// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // @author Leonardo Florez-Valencia (florez-l@javeriana.edu.co) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef __CPPLUGINS__EXTENSIONS__ALGORITHMS__BEZIERCURVEFUNCTION__HXX__ #define __CPPLUGINS__EXTENSIONS__ALGORITHMS__BEZIERCURVEFUNCTION__HXX__ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class V > void cpPlugins::Extensions::Algorithms::BezierCurveFunction< V >:: AddPoint( const TVector& v ) { this->m_Vectors.push_back( v ); this->m_DerivativeUpdated = false; this->Modified( ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class V > unsigned int cpPlugins::Extensions::Algorithms::BezierCurveFunction< V >:: GetNumberOfPoints( ) const { return( this->m_Vectors.size( ) ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class V > typename cpPlugins::Extensions::Algorithms::BezierCurveFunction< V >:: TVector cpPlugins::Extensions::Algorithms::BezierCurveFunction< V >:: Evaluate( const TScalar& u ) const { TVectorsContainer Q = this->m_Vectors; unsigned int n = Q.size( ); TScalar _1u = TScalar( 1 ) - u; for( unsigned int k = 1; k < n; k++ ) { // CM Fixed a bug appearing under Windows : changed the stopping // condition from <= to <. Otherwise, on the last step, an element out // of the range of vector Q is accessed (Q[ i + 1 ])... for( unsigned int i = 0; i < n - k; i++ ) Q[ i ] = ( Q[ i ] * _1u ) + ( Q[ i + 1 ] * u ); } // rof return( Q[ 0 ] ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class V > typename cpPlugins::Extensions::Algorithms::BezierCurveFunction< V >:: TFrame cpPlugins::Extensions::Algorithms::BezierCurveFunction< V >:: EvaluateFrenetFrame( const TScalar& u ) const { TFrame fr; fr.Fill( TScalar( 0 ) ); if( TVector::Dimension == 2 ) { this->_UpdateDerivative( ); this->m_Derivative->_UpdateDerivative( ); TVector vT = this->m_Derivative->Evaluate( u ); TScalar nvT = vT.GetNorm( ); if( TScalar( 0 ) < nvT ) vT /= nvT; fr[ 0 ][ 0 ] = vT[ 0 ]; fr[ 1 ][ 0 ] = vT[ 1 ]; fr[ 0 ][ 1 ] = -vT[ 1 ]; fr[ 1 ][ 1 ] = vT[ 0 ]; } else if( TVector::Dimension == 3 ) { this->_UpdateDerivative( ); this->m_Derivative->_UpdateDerivative( ); TVector vT = this->m_Derivative->Evaluate( u ); TScalar nvT = vT.GetNorm( ); if( nvT > TScalar( 0 ) ) { vT /= nvT; TVector vN = this->m_Derivative->m_Derivative->Evaluate( u ); TScalar nvN = vN.GetNorm( ); if( nvT > TScalar( 0 ) ) { vN /= nvN; TVector vB; vB[ 0 ] = ( vT[ 1 ] * vN[ 2 ] ) - ( vT[ 2 ] * vN[ 1 ] ); vB[ 1 ] = ( vT[ 2 ] * vN[ 0 ] ) - ( vT[ 0 ] * vN[ 2 ] ); vB[ 2 ] = ( vT[ 0 ] * vN[ 1 ] ) - ( vT[ 1 ] * vN[ 0 ] ); for( unsigned int d = 0; d < 3; d++ ) { fr[ d ][ 0 ] = vT[ d ]; fr[ d ][ 1 ] = vN[ d ]; fr[ d ][ 2 ] = vB[ d ]; } // rof } else std::cerr << "ERROR normal" << std::endl; } else std::cerr << "ERROR tangent" << std::endl; } // fi return( fr ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class V > typename cpPlugins::Extensions::Algorithms::BezierCurveFunction< V >:: TScalar cpPlugins::Extensions::Algorithms::BezierCurveFunction< V >:: EvaluateLength( ) const { unsigned int n = this->GetNumberOfPoints( ) << 1; TScalar d = TScalar( 0 ); TVector v0 = this->Evaluate( 0 ); for( unsigned int i = 1; i < n; i++ ) { TVector v1 = this->Evaluate( TScalar( i ) / TScalar( n - 1 ) ); d += ( v1 - v0 ).GetNorm( ); v0 = v1; } // rof return( d ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class V > cpPlugins::Extensions::Algorithms::BezierCurveFunction< V >:: BezierCurveFunction( ) : Superclass( ), m_DerivativeUpdated( false ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class V > void cpPlugins::Extensions::Algorithms::BezierCurveFunction< V >:: _UpdateDerivative( ) const { if( this->m_DerivativeUpdated ) return; this->m_Derivative = Self::New( ); unsigned int n = this->m_Vectors.size( ) - 1; for( unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) this->m_Derivative->AddPoint( TScalar( n ) * ( this->m_Vectors[ i + 1 ] - this->m_Vectors[ i ] ) ); } #endif // __CPPLUGINS__EXTENSIONS__ALGORITHMS__BEZIERCURVEFUNCTION__HXX__ // eof - $RCSfile$