#include #ifdef cpPlugins_Interface_QT4 #include #include #include #include // TODO: #include #include double cpPlugins::Interface::SimpleMPRWidget:: cm_Colors[ 8 ][ 3 ] = { { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 }, { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 }, { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 }, { 0.0, 1.0, 1.0 }, { 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }, { 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 }, { 1.0, 0.5, 0.0 }, { 1.0, 0.0, 0.5 } }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpPlugins::Interface::SimpleMPRWidget:: SimpleMPRWidget( QWidget* parent ) : QWidget( parent ), m_UI( new Ui::SimpleMPRWidget ), m_MainImage( "" ) { this->m_UI->setupUi( this ); // Configure VTK widgets this->m_VTK[ 0 ] = this->m_UI->VTK01; this->m_VTK[ 1 ] = this->m_UI->VTK00; this->m_VTK[ 2 ] = this->m_UI->VTK10; this->m_VTK[ 3 ] = this->m_UI->VTK11; this->m_MPRObjects = vtkSmartPointer< TMPRObjects >::New( ); this->m_MPRObjects->SetRenderWindows( this->m_VTK[ 0 ]->GetRenderWindow( ), this->m_VTK[ 1 ]->GetRenderWindow( ), this->m_VTK[ 2 ]->GetRenderWindow( ), this->m_VTK[ 3 ]->GetRenderWindow( ) ); // Connect slots QObject::connect( this->m_UI->TopSplitter, SIGNAL( splitterMoved( int, int ) ), this, SLOT( _SyncBottom( int, int ) ) ); QObject::connect( this->m_UI->BottomSplitter, SIGNAL( splitterMoved( int, int ) ), this, SLOT( _SyncTop( int, int ) ) ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpPlugins::Interface::SimpleMPRWidget:: ~SimpleMPRWidget( ) { delete this->m_UI; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- unsigned int cpPlugins::Interface::SimpleMPRWidget:: GetNumberOfData( ) const { return( this->m_Data.size( ) ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cpPlugins::Interface::SimpleMPRWidget:: AddData( cpPlugins::Interface::DataObject* data, const std::string& name, const std::string& parent ) { if( name == "" ) return( false ); auto iIt = this->m_Data.find( name ); if( iIt == this->m_Data.end( ) ) { if( parent != "" ) { auto pIt = this->m_Data.find( parent ); if( pIt == this->m_Data.end( ) ) return( false ); } // fi // Add new data this->m_Data[ name ].SetSourceDataObject( data ); // Add to tree view // TODO: this->_UpdateTreeItem( name, parent ); return( true ); } else return( false ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- const std::string& cpPlugins::Interface::SimpleMPRWidget:: GetMainImage( ) const { return( this->m_MainImage ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cpPlugins::Interface::SimpleMPRWidget:: SetMainImage( const std::string& name ) { auto iIt = this->m_Data.find( name ); if( iIt != this->m_Data.end( ) ) { if( iIt->second.Tag == Data::IMAGE ) { this->m_MainImage = name; return( true ); } else return( false ); } else return( false ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cpPlugins::Interface::SimpleMPRWidget:: DeleteData( const std::string& name ) { auto iIt = this->m_Data.find( name ); if( iIt != this->m_Data.end( ) ) { this->m_Data.erase( iIt ); // Get children std::vector< std::string > to_erase; auto tIt = this->m_Tree.begin( ); for( ; tIt != this->m_Tree.end( ); ++tIt ) if( tIt->second == name ) to_erase.push_back( tIt->first ); // Delete from tree tIt = this->m_Tree.find( name ); if( tIt != this->m_Tree.end( ) ) this->m_Tree.erase( tIt ); // Recursive erase auto dIt = to_erase.begin( ); for( ; dIt != to_erase.end( ); ++dIt ) this->DeleteData( *dIt ); // Delete from tree widget /* TODO QTreeWidgetItem* item = this->_FindItemInTree( name ); if( item != NULL ) this->m_UI->LoadedData->removeItemWidget( item, 0 ); */ // Reset main image, just in case if( this->m_Data.size( ) == 0 ) this->m_MainImage = ""; } // fi } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cpPlugins::Interface::SimpleMPRWidget:: DeleteAllData( ) { this->m_MPRObjects->Clear( ); this->m_Data.clear( ); this->m_Tree.clear( ); // TODO: this->m_UI->LoadedData->clear( ); this->m_MainImage = ""; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cpPlugins::Interface::SimpleMPRWidget:: SetDataColor( const std::string& name, const double& r, const double& g, const double& b ) { /* auto iIt = this->m_Data.find( name ); if( iIt == this->m_Data.end( ) ) return; if( iIt->second.Tag == Data::IMAGE ) { } else if( iIt->second.Tag == Data::MESH ) { } // fi */ } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cpPlugins::Interface::SimpleMPRWidget:: ShowData( const