBox->getOutputPort(posInBox); // Creates connection int idCon = createGConnector(outputPortEnd); GConnectorController *tempp = (GConnectorController*) _controllers[idCon]; GConnectorModel *conMod = (GConnectorModel*) tempp->getModel(); vtkGConnectorView *conView = (vtkGConnectorView*) tempp->getView(); tempp->endContourCreation(); conMod->setEndPort(cbmod->getInputPort(0)); conView->updateStartEndPoints(); } } } } //========================================================================= void wxVtkSceneManager::SetCbName(std::string cbName) { _cbName = cbName; if (_cbName == "") { _cbName = ""; } } //========================================================================= std::string wxVtkSceneManager::GetCbName() { return _cbName; } //========================================================================= void wxVtkSceneManager::SetCbPackageName(std::string packagename) { _cbPackageName = packagename; if (_cbPackageName == "") { _cbPackageName = ""; } } //========================================================================= std::string wxVtkSceneManager::GetCbPackageName() { return _cbPackageName; } //========================================================================= void wxVtkSceneManager::SetAuthor(std::string author) { _Author = author; if (_Author == "") { _Author = ""; } } //========================================================================= std::string wxVtkSceneManager::GetAuthor() { return _Author; } //========================================================================= void wxVtkSceneManager::SetCategory(std::string category) { _Category = category; if (_Category == "") { _Category = ""; } } //========================================================================= std::string wxVtkSceneManager::GetCategory() { return _Category; } //========================================================================= void wxVtkSceneManager::SetDescription(std::string description) { _Description = description; if (_Description == "") { _Description = ""; } } //========================================================================= std::string wxVtkSceneManager::GetDescription() { return _Description; } //========================================================================= void wxVtkSceneManager::SetMessageKind(std::string kind) { _MessageKind = kind; } //========================================================================= std::string wxVtkSceneManager::GetMessageKind(){ return _MessageKind; } //========================================================================= void wxVtkSceneManager::SetMessageLevel(std::string Level){ _MessageLevel = Level; } //========================================================================= std::string wxVtkSceneManager::GetMessageLevel(){ return _MessageLevel; } //========================================================================= std::vector< std::string> wxVtkSceneManager::GetExternalInputsNames() { std::vector< std::string> extInputs; std::map::iterator it; for (it = _controllers.begin(); it != _controllers.end(); ++it) { GObjectController *cont = it->second; if (cont->getGObjectType() == GCOMPLEXINPUTPORT) { extInputs.push_back(cont->getModel()->getBBTKName()); } } return extInputs; } //========================================================================= void wxVtkSceneManager::printAll(int com , int sta ){ int tmpState = sta ; if ( tmpState == NOTHING_HAPPENS ) { std::cout << "CONTROLER STATE---->NOTHING_HAPPENS\n" ; } if ( tmpState == HIGHLIGHTED ) { std::cout << "CONTROLER STATE---->HIGHLIGHTED\n" ; } if ( tmpState == POSSIBLE_CONNECTION ) { std::cout << "CONTROLER STATE---->POSSIBLE_CONNECTION\n" ; } if ( tmpState == SELECTED_POSSIBLE_CONNECTION ) { std::cout << "CONTROLER STATE---->SELECTED_POSSIBLE_CONNECTION\n" ; } if ( tmpState == CLICKED ) { std::cout << "CONTROLER STATE---->CLICKED\n" ; } if ( tmpState == DRAG ) { std::cout << "CONTROLER STATE---->DRAG\n" ; } if ( tmpState == SELECTED ) { std::cout << "CONTROLER STATE---->SELECTED\n" ; } if ( tmpState == CREATING_CONTOUR ) { std::cout << "CONTROLER STATE---->CREATING_CONTOUR\n" ; } // :P int command = com ; if ( command == INIT_CREATION_CONTOUR ) { std::cout << "COMMAND ----> INIT_CREATION_CONTOUR \n" ; } if ( command == FIN_CREATION_CONTOUR ) { std::cout << "COMMAND ----> FIN_CREATION_CONTOUR \n" ; } if ( command == ADD_TO_SELECTED ) { std::cout << "COMMAND ----> ADD_TO_SELECTED \n" ; } if ( command == DRAG_OBJECTS ) { std::cout << "COMMAND ----> DRAG_OBJECTS \n" ; } if ( command == EDIT_BLACKBOX ) { std::cout << "COMMAND ----> EDIT_BLACKBOX \n" ; } if ( command == REMOVE_FROM_SELECTED ) { std::cout << "COMMAND ----> REMOVE_FROM_SELECTED \n" ; } } } // EO namespace bbtk // EOF