/*# --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche en Acquisition et Traitement de l'Image # pour la Sant�) # Authors : Eduardo Davila, Frederic Cervenansky, Claire Mouton # Previous Authors : Laurent Guigues, Jean-Pierre Roux # CreaTools website : www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/site/fr/creatools_accueil # # This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and # abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, # modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B # license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL # http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html # or in the file LICENSE.txt. # # As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, # modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only # with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the # economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited # liability. # # The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had # knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #ifndef __interfMainPanel_h_INCLUDED_H__ #define __interfMainPanel_h_INCLUDED_H__ #pragma once #include //#include "wxContourEventHandler.h" #include "interfNewContourMenu.h" #include "interfIOMenu.h" #include "interfEditMenu.h" #include "interfDeleteMenu.h" #include "interfToolsMenu.h" #include "interfToolsSpreadPanel.h" #include "interfSegmentationMenu.h" #include "interfMenuBar.h" #include "interfToolsPanels.h" #include "interfSegmentationPanels.h" #include "interfImageToolsMenu.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "vtkImageData.h" class interfMainPanel : public wxPanel { public: interfMainPanel(wxWindow * parent, int sizex, int sizey, wxEvtHandler * evtHandler, std::string datadir = "data/Icons"); ~interfMainPanel(void); /** This method should be called the first time by the parent class ** in creates all the panels the first time **/ static interfMainPanel* getInstance(wxWindow* parent, std::string datadir, wxEvtHandler * evtHandler=NULL ); /** This method should be called the first time by the parent class ** in creates all the panels the first time **/ static interfMainPanel* getInstance(wxWindow* parent, wxEvtHandler * evtHandler=NULL); /** ** Gets the instance of the class **/ static interfMainPanel* getInstance(); /** ** Ressts the instance of the class **/ static void resetInstance(); /** ** Adds a new checkbox to the scrolledwindow using the checkboxsizer ** @Params id of contour ** **/ void addContourCheckBox(std::string id); /** ** Removes a checkbox from the list of checkboxes in the flexsizer (checkboxsizer) ** @Params id of contour ** **/ void removeContourCheckBox(std::string id); /** ** Responds to the events of the buttons, when the same panel is responsible for it. It gets the name ** of the button corresponding to the method that has to be executed, ** it uses attribute eventHandler to call the methods define by the application. ** see setEventHandler(wxEventHandler*) **/ void onActionButtonPressed1( wxCommandEvent& event ); /** ** Shows the panel in the **/ void showPanel(wxWindow* panel); /** ** Hides the panel in the **/ void hidePanel( ); /** ** Gets the Information panel **/ wxPanel* getInfoPanel(); /** ** This methods connect the event in the class interfNewContourMenu with the world of the appli **/ void onCreateContourSpline( ); void onCreateContourRectangle( ); void onCreateContourCircle( ); void onCreateContourLine( ); // RaC 09-09 --------------------- void onCreateContourPoints( ); // RaC 09-09 --------------------- // RaC 10-09 --------------------- void onCreateContourPolygon( ); // RaC 10-09 --------------------- void onCreateContoursBullEye(wxPanel* panBull); ///////////////////////////////// void onDeleteContoursActSlice(); void onDeleteContour(); void onDeleteAllContours(); ///////////////////////// void onCopy(); void onPaste(); void onUndo(); void onRedo(); ////////////////////////// void onLoad(); void onSave(); void onImport(); void onTest(); /////////////////////////////7 void RefreshInterface(); vtkImageData* getImageData(); void getImageRange(double[2]); void onSegmentationOneSlice(int isovalue,int sampling,int method); void onSegmentationOneSliceITK(wxString distance, wxString sigma, wxString alfa, wxString beta, wxString propagation, wxString iterations, wxString inflation); int GetImageDataSizeZ(); void onSegmentationAllSlices(int minZ,int maxZ,int isovalue,int sampling,int method); void onMirrorPressed(); void onMirror(); void onMirrorAxisShow(); void onMirrorAxisHide(); void onMirrorChangeWidth(int width); void onThresholdPressed(); void onColorLayerImagePressed(); void setLabelSegmentationPanelVTK(wxString tmpString); void onSegmentationPressed(); void