// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // @author Leonardo Florez-Valencia (florez-l@javeriana.edu.co) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef __CPPLUGINS__EXTENSIONS__ALGORITHMS__GULSUNTEKMEDIALNESS__HXX__ #define __CPPLUGINS__EXTENSIONS__ALGORITHMS__GULSUNTEKMEDIALNESS__HXX__ #include #include #include #include #include // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class G > cpPlugins::Extensions::Algorithms::GulsunTekMedialness< G >:: GulsunTekMedialness( ) : Superclass( ), m_MinRadius( double( 0 ) ), m_MaxRadius( double( 1 ) ), m_ProfileSampling( 4 ), m_RadialSampling( 10 ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class G > cpPlugins::Extensions::Algorithms::GulsunTekMedialness< G >:: ~GulsunTekMedialness( ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class G > typename cpPlugins::Extensions::Algorithms::GulsunTekMedialness< G >:: TOutput cpPlugins::Extensions::Algorithms::GulsunTekMedialness< G >:: _Evaluate( const TIndex& i ) const { const G* gradient = this->GetInputImage( ); typename G::RegionType region = gradient->GetRequestedRegion( ); typename G::PointType i_P; gradient->TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint( i, i_P ); std::queue< TIndex > q; std::set< TIndex, typename TIndex::LexicographicCompare > m; std::map< TOffset, std::vector< TIndex >, typename TOffset::LexicographicCompare > profiles; q.push( i ); while( !q.empty( ) ) { // Get next node TIndex node = q.front( ); q.pop( ); if( m.find( node ) != m.end( ) ) continue; m.insert( node ); // Get neighborhood for( unsigned int d = 0; d < Self::Dimension; d++ ) { for( int off = -1; off <= 1; off += 2 ) { TIndex neighbor = node; neighbor[ d ] += off; if( region.IsInside( neighbor ) ) { typename G::PointType neighbor_P; gradient->TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint( neighbor, neighbor_P ); if( double( i_P.EuclideanDistanceTo( neighbor_P ) ) > this->m_MaxRadius ) continue; // Normalize offset in terms of a l1 (manhattan) distance TOffset offset = neighbor - i; // std::cout << "Offset: " << offset << std::endl; /* int max_off = 0; for( unsigned int o = 0; o < Self::Dimension; ++o ) max_off += std::abs( offset[ o ] ); if( max_off == 0 ) continue; bool normalized = true; TOffset normalized_offset; for( unsigned int o = 0; o < Self::Dimension && normalized; ++o ) { if( offset[ o ] % max_off == 0 ) normalized_offset[ o ] = offset[ o ] / max_off; else normalized = false; } // rof if( !normalized ) normalized_offset = offset; std::cout << "offset: " << normalized_offset << std::endl; // Update profiles profiles[ normalized_offset ].push_back( neighbor ); */ // Update queue q.push( neighbor ); } // fi } // rof } // rof } // elihw // std::cout << "HOLA: " << profiles.size( ) << std::endl; return( TOutput( 0 ) ); /* TODO const G* in = this->GetInputImage( ); double pi2n = double( 2 ) * double( vnl_math::pi ) / double( this->m_ProfileSampling ); double rOff = this->m_MaxRadius / double( this->m_RadialSampling - 1 ); double optR = double( 0 ); TPoint pnt; in->TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint( i, pnt ); // Main loop for( unsigned int cx = 0; cx < Self::Dimension - 1; cx++ ) { for( unsigned int cy = cx + 1; cy < Self::Dimension; cy++ ) { TProfile maxProfile( this->m_RadialSampling, double( 0 ) ); for( unsigned int p = 0; p < this->m_ProfileSampling; p++ ) { double a = pi2n * double( p ); // Direction of this profile TVector dir; dir.Fill( TScalar( 0 ) ); dir[ cx ] = TScalar( std::cos( a ) ); dir[ cy ] = TScalar( std::sin( a ) ); double maxrise = double( 0 ); double maxfall = double( -1 ); TProfile profile; for( unsigned int r = 0; r < this->m_RadialSampling; r++ ) { double radius = double( r ) * rOff; TIndex idx; if( in->TransformPhysicalPointToIndex( pnt + ( dir * radius ), idx ) ) { TVector g = in->GetPixel( idx ); double b = double( g.GetNorm( ) ); if( double( g * dir ) < double( 0 ) ) b *= double( -1 ); maxrise = ( b > maxrise )? b: maxrise; if( radius >= this->m_MinRadius ) maxfall = ( b < maxfall )? b: maxfall; profile.push_back( -b - maxrise ); } else profile.push_back( double( 0 ) ); } // rof for( unsigned int r = 0; r < this->m_RadialSampling; r++ ) { double E = profile[ r ] / -maxfall; E = ( E < double( 0 ) )? double( 0 ): E; E = ( E > double( 1 ) )? double( 1 ): E; maxProfile[ r ] += E; } // rof } // rof for( unsigned int r = 0; r < this->m_RadialSampling; r++ ) { double E = maxProfile[ r ] / double( this->m_RadialSampling ); optR = ( E > optR )? E: optR; } // rof } // rof } // rof return( TScalar( optR ) ); */ } #endif // __CPPLUGINS__EXTENSIONS__ALGORITHMS__GULSUNTEKMEDIALNESS__HXX__ // eof - $RCSfile$