#include #ifdef cpPlugins_Interface_QT4 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include /* TODO class SingleSeedCommand : public vtkCommand { public: static SingleSeedCommand* New( ) { return( new SingleSeedCommand ); } virtual void Execute( vtkObject* caller, unsigned long eid, void* data ) { // Get seed, avoiding segfaults!!! if( eid != vtkCommand::PlacePointEvent || this->Dialog == NULL ) return; vtkSeedWidget* widget = dynamic_cast< vtkSeedWidget* >( caller ); if( widget == NULL ) return; vtkSeedRepresentation* rep = widget->GetSeedRepresentation( ); if( rep == NULL ) return; if( rep->GetNumberOfSeeds( ) == 0 ) return; double seed[ 3 ]; rep->GetSeedWorldPosition( 0, seed ); // Delete all seeds (remember that this command is just for one seed) while( rep->GetNumberOfSeeds( ) > 0 ) widget->DeleteSeed( 0 ); if( this->Dialog->getParameters( )->HasIndex( this->Name ) ) { } else if( this->Dialog->getParameters( )->HasPoint( this->Name ) ) { this->Dialog->getParameters( )->SetPoint( this->Name, 3, seed ); this->Dialog->updateParameters( ); auto filter = this->Dialog->getParameters( )->GetProcessObject( ); if( filter != NULL ) { auto plugins = filter->GetPlugins( ); if( plugins != NULL ) { auto app = plugins->GetApplication( ); if( app != NULL ) app->UpdateActualFilter( ); } // fi } // fi } // fi } protected: SingleSeedCommand( ) : vtkCommand( ), Dialog( NULL ) { } virtual ~SingleSeedCommand( ) { } public: cpPlugins::Interface::ParametersQtDialog* Dialog; std::string Name; }; */ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpPlugins::Interface::ParametersQtDialog:: ParametersQtDialog( QWidget* parent, Qt::WindowFlags f ) : QDialog( parent, f ), m_Parameters( NULL ), m_Interactive( false ) { this->m_Title = new QLabel( this ); this->m_Title->setText( "Parameters dialog title" ); this->m_MainLayout = new QGridLayout( this ); this->m_ToolsLayout = new QVBoxLayout( ); this->m_ToolsLayout->addWidget( this->m_Title ); this->m_MainLayout->addLayout( this->m_ToolsLayout, 0, 0, 1, 1 ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpPlugins::Interface::ParametersQtDialog:: ~ParametersQtDialog( ) { delete this->m_Title; delete this->m_ToolsLayout; delete this->m_MainLayout; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpPlugins::Interface:: Parameters* cpPlugins::Interface::ParametersQtDialog:: getParameters( ) const { return( this->m_Parameters ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cpPlugins::Interface::ParametersQtDialog:: addInteractor( vtkRenderWindowInteractor* interactor ) { this->m_Interactors.insert( interactor ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpPlugins::Interface::ParametersQtDialog:: TInteractors& cpPlugins::Interface::ParametersQtDialog:: getInteractors( ) { return( this->m_Interactors ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- const cpPlugins::Interface::ParametersQtDialog:: TInteractors& cpPlugins::Interface::ParametersQtDialog:: getInteractors( ) const { return( this->m_Interactors ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cpPlugins::Interface::ParametersQtDialog:: isInteractive( ) const { return( this->m_Interactive ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cpPlugins::Interface::ParametersQtDialog:: setInteractive( bool i ) { this->m_Interactive = i; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cpPlugins::Interface::ParametersQtDialog:: interactiveOn( ) { this->m_Interactive = true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cpPlugins::Interface::ParametersQtDialog:: interactiveOff( ) { this->m_Interactive = false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cpPlugins::Interface::ParametersQtDialog:: setParameters( Parameters* parameters ) { if( this->m_Parameters != NULL || parameters == NULL ) return( false ); this->m_Parameters = parameters; // Set dialog title auto filter = this->m_Parameters->GetProcessObject( ); std::stringstream title; title << "Parameters for \"" << filter->GetName( ) << "\""; this->m_Title->setText( title.str( ).c_str( ) ); // Put values this->m_Widgets.clear( ); auto& raw_params = this->m_Parameters->GetRawParameters( ); for( auto pIt = raw_params.begin( ); pIt != raw_params.end( ); ++pIt ) { QWidget* w_input = NULL; switch( pIt->second.first ) { case Parameters::String: { QLineEdit* v_string = new QLineEdit( this ); v_string->setObjectName( pIt->first.c_str( ) ); v_string->setText( pIt->second.second.c_str( ) ); w_input = v_string; } break; case Parameters::Bool: { QCheckBox* v_bool = new QCheckBox( this ); v_bool->setObjectName( pIt->first.c_str( ) ); v_bool->setText( "[ON/OFF]" ); v_bool->setChecked( pIt->second.second == "1" ); w_input = v_bool; } break; case Parameters::Int: case Parameters::Uint: { std::istringstream tok_str( pIt->second.second ); int v; tok_str >> v; QSpinBox* v_uint = new QSpinBox( this ); v_uint->setObjectName( pIt->first.c_str( ) ); if( pIt->second.first == Parameters::Uint ) v_uint->setMinimum( 0 ); else v_uint->setMinimum( -std::numeric_limits< int >::max( ) ); v_uint->setMaximum( std::numeric_limits< int >::max( ) ); v_uint->setValue( v ); w_input = v_uint; } break; case Parameters::Real: { std::istringstream tok_str( pIt->second.second ); double v; tok_str >> v; QDoubleSpinBox* v_double = new QDoubleSpinBox( this ); v_double->setObjectName( pIt->first.c_str( ) ); v_double->setDecimals( 3 ); v_double->setMinimum( -std::numeric_limits< double >::max( ) ); v_double->setMaximum( std::numeric_limits< double >::max( ) ); v_double->setValue( v ); w_input = v_double; } break; case Parameters::Index: break; case Parameters::Point: break; case Parameters::Vector: break; case Parameters::OpenFileName: { QFrame* frame = new QFrame( this ); QHBoxLayout* layout = new QHBoxLayout( frame ); QLineEdit* v_string = new QLineEdit( frame ); v_string->setObjectName( pIt->first.c_str( ) ); v_string->setText( pIt->second.second.c_str( ) ); QPushButton* v_button = new QPushButton( frame ); v_button->setObjectName( ( pIt->first + "_=?btn" ).c_str( ) ); v_button->setText( "..." ); v_button->connect( v_button, SIGNAL( clicked( ) ), this, SLOT( _dlg_OpenSingleFile( ) ) ); layout->addWidget( v_string ); layout->addWidget( v_button ); w_input = frame; } case Parameters::SaveFileName: { QFrame* frame = new QFrame( this ); QHBoxLayout* layout = new QHBoxLayout( frame ); QLineEdit* v_string = new QLineEdit( frame ); v_string->setObjectName( pIt->first.c_str( ) ); v_string->setText( pIt->second.second.c_str( ) ); QPushButton* v_button = new QPushButton( frame ); v_button->setObjectName( ( pIt->first + "_=?btn" ).c_str( ) ); v_button->setText( "..." ); v_button->connect( v_button, SIGNAL( clicked( ) ), this, SLOT( _dlg_SaveSingleFile( ) ) ); layout->addWidget( v_string ); layout->addWidget( v_button ); w_input = frame; } break; case Parameters::PathName: { QFrame* frame = new QFrame( this ); QHBoxLayout* layout = new QHBoxLayout( frame ); QLineEdit* v_string = new QLineEdit( frame ); v_string->setObjectName( pIt->first.c_str( ) ); v_string->setText( pIt->second.second.c_str( ) ); QPushButton* v_button = new QPushButton( frame ); v_button->setObjectName( ( pIt->first + "_=?btn" ).c_str( ) ); v_button->setText( "..." ); v_button->connect( v_button, SIGNAL( clicked( ) ), this, SLOT( _dlg_OpenSinglePath( ) ) ); layout->addWidget( v_string ); layout->addWidget( v_button ); w_input = frame; } break; case Parameters::StringList: break; case Parameters::BoolList: break; case Parameters::IntList: { QFrame* frame = new QFrame( this ); QHBoxLayout* layout = new QHBoxLayout( frame ); QLineEdit* v_string = new QLineEdit( frame ); v_string->setObjectName( pIt->first.c_str( ) ); v_string->setText( pIt->second.second.c_str( ) ); QPushButton* v_button = new QPushButton( frame ); v_button->setObjectName( ( pIt->first + "_=?btn" ).c_str( ) ); v_button->setText( "+" ); v_button->connect( v_button, SIGNAL( clicked( ) ), this, SLOT( _dlg_AddInt( ) ) ); layout->addWidget( v_string ); layout->addWidget( v_button ); w_input = frame; } break; case Parameters::UintList: { QFrame* frame = new QFrame( this ); QHBoxLayout* layout = new QHBoxLayout( frame ); QLineEdit* v_string = new QLineEdit( frame ); v_string->setObjectName( pIt->first.c_str( ) ); v_string->setText( pIt->second.second.c_str( ) ); QPushButton* v_button = new QPushButton( frame ); v_button->setObjectName( ( pIt->first + "_=?btn" ).c_str( ) ); v_button->setText( "+" ); v_button->connect( v_button, SIGNAL( clicked( ) ), this, SLOT( _dlg_AddUint( ) ) ); layout->addWidget( v_string ); layout->addWidget( v_button ); w_input = frame; } break; case Parameters::RealList: { QFrame* frame = new QFrame( this ); QHBoxLayout* layout = new QHBoxLayout( frame ); QLineEdit* v_string = new QLineEdit( frame ); v_string->setObjectName( pIt->first.c_str( ) ); v_string->setText( pIt->second.second.c_str( ) ); QPushButton* v_button = new QPushButton( frame ); v_button->setObjectName( ( pIt->first + "_=?btn" ).c_str( ) ); v_button->setText( "+" ); v_button->connect( v_button, SIGNAL( clicked( ) ), this, SLOT( _dlg_AddReal( ) ) ); layout->addWidget( v_string ); layout->addWidget( v_button ); w_input = frame; } break; case Parameters::IndexList: break; case Parameters::PointList: break; case Parameters::VectorList: break; case Parameters::OpenFileNameList: { QFrame* frame = new QFrame( this ); QHBoxLayout* layout = new QHBoxLayout( frame ); QLineEdit* v_string = new QLineEdit( frame ); v_string->setObjectName( pIt->first.c_str( ) ); v_string->setText( pIt->second.second.c_str( ) ); QPushButton* v_button = new QPushButton( frame ); v_button->setObjectName( ( pIt->first + "_=?btn" ).c_str( ) ); v_button->setText( "..." ); v_button->connect( v_button, SIGNAL( clicked( ) ), this, SLOT( _dlg_OpenMultipleFiles( ) ) ); layout->addWidget( v_string ); layout->addWidget( v_button ); w_input = frame; } break; case Parameters::SaveFileNameList: break; case Parameters::PathNameList: break; case Parameters::Choices: { QComboBox* v_choices = new QComboBox( this ); v_choices->setObjectName( pIt->first.c_str( ) ); std::istringstream str0( pIt->second.second ); std::string choices; std::getline( str0, choices, '@' ); std::istringstream str1( choices ); std::string token; int id = 0; while( std::getline( str1, token, '#' ) ) v_choices->insertItem( id++, token.c_str( ) ); w_input = v_choices; } break; default: w_input = NULL; break; } // hctiws // Ok, a representation was created if( w_input != NULL ) { QHBoxLayout* new_layout = new QHBoxLayout( ); QLabel* label = new QLabel( this ); label->setText( QString( pIt->first.c_str( ) ) ); new_layout->addWidget( label ); new_layout->addWidget( w_input ); this->m_ToolsLayout->addLayout( new_layout ); } // fi } // rof // Add buttons this->m_Buttons = new QDialogButtonBox( QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel ); this->connect( this->m_Buttons, SIGNAL( accepted( ) ), this, SLOT( accept( ) ) ); this->connect( this->m_Buttons, SIGNAL( rejected( ) ), this, SLOT( reject( ) ) ); this->m_ToolsLayout->addWidget( this->m_Buttons ); // Update values this->updateView( ); return( true ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- int cpPlugins::Interface::ParametersQtDialog:: exec( ) { int ret = this->QDialog::exec( ); if( ret == 1 ) this->updateParameters( ); else this->updateView( ); return( ret ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cpPlugins::Interface::ParametersQtDialog:: show( ) { this->QDialog::show( ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cpPlugins::Interface::ParametersQtDialog:: updateParameters( ) { if( this->m_Parameters == NULL ) return; // Put values auto& raw_params = this->m_Parameters->GetRawParameters( ); for( auto pIt = raw_params.begin( ); pIt != raw_params.end( ); ++pIt ) { QString pName = pIt->first.c_str( ); switch( pIt->second.first ) { case Parameters::String: case Parameters::OpenFileName: case Parameters::SaveFileName: case Parameters::PathName: case Parameters::IntList: case Parameters::UintList: case Parameters::RealList: case Parameters::OpenFileNameList: { QLineEdit* v_string = this->findChild< QLineEdit* >( pName ); if( v_string != NULL ) pIt->second.second = v_string->text( ).toStdString( ); } break; case Parameters::Bool: { QCheckBox* v_bool = this->findChild< QCheckBox* >( pName ); if( v_bool != NULL ) pIt->second.second = ( v_bool->isChecked( ) )? "1": "0"; } break; case Parameters::Int: case Parameters::Uint: { QSpinBox* v_uint = this->findChild< QSpinBox* >( pName ); if( v_uint ) { std::stringstream str; str << v_uint->value( ); pIt->second.second = str.str( ); } // fi } break; case Parameters::Real: { QDoubleSpinBox* v_double = this->findChild< QDoubleSpinBox* >( pName ); if( v_double ) { std::stringstream str; str << v_double->value( ); pIt->second.second = str.str( ); } // fi } break; case Parameters::Index: break; case Parameters::Point: break; case Parameters::Vector: break; case Parameters::StringList: break; case Parameters::BoolList: break; case Parameters::IndexList: break; case Parameters::PointList: break; case Parameters::VectorList: break; case Parameters::SaveFileNameList: break; case Parameters::PathNameList: break; case Parameters::Choices: { QComboBox* v_choices = this->findChild< QComboBox* >( pName ); if( v_choices != NULL ) { std::istringstream str_choices( pIt->second.second ); std::string real_choices; std::getline( str_choices, real_choices, '@' ); pIt->second.second = real_choices + "@" + v_choices->currentText( ).toStdString( ); } // fi } break; default: break; } // hctiws } // rof } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cpPlugins::Interface::ParametersQtDialog:: updateView( ) { if( this->m_Parameters == NULL ) return; // Put values auto& raw_params = this->m_Parameters->GetRawParameters( ); for( auto pIt = raw_params.begin( ); pIt != raw_params.end( ); ++pIt ) { QString pName = pIt->first.c_str( ); switch( pIt->second.first ) { case Parameters::String: case Parameters::OpenFileName: case Parameters::SaveFileName: case Parameters::PathName: case Parameters::IntList: case Parameters::UintList: case Parameters::RealList: case Parameters::OpenFileNameList: { QLineEdit* v_string = this->findChild< QLineEdit* >( pName ); if( v_string != NULL ) v_string->setText( pIt->second.second.c_str( ) ); } break; case Parameters::Bool: { QCheckBox* v_bool = this->findChild< QCheckBox* >( pName ); if( v_bool != NULL ) v_bool->setChecked( pIt->second.second == "1" ); } break; case Parameters::Int: case Parameters::Uint: { QSpinBox* v_uint = this->findChild< QSpinBox* >( pName ); if( v_uint ) { std::istringstream tok_str( pIt->second.second ); int v; tok_str >> v; v_uint->setValue( v ); } // fi } break; case Parameters::Real: { QDoubleSpinBox* v_double = this->findChild< QDoubleSpinBox* >( pName ); if( v_double ) { std::istringstream tok_str( pIt->second.second ); double v; tok_str >> v; v_double->setValue( v ); } // fi } break; case Parameters::Index: break; case Parameters::Point: break; case Parameters::Vector: break; case Parameters::StringList: break; case Parameters::BoolList: break; case Parameters::IndexList: break; case Parameters::PointList: break; case Parameters::VectorList: break; case Parameters::SaveFileNameList: break; case Parameters::PathNameList: break; case Parameters::Choices: { QComboBox* v_choices = this->findChild< QComboBox* >( pName ); if( v_choices != NULL ) { std::istringstream str_choices( pIt->second.second ); std::string choices, real_choice; std::getline( str_choices, choices, '@' ); std::getline( str_choices, real_choice, '@' ); std::istringstream str( choices ); std::string token; int id = -1, cont = 0; while( std::getline( str, token, '#' ) ) { if( token == real_choice ) id = cont; cont++; } // elihw if( id > -1 ) v_choices->setCurrentIndex( id ); } // fi } break; default: break; } // hctiws } // rof } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cpPlugins::Interface::ParametersQtDialog:: _dlg_OpenSingleFile( ) { QPushButton* btn = dynamic_cast< QPushButton* >( this->sender( ) ); if( btn != NULL ) { std::string bName = btn->objectName( ).toStdString( ); std::string line_name = bName.substr( 0, bName.find( "_=?btn" ) ); QLineEdit* line = this->findChild< QLineEdit* >( line_name.c_str( ) ); if( line != NULL ) { std::string param_name = line->objectName( ).toStdString( ); if( param_name != "" ) { std::string param_value = this->m_Parameters->GetOpenFileName( param_name ); if( param_value == "" ) param_value = "."; QStringList filters; filters << "Any file (*)"; // Show dialog and check if it was accepted QFileDialog dialog( this ); dialog.setFileMode( QFileDialog::ExistingFile ); dialog.setDirectory( QFileDialog::tr( param_value.c_str( ) ) ); dialog.setNameFilters( filters ); dialog.setAcceptMode( QFileDialog::AcceptOpen ); if( dialog.exec( ) ) line->setText( *( dialog.selectedFiles( ).begin( ) ) ); } // fi } // fi } // fi } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cpPlugins::Interface::ParametersQtDialog:: _dlg_SaveSingleFile( ) { QPushButton* btn = dynamic_cast< QPushButton* >( this->sender( ) ); if( btn != NULL ) { std::string bName = btn->objectName( ).toStdString( ); std::string line_name = bName.substr( 0, bName.find( "_=?btn" ) ); QLineEdit* line = this->findChild< QLineEdit* >( line_name.c_str( ) ); if( line != NULL ) { std::string param_name = line->objectName( ).toStdString( ); if( param_name != "" ) { std::string param_value = this->m_Parameters->GetSaveFileName( param_name ); if( param_value == "" ) param_value = "."; QStringList filters; filters << "Any file (*)"; // Show dialog and check if it was accepted QFileDialog dialog( this ); dialog.setFileMode( QFileDialog::AnyFile ); dialog.setDirectory( QFileDialog::tr( param_value.c_str( ) ) ); dialog.setNameFilters( filters ); dialog.setAcceptMode( QFileDialog::AcceptSave ); if( dialog.exec( ) ) line->setText( *( dialog.selectedFiles( ).begin( ) ) ); } // fi } // fi } // fi } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cpPlugins::Interface::ParametersQtDialog:: _dlg_OpenSinglePath( ) { QPushButton* btn = dynamic_cast< QPushButton* >( this->sender( ) ); if( btn != NULL ) { std::string bName = btn->objectName( ).toStdString( ); std::string line_name = bName.substr( 0, bName.find( "_=?btn" ) ); QLineEdit* line = this->findChild< QLineEdit* >( line_name.c_str( ) ); if( line != NULL ) { std::string param_name = line->objectName( ).toStdString( ); if( param_name != "" ) { std::string param_value = this->m_Parameters->GetPathName( param_name ); if( param_value == "" ) param_value = "."; // Show dialog and check if it was accepted QFileDialog dialog( this ); dialog.setFileMode( QFileDialog::Directory ); dialog.setDirectory( QFileDialog::tr( param_value.c_str( ) ) ); dialog.setAcceptMode( QFileDialog::AcceptOpen ); if( dialog.exec( ) ) line->setText( *( dialog.selectedFiles( ).begin( ) ) ); } // fi } // fi } // fi } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cpPlugins::Interface::ParametersQtDialog:: _dlg_OpenMultipleFiles( ) { QPushButton* btn = dynamic_cast< QPushButton* >( this->sender( ) ); if( btn != NULL ) { std::string bName = btn->objectName( ).toStdString( ); std::string line_name = bName.substr( 0, bName.find( "_=?btn" ) ); QLineEdit* line = this->findChild< QLineEdit* >( line_name.c_str( ) ); if( line != NULL ) { std::string param_name = line->objectName( ).toStdString( ); if( param_name != "" ) { QStringList filters; filters << "Any file (*)"; // Show dialog and check if it was accepted QFileDialog dialog( this ); dialog.setFileMode( QFileDialog::ExistingFiles ); dialog.setNameFilters( filters ); dialog.setAcceptMode( QFileDialog::AcceptOpen ); if( dialog.exec( ) ) { if( dialog.selectedFiles( ).size( ) > 0 ) { std::stringstream str; auto files = dialog.selectedFiles( ); auto fIt = files.begin( ); str << fIt->toStdString( ); ++fIt; for( ; fIt != files.end( ); ++fIt ) str << "#" << fIt->toStdString( ); line->setText( str.str( ).c_str( ) ); } // fi } // fi } // fi } // fi } // fi } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cpPlugins::Interface::ParametersQtDialog:: _dlg_AddInt( ) { QPushButton* btn = dynamic_cast< QPushButton* >( this->sender( ) ); if( btn != NULL ) { std::string bName = btn->objectName( ).toStdString( ); std::string line_name = bName.substr( 0, bName.find( "_=?btn" ) ); QLineEdit* line = this->findChild< QLineEdit* >( line_name.c_str( ) ); if( line != NULL ) { std::string param_name = line->objectName( ).toStdString( ); if( param_name != "" ) { bool ok; int value = QInputDialog::getInt( this, ( std::string( "Add new value to \"" ) + param_name + std::string( "\"" ) ).c_str( ), "Value:", 0, -2147483647, 2147483647, 1, &ok ); if( ok ) { std::string values = line->text( ).toStdString( ); if( values != "" ) values += "#"; std::stringstream str; str << values << value; line->setText( str.str( ).c_str( ) ); } // fi } // fi } // fi } // fi } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cpPlugins::Interface::ParametersQtDialog:: _dlg_AddUint( ) { QPushButton* btn = dynamic_cast< QPushButton* >( this->sender( ) ); if( btn != NULL ) { std::string bName = btn->objectName( ).toStdString( ); std::string line_name = bName.substr( 0, bName.find( "_=?btn" ) ); QLineEdit* line = this->findChild< QLineEdit* >( line_name.c_str( ) ); if( line != NULL ) { std::string param_name = line->objectName( ).toStdString( ); if( param_name != "" ) { bool ok; int value = QInputDialog::getInt( this, ( std::string( "Add new value to \"" ) + param_name + std::string( "\"" ) ).c_str( ), "Value:", 0, 0, 2147483647, 1, &ok ); if( ok ) { std::string values = line->text( ).toStdString( ); if( values != "" ) values += "#"; std::stringstream str; str << values << value; line->setText( str.str( ).c_str( ) ); } // fi } // fi } // fi } // fi } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cpPlugins::Interface::ParametersQtDialog:: _dlg_AddReal( ) { QPushButton* btn = dynamic_cast< QPushButton* >( this->sender( ) ); if( btn != NULL ) { std::string bName = btn->objectName( ).toStdString( ); std::string line_name = bName.substr( 0, bName.find( "_=?btn" ) ); QLineEdit* line = this->findChild< QLineEdit* >( line_name.c_str( ) ); if( line != NULL ) { std::string param_name = line->objectName( ).toStdString( ); if( param_name != "" ) { bool ok; double value = QInputDialog::getDouble( this, ( std::string( "Add new value to \"" ) + param_name + std::string( "\"" ) ).c_str( ), "Value:", 0, -2147483647, 2147483647, 1, &ok ); if( ok ) { std::string values = line->text( ).toStdString( ); if( values != "" ) values += "#"; std::stringstream str; str << values << value; line->setText( str.str( ).c_str( ) ); } // fi } // fi } // fi } // fi } #endif // cpPlugins_Interface_QT4 // eof - $RCSfile$