onSegmentationPressedITK(); void onRigidPressed(); void onWidthOfContour(double width); int getColorWindow(); int getWindowLevel(); void onBrigthnessColorWindowLevel(int colorwindow,int windowlevel); void onInterpolation(bool interpolate); void onShowTextContour(bool show); void onBeforAfterContour(bool before, bool after); void onJumpSlice(int step,int shift); void onSpreadPressed(); void onConfigurationPressed(); void resetAppend(); void onSpreadAdd(); void onSpreadAddAll(); void appendStringSpread(std::string val); void onSpreadGo(int type); void setStringSpread(std::string stringtemp); void onInformationPressed(); void getInstantVector(std::vector& tempVector); std::vector getOutlinesName(int slide); void onInformationContourLabels(int typeContourGroup,int selection,int minZ,int maxZ,int grayRangeMin,int grayRangeMax); void setStringInfoPanel(wxString tmpString); void setRowLabelInfoPanel(int z, wxString tempString); int getNumberColsInformationPanel(); void appendColsInformationPanel(int _numberOfVariablesStatistics); void setCellValueInfoPanel(int z,int tmpIntA,wxString tempString); void setColLableInfoPanel(int tmpIntB ,wxString tmpTitleString); void SetScalarRange(int grayRangeMin,int grayRangeMax); void onSaveResults(std::string directory,std::string namefile, std::string filename, int typeContourGroup, int selection, int minZ, int maxZ, bool XYZValues, bool contourImage, bool statistics); wxString getCellValue(int j,int i); void onSnakePressed(); virtual bool Show(bool show); void ShowResultImages(int typeContourGroup, int selection, int minZ, int maxZ); void SetContourGroup(int contourGroup); void onFlipContours(); void FlipContours(int typeContourFlip, int flipDirection); //CMRU 29-08-09----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Associates the current selected contour with a label */ void onPrintLabel(); /** * Calculates the pixel value in milimeters according to the current contour if the selected contour is a Line Contour * @param size Size in milimeters of the selected contour * @param unit Measurement unit */ void onCalibration(wxString size, int unit); /** * Calculate the pixel value in milimeters * @param realSize Size of the contour in milimeters * @param sizePixel Size of the contour in pixels */ double onePixelSize (double realSize,double sizePixel); /** * Returns the value of a pixel in milimeters */ double GetPixelValue(); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ private: static interfMainPanel* interfmainpanel; static wxFrame* _newframe; wxPanel* menubar; wxPanel* menubar1; wxPanel* menubar2; wxPanel* menubar3; wxPanel* menubar4; wxPanel* menubar5; wxPanel* menubar6; wxWindow* currentWindow; wxSplitterWindow* splitterwindow; wxPanel* infoPanel; wxPanel* infoPanelMask; //CMRU 17-08-09 ------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Panel with the calibration options */ wxPanel* infoPanelCalibration; /** * Panel who contains the calibration panel and the information panel mask */ wxPanel* panelAux; /** * Value of a pixel in milimeters */ double _pixelValue; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wxStaticText* statictext; wxStaticText* statictext1; wxStaticText* statictext2; wxStaticText* statictext3; wxStaticText* statictext4; wxStaticText* statictext5; wxStaticText* statictext6; std::string PANEL; std::string PANEL1; std::string PANEL2; std::string PANEL3; std::string PANEL4; std::string PANEL5; std::string PANEL6; wxPanel *segmentPanel; wxPanel *segmentationPanel; wxPanel *segmentPanelITK; wxPanel *configPanel; wxPanel *spreadPanel; interfSpreadPanel *panelSpread; wxWindow *infoWin; wxPanel *informationPanel; wxPanel *testPanel; interfTestPanel *panelTest; wxPanel *flipPanel; interfFlipPanel *panelFlip; wxPanel *mirrorPanel; interfMirrorPanel *panelMirror; wxPanel *thresholdPanel; wxPanel *colorImageLayerPanel; bool axisshown; bool refLineShown; //This attribute contains the panel in charge of adding and removing the corresponding checkboxes in //list of contours interfToolsSpreadPanel* toolspread; /** ** This method initializes the tools panel, with the bar and the panel where the contours can be added ** and removed. ** @params size of the buttons panel ** @params sizey of the buttons panel ** @params evtHandler this is the class in charge of responding to the events of the buttons **/ wxPanel* initializeToolsPanel(wxWindow* parent, int sizex, int sizey, wxEvtHandler * evtHandler); /** ** initialize a statictext component of the interface **/ wxStaticText* getText(wxWindow* parent, std::string nom); /** ** initializes a button with data **/ wxButton* getButton(wxWindow* parent); /** ** Puts the panel button and the text int the sizer **/ wxPanel* setMenuTextSizer(wxWindow* parent, wxPanel* panel, wxStaticText* text); }; #endif