std::string& name ) { auto iIt = this->m_Data.find( name ); if( iIt == this->m_Data.end( ) ) return; if( iIt->second.Tag == Data::IMAGE ) { if( name == this->m_MainImage ) this->m_MPRObjects->SetInputImage( iIt->second.Image ); else { unsigned int i = ( this->m_MPRObjects->GetNumberOfImages( ) - 1 ) % 8; this->m_MPRObjects->AddBinaryImage( iIt->second.Image, Self::cm_Colors[ i ][ 0 ], Self::cm_Colors[ i ][ 1 ], Self::cm_Colors[ i ][ 2 ] ); } this->m_MPRObjects->Show( ); } else if( iIt->second.Tag == Data::MESH ) { /* TODO vtkRenderer* ren = this->m_VTK[ 3 ]->GetRenderWindow( )->GetRenderers( )->GetFirstRenderer( ); if( ren == NULL ) return; ren->AddActor( iIt->second.GetMeshActor( ) ); this->m_VTK[ 3 ]->GetRenderWindow( )->Render( ); */ } // fi } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cpPlugins::Interface::SimpleMPRWidget:: HideData( const std::string& name ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- vtkRenderWindowInteractor* cpPlugins::Interface::SimpleMPRWidget:: GetInteractor( unsigned int i ) { if( i < 4 ) { if( this->m_VTK[ i ] != NULL ) return( this->m_VTK[ i ]->GetInteractor( ) ); else return( NULL ); } else return( NULL ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* bool cpPlugins::Interface::SimpleMPRWidget:: ShowImage( vtkImageData* image, const std::string& name, const std::string& parent ) { // Update tree view QTreeWidgetItem* new_item = this->_UpdateTreeItem( name, parent ); if( new_item == NULL ) return( false ); // Associate new data this->m_Images[ name ] = image; this->m_Tree[ name ] = parent; // Show image and return this->m_MPRObjects->AddImage( image ); return( true ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cpPlugins::Interface::SimpleMPRWidget:: ShowImage( vtkImageData* image, const std::string& name, const std::string& parent, const double& r, const double& g, const double& b ) { // Update tree view QTreeWidgetItem* new_item = this->_UpdateTreeItem( name, parent ); if( new_item == NULL ) return( false ); // Associate new data this->m_Images[ name ] = image; this->m_Tree[ name ] = parent; // Show image and return this->m_MPRObjects->AddImage( image ); return( true ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cpPlugins::Interface::SimpleMPRWidget:: ShowMesh( vtkPolyData* mesh, const std::string& name, const std::string& parent ) { // Update tree view QTreeWidgetItem* new_item = this->_UpdateTreeItem( name, parent ); if( new_item == NULL ) return( false ); // Associate new data PolyDataActor* actor = new PolyDataActor( mesh ); this->m_Meshes[ name ] = actor; this->m_Tree[ name ] = parent; // Show mesh this->_Add3DActor( actor->Actor ); return( true ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cpPlugins::Interface::SimpleMPRWidget:: ShowMesh( vtkPolyData* mesh, const std::string& name, const std::string& parent, const double& r, const double& g, const double& b ) { return false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cpPlugins::Interface::SimpleMPRWidget:: ClearAll( ) { this->m_MPRObjects->ClearAll( ); this->m_Images.clear( ); this->m_Meshes.clear( ); } */ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string cpPlugins::Interface::SimpleMPRWidget:: GetSelectedData( ) const { /* TODO QTreeWidgetItem* item = this->m_UI->LoadedData->currentItem( ); if( item != NULL ) return( item->text( 0 ).toStdString( ) ); else */ return( "" ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* TODO QTreeWidgetItem* cpPlugins::Interface::SimpleMPRWidget:: _FindItemInTree( const std::string& name ) const { QList< QTreeWidgetItem* > items = this->m_UI->LoadedData->findItems( name.c_str( ), Qt::MatchExactly | Qt::MatchRecursive ); if( items.size( ) > 0 ) return( items[ 0 ] ); else return( NULL ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- QTreeWidgetItem* cpPlugins::Interface::SimpleMPRWidget:: _UpdateTreeItem( const std::string& name, const std::string& parent ) { // Update tree view QTreeWidgetItem* new_item = NULL; if( parent != "" ) { QTreeWidgetItem* parent_item = this->_FindItemInTree( parent ); if( parent_item != NULL ) { QTreeWidgetItem* old_item = this->_FindItemInTree( name ); if( old_item == NULL ) { new_item = new QTreeWidgetItem( parent_item, QStringList( name.c_str( ) ) ); parent_item->setExpanded( true ); } // fi } // fi } else { new_item = new QTreeWidgetItem( ( QTreeWidgetItem* )( NULL ), QStringList( name.c_str( ) ) ); this->m_UI->LoadedData->addTopLevelItem( new_item ); } // fi return( new_item ); } */ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* void cpPlugins::Interface::SimpleMPRWidget:: _Add3DActor( vtkProp3D* prop ) { vtkRenderer* ren = this->m_VTK[ 3 ]->GetRenderWindow( )->GetRenderers( )->GetFirstRenderer( ); if( ren == NULL ) return; ren->AddActor( prop ); this->m_VTK[ 3 ]->GetRenderWindow( )->Render( ); } */ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cpPlugins::Interface::SimpleMPRWidget:: _SyncBottom( int a, int b ) { this->m_UI->BottomSplitter->setSizes( this->m_UI->TopSplitter->sizes( ) ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cpPlugins::Interface::SimpleMPRWidget:: _SyncTop( int a, int b ) { this->m_UI->TopSplitter->setSizes( this->m_UI->BottomSplitter->sizes( ) ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpPlugins::Interface::SimpleMPRWidget::PolyDataActor:: PolyDataActor( ) : Mesh( NULL ), Normals( NULL ), Stripper( NULL ), Mapper( NULL ), Actor( NULL ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpPlugins::Interface::SimpleMPRWidget::PolyDataActor:: ~PolyDataActor( ) { if( this->Actor != NULL ) this->Actor->Delete( ); if( this->Mapper != NULL ) this->Mapper->Delete( ); if( this->Stripper != NULL ) this->Stripper->Delete( ); if( this->Normals != NULL ) this->Normals->Delete( ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cpPlugins::Interface::SimpleMPRWidget::PolyDataActor:: Configure( vtkPolyData* pd ) { if( pd == NULL ) return; double range[ 2 ]; pd->GetScalarRange( range ); this->Normals = vtkPolyDataNormals::New( ); this->Stripper = vtkStripper::New( ); this->Mapper = vtkPolyDataMapper::New( ); this->Actor = vtkQuadricLODActor::New( ); this->Mesh = pd; this->Normals->SetInputData( pd ); this->Normals->SetFeatureAngle( 60.0 ); this->Stripper->SetInputConnection( this->Normals->GetOutputPort( ) ); this->Mapper->SetInputConnection( this->Stripper->GetOutputPort( ) ); this->Mapper->UseLookupTableScalarRangeOff( ); this->Mapper->SetScalarRange( range[ 0 ], ( ( range[ 1 ] - range[ 0 ] ) * 0.75 ) + range[ 0 ] ); this->Actor->SetMapper( this->Mapper ); this->Actor->DeferLODConstructionOff( ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpPlugins::Interface::SimpleMPRWidget::Data:: Data( ) { this->Tag = Data::IMAGE; this->Source = NULL; this->Image = NULL; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpPlugins::Interface::SimpleMPRWidget::Data:: ~Data( ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpPlugins::Interface::SimpleMPRWidget:: Data& cpPlugins::Interface::SimpleMPRWidget::Data:: operator=( const Data& data ) { this->Tag = data.Tag; this->Source = data.Source; if( this->Tag == Data::IMAGE ) this->Image = data.Image; else if( this->Tag == Data::MESH ) this->Mesh = data.Mesh; return( *this ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpPlugins::Interface:: DataObject* cpPlugins::Interface::SimpleMPRWidget::Data:: GetSourceDataObject( ) { return( this->Source ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- const cpPlugins::Interface:: DataObject* cpPlugins::Interface::SimpleMPRWidget::Data:: GetSourceDataObject( ) const { return( this->Source ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cpPlugins::Interface::SimpleMPRWidget::Data:: SetSourceDataObject( cpPlugins::Interface::DataObject* dobj ) { typedef cpPlugins::Interface::Image _TImage; typedef cpPlugins::Interface::Mesh _TMesh; this->Source = dobj; _TImage* image = dynamic_cast< _TImage* >( dobj ); if( image != NULL ) { this->Tag = Data::IMAGE; this->Image = image->GetVTK< vtkImageData >( ); } else { _TMesh* mesh = dynamic_cast< _TMesh* >( dobj ); if( mesh == NULL ) return; this->Tag = Data::MESH; this->Mesh.Configure( mesh->GetVTK< vtkPolyData >( ) ); } // fi } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- vtkImageData* cpPlugins::Interface::SimpleMPRWidget::Data:: GetImage( ) { if( this->Tag == Data::IMAGE ) return( this->Image ); else return( NULL ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- vtkPolyData* cpPlugins::Interface::SimpleMPRWidget::Data:: GetMesh( ) { if( this->Tag == Data::MESH ) return( this->Mesh.Mesh ); else return( NULL ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- vtkProp* cpPlugins::Interface::SimpleMPRWidget::Data:: GetMeshActor( ) { if( this->Tag == Data::MESH ) return( this->Mesh.Actor ); else return( NULL ); } #endif // cpPlugins_Interface_QT4 // eof - $RCSfile$