#ifndef __CPPLUGINS__EXTENSIONS__IO__WAVEFRONTOBJREADER__HXX__ #define __CPPLUGINS__EXTENSIONS__IO__WAVEFRONTOBJREADER__HXX__ #include #include #include // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< typename M > cpPlugins::Extensions::IO::WaveFrontOBJReader< M >:: WaveFrontOBJReader( ) : Superclass( ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< typename M > cpPlugins::Extensions::IO::WaveFrontOBJReader< M >:: ~WaveFrontOBJReader( ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< typename M > void cpPlugins::Extensions::IO::WaveFrontOBJReader< M >:: GenerateData( ) { typedef typename PointType::ValueType TScalar; typename M::Pointer out = this->GetOutput( ); out->SetCellsAllocationMethod( M::CellsAllocatedDynamicallyCellByCell ); if( this->m_FileName == "" ) { itkExceptionMacro( << "No input FileName" ); } // fi std::ifstream in( this->m_FileName.c_str( ) ); if( !in.is_open( ) ) { itkExceptionMacro( << "Unable to open file" << std::endl << "\"" << m_FileName << "\"" ); } // fi in.imbue( std::locale::classic( ) ); std::string buffer; while( !in.eof( ) ) { std::getline( in, buffer, '\n' ); // Tokenize std::stringstream ss( buffer ); std::istream_iterator< std::string > it( ss ); std::istream_iterator< std::string > end; std::vector< std::string > line( it, end ); if( line.size( ) == 0 ) continue; // Now, we are talking... if( line[ 0 ] == "v" || line[ 0 ] == "V" ) { // Add points PointType pnt; pnt.Fill( TScalar( 0 ) ); if( line.size( ) > 1 && M::PointDimension >= 1 ) pnt[ 0 ] = TScalar( std::atof( line[ 1 ].c_str( ) ) ); if( line.size( ) > 2 && M::PointDimension >= 2 ) pnt[ 1 ] = TScalar( std::atof( line[ 2 ].c_str( ) ) ); if( line.size( ) > 3 && M::PointDimension >= 3 ) pnt[ 2 ] = TScalar( std::atof( line[ 3 ].c_str( ) ) ); if( M::PointDimension >= 4 ) { if( line.size( ) > 4 ) pnt[ 3 ] = TScalar( std::atof( line[ 4 ].c_str( ) ) ); else pnt[ 4 ] = TScalar( 1 ); } // fi out->SetPoint( out->GetNumberOfPoints( ), pnt ); } else if( line[ 0 ] == "f" || line[ 0 ] == "F" ) { if( line.size( ) > 3 ) { // Add a face CellAutoPointer cell; TPolygonCell* face = new TPolygonCell( ); for( unsigned int k = 1; k < line.size( ); ++k ) { PointIdentifier pId = PointIdentifier( std::atoi( line[ k ]. substr( 0, line[ k ].find_first_of( "/" ) ).c_str( ) ) ); // In OBJ files, vertices are numbered from 1 face->AddPointId( pId - 1 ); } // rof cell.TakeOwnership( face ); out->SetCell( out->GetNumberOfCells( ), cell ); } // fi } // fi } // elihw // Finish the job in.close( ); } #endif // __CPPLUGINS__EXTENSIONS__IO__WAVEFRONTOBJREADER__HXX__ // eof - $RCSfile$