#ifndef __CPPLUGINS__EXTENSIONS__DATASTRUCTURES__QUADEDGE__HXX__ #define __CPPLUGINS__EXTENSIONS__DATASTRUCTURES__QUADEDGE__HXX__ #include // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< typename P, typename D, bool IsPrimal > const typename cpPlugins::Extensions::DataStructures:: QuadEdge< P, D, IsPrimal >::TPrimalGeometry cpPlugins::Extensions::DataStructures::QuadEdge< P, D, IsPrimal >:: NoGeometry = std::numeric_limits< P >::max( ); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< typename P, typename D, bool IsPrimal > void cpPlugins::Extensions::DataStructures::QuadEdge< P, D, IsPrimal >:: CreateRings( ) { TPrimal* e = this; PtrDual r = TDual::New( ); Pointer s = Self::New( ); PtrDual i = TDual::New( ); // Create Rot ring e->m_Rot = r; r->m_Rot = s; s->m_Rot = i; i->m_Rot = e; // Update Onext rings r->m_Onext = i; i->m_Onext = r; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< typename P, typename D, bool IsPrimal > void cpPlugins::Extensions::DataStructures::QuadEdge< P, D, IsPrimal >:: SetLnextRingGeometry( const D& v ) { for( Iterator i = this->BeginLnext( ); i != this->EndLnext( ); ++i ) ( *i )->SetLeft( v ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< typename P, typename D, bool IsPrimal > void cpPlugins::Extensions::DataStructures::QuadEdge< P, D, IsPrimal >:: UnsetLnextRingGeometry( ) { this->SetLnextRingGeometry( TDual::NoGeometry ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< typename P, typename D, bool IsPrimal > bool cpPlugins::Extensions::DataStructures::QuadEdge< P, D, IsPrimal >:: IsEdgeInOnextRing( const TPrimal* e ) const { bool found = false; for( ConstIterator i = this->BeginOnext( ); i != this->EndOnext( ) && !found; ++i ) found |= ( *i == e ); return( found ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< typename P, typename D, bool IsPrimal > bool cpPlugins::Extensions::DataStructures::QuadEdge< P, D, IsPrimal >:: IsEdgeInLnextRing( const TPrimal* e ) const { bool found = false; for( ConstIterator i = this->BeginLnext( ); i != this->EndLnext( ) && !found; ++i ) found |= ( *i == e ); return( found ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< typename P, typename D, bool IsPrimal > unsigned int cpPlugins::Extensions::DataStructures::QuadEdge< P, D, IsPrimal >:: GetOnextRingSize( ) const { unsigned int count = 0; for( ConstIterator i = this->BeginOnext( ); i != this->EndOnext( ); ++i ) count++; return( count ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< typename P, typename D, bool IsPrimal > unsigned int cpPlugins::Extensions::DataStructures::QuadEdge< P, D, IsPrimal >:: GetLnextRingSize( ) const { unsigned int count = 0; for( ConstIterator i = this->BeginLnext( ); i != this->EndLnext( ); ++i ) count++; return( count ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< typename P, typename D, bool IsPrimal > bool cpPlugins::Extensions::DataStructures::QuadEdge< P, D, IsPrimal >:: IsAtBorder( ) const { return( ( this->IsLeftSet( ) && !( this->IsRightSet( ) ) ) || ( !( this->IsLeftSet( ) ) && this->IsRightSet( ) ) ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< typename P, typename D, bool IsPrimal > bool cpPlugins::Extensions::DataStructures::QuadEdge< P, D, IsPrimal >:: IsOriginInternal( ) const { bool internal = true; for( ConstIterator i = this->BeginOnext( ); i != this->EndOnext( ) && internal; ++i ) internal &= ( *i )->IsInternal( ); return( internal ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< typename P, typename D, bool IsPrimal > typename cpPlugins::Extensions::DataStructures::QuadEdge< P, D, IsPrimal >:: TPrimal* cpPlugins::Extensions::DataStructures::QuadEdge< P, D, IsPrimal >:: GetNextBorderEdgeWithUnsetLeft( TPrimal* edge ) const { // Be sure the Onext ring isn't already full if( this->IsOriginInternal( ) ) return( NULL ); // Update reference edge = ( edge == NULL )? const_cast< TPrimal* >( this ): edge; // On efficiency purposes if( edge->IsIsolated( ) ) return( edge ); // Ok, no more special cases const TPrimal* cedge = const_cast< const TPrimal* >( edge ); ConstIterator it = cedge->BeginOnext( ); TPrimal* found = NULL; for( ; it != cedge->EndOnext( ) && found == NULL; ++it ) if( !( ( *it )->IsLeftSet( ) ) ) found = const_cast< TPrimal* >( *it ); return( found ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< typename P, typename D, bool IsPrimal > bool cpPlugins::Extensions::DataStructures::QuadEdge< P, D, IsPrimal >:: ReorderOnextRing( TPrimal* first, TPrimal* second ) { // Making sure point adjacency is correct: if( first->GetOrigin( ) != second->GetOrigin( ) ) return( false ); if( first->GetOnext( ) == second ) return( true ); if( first->IsLeftSet( ) ) return( false ); // Second is an internal edge. if( second->IsInternal( ) ) return( false ); // Disconnect the triangles containing second: TPrimal* bsplice; if( second->IsLeftSet( ) ) bsplice = second->GetNextBorderEdgeWithUnsetLeft( ); else bsplice = second; TPrimal::Splice( second->GetOprev( ), bsplice ); // Reconnect second after first: TPrimal::Splice( first, bsplice ); return( true ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< typename P, typename D, bool IsPrimal > void cpPlugins::Extensions::DataStructures::QuadEdge< P, D, IsPrimal >:: Splice( TPrimal* a, TPrimal* b ) { // Don't waste time splicing the same edge (or non-existent) // remember: it is its own inverse! if( a != b || a == NULL || b == NULL ) { TPrimal* aNext = a->m_Onext; TPrimal* bNext = b->m_Onext; TDual* al = aNext->m_Rot; TDual* be = bNext->m_Rot; TDual* alNext = al->m_Onext; TDual* beNext = be->m_Onext; a->SetOnext( bNext ); b->SetOnext( aNext ); al->SetOnext( beNext ); be->SetOnext( alNext ); } // fi } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< typename P, typename D, bool IsPrimal > cpPlugins::Extensions::DataStructures::QuadEdge< P, D, IsPrimal >:: QuadEdge( ) : m_Origin( Self::NoGeometry ) { this->m_Onext = this; this->m_Rot = NULL; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< typename P, typename D, bool IsPrimal > cpPlugins::Extensions::DataStructures::QuadEdge< P, D, IsPrimal >:: ~QuadEdge( ) { } #endif // __CPPLUGINS__EXTENSIONS__DATASTRUCTURES__QUADEDGE__HXX__ // eof - $RCSfile$