#ifndef __CPPLUGINS__EXTENSIONS__IO__WAVEFRONTOBJREADER__H__ #define __CPPLUGINS__EXTENSIONS__IO__WAVEFRONTOBJREADER__H__ #include #include #include #include #include namespace cpPlugins { namespace Extensions { namespace IO { /** * \class WaveFrontOBJReader * \brief * Reads a wavefront OBJ file and create an itkMesh. * * Caveat1: itkWaveFrontOBJReader will read only vertices and faces. * Normal, parameters and textures vectors are ignored. * */ template< typename M > class WaveFrontOBJReader : public itk::MeshSource< M > { public: typedef WaveFrontOBJReader Self; typedef itk::MeshSource< M > Superclass; typedef itk::SmartPointer< Self > Pointer; typedef itk::SmartPointer< const Self > ConstPointer; typedef M MeshType; typedef typename M::MeshTraits MeshTraits; typedef typename M::PointType PointType; typedef typename MeshTraits::PixelType PixelType; typedef typename M::Pointer MeshPointer; typedef typename M::CellTraits CellTraits; typedef typename M::CellIdentifier CellIdentifier; typedef typename M::CellType CellType; typedef typename M::CellAutoPointer CellAutoPointer; typedef typename M::PointIdentifier PointIdentifier; typedef typename CellTraits::PointIdIterator PointIdIterator; typedef typename M::PointsContainerPointer PointsContainerPointer; typedef typename M::PointsContainer PointsContainer; typedef itk::PolygonCell< CellType > TPolygonCell; public: itkNewMacro( Self ); itkTypeMacro( WaveFrontOBJReader, itkMeshSource ); itkSetStringMacro( FileName ); itkGetStringMacro( FileName ); protected: WaveFrontOBJReader( ); virtual ~WaveFrontOBJReader( ); virtual void GenerateData( ); private: // Purposely not implemented WaveFrontOBJReader( const Self& ); Self& operator=( const Self & ); protected: std::string m_FileName; }; } // ecapseman } // ecapseman } // ecapseman #include #endif // __CPPLUGINS__EXTENSIONS__IO__WAVEFRONTOBJREADER__H__ // eof - $RCSfile$