// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // @author Leonardo Florez-Valencia (florez-l@javeriana.edu.co) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef __CPPLUGINS__EXTENSIONS__ALGORITHMS__ISOIMAGESLICER__HXX__ #define __CPPLUGINS__EXTENSIONS__ALGORITHMS__ISOIMAGESLICER__HXX__ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class R, class I > unsigned long cpPlugins::Extensions::Algorithms::BaseImageSlicer< R, I >:: GetMTime( ) const { unsigned long t = this->Superclass::GetMTime( ); unsigned long sT = this->m_Slicer->GetMTime( ); unsigned long cT = this->m_Collapsor->GetMTime( ); unsigned long tT = this->m_Transform->GetMTime( ); t = ( sT > t )? sT: t; t = ( cT > t )? cT: t; t = ( tT > t )? tT: t; return( t ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class R, class I > const typename cpPlugins::Extensions::Algorithms::BaseImageSlicer< R, I >:: TInterpolateFunction* cpPlugins::Extensions::Algorithms::BaseImageSlicer< R, I >:: GetInterpolator( ) const { return( this->m_Slicer->GetInterpolator( ) ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class R, class I > const typename cpPlugins::Extensions::Algorithms::BaseImageSlicer< R, I >:: TMatrix& cpPlugins::Extensions::Algorithms::BaseImageSlicer< R, I >:: GetRotation( ) const { return( this->m_Transform->GetMatrix( ) ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class R, class I > const typename cpPlugins::Extensions::Algorithms::BaseImageSlicer< R, I >:: TVector& cpPlugins::Extensions::Algorithms::BaseImageSlicer< R, I >:: GetTranslation( ) const { return( this->m_Transform->GetOffset( ) ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class R, class I > void cpPlugins::Extensions::Algorithms::BaseImageSlicer< R, I >:: SetInterpolator( TInterpolateFunction* f ) { this->m_Slicer->SetInterpolator( f ); this->Modified( ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class R, class I > template< class M > void cpPlugins::Extensions::Algorithms::BaseImageSlicer< R, I >:: SetRotation( const M& r ) { TMatrix rotation; for( unsigned int i = 0; i < Self::Dim; ++i ) for( unsigned int j = 0; j < Self::Dim; ++j ) rotation[ i ][ j ] = r[ i ][ j ]; this->m_Transform->SetMatrix( rotation ); this->Modified( ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class R, class I > template< class V > void cpPlugins::Extensions::Algorithms::BaseImageSlicer< R, I >:: SetTranslation( const V& t ) { TVector off; for( unsigned int i = 0; i < Self::Dim; ++i ) off[ i ] = t[ i ]; this->m_Transform->SetOffset( off ); this->Modified( ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class R, class I > void cpPlugins::Extensions::Algorithms::BaseImageSlicer< R, I >:: SetSize( TScalar s ) { this->m_Size.Fill( s ); this->Modified( ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class R, class I > cpPlugins::Extensions::Algorithms::BaseImageSlicer< R, I >:: BaseImageSlicer( ) : Superclass( ), m_SizeFromMaximum( false ), m_SizeFromMinimum( false ), m_Spacing( TSpacingValue( 1 ) ), m_SpacingFromMaximum( false ), m_SpacingFromMinimum( false ) { this->m_Size.Fill( TScalar( 1 ) ); // Slicer this->m_Slicer = TSlicer::New( ); TIndex idx; idx.Fill( 0 ); this->m_Slicer->SetOutputStartIndex( idx ); // Dimension collapsor this->m_Collapsor = TCollapsor::New( ); this->m_Collapsor->SetInput( this->m_Slicer->GetOutput( ) ); this->m_Transform = TTransform::New( ); this->m_Transform->SetIdentity( ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class R, class I > cpPlugins::Extensions::Algorithms::BaseImageSlicer< R, I >:: ~BaseImageSlicer( ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class R, class I > void cpPlugins::Extensions::Algorithms::BaseImageSlicer< R, I >:: GenerateOutputInformation( ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class R, class I > void cpPlugins::Extensions::Algorithms::BaseImageSlicer< R, I >:: GenerateInputRequestedRegion( ) { TImage* input = const_cast< TImage* >( this->GetInput( ) ); if( input != NULL ) input->SetRequestedRegionToLargestPossibleRegion( ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class R, class I > void cpPlugins::Extensions::Algorithms::BaseImageSlicer< R, I >:: GenerateData( ) { const TImage* input = this->GetInput( ); // Spacing TSpacing spac; if( this->m_SpacingFromMaximum || this->m_SpacingFromMinimum ) { spac = input->GetSpacing( ); TSpacingValue minIso = spac[ 0 ]; TSpacingValue maxIso = spac[ 0 ]; for( unsigned int i = 1; i < Self::Dim; i++ ) { minIso = ( spac[ i ] < minIso )? spac[ i ]: minIso; maxIso = ( spac[ i ] > maxIso )? spac[ i ]: maxIso; } // rof this->m_Spacing = ( this->m_SpacingFromMinimum )? minIso: maxIso; } // fi spac.Fill( this->m_Spacing ); // Size and origin if( this->m_SizeFromMaximum || this->m_SizeFromMinimum ) { TSize iSize = input->GetRequestedRegion( ).GetSize( ); TSpacing iSpac = input->GetSpacing( ); TScalar minSize = TScalar( iSize[ 0 ] ) * TScalar( iSpac[ 0 ] ); TScalar maxSize = minSize; for( unsigned int i = 1; i < Self::Dim; i++ ) { TScalar v = TScalar( iSize[ i ] ) * TScalar( iSpac[ i ] ); minSize = ( v < minSize )? v: minSize; maxSize = ( v > maxSize )? v: maxSize; } // rof if( this->m_SizeFromMaximum ) this->m_Size.Fill( maxSize ); else this->m_Size.Fill( minSize ); } // fi TSize size; typename TSlicer::OriginPointType origin; size[ 0 ] = 1; origin[ 0 ] = 0; for( unsigned int i = 1; i < Self::Dim; i++ ) { double s = double( this->m_Size[ i ] ) / double( spac[ i ] ); size[ i ] = ( unsigned int )( s ); origin[ i ] = -( 0.5 * this->m_Size[ i ] ); } // rof // Prepare slicer this->m_Slicer->SetInput( input ); this->m_Slicer->SetTransform( this->m_Transform ); this->m_Slicer->SetOutputSpacing( spac ); this->m_Slicer->SetOutputOrigin( origin ); this->m_Slicer->SetSize( size ); this->m_Slicer->SetDefaultPixelValue( this->m_DefaultValue ); // Slice! // Note: UpdateLargestPossibleRegion( ) is used since we need the // output regions to be updated at each filter call. this->m_Slicer->UpdateLargestPossibleRegion( ); // Collapse result TRegion region = this->m_Slicer->GetOutput( )->GetRequestedRegion( ); TSize regionSize = region.GetSize( ); regionSize[ 0 ] = 0; region.SetSize( regionSize ); this->m_Collapsor->SetExtractionRegion( region ); this->m_Collapsor->GraftOutput( this->GetOutput( ) ); this->m_Collapsor->UpdateLargestPossibleRegion( ); this->GraftOutput( this->m_Collapsor->GetOutput( ) ); } #endif // __CPPLUGINS__EXTENSIONS__ALGORITHMS__ISOIMAGESLICER__HXX__ // eof - $RCSfile$