/*========================================================================= Program: bbtk Module: $RCSfile$ Language: C++ Date: $Date$ Version: $Revision$ =========================================================================*/ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) CREATIS-LRMN (Centre de Recherche en Imagerie Medicale) * Authors : Eduardo Davila, Laurent Guigues, Jean-Pierre Roux * * This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and * abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, * modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B * license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL * http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html * or in the file LICENSE.txt. * * As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, * modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only * with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the * economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited * liability. * * The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had * knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * \file * \brief Class bbtk::BlackBox : abstract black-box interface. */ /**** * Design and Developpement of BBTK GEditor * Ricardo A Corredor J * RaC - 2010 ****/ #ifndef __wxVtkSceneManager_h__ #define __wxVtkSceneManager_h__ //Includes same project #include "GObjectsMVCFactory.h" #include "Observer.h" #include "GBoxModel.h" #include "GComplexBoxPortModel.h" #include "GPortModel.h" #include "vtkGConnectorView.h" #include "GConnectorModel.h" #include "GConnectorController.h" #include "vtkGPortView.h" #include "manualConnectorContourView.h" #include "manualConnectorContourController.h" #include "wxGEditorTabPanel.h" //Includes bbtk #include #include //Includes creaMaracasVisu #include #include #include #include #include //Includes vtk #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //Includes std #include #include #include #include namespace bbtk { class wxGEditorTabPanel; class wxVtkSceneManager : public InteractorStyleMaracas , public Observer { public: wxVtkSceneManager(wxGEditorTabPanel *parent, wxVtk3DBaseView *baseView, int idManager); ~wxVtkSceneManager(); void disconnectDrop(); //------- void configureBaseView(); void registerController(InteractorStyleMaracas *param); void unregisterController(InteractorStyleMaracas *param); virtual bool OnChar(); virtual bool OnMouseMove(); virtual bool OnLeftButtonDown(); virtual bool OnLeftButtonUp(); virtual bool OnRightButtonUp(); virtual bool OnLeftDClick(); virtual bool OnMiddleButtonDown(); ///JLGR 21-05-2012 virtual bool OnMiddleButtonUp(); ///JLGR 21-05-2012 //------- int createGBlackBox(int x, int y, std::string packageName, std::string boxType ); int createGComplexBoxInputPort(std::string inputName); int createGComplexBoxOutputPort(std::string outputName); GPortController* createGPort(int portType, std::string bbtkName, std::string bbtkType, std::string bbtkDescription, int posinBox,GBoxModel *blackBox); int createGInputPort(int portType, int posinBox,GBoxModel *blackBox, BlackBoxInputDescriptor *desc); int createGOutputPort(int portType, int posinBox,GBoxModel *blackBox, BlackBoxOutputDescriptor *desc); int createGConnector(GPortModel* startPort); void configGBlackBox(int idBox, double xIn, double yIn, double zIn, std::string name, bool boxExecutable,double xEn,double yEn,double zEn); int configGConnetion( std::string nameStartBox, std::string nameStartPort, std::string nameEndBox, std::string nameEndPort); void configGComBoxInputOutputPort(bool inputoutput, std::string inputPortName, double xIn, double yIn,double zIn); GBoxModel* findGBox(std::string boxname); vtkRenderWindow* getRenderWindow(); vtkRenderer* getRenderer(); virtual void update(int idController,int command); void refresh(); void refreshScene(); void displayBlackBoxInfo(std::string packageName, std::string boxName); void updateStatusBar(std::string textStatus); //------- //Get a collection of object ids std::vector getBlackBoxes(); std::vector getConnections(); std::vector getComplexInputPorts(); std::vector getComplexOutputPorts(); //Get the map of selected objects (id, controller) std::map getSelectedObjects(); //Get size of selected objects map int getNumSelectedObjects(); //Complex box edition mode bool isComplexBox(); void setComplexBox(bool val); //------- //Add an object to the list of controllers int addObjectController(GObjectController* objController); //Add a map of object controllers void addObjects(std::map objectsMap); /// Duplicates Objects to current a diagram void DuplicateObjects(std::map objectsMap);///JLGR 21-05-2012 //------- // Makes a BlackBox Executable bool MakeBoxExecutable();//DFCH //------- //Returns a string with the BBS script of the current diagram. std::string getDiagramBBS(bool wln=false); //Returns a string with the BBS script of the complex box. std::string saveComplexBoxBBS(); //Delete the object in the list of controllers with the id given by parameter. bool deleteObject(int id); void AddControlerToBeRemove(std::vector *controllersToRemove, int id); //Clear list of controllers and refresh void deleteAllBoxes(); //Save the diagram in the BBG format, in the string given by param. void saveDiagram(std::string &content); //Load the diagram void loadDiagram(std::stringstream &inputStream); //Center the view of the camera in the initial position void centerView(); bool boxExist(std::string boxname); std::string generateANewNameForABox(); std::string findANewNameForABox(); //------- void SetCbName(std::string cbNane); void SetCbPackageName(std::string packagename); void SetAuthor(std::string author); void SetCategory(std::string category); void SetDescription(std::string description); std::string GetCbName(); std::string GetCbPackageName(); std::string GetAuthor(); std::string GetCategory(); std::string GetDescription(); // JGRR & CM void printAll( int com, int sta ); private: std::string _cbName; std::string _cbPackageName; std::string _Author; std::string _Category; std::string _Description; //wxPanel that uses the manager wxGEditorTabPanel *_parent; // Id of the manager, the same of the panel int _idManager; // Boxes number in the scene int _numBoxes; // StartDragging bool _startDragging; // creaMaracasVisu viewer wxVtk3DBaseView *_baseView; // State of the 3D Scene or the virtual world int _worldState; //Map of id - objectController std::map _controllers; //Saves the id's of the selected objects in the controllers map std::vector _selectedObjects; //Is the diagram in state complex box bool _isComplexBox; int _idConnectionInCreation; int _contLastId; vtkTextActor3D *_textActor; vtkPoints *_pts; vtkActor *_fillObjectActor; vtkDataSetMapper *_aPolygonMapper; std::string LineNumber(bool withLineNumber, int &value); int GetIndexInSelected(int idControler); void UnSelectBlackBoxes(); GObjectController *GetGBlackBoxControlerPointedByMouse(); void CancelConnection(); protected: }; } // namespace bbtk #endif