#ifndef WXMARACASSURFACERENDERINGMANAGERDATA_H_ #define WXMARACASSURFACERENDERINGMANAGERDATA_H_ #include "vtkProp3D.h" #include "vtkRenderer.h" #include "vtkSTLReader.h" #include "vtkPolyDataMapper.h" #include "vtkActor.h" #include "vtkProperty.h" #include "vtkBoxWidget.h" class wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerData { public: wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerData(vtkProp3D* _prop3Dvect, std::string dataname="", vtkRenderWindowInteractor* interactor=NULL); ~wxMaracasSurfaceRenderingManagerData(); /** ** Adds a prop3D to the world of the application **/ void setProp3D(vtkProp3D* prop3D); /** ** Changes the opacity in a prop3D **/ void changeOpacity(int value); /** ** Check if the variables are setted correctly **/ void checkInvariant(); /** ** get the prop3D **/ vtkProp3D* getProp3D(); /** ** return the id from the daat **/ int getId(); /** ** set data id **/ void setId(int propid); /** ** Get the filanme **/ std::string getDataname(); /** ** Set the filanme **/ void setDataname(std::string dataname); /** ** creates the image **/ void contourExtractor(int isovalue); /** ** Changes the color of the actor **/ void changeColor(double red, double green, double blue); /** ** adds or removes the surface box **/ void addRemoveSurfaceBox(bool visible); void initializeBoxWidget(vtkRenderWindowInteractor* interactor); void saveProp3DSTL(const char* filename); virtual void enableBoxWidget(bool enable); protected: vtkPolyDataMapper* _dataMapper; /** * Prop 3D (data actor) */ vtkProp3D* _prop3D; /** * Dataname given by the user (ex. filename) **/ std::string _dataname; /** ** **/ vtkBoxWidget* _boxWidgetS1; private: /* * id of the data */ int _id; }; #endif /*WXMARACASSURFACERENDERINGMANAGERDATA_H_*/