#ifndef __interfMENUBARH__ #define __interfMENUBARH__ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#include "interfMainPanel.h" #include "wxContourEventHandler.h" class interfMenuBar : public wxPanel { public: interfMenuBar(wxWindow * parent, int sizex, int sizey) : wxPanel(parent, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBORDER_SUNKEN){ //this initialice all the handlers to load any type of image, in this case the png handler is needed wxInitAllImageHandlers(); } //~interfMenuBar(); virtual void initButtons(wxEvtHandler* evtHandler) = 0; /** ** This method add a series of button in a line, it uses the method getbutton to create the button ** and static text to create the text, it also initialice the flexgridsizer to add the buttons and ** the text into the panel ** @param vector path, this parameter contains the path of the images to include in the path ** @param vector nom, this parameter contains the names corresponding to each path of image given **/ virtual void addButtons(std::vector vpath, std::vector vnom){ int sizex = 80; int sizey = 80; flexsizer = new wxFlexGridSizer(2,vpath.size(),2,2); this->SetSizer(flexsizer, true); this->SetAutoLayout( true ); //first row of the sizer, the buttons are being added for(int i = 0; i < vpath.size();i++){ std::string p = vpath[i]; wxBitmapButton* bitmapbutton = this->getButton(p, sizex, sizey); flexsizer->Add(bitmapbutton,wxFIXED_MINSIZE); } //second row of the sizer, the names are being added for(int i = 0; i < vnom.size(); i++){ //sizex = vectbutton[i]->GetSize().GetWidth(); //const std::string n = vnom[i]; wxString newstring1(vnom[i].c_str() , wxConvUTF8); //vectbutton[i]->SetToolTip(wxString(n)); vectbutton[i]->SetToolTip(newstring1); //wxStaticText* statictext = getText(n, sizex, 15); //flexsizer->Add(statictext, wxEXPAND |wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | wxALIGN_CENTRE_HORIZONTAL|wxSHAPED); } this->Layout(); } /** ** This method creates the button with the given image and returns it ** @param string imgpath is the string containing the path to the image of the button being created ** @param int x indicates the x coordinate where the button should be located ** @param int y indicates the y coordinate where the button should be located **/ virtual wxBitmapButton* getButton(std::string imgpath, int sizex, int sizey){ vectimgpath.push_back(imgpath); wxString newstring1( imgpath.c_str() , wxConvUTF8); //wxBitmap* bitmap = new wxBitmap(imgpath, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); wxBitmap* bitmap = new wxBitmap(newstring1, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); //wxSize(sizex,sizey) wxBitmapButton* bitmapbutton = new wxBitmapButton(this, -1, *bitmap, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBU_AUTODRAW, wxDefaultValidator, _T("")); vectbutton.push_back(bitmapbutton); return bitmapbutton; } /** ** This method create the static text with the given string and returns it, it also push it back into ** the vector nom ** @param string nom text wich will be added to the statictext ** @param int sizex size of the text ** @param int sizey size of the text **/ virtual wxStaticText* getText(std::string nom, int sizex, int sizey){ vectnom.push_back(nom); wxString newstring1(nom.c_str() , wxConvUTF8); return new wxStaticText(this, -1, newstring1 /*wxString(nom)*/, wxDefaultPosition, //wxSize(sizex,sizey), wxALIGN_CENTRE, wxString(nom)); wxSize(sizex,sizey), wxALIGN_CENTRE, newstring1); } /** ** Sets the vector funcion, this vector must contain a function for each button created ** they must be ordered in the same way as the vector that contains the image path ** and name of the button. See addButton(, ) **/ virtual void setVectorFunction(std::vector vectf){ for(int i = 0; i < vectf.size();i++){ vectfunct.push_back(vectf[i]); } } /** ** This method connect the events seted in the vector vectfunct ** each function must have a button to relate with, see function setVectorFunction() **/ virtual void connectEvents(wxEvtHandler* evtHandler){ for(int i = 0; i < vectbutton.size();i++){ Connect(vectbutton[i]->GetId(), wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, vectfunct[i],NULL,evtHandler); } } /** ** This method connect the events seted in the vector vectfunct ** each function must have a button to relate with, see function setVectorFunction() **/ virtual void connectEvents(){ for(int i = 0; i < vectbutton.size();i++){ Connect(vectbutton[i]->GetId(), wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, vectfunct[i],NULL,vecthand[i]); } } /** ** Sets the name of the button, this is used to relate the name of the button to a specific command ** @params int i index in the array of buttons use fuction setVectorFuncion() to set the vector ** first ** @params const char name of the button see wxContour_ActionCommandsID.h to view the commands **/ virtual void setButtonName(int i, const char c){ if(i < vectbutton.size()){ vectbutton[i]->SetName(c); } } /** ** Responds to the events of the buttons, when the same panel is responsible for it. It gets the name ** of the button corresponding to the method that has to be executed, ** it uses attribute eventHandler to call the methods define by the application. ** see setEventHandler(wxEventHandler*) **/ void onActionButtonPressed( wxCommandEvent& event ) { if(eventHandler!=NULL) { std::string theStr = std::string( ((wxButton *)event.GetEventObject())->GetName().ToAscii()); const char * toolCommand = theStr.c_str(); event.SetId( GetId() ); event.SetEventObject( this ); event.SetClientData( (void *) toolCommand); eventHandler->ProcessEvent( event ); } } virtual void setEventHandlers(std::vector hand){ for(int i = 0; i < hand.size();i++){ vecthand.push_back(hand[i]); } } private: std::vector vectimgpath; std::vector vectnom; std::vector vectbutton; std::vector vectfunct; std::vector vecthand; wxFlexGridSizer* flexsizer; protected: wxEvtHandler* eventHandler; std::string datadir; }; #endif