QtVolumeRendererPanel 0 0 275 213 Form Add or remove the volume from the viewer Show false Bounding box to view the volume, control the bounding box with the handles Box Ray Cast Function Change the Ray Cast Function To Composite (All) Composite true true buttonGroup Change the Ray Cast Function To Maximum Intensity Pixel MaxIP false true buttonGroup Change the Ray Cast Function To Minimum Intensity Pixel MinIP true buttonGroup Interpolation Linear true buttonGroup_2 Nearest buttonGroup_2 Opacity 100 true false false Changes the opacity of the volume rendered Qt::ImhPreferLowercase 100 100 true Qt::Horizontal false false QSlider::TicksAbove checkBoxShowVolume checkBoxBoundingBox opacitySlider lineEditOpacity checkBoxShowVolume toggled(bool) checkBoxBoundingBox setEnabled(bool) 134 93 524 93 checkBoxShowVolume toggled(bool) opacitySlider setEnabled(bool) 134 93 77 626 checkBoxShowVolume toggled(bool) radioButtonLinear setEnabled(bool) 134 93 29 495 checkBoxShowVolume toggled(bool) radioButtonNearest setEnabled(bool) 134 93 532 495